The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 15, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
JUNE 15, 1906
household, directing others in the
housekeeping duties, buying, selling,
caring for children, keeping things
in order or providing against waste.
While still in the home, they should
be taugh'c the inner economies, and
what is necessary to keep the house
hold machinery well oiled and in
good shape. They should be taught
to spend money cheerfully, but care
fully, and how to get for its expendi
ture its true value. They should know
how to entertain their friends in a
manner suitable .to their means, with
out either undue lavishness or nig
gardly lack. Let them have a knowl
edge of business, and every woman
who has money, either inherited or
earned, should know how to keep and
care for it, and manage it, just as a
man should.
Children's Rights
There is one among the children's
rights" that is very often not respect
ed by their elders. It is 'cheir right
to be treated, with civility and polite
ness. They are taught pr have been
and oiight to be to be respectful to
their parents and teachers and all
older people, but the opposite obliga
tion is not often enough insisted upon
and practiced. If there bo more in
older persons to call forth respect
(which we doubt), there is also with
them, or should be, more capacity for
showing respect, more knowledge,
judgment and practice in cour
tesy. Children are quick to fol
low examples, and to do as they see
others do is but natural with the
children. The pattern, much to be re
gretted, is too often but a poor one.
Not only are parents remiss in recog
nizing and granting this' right of chil
dren, but teachers in our schools have
yet to learn- much of what they owe
to. their pupils. In many instances
these 'teachers, who are paid to look
after the deportment of the children
intrusted to their care, are grossly
discourteous, both as to words and
manners, and many of them are in no
sense fit to .have charge of the little
ones to whose impressionable minds
they show forth the very rudest man
ners -and most discourteous langu-
Doctor Was Fooled by His Own Case
for a Time
age. They would not dare to talk
to the parents aud guardians as they
do to the children. Many parents
who are careful of the manners and
speech of their little ones at home
are at a loss to understand where
their carefully guarded children learn
such rudeness of speech and such
brusqueness of manner as they some
times display. This is but another
reason why parenta and guardians
should visit the schools and familiarize
themselves, with the companionship to
which they subject these tender
charges, and as to the fitness or un
fitness of the teacher for the trust
and reliance placed in his or her
hands. Teachers are no more fault
less than are the pupils they are sup
posed to train properly, and, being
seldom 'visited by the parents, they
are on their best behaviour when
"visitors" do appear, and thus the
child is more often than not unjustly
blamed for offensive manners and
speech when they are only "following
spoonful of cloves, ground fine. ' Cook
until it reaches the consistency of
jam. Keep in glass jars and uoo with
meats the same as catsup or jellies.
It is better to get the spices whole,
especially cinnamon,, and grind for
one's self, as this is the only way it
can be had unadulterated.
Old-fashioned Virginia Picklod Cher
ries -Put the Morella cherries in
stone jars wUh their stchis on; scald
In a kettle some vinegar- sweetened
and flavored to taste with allspice,
mace, cloves, and cinnamon; pour
this over the cherries and let Btand
over night, and the next morning pour
off and scald again. After repeating
this process nine times, the pickle is
ready for use. This is one of the
old-time recipes, much liked.
Frosted Cherries Dip the cherries
with the stems on and, if possible,
the green leaves in the beaten white
of an egg first, then In white sugar.
Keep on ice, and serve for lunch in a
glass bowl garnished with green
incites, me to more earnest work in
their behalf. The flowers of the lav
ender plant are the part usod. These
should bo gathered in their early
stage and dried In the shade. Our
grandmothers ofton gathered tho
leaves as well, but tho flowers aro
Sumarn. This is the recipe, I think:
Take one quart of boiling water and
put Into it as much epsom. salts as
the water will take up while boil
ing; let cool, and bottle tight for use.
Keep handy, and when accident by
scalding or burning occurs, saturato
cloths in the solution and lay on tho
burn. Do not remove the cloth, nor
let got dry, but pour on tho solution
as it dries. Keep thhi up for a few
hours, and, unless tho burn is a deep
one, a speedy cure will be effected.
Lime and sweet oil in emulsion is a
standard article.
It's easy to understand how ordi
nary people get fooled by coffee when
doctors themselves sometimes forget
the facts.
A physician speaks of his own ex
perience: "I had used coffee for years and
really did not exactly believe it was
injuring me4 although I had palpita
tion of the heart every day.
" "Finally one day a severe and al
most fatal attack of heart trouble
frightened me and I gave up both tea
'and coffee, using Postum instead and
since that time I have had absolutely
no ' heart palpitation except on one
or two occasions when I tried a small
. quantity of coffee which caused severe
irritation and proved to me I must
let it alone.
"When we began using Postum it
seemed weak that was because we
did not make it according to direc
tions but now we put a little bit of
butter in the pot when boiling and
allow the Postum to boil full 15 min
utes, which gives it tho proper rich
flavor and the deep brown color.
"I have advised a great many of
my friends and patients to leave off
coffee and drink Postum, in fact I
daily give this advice." Name given
by Postum Co., JBattle Creek, Mich.
Many thousands of physicians use
Postum in place of tea and coffee in
their own homes and prescribe it to
patients. "There's a reason."
A remarkable little ibook ."The Road
to .Wellville," can he-found in pkgs.
