The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 25, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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JANUARY .25, .1907
The Commoner.
darker shade than the original color
with any good package dye.
For laying linoleum, do not use tin
tacks. Shape and fit the linoleum to
the floor, then fasten down with shoe
makers' 'sprigs," which are headless,
and do very little injury to the lino
leum. They hold firmly and are not
seen, and the linoleum may be taken
up without so much damage as the
rusted tin tacks would inevitably do.
Try going through the closets,
trunks, boxes and bags of "put-aways"
as you have leisure, before the spring
work fills your hands. Sort out the
summer clothing and see what you
can do with the left-overs before the
need for the thinner clothes over
takes you. As the weather moder
ates let the children Wear the fall
clothing, getting all the good possible
out of every garment in its season.
Remember, the best way to get rid
of mice is to stop up all holes. This
can be done by wetting up a little
cement and filling them. If in the
wood-work, nail bits of tin over them.
In some parts of the house the cat
can not be allowed, and it is a good
thing to set the little "sure-catch"
traps in their runways. These traps
cost but four or five cents each, and
need no baiting. A half dozen of them
is a good investment, whether you
have a cat or not.
it too stiff and dry. Pour into square
pans to cool, and. when cold, cut into
slices and fry brown on a greased
griddle and serve.
No. 2 Cook head and liver and
chop as directed above, seasoning
with salt, pepper and celery seeds;
have an equal quantity of corn meal
mush which has been salted and thor
oughly cooked, and into this work the
meat with the hands, mixing it until
the mass has a marbled look; shape
the mass into a loaf. When wanted,
slice and roll each slice in meal, dip
in butter and fry to a rich brown on
a griddle.
less woman. Better adopt thol boy
and "raise" him.
Mrs. E. L. Oil your hard running
machine with coal oil or gasoline, tako
out the shuttle and unthread the
needle and run the ir.aohine empty for
a few minutes; then wipe off the oil
and old grease, and oil with tho best
sewing machine oil. Use no cheap
oil, or sweet oil.
Student Matthias was the Apostlo
elected to fill the place of the traitor,
Judas. Little- is known of him. It
is said that' ho preached the Gospel
and suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia.
Matthias and Matthew were not tho
same person.
Making Scrapple
Scald and scrape clean a hog's head,
cutting away all objectionable parts.
Soak in medium strong brine for a
few hours, then put on to cook in
water enough to cover it, in a closed
kettle. Boil until meat will slip from
the bones; pick out all gristle and
hard pieces and pick the meat into
fino pieces. Soak the blood out of
a liver and put it on to boil until it
crumbles, then mix it with the head
meat. Strain the water in which the
head was boiled, to remove all pieces
of bone, chop the meat and1 liver fino
and put it into the strained water.
'Season with pepper, salt, sage or sum
mer savory, and set it on the fire.
When the liquor boils up, thicken with
corn meal in which has been mixed a
cupful of brown sugar. Do not make
Makes Trouble for People With Weak
Intestinal Digestion
A lady in a Wisconsin town em
ployed a physician who instructed her
ngt to eat white bread for two years.
Sue tells the details of her sickness
and she certainly was a sick woman.
' "In the year 1887 I gave out from
oyer work, and until 1901 I remained
an. invalid in bed a great part of the
time. Had different doctors but noth
ing seemed to help. I suffered from
cerebro-spinal congestion, female
trouble and serious stomach and bowel
trouble. My husband called a new
dpctor and after having gone without
any food for ten days the doctor or
dered Grape-Nuts for me. I could
eat the new food from the very first
mouthful. The doctor kept me on
Grape-Nuts and the only medicine was
a little glycerine to heal the alimen
tary canal.
"When I was up again Doctor told
me to eat Grape-Nuts twice a day
and no white bread for two years.
I got well in good time and have
gained in strength so I can do my own
. work again.
"My brain has been helped so much,
and I know that the Grape-Nuts food
did this, too. I found I had been made
ill because I was not fed right, that
is I did not properly digest white
bread and somo other food I tried
' to live om
Query Box
F. L Write to the Bureau of Free
Lands, Washington, D. C.
