The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 10, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner,
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Mr. Bryan to Illinois Democracy
The Associated Press under date of f rino, Scotland, July 17. Judge O. P.
Chicago, 111., July 31, carried the fol
lowing dispatch:
Judge Owen P. Thompson of Jack
sonville, 111., announced this afternoon
that in a letter dated July 17 William
J. Bryan requested that Jiidgo Thomp
son call upon Mr. Roger Sullivan with
a message from Mr. Bryan request
ing that Mr. Sullivan, in the interest
of harmony, resign as national com
mitteeman from Illinois. Judge
Thompson says he saw Mr. Sullivan
today and delivered Mr. Bryan's mes
sago. Mr. Sullivan declined to re
sign, as requested.
Judge Thompson thereupon made
public a letter from Mr. Bryan, as
Bryan Letter to Thompson
"The Trossachs Hotel, Loch Kat-
How to Fool a Lazy Liver
with Artificial Exercise
v'f-TV VERY serious Sickness has a small
And, in nine cases ,out of ten,
that beginning is made in the
Thompson, Jacksonville, 111. My dear
Judgo: I am going to intrust you with
a message to Roger Sullivan. If I
were at home I would see him myself,
but as I do not arrive until after your
state convention, and as I think ac
tion ought to be taken at once, I will
send the message by you. Please say
to Mr. Sullivan that he has expressed
a desire for harmony, and that I as
sume that he means to help the party
to the extent of his ability, but there
is but one way in which he can pro
mote harmony, and that is by resign
ing as national committeeman. We
are approaching another national
campaign, and our party's chances all
depend upon its ability to convince
the public of its good intentions. Mr.
Sullivan's presence on the committee
contradicts all that we can say in the
party's behalf. His corporate connec
tions would harm the party far be
yond his power to aid the organiza
tion, but this could be left for some
future convention to deal, with If he
were actually the choice of the demo
crats of Illinois. The fact, however,,
that he holds his office by a fraud,
and against the express- wishes of a
majority of the' delegates to the state
convention, makes it Impossible for
honest democrats to associate with
him as a member of the committee.
If we do not maintain the right of
the majority to control party policy
and select the party's representatives,
for what can wo contend? The fact
that Mr. Sullivan has spoken kindly
of me enables me to discuss the mat
ter without risk of having my actions
attributed to personal malice, but he
ought to see that I would be un
worthv of anv one's confluence if I
failed to nrntert against his continu-1
run;e upon the committee either to
conciliate him or out of fear of his
hostility. There is room in' the party
for all who honestly favor democratic
The time to adjust the Bowels is the very principles, nut tne leauersnip must
minute you suspect they need adjustment. confldenco o the party and who80 !
-n your tongue is 3iignxiy coaiea,
If your breath is under suspicion,
If your head feels a trifle heavy or dull,
-If digestion seems even a little slow,
are about to enter upon a campaign,
in which our party will appeal to the
people and ask the confidence of the
nation. I do not know how you, the
democrats of Illinois, could better
open that campaign in your state than
by demanding his resignation. Let it
be known that you insist on honest
politics within the party, and then you
will be believed when you plead for
honesty in the government. I am
sorry that your convention meets be
fore I return, for I -would be glad to
come to Illinois and give you any as
sistance within my power. I have
avoided taking part in personal con
tests within the party, but, whenever
any one calling himself a democrat
assaults the right of the party to
govern itself, I do not hesitate to take
part in the fight. I had hoped that
he would resign, in the interests of
harmony, but his refusal leaves you
no choice but to repudiate him or
abandon democratic principles. With
best wishes tor your success, l am,
very truly yours,
"W. J. BRYAN.'"
tional committee declared I was en
titled to.
"If I hold my seat by fraud, then
Mr. Bryan must accuse Senator Till
man of South Carolina, Senator Cul
berson of Texas, Senator Dubois of
Idaho, John Sharp Williams of Mis
sisslppi, Clark Howell of Georgia, tho
democratic leaders in the 'solid south,'
the majority of those in the east, tho
north and the west, of compounding
a felony.
"I, if I am unfit to associate with
'honest democrats as Mr. Bryan says,
Constipation is the beginning of most dis
eases. It paves the way for all others.
Lack of exercise, hasty eating, improper
food, are Us first causes.
Laziness, and postponement, permit It
to grow into Chronic Constipation, which
msans life-long Discomfort.
It isn't necessary to be slck-a-bed, you
1 know, In order to be mighty uncomfortable.
Even a slight Indigestion affect3 the
nerves, dulls the jnind, rv .cbro?
merry.suuehliYtTof Life.
SHORTHAND Typewriting, BookkooplnEr,
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ir 3 books rorlarentoriBalUdoB receiptor Sou. Upj
LflCEY.Waahlncton.O.C. Estab.1869.
CO ur 3 books
Sullivan Makes Reply
Mr. Sullivan, In replying to Mr.
Bryan's letter, tonight, "gave out the
following statement:
"I have seen the letter purporting
to have been written by Mr. Bryan,
and am prepared to accept it as gen
uine, although the character of the
men whom Mr. Bryan appears to have
chosen as his confidants is such that
there might be serious doubts as to
Its authenticity. If the letter was
written by Mr. Bryan it furnishes
proof that he has allowed himself to
persist in what the democratic na
tional convention of 1904 declared was
a misrepresentation and libel. It Is
proof that he is mistaken again, as
he was on tho free silver question, and
that he Is wrong again as he was when
he permitted himself to cut so un
enviable a figure as he did In the Ben
nett will controversy.
