The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 25, 1906, Page 16, Image 18

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The Commoner.
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Aren't You Tired
of doslnr yourself, day af tor day, week after week, -with
, vllo-tasting compounds; aronTt you sick of chowing
sweet-tasting tablets and lozenges or choking over
ugar-coatedpills? Aren't you tired of being afraid of
ovory draught of tho wind, of being afraid of every thing
you eat, of not bolng ablo to do what you want In tho
way you want? Aron'tyou tired of the doctors and drug
storos, of tho.canos and crutches, tho electric belts and
tho hot water bottles, the liver pads and chest protectors,
tho plostors, poultices and purges, tho liniments, tho
lotions and potions? Aren't you tired of them all?
Then Throw Them Into
the Rubbish Heap
bag and baggage, box, jar, and bottle I Get well and
strong J Enjoy life and health; bo yourself as you wero
boforo disease gripped you. Laugh at them I Need them
no longer I Take the step right now to-day 1 Don't fool
away another minute on themdon't wuste another
ponny! One short lotter just a fow words will start
you on tho way. It won't cost you a ponny to begin! It
won't cost you a ponny unless you aro satisfied I Just
a letter, just a statement that you nood It, Just a request
tlmf. vnn wirnt Ifc. It. will do tho TGSfc.
Stop dosing, drugging and doping! TJso a package
of Vitra-OroTho Minora! Spring Condensed
and Concentrated for thirty days. Don't uso
another thing but the V.-O. troatmont wo will send you.
Our profit, our pay, our reputation will depend upon
what you think after thirty days aro over. Wo leave it
to you entirely, for you to decide. Bead our spocial
30-day trial offer, road what Vitoo-Oro is and take tho
stop that thousands have taken, the stop that leads to
tho road that leads to health. One liOttcr Does It
How can you refuse this offer?
H& WkB IXwxx &nrflr wowanttoscndyoua$i.oo
II I OU Are OftCK. package ol yitaOre, tho
great healer from tho earth's veins, enough for 30 days'
use, postpaid, and wo want to send It to you on 30 days
trial. Wo don't want a penny wo Just want you to try it,
lust want a letter from you asking for It, and will be clad
to send It to you Wo tako absolutely all the risk we
take all chances. You don't risk a penny I All wo ask Is
' that you use V.-O. for 30 days and pay us $1.00 if It has
helped you, if you are satisfied that It has done you more
than $i.oo worth oi positive, actual, visible good. Other
wise you pay nothing, wc ask nothing, wo want nothing.
Can you not spare 100 minutes during tho next 30 days to
try It? Can you not give 5 minutes to wrlto for it, 5 min
utes to properly prepare It upon its arrival, and 3 minutes
each day for 30 days to uso it. That is ail it takes. Can
not you give 100 minutes to insure for you new health, new
strength, new blood, now force, new energy, vigor, life and
Happiness? you are to be tne juage. we aro satisitea
with your decision, aro perfectly willing to trust to your
honor, to your Judgement, as to whether or not V.-O. has
benefited you. Read what Vltai-Ore is, and write today
for a dollar package on this most liberal trial offer.
HoimTHoivi.YSPSiKOS,PAI can testify to the value ot
Vlto-Oro as a pormanont enro for lUioumatlsm. X had tne ott
oaso so bad that I could not get ont of bod. I used tho doctor's
znodiclnes faithfully, bat they did me no good. I used bat two
packages of VitavOro and it cured o effectually and per
manently, as it is now moro than two years since my euro and
I have iiad: no return of tho disease. David laaasnau
Hoingoha, Iowa. I have given Vitao-Ore affair and thor
ough tost and havo boon greatly benefited by its uso. I had boon
a groat safforor with Catarrh of tho Head. liUngra and
Stomach, impairing tho lattor organ so that my dlot for about
four years was a littlo bread and tea or hot water, anything olso
causing mo lntenso agony. Slnco using ViUo-Oro I can now oat
any and all vogotablos and fruits -without the least unpleas
antness. It la the beat medicine that I have ever used,
and I havo taken a great deal in tho past seventeen years.