"Subscriber" Regarding the remo
val of "moth-patches," see article in
another column.
L. A. For crystalizing flowers, dip
them in a strong solution of alum and
Hattie S The work of the trained
nurse is very wearing, and calls for
much physical strength, good nerves
and extra intelligence in the line of
duty, faithfulness and patience.
E. M. You must possess natural
qualifications, or no amount of teach
ing will do any good. Hundreds of
people fail because they have no fit
ness for the places they seek.
W. O. H. The meat pickle will
doubtless appear before you see this.
It was sent in some time ago. All
queries have attention, no matter
how, or on what written.
"Inquirer." It would bo well for
you to get a standard work on Eti
quette, and study the laws governing
your own social environment. A
very good one can be ordered through
your book dealer for $1 to $2, and will
be of great value to you for all occa
"Querist" If your question is not
answered within three or four weeks,
write again. Sometimes the answer
may be 'crowded out by an over
abundance of other matter. No query
can be answered under two weeks
from the time of sending.
Housewife For the dirty granite or
marble, take two parts of common
washing soda, one part each of pow
dered pumice stone and chalk; sift
through a fine sieve and mix with a
little water; rub this well into the
stone, until clean, then wash the stone
with salty water.
"Country Lassie" There is always
a demand for good pictures from farm
and other papers and magazines which
use illustrations. The price ranges
from 25 cents to several dollars, ac
cording to subject and work, I be
lieve. Write such publications- and
get their prices.
A. J. To shut off the offensive sight
from your window, and yet not exclude
the light, use common white' lead.
Apply with a dabbing motion, then
wrap a piece of coarse sacking (such
as gunny-bag) around a block, beat
the paint lightly with this, and let
dry. Another way is to wet Epsom
salts to a mush with stale beer and
dab over the pane of glass.
Alice M. There are several hospit
als in the large cities where young
women, having the necessary qualifi
cations, may get an education as
trained nurse, receiving a small sal
ary in addition to board while learn
ing. The work is hard, but there is
hard work in all trades or profes
sions. If you had sent addressed
stamped envelope, I could have given
you addresses.
E. A. G. Marriage is like a leap
in the dark you may "do well" and
you may not. Whichever decision
One of our readers, who says she
was prevented, through sickness and
change of neighborhood, from provid
ing herself with fruits and vegetables
for the winter table, asks for some
ways of preparing simple foods so as
to vary tho Bameness of "bread and
meat and coffee" on which too many
families subsist who live far from the
markets and have little money.
is very Important) pack them in a
tin can closely. Now pour the sur
plus lard fried out over the packed
cakes, if there is not enough, indt
more lard and pour over until tho
cakes are covered half an inch with
it. When you begin to use them
(about next July or August), scrape
tho lard off enough to got enough from
the top layer, then press it back
carefully so that the air is excluded,
and your sausage will be all right
to the last cake.
For the Human Body in Health and
"Moth Patches"
Some of our friends ask for methods
for the removal from the face, neck
and arms of those ugly discolorations
known as "moth patches," "liver
spots," etc. No one can help them
unless they are willing to help them
selves, as physicians and complexion
specialists tell us the spots are caused
by some trouble of the internal or
gans of the body, and the cause must
be removed before the spots will dis
appear. Even when "bleached" off
they will reappear, and sometimes
nothing applied locally will in the
least affect them.
The spots are not always caused
by a "lazy liver," though they are
generally supposed to be. A physi
cian's advice should bo taken. Home
remedies will not avail in all cases.
One of the best and least harmful
things that can be done' is to take
a tablespoonful" of olive oil on get
ting up in the morning, and the same
on going to bed. Three times a day
is recommended in some cases. The
oil is a corrective of the torpid liver
and is nourishing to a weak stomach.
But it must be taken for months no1
"a few days" or weeks. It is a food,
and can be used liberally on vege
tables and other eatables at the table.