'It is apparently Mr. Bryan's mis
fortune to jump to conclusions too
prominence will strengthen the party, readily and to be misled by men
Tf hA will at onnfi sarin his resiimn.- whose assumed friendship for a boy-
wherever planted: are planted
everywhere trees are arown. Free
Tntnloc ol suoerb fruits Black Ben,
King David, Delicious, etc.-5UckBr',Ubfcu1h.
Froo report as to Patentability, Illustrated Guide
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent tree.
EVANS, WILKENS & CO.,Wunhlngton,D.O.
If Heartburn, Belching, Colic or Rest
lessness begin to show themselves.
-That's the time to eat a Cascaret.
. -: Don't Imagine the Cascaret is Ineffective
because It is pleasant to eat as Candy.
It acts as pleasantly as It tastes. It is a3
congenial to your Bowels, as It is to your
tion to the chairman of the national
committee, and make the matter pub
lic, he will show his desire to help
the party and will do much to re
store himself in the opinion of those
who felt outraged by tho last state
convention. If he refuses to resign
and thus puts his ambition or his
business before the party's success,
the" sooner he Is ejected from the
committee the better. It ought to
Ya mn1 n laano In tlir ofon nnn.
It stimulates the muscular lining of the 1 ventlon, If necessary, for the democ-
Bovels and Intestines, so that they mechani
cally extract nourishment from the food and
drive out the waste.
The only way to have Cascarets ready to
use precisely when you need them Is to
carry them constantly In .your pocket, as
you do a Watch or a Lead pencil.
The ten cent box of Cascarets Is made
thin, flat, round-edged, and small, for this
precise .purpose.
Be very careful to get the genuine, made
only by the Sterling Remedy Company and
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
t Jtf Jifts ,6?P. arranged to mail free a
PIAfb,I trinket box, hnrd-onnmoled in
pretty colors, a handsome ornament,
most liberal oiler ever made, and wo
want every reader to havo one. Ten
CV13 'patnmpa is asked as a measure
of Hood faith and to cover ens nf rina-
carets with which this dainty box is
loaded, .
Send today, bo sure to mention this
1 Tit """ Av". yur Wdress plainly.
rhtiflrAsa S?rW$ Rew$dy Company,
..,,.aVr Aiuir Jturn, 7H
racy of Illinois can not fight under
such leadership and ought not to per
mit itself to be misrepresented on the
national committee. Yours truly,
"W. J. BRYAN.."
Message to Illinois Democrats
"The Trossachs Hotel, Loch Kat
rine, July 17. Judge O. P. Thompson,
Jacksonville, 111. My Dear Judge:
If the- effort to induce Mr. Sullivan
to resign from the national commit
tee fails, I wish you would deliver the
following message to the democrats
of Illinois:
'"You live in tho largest of the
western states, and must play an im
portant part in the work which lies
before the democratic party. You can
do little to advance democratic princi
ples so long as you permit the most
fundamental of these principles, name
ly, the right of the majority to rule,
to be violated. Mr. Sullivan was
elected as national committeeman by
delegates who were not chosen by the
convention. As ho was one of tho
leaders in the high crimes and misde
meanors committed against the de
mocracy of Illinois, his refusal to re
sign can not bo attributed to ignor-
hood companion is not sufficiently
great to prohibit their attempting to
place him in an awkward and false
light before the great majority of the
democrats of Illinois. The men to
whom I refer, Millard Fillmore Dun
lap and Judge Owen P. Thompson,
the leaders of the faction known as
the Jacksonville cabal, are men who
have been twice utterly repudiated
by the democrats 0f the state. The
fact that my name happens to be Sul
livan is by far a more potent reason
to them for attempting to discredit
me than any that they ever have or
can be used. The real reason for
their opposition to me I believe Mr.
Bryan to be ignorant of.
"It Is not the first time Mr. Bryan
has been deceived by these men. He
was inveigled Into pleading their
cause two years ago. He gave their
claims the only merit they possessed
by oresentlnK them at St. Louis.
What was. the verdict? He pleaded
for them before a sub-committee of
the democratic national committee,
and the committee decided against
them. He renewed his efforts in their
behalf before the democratic na
tional committee, and again lost his
case. A committee on credentials,
composed of democrats, representing
every state and territory in the union,
next declared the men whom), Mr.
Bryan now champions to be liars and
vllllfiers. Finally the highest tribunal
to which appeal could be taken heard
Mr. Bryan's plea for Dunlap and
Thompson, and the result was as be
fore. "Mr. Bryan says I hold my seat on
the democratic national committee by
fraud. That seat came to me by vlr
Insures you an instrument of the high
est class, representing the combined
efforts of three generations of tho
world's most noted piano builders.
The price is lower in proportion
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Write for catalogue and name of
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140th St. and 5th Ave., New York,
U. S. A.
ance of the facts, but is nrnnf nnnl. Hiio t o ne ao k n, .v,,, ,,
tive of his unfitness for the place. We it is one to which a democratic na-
Subscribers9 Advertising Department
This department is for the exclu
sive use of Commoner subscribers,
and a special rate of six cents a
word per insertion the lowest rate
has been made for them. Address
all communications to The Com
moner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
YV tor domestic well-making, cheapest ly
half, most practical of any. catalogue free.
Koger & Sons. Mooresburg, Tcnn. ..
Cents. Frames apy r.oof. 0. M. Osborn,
Box 1020, Lincoln. Nebraska. ...
iybVproved,200croats unlimited free rang
also saw and planing mill capacity twenty-flvo
thousand feet, with plenty timber, will sell sep
erately or will trade for eastern property, for
full particulars write Boiling Springs Saw and
Planing Mills Co., Divide. Oregon.
I,-,. ifJk