JohnF. MoGejc
South Bend, Indiana. I snfforod terribly with stomach
Tronhle for ovor fourteen years and for the last six years was
nnablo to do any housework whatever. I was Induced to try
Vitro-Oro, and sinco taking It, I feel like a different person
and am now ablo to attend to all my household dutleB. V.-O. has
brought mo bock to health and I would not bo without it In tho
house. Mas. John Reedeb, C20 W. Water et.
Oauao, Mo. I havo not words to express my gratltudo for
tho benefit V.0. has given nlo. I had Heart Trouble forsov
oal years and could hardly eat a meal without having to got up
and go to tho door and wash my face and fan xnysolf to broatho
at all, and vory often I would havo to got np and open tho doors,
ovon in cold woathor, and he fanned to be kept alive.
Since taking V.-O. I havo no more bad spells: I am ablo to cook
and oat all I want and would not be without v.-O. in tho house.
I do not f eol satisfied without It. Mas. Sabaxx Sobobkx.
Contains Iron, Sulphur and Magnesium,
Three Health Elements which help to
Make Each Dose a Most Remarkable
Curing, Healing and Restorative Draught
From the Earth's Veins
To Your Veins
Vltas-Oro In Its original condition is an oro substance,
a combination of minerals mined from the ground, from
the EARTH'S VEINS. It contains Iron, Sulphur and .
Magnesium, threo properties most essential for tho ro-
vuuviuu jl uutuvu iu mo uuuiuu HyHwjm, undone pacKage
(one ounce) of tho ORE, when mixed with aquartof
water, equals in medicinal strongth and curative value
many hundred gallons of the most powerful mineral
Waters of tho globe, drank fresh at the springs. Tho
mineral properties which give to the waters of the world's
noted healing and mineral springs their curative virtue,
come from tho rock or MINERAL ORE through which
water forces its way, only a vory small proportion of tho
medicinal power in the ORE bolng thus assimilated with
or absorbed by tho liquid strdam. Tho rock contains tho
much desired medicine, tho water serves as tho convey
ance to carry but a small part of Its properties to tho
outer world. Vitae-Ore is a combination of those medicine-bearing
minerals, powdorod and pulvorlzed, and
partly soluble In wator, the addition of which makes a
remarkable curing 4lraugli VITiE-ORE has
cured jmoro chronic, c knorin modiOPunced incurable
. cases than any otbaro rapid action t&IP. and reaches
such cases with aj. " vany medlcino
yvaoiuiu vu ynr
Ryan, W. Va. Eor six or seven years I havo been a sufferer
With llvor and Kidney Trouble. My stomach would not
properly digest my food; I could not sloop: I was, in short, a
phynicnl -wrcclc. During thoflo years T tried almost ovory
uaodlcino I could find, only at best to obtain temporary relief.
Last August, however, I began to ubo Vitro-Oro. I havo been
using it right along slnco and am today in better health than I
havo been for seven years. X ascribe to Vltte-Ore all the
praise Tnos. P. Rtan, Attfy at Law.
HAnxovitxE, OAXtaMy mother was afflicted with what the
doctors callod Brig-lit' Vlaoaie for about six or seven years;
was attended all or that time by. physicians. Bbo was finally
given up to die and at this tlmo was induced to try Vito-Oro.
To our surprise, and groat Joy, she was cured sound and well
by tho uso of three packages. John Williams.
Dido.Va. I was takon ill with Gravel last January and
would have died but for Vltie-Ore, A Vitoo-Oro agent persuaded
mo that it would help mo, bo X took It and aftor nino doses tho
stono was jpa&goa.-. x cannot praise vita-Ore hlehlv
enough. I feel uso a now man slnco I have boon so mucn
relieved. . Joseph I Meucjeb.