The taste for it may have to bo ac
quired, but it is less disagreeable than
some other medicines. A few drops
of lemon juice will disguise the taste,
or the mouth may be washed out
with vinegar before taking it. But
it should be taken, anyhow. At first
it may act as a cathartic, but will
soon cease to be troublesome. The
"pint bottles" (always short measure)
of the grocery store are more expen
sive than a pint of oil at the drug
gist's, which will probably cost 75
cents. Try to get the pure olive oil;
cotton-seed oil will not do, but it is
often sold as "salad oil." For a
local application, put a tablespoonful
of flowers of sulphur into a pint of
rum, or whisky; shake well until it
dissolves, then apply the rum to the
spots several times a day. Meantime,
drink abundance of water of the tem
perature you like best, take out-door
exercise, think pleasant, cheerful
thoughts, and do everything you can
to improve the general health.
"I have never been without Grape- you make, you will probably regret
at it every day. it. Marriages vhero the man is much
Nuts food since and eat
You may publish this letter if you
like so it will help someone else."
-Name given by Postum Co., Battle
younger than the woman is not to be
recommended, as women age much
faster than men after marriage, and
' Creek Mich. ,G,et, the little book, "The tew men, wnue young themselves,
Road to "Wellville," in pkgs. will remain faithful to an old, help-
Sausage to be Used Next Summer
The Raleigh' (N. C.) Progressive
Farmer gives the following recipe for
putting up sausage for next summer's
use, which is highly recommended:
"Grind the meat fine. To fifteen
pounds of meat add one teacupful
of salt and four level tablespoonfuls
of black pepper nothing else. Mix
well with the hands. Make into cakes
and fry nearly done. Be sure to
place the -fried cakes where they will
get cold. After they are 'cold (which
The mention of sulphur will recall
to many of us the early days when
our mothers and grandmothers gave
ii our daily dose of sulphur and mo
lasses every spring and fall.
It was the universal spring and fall
"blood purifier," tonic and cure-all,
and, mind you, this old-fashioned rem
edy was not without merit.
The idea was good, but the remedy
was crude and unpalatable, and a
large quantity had to be taken to get
any effect.
Nowadays we get all the beneficial
effects of sulphur In a palatable, con
centrated form, so that a single
giain is far more effective than a
tablespoonful of the crude sulphur.
In recent years research and ex
periment have proven that the best
sulphur for medicinal use is that ob
tained from Calcium (Calcium Sul
phide) and sold In drug stores under
the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
They are small chocolate coated pel
lets and contain the active medicinal
principle of sulphur in a highly con
centrated effective form.
Few people are aware of the value
of this form of sulphur in restoring
and maintaining bodily vigor and
health; sulphur acts directly on the
liver and excretory organs and purifies
and enriches the blood by the prompt
elimination of waste material.
Our grandmothers knew this when
they dosed us with sulphur and mo
lasses every spring and fall, but the
crudity and impurity of ordinary flow
ers of sulphur were often worse tlian
the disease, and can not compare with
the modern concentrated preparations
of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium
Wafers is undoubtedly the best and
most widely used.
They are the natural antidote for
liver and kidney troubles and cure
constipation and purify the blood in a
way that often surprises patient and
physician alike.
Dr. R. M. Wilkins, while experiment
ing with sulphur remedies, soon found
that the sulphur from Calcium was
superior to any other form. He says:
"For liver, kidney and blood troubles,
especially when resulting from consti
pation or malaria, I have been sur
ptfsed at the results obtained from
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients
suffering from boils and pimples and
even deep-seated carbuncles, I have
repeatedly seen them dry up and dis
appear in four or five days, leaving the
skin clear and smooth. Although Stu
art's Calcium Wafers is a proprietary
article and sold by druggists and for
that reason tabooed by many physi
cians, yet I know of nothing so safe
and reliable for constipation, liver and
kidney troubles and especially in all
forms of skin diseases as this remedy.
At any rate people who are tired of
pills, cathartics and so-called blood
"purifiers" will find in Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers a far safer, more palat
able and effective preparation.
Send your name and address today
for a free trial package and seo for
F. A. Stuart Co., 57 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.