The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 08, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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FEBRUARY 8, 1007
The Commoner.
The Commoner may be pardoned for
reproducing an editorial . which ap
peared recently in the Joplin, Missouri,
Globe. This editorial follows:
"With this week's issue, The Com
moner, Mr. Bryan's weekly paper, en
ters upon its seventh year. Perhaps
the best thing to be said about this
paper Is to call the reader's attention
to the contents of its current issue. On
the first page is found an effective car
toon, showing the inconsistency of
President Roosevelt's attitude duripg
the late congressional campaign and
the present relationship between the
president and congress. As a politi
cian Roosevelt, it will be remembered,
urged the people to return a republi
can majority to congress. If the atti
tude of the majority now in session
is a criterion of what the attitude of
the sixtieth session will be, the presi
dent will have every reason to regret
that the people complied with his
wishes. .
An article entitled "Sacrificing the
Children" is an interesting review of
the anti-child labor crusade and by
its graphic portrayal of conditions a
strong argument for immediate and
effective remedial legislation.
"In the Railroad's Grip," an article
reproduced from a republican paper,
The Chicago Tribune, shows the im
perial power wielded by the transpor
tation monopoly.
- "Following this is a number of edi
torials, after which are some inter
esting communications from Com
moner readersand selections in verse
from current publications.
A page of bright editorial para
graphs, containing a great deal of in
formation and cleverly turned into
neat observation and wholesome senti
ment, is an attractive feature. This
is a department which at times has
been neglected, much to the disap
pointment 'of regular readers. It. is a
pleasure to note that The Commoner's
paragrapher is back in the harness.
Orwell C. Riddle, of Columbus, O.,
recognized as one of the most learned
lawyers in that city, contributes a
letter on how the election of senators
by direct vote of the people can be
accomplished by an act of congress
without amending the constitution. A
timely article, indeed, on a question
commanding the serious attention of
the people of the entire nation.
The exchange department of The
Commoner, under the caption "Cur
rent Topics," is finely edited. The
reader who intelligently follows that
department may set up the claim to
being well informed as to present
"The Home Department," a regular
feature appealing especially to woman
readers, appears as usual; and Mau
pin's humor and pathos complete the
You can read The Commoner from
beginning to end, advertisements and
all, without finding a morally objec
tionable expression or suggestion in
it. It is the enemy of sham and trick
ery, political and economic, and fre
quently It smashes' smug hypocrisy
and glittering pretense hard between
the eyes.
"It is a clean, honest publication,
sincere and fearless in its convictions.
Under the direction of Mr. Bryan and
Mr. Metcalfe, its associate editor, it
necessarily is able. It is a paper
which, in our judgment, is doing a
great, good work."
Women's delicate nervo organism subjects
them to so muoh suffering, that it is almost in
conceivable bow they manage to fulfill the var
ious household and social duties, and yet they
do and suffer.
As a rule they understand the nature of their
delicate organism, but overlook the wpndcrful
influenco their nervous system has upon their
general health.
They aro not sufficiently impressed with the
faot that all their ills aro directly traceable to
the nervous system.
That their periodical sufferings and head
aches are due to weakened nerves.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
had been wonderfully successful in revitalizing
the nerves and curing all cases of nervous dis
orders and loss of vitality.
Thousands of delicate women have regained
their health and vigor by its use, and the
thoughtful fortify themselves by keeping their
nervous system strong and vigorous by its use.
"Prom a thin norvous wreck, miserable and
wretohed, I am now enjoying splendid health,
and it is all traceable to your splendid medi
cine, Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine."
MRS. MAUD B. OPLINGER, Philadclphia.Pa.
The first bottle will benefit, if not, the drug
ffist will return your money.
Direct to oT
Senator Lodge is quoted as saying
that the Philippine bill is dead. This
is the first admission from any admin
istration source that there would be
no further effort to pass this just and
righteous bill. Senator Hale is the
great obstacle.
There have been few incidents in
our history more discreditable than
this. The Filipinos have only asked
a fair chance to trade with us. We
know perfectly' well that their pros
perity and welfarenay, their very
salvation depend oft their ability to
sell their products. Secretary Taft has
told us this. The Philippine govern
ment has always urged a lowering of
our taxes on Philinnine trado. TIir
Filipinos themselves have appealed
over and over again to our sense of
justice. The people of the United
States as a whole favor the abolition
of these duties. All who have studied
the situation at first hand take this
view. Yet Hale, of Maine, objects, and
so nothing can be done.
We have taken an exalted stand in
regard to the Philippines. Our patri
ots have told us that we ought to keep
the islands, not because it was good
for us, but in the interest of the help
less islanders. It was our duty to
give them good government, to de
velop their industrial and commercial
life, to make them self-supporting, to
teach them how to govern themselves,
and to give them the blessing of Amer
ican prosperity. To abandon the is
lands would, we were told, be to
abandon a helpless people to whom we
stood in the relation of guardian.
