vn TSFVTSpsr ' . j v iVOLUMH , NUMBEK IS The Commoner. 16 This Cloth bound Book MIHMHBHHHNHMM fe k'.. , r . ' ft '' l".T i fl ' , f V This Book is cloth-bound gotten up In the highest style of the printers' art not a pamphlet nor circular. It contains 325 Illustrations. Gives descriptions and symptoms of various eye rtiseasos. Tolls many interesting things learned, during my twenty-six years o practice as an eyo specialist. Contains valuable advice about the care of the eyes from Infancy to old age and how to make the eyes strong, healthy and beautiful. Has valuable advice about diet, bath, exercise, and tells what ef fect wrong living has on the eyes. Tells how I have been able "to save thousands from total blind ness, treating them in their own homes at small expense. The book contains one hundred Iotters from people who have been cured, with pictures of the,, writers. I am celebrating the twenty-sixth year of my practice as, a specialist Here Are Two Valuable Books I want to place a copy in the hands of every afflicted person who is interested enough to write for them. by publishing this valuable cloth bound book, It is undoubtedly the finest eye book ever published for free distri bution. . No matter who you are, or what your station in life, you will appre ciate this book. It will make a valuable addition to any library, and is of inesti mable value to those who have eye troubles."" " If your eyes only need some sim ple treatment and advice, you will And it in the book. This edition de luxe is limited, and those who want a copy should get iu their order early, before the supply is exhausted. HOW TO GET IT Simply write me a description of your own case, or that of any mem ber of your family who may have eye troubles. I will send you a copy of my book and give you my best advice free of expense. Address: 1 1 , -, WKnHMHKnMUMMWaSKBNHHilHIII V. " VtIIhMHI Say which Book you Want Size 71-2 by 51-2 Inches Howfar can You Hear Your WafchTick? Hancr it on a nail fle feet from your head and If you cannot hear It tic&your hearing is de- icuuvu. , DR. OREN ONEAL, Suite 121, 52 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Pkv ty Let meond you my book, "How I Cure ji iJBJr Deafness, Head Noises and Caturrh." , """"V"t-2jJ Frt.ii,. HnffifeHL nave mSmMWwmmmmiS 1mmF1 You Want My book .on deafness tells how I have been able to cure hundreds o people with the Oneal Dissolvent Method; tells all about deafness and its causes and gives the his tory of my personal experience in curing myself of deafness. Nearly all deafness and head noises are caused by Catarrh. Little tubes leading from the back of the throat to the inner ear, and which admit the passage of air behind the ear drum, afford a fertile field for the catarrh germs which are everywhere in the air, They set up an inflammation of the delicate Mucous Membrane composing the lining of these tubes causing the tissues to become -swollen and congested 'which partially closes the little tubes, This produces. the ringing, buz zing and roaring sounds commonly- called "head noises,"' and which .are sure warnings of deafness. They often become so annoying as to produce insanity. The ear drum is a' delicate mem brane like the head of a bass drum. It is held tense by the equili brium of air pressure from withjn ana witnout. When the sound waves 'strike it, It vibiates and thus telegraphs the sounds to the brain. When the tubes leading to the inner ear become closed there is no pressure on the ear drum from within to . counteract the pressure of 14 pounds to the square inch from without. This causes, the drum to sag in ward and- to thicken. It can no loncer vibrate, and thus the victim, of , catarrh becomes deaf. The Oneal Dissolvent treatment cures deafness by removing the cause and restoring a healthy con dition, to the tissues. Applied under my direction, it dissolves the congested and swol len condition, and opens up the tubes leading to the inner ear; the air pressure and restoration of healthy tissue causes the ear drum to regain its normal condition. It again becomes tense and vi brant, responsive to the slightest sound the hearing is restored. In this way I cured myself. , In this way I have cured thou sands of others since. In this way I can cure you. There is no treatment like it. It is one sure way by which you can be cured. Just write and tell me about your case and I will advise you what to do. I will also send my book free of charge. Write now, Address: DR. OREN ONEAL, Suite 121, 52 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. l?A&lMHlt. i-TriHe&gL HT.r...:. jvr?r-.-r -,- -Ju i .1 !IrTww"'w:, " , '