LrVimNE, Mnm. I feel it my duty to let others know how
much good Vito-Oro has dono for mo. I had beon a Buileror
from Salt Rheum for over fifteen years and Vito-Oro is
tho first thing that did me any good. MyTwnda havo boon nor
f ectly well for over a year and you aro welcome to oso my name
to everybody. Mas. M. M. BuxlmT
that has followed me ibiTorty-flve gears, and for which
except Vltm-Oro. J.O.SMrra.
AMONG the properties which go to make minoral
springs famous for their medicinal quail tios is Iron,
hardly a spring of any consequence or renown being
withoutsomoproportlonof thisminoral substance Thoro
are certain springs which contain sufficient Iron to im
part the iron tasto to the waters, which aro then known
as ferruginous or chalybeate waters, and Vitas-Oro in
solution, ready for drinking by tho patient, is represent
ative of tho best class of these waters, having tho added
advantage of bolng stronger than any water Known.
Iron Is of especial value In blood disorders and bo
cause of this fact the largo proportion of iron in Vitso
Ore does much toward making possible tho wonderful
curative power possessed by this remedy. As the blood
is the vohlclo wnich ordinarily carries medicaments to
the different portions of the body, tho only means in re
pairing the ravages of disease In these parts is in supply
ing that fluid with the elements necessary for the proper
restoration of tho abnormal or diseased tissues.
Tho countless millions of littlo red corpuscles which
are contained in this fluid havo a powerful affinity for
iron. Without Iron they cannot Uvo and their doath
means tho death of the entire body. Tho iron in Vitm
Ore causes it to bo immediately absorbed by tho blood,
owing to tho property of tho fluid above mentioned, and
it is on account of this that results from the uso of this
remedy are so easily and quickly established. Iron is
also an ideal astringent, possessing tho power of allaying
irregular or catarrhal action upon any mucous mem
bran 0 with which it Is brought into contact. The wide
rango of usefulness of iron, and, through iron, Vitro-Oro,
may easily bo considered when it is known that mem
brane which is liable to excessive action exists in tho
mouth, tongue, throat, lungs, stomach, bowels, kidneys,
bladder, head and nose, causing much trouble and a long
train of ills which may be primarily traced to such exces
sive action or catarrh. The astrlngont properties of
Vitas-Oro gained by tho iron which is part of its compo
sition, make it the most powerful remedy known for
checking such catarrh, as thousands of cures in these
cases have thoroughly established.
Last, but by no means least, in tho many merits pos
sessed by iron and Vitro-Ore in relation to tho curing of
human ills, is tho ALTERATIVE action, a prominent
quality of iron, and which, owing: to tho formation of
Vitoa-Ore, is exerted by that remedy in a more marked
degree than has ever been accomplished by artificial
compounds of iron used for a like purpose. Tho term
"alterative" is difficult to explain, but a remedy is said
to possess "alterative action" when it can check or alter
certain morbid processes that work in tho 'system. Em
braced in tho group of diseases in which alteratives are
01 Dononc are Kneumausm,uout, uancor, Nervous via
orders, etc., numbering up into several score. .
Tho patient afflicted with any of the diseases named
herein and those kindred to them, In following the V.itao
Ore treatment, is securing a more direct medication of
the parts affected than could be obtained from drinking
tho waters of any of tho world's noted mineral springs,
since ono quart of tho solution prepared from VitavOro
is zrom zour minarea to eigne nun area times stronger
than the same quantity of the valuable waters of tho
globe, and it is not necessary to drink gallons of wator
to obtain the much desired medicinal power. And
remember Iron is but one of tho many constituents of
a medicinal value found in Vitro-Oro and all aro in a
state, capablo of easily being digested and assimilated
'With the Dlood.
Have pronounced Vitae-Ore the marvel of
(he century for curing such diseases as
Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Blood Poi
soning, Heart Trouble,. Dropsy, Catarrh and
Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Blad
der Ailments, Stomach and Female Disor
ders, La Grippe, Malarial Fever, Nervous
Prostration and General Debility
you are sick or suffering from
anv of the above named disor
ders, in all of which Vitae-Ore
is of special value, don't let
, another day go by before you
' send itfo us for a trial package.
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