We were going to "take up the white
man's burden." We were going to
make sacrifices for the Filipinos
never to think of compelling them to
make sacrifices for us. There was to
be no exploitation. What fine and
beautiful talk of this sort we have
listened to! It almost converted the
Well, the record is made. We are
going to govern the Philippines in the
interest of our trade and worse than
that, in the interest of the tobacco and
sugar trusts. Not only that, but with
a cruelty of which we should not have
believed our government capable, we
have imposed an additional tax of
100 per cent, over and above the high
duties already in force on cheap cot
tons entering the islands. This was
done so quietly and secretly, and for
such false reasons, that no one in this
country knew anything about it till
Bishop Brent, of the Philippines, told
us about it. We Tmow all about it now,
and yet no one, from the president
down, has made" any effort at repar
ation. But the Philippine bill is dead for
the present. The trusts have tri
umphed. The Filipinoes appeal to us
for justice in vain. The American
people want to do the right, the just,
the honorable thing,' but they find them
selves helpless. It is not a question
of what they want, but of what the
tobacco trust and sugar trust will per
mit. We are governing the Philippines
not for the Filipinoes, but for the ben
efit of two greedy American trusts.
Indianapolis, Ind., News.
Kalamnzoos aro fuel savers,
They last a lifetime
Economical in all respects
They arc low in price and hich In quality,-'
Tbcy aro easily operated and quickly sin. op and
in ado ready for business,
Buy from the actual manufacturer,
Your money returned if everything is not exactly as
You keep in your own pocket the dcnlero'
and jobbers profits when you buy a Kala
Wo want to prove to you that you cannot AK stove Ht ATEfi.
buy a better stove or ranco than tho Kala- For All Kind of Ful.
mazoo, at any price.
Wc want to show you heno and why yon savo from 20 to 40
in buying direct from our factory at factory prices.
If you think $5, or $10, or $40, worth aavine
P ?h?3Sft$SfiF Send Postal for Catalogue No. 245
1 Examine out complete line of stoves and ranees for all kinds of fuel. Nota
I tho high quality; compare our prices with others, and then decide to buy from
I actual manufacturers and save all middlemen's profits. Catalog shows 267 stjrlcs
I and sizes for all kinds of fuel. Write now. Sold on 360 Days Approval Test.
I Kalamazoo Stove Co., Manufacturers Kalamazoo, Mick.
I All Kalamazoo Cook Sloven and Ranges are Jilted with patent oven thermometer
I tchlchmakea baking ami roasting easy. All elovea blacked, polished
I and ready for immediate use when you receive them.
TUE7 CtlRV RAfURI Kir an oTorbloomlng, perfectly lianly rocn, i
I lib DAD I nnmuUuil Hturdy, i-ruot littlo bunh, Krowinp two feet
high, literally covnrod with Jiuko clusters of crimson bloHHoms tho ontlro itenwyi.
JUallslzc, 10c, Tor JiGc. Bond for It. It will plcnflo you. Wo urow everything
of the bewt for Orchard, Vlncynrd, Lawn, l'urk, Htrcot, durum una dreen
bouse llnreHt now, choicest old. Wo Bond by mall, postpnlri, Bceda, 1'Iunt.
Vine, Hull), Jione. Ulc, nnd Kuarnntcu Hnfo arrival and HiUiHfaction. Lariinr
by express or frolKht. An tier out 108.1'neo Onto! giio FKKK. Bond for it Hnd
nun what values no glvo for n littlo money. Many choice ets cheap. Direct doul
will insuro you tho beat nnd saro you inonoy. 53 years, 41 Kroonhouuofl, 1200 acres.
Letters to a Chinese Official
By William, Jennings Bryan
"A superb vindication of Anglo-Saxon civilization and ideals, written
by Mr. Bryan in answer to tho famous 'Letters Fjiom a Chinese Official,'
an inspiring and oloquont confession of faith in tho standards and purposes
of our race, and more particularly those of tho American people, permeated
with a wise and serene optimism. There aro passages that no man can
read without elevation of his moral nature."
Substantially Bound, Postpaid, 55 Cents
Get Thjs Gold Pair
SPECTACLE-WEARERS! Listen! I want to
prove to you positively that the Dr. Haux
famous Perfect Vision Spectacles are ever so much
better than any you have ever used before and that is
the reason why I am making the following very
extraordinary proposition, whereby you can
get a handsome Rolled Gold pair absolutely free.
is my" special advertising offer!
SEND me your name and address
and I will mail you'my Perfect
Home Eye Tester, free.
Then when you return me the
Eye Tester with your test, I will
send you a complete five dollar
family set of the Dr. Haux famous
Perfect Vision Spectacles for only
$1, and this will include a hand
some pair of Rolled Gold Spec
tacles absolutely free of charge.
I also hereby positively agree to
return you your dollar willingly h;
you yourself don't find them to be
the most perfect-fitting, clearest
and best you have ever bought
anywhere, at any price.
Send for my free Eye Tester
today. Address,
HauxBldg., St. Louis, Mo.