For the Hands
This is the season when the farm
sister, and many others, spends much
time in working ahout the garden,
and the hands more or less show the
result. Cold water and coarse soap
will ruin any- hands, but one must
try to get rid of the dirt that works
into the pores of the skin. This can
be done very effectually by rubbing
into the skin a 'liberal coating of
either vaseline or clean lard when
one comes indoors, and letting it re
main on them for a half hour or more,
rubbing each finger and joint down
ward from the palm. Then put into
a basin of warm water a bit of borax
the size of a large pea, wet the hands
and soap well, rubbing in with the
soap a little corn' meal, and rubbing
it in well before washing off the soap.
Rinse in two waters, then dry by rub
bing in dry corn meal.' After the
hands are dry, rub in a very little
cold cream, or a little diluted glycer
ine. Massage the hands thoroughly
with this, "then rinse in cold water,
drying with a soft, warm towel. For
cleansing the nails, a soft nail brush
should be used, and the cuticle should
be carefully pushed away from the
"base of the nail with a soft, blunt
stick. Or the thumb nail of the other
hand may be used pushing, not
scraping. Do not use cheap or scent
ed soaps, and laundry soap should
be left for the wash tub. Remember
that every washing with soap removes
the natural oil, which should be re
stored by rubbing into the skin a little
olive oil, almond oil or a plain cold
The Refrigerator
A trap for the careless housewife
at this season is the refrigerator. It
is always a menace In thoughtless or
careless hands, because of the habit
too often formed of keeping food
too long, and the danger increases
with the hot, humid, sultry weather
of the summer. Once a week, at
least, everything should be taken out;
make a strong suds of boiling water,
soda and ammonia, and go over every
inch of the inside surface. Have a
pan of clear, hot water, with a few
drops of some odorless but powerful
disinfectant, and go over the whole
with this; see that the drain has a
cloth-pushed up through it, using a
long wooden skewer; then scald with
clear, hot water, dry thoroughly, and
set a saucer of crushed charcoal on
the shelf. Charcoal is a perfect ab
sorbent, and a refrigerator can be
kept sweet if these few precautions
are taken. Never set anything hot
in the refrigerator, nor leave anything
decayed, or soured in it. Always
wash off the ice.
Requested Recipes
Fruit Punch Boil two cupfuls of
sugar "and one of water to a syrup,
and add one eunful each of straw-
1 berry and pineapple juice, and half a
cupful each of lemon and orange juice
and juice of sweet cherries. Let
stand twenty minutes and strain and
chill; sweeten or weaken to taste and
serve ice cold. If the juices of pre
served fruits have been used, it will
need weakening, with water or ice.
Fruit Punch Cover one-fourth box
of gelatine with one-fourth cupful of
cold water; let stand one-half hour
and dissolve over hot water. Make
a syrup of two cupfuls of sugar and
one cupful of water; take from ttie
fire, add the gelatine and one cupful
each of water, strawberry juice and
either preserved peaches, cherries, or
pineapple, the juice of one orange
and one lemon. Turn at once into
a freezer, but do not turn the freezer
until the punch begins to freeze. Let
stand to ripen before serving.
Spiced Cherries Three cupfuls of
stoned cherries, one cupful of vinegar
sweetened to jtaste, one tablespoonful
of -powdered cinnamon, one dessert
spoonful of ground ginger, one tea-
Query Box
(Our thanks are due to several
friends who have kindly sent us brief
sketches of the life and works of Mrs.
Elizabeth Aker Allen, whose beauti
ful poem, "Little Feet," we gave re
cently, and several other friends have
asked that we publish her poem,
"Rock Me to Sleep, Mother," which
we shall be glad to do in an early
issue of the paper.)
Emma S. Wash your plants which
are troubled with the aphis or green
fly with a strong suds made of pure
soap; let stand a few minutes and
then rinse the plant well with clear
Annie L. The best way to clean a
lamp chimney is to wipe it out the
usual way with a soft cloth dipped
in methylated spirits. This cleans
it better than washing, with less
danger of breakage.
Mrs. L. One of our friends recom
mends a strip of clean, white cotton
cloth, wet and tightly drawn around
both edges of the pie, and pasted to
gether at the ends with flour, for pre
venting the "running over" of her
Young Hostess If soup must be
served, it may be hot, if the cold will
not be acceptable; but iced bouillon
is very delicious. It should be made
the day before and allowed to jelly,
then serve in broken bits in a glass
or china cup set In cracked ice. Bouil
lon should be highly seasoned to be
good when served in this way.
E. I. Many thanks , for your kind
words. The expressed good will of
our reaiers is quite inspirational, and
Test Your
You may be "out of
a job" and weakly wait-'
ing for a new one at the
same old thing, wasting
your life and energies,
when by a simple test of
your mental muscles you
might show yourself a
giant in earning power.
Make a better than
merely " good salary'
Be your own boss in
making it. Take your
own time to do it. Stay
in if it's a nasty day.
Just use common-sense
and intelligent industry,
and you can 'make more
v than, or at least as much
as, you ever made, mak
ing yearly sales for The
Ladies' Home Journal
and The Saturday
Evening Post.
Every old and every
new sale counts in a
splendid prize award be
sides paying a large commission.-
The magazines
are well known and
stand at the head of the
magazine list. We
train, advise and stand
by you. We want help
and will pay you and
help you to help us.
Write if you want to
do better by yourself
than you are doing.
The Curtis Publishing Company
3372-E Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pa.
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