T? The Commoner. VOLUME 6, NUMBER 1I&' V "T",wSW j,-jt $' "- ii :IW. mmmmmmmmimrmmmmnmmmmmmmfmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmm'mmmmmmi . .. !... i . "i : ' Ji5 7 a-m r .'( " a a ' j rsrfie, LMWLm j ? Itlll9lii " 4 x' L ,-'J . II llllllll ' "" iwa Cr . ii fi '" i w. ii Xv"- -"$ ShorlfC Thomns E. Barrett died at "Chicago. JaracH Peao was choson OB Ills successor. Tho United Mlno Workers have called tho coal strike which strike, it is said, will involve 450,000 men. Tho representatives of tho workmen and tho operators met at Indianapolis but failed to agreo. Tho Kansas Natural Gas company's well, noar Canoy, Kan., which was struck by lightning February 23 and continued to burn until March 29, has at last been extinguished. ,- In tho beef trust cases at Chicago against the corporation, tho govern ment's attorney asked for an early hearing. The packors asked for a lato hearing, and Judge Humphrey fixed tho date Soptomber 10 - Tho first actual elections to tho Russian national parliament took 'Tplace March 29. Twelvo members of ' the council of tho empire were chosen by a congross composed of repre sentatives of associations of trade and industry throughout European Russia. The successful candidates are conservative, , Tho Ohio legislature has passed a bill creating a state railroad commis sion and providing for the regulation v. of freight rates. . Washington dispatches say that tho rate bill will probably come to a vote -abbut May 1. Mr. Tillman sought to fix an earlier dato but Mr. Aldrich objected to it. straw and being kicked .by the Demo cratic donkey.' Tho last ono I saw,' remarked Tilman, 'represented me as riding tho donkey with tho republi can olephant tied to its tail Every body laughed." Rev. J. B. Lontz was killed by lightning while preaching at Carson, Iowa. man said Mr. Elklns had expressed the hope that he would give the sen ate something on this lino every morn ing, and he would endeavor to gratify him in this respect. The letter was a very long one and began by stating that the people of West Virginia had begun to look uppn Mr. Tillman as their senator. The assertion was made that tho law of West Virginia were not sufficient to meet the case." Trade between tho United States and Canada in 1905 aggregated $202, 999,213, according to the United States department of commerce. Senator Elklns has replied o Gov ernor Cummins of Iowa, saying that Cummins does not speak the truth, and that he (Elklns) is a strong champion of railway rate legislation. A New York dispatch to the Chi cago Record-Herald follows: "Origi nal manuscripts of 'The Scarlet Let ter,' 'The Blithdale Romance 'The Marble Faun,' 'Twice Told Tales and ether stories written by Nathaniel Hawthorno, which are of great value, were damaged in a fire in the home of Julian Hawthorne at 75 Warbur ton avenue, at noon today. The fire partly burned the house. The damage will amount to from $10,000 to $15,000 Mr. Hawthorne carried no Insurance on the furnishings or the manupcr-ipts. Some of his own manuscripts, in a desk in the library, were damaged by water. When the fire started no one was In the house except a servant. The -building is four stories In front andsix in the rear. A defective flue in. the kitchen was' responsible for the fire." ;, The Now York World says: "Rob . ort A. Van Wyck, former mayor of - ow, York, yesterday bade farewell ;to the'-country of his birth. He sailed on the Kaiser Wllhelm II. for Bre men, whence ho will go to Paris, to reside permanently. Ho will not give up his American citizenship jior his - membership in tho Democratic club, but ho hnn nfinr ha lnof iinn and will return only at times on busi-i ueas. The Brooklyn, N. Y., libraries have barred Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" arid "Tom Sawyer" from children considered to be under the age of dis cretion. The library authorities de cided that these work of Mark Twain would have disastrous effect upon young minus. John D. Archbold is now said to bo the real head of the Standard Oil trust. Tho Now Jersey legislature has passed a b;il substituting the electric chair for tho scaffold in executions. The Ohio state legislature has passed a bill substituting the electric license from $350 to $1,000. Ropre sontativos of the breweries say that the bill will drive half tho saloons of Ohio, or about six thousand, out of business. Joseph M. Patterson, son of the edi tor of the Chicago Tribune, has be come very active in Chicago socialist circles. He is delivering many speech es, attacking his follow millionaires. The Washington correspondent for the Now York World prints this story: Senators Spooner and Tillman got into ono of those furious for appear ance sake onlyfights they have ten or twelvo times a day. A judicial opinion can not be Impeached" by a cartoon declared Spooner. 'A car toon often points out some pertinent point,' remarked Mr. Tillman. Yea snapped Spooner; 'the last cartoon I saw Of thfl fionntnr fvnm aMiii. n Una represented him a down in ua Guard J. W. Woods, at the Missouri penitentiary, was killed by a negro convict. Sarah Bernhardt, the actress, Is giving performances in a large tent in Texas, because of what she con siders the exorbitant. itmn-nra n Vio theatrical trust which controls Texas tneatres. Four firemen waro ldllprl nTiiivnn orty to the value of $400,000 was de- Dnujcu uy u ure in a inow Yoric fac tory. The democratic primaries for Ar kansas resulted in the nomination for governor of Congressman John S. Lit tle. James S. Berrv. tht nrnnfinf TTnl. ted States senator was defeated by uuvonior jen juavis in tne contest for senator. Mrs. Matilda Suits;, ntra on . her grandson, Ivy Jones, were, burned tu ueum ut vvaveriy, onio. A Washington dispatch to the Chi cago Records-Herald follows: "At the beginning of the session of the sen ate tOdflV Mr. TMllmnn nrfJ Wetter from Millard F. Snyder of wusburg, W. Va., relating to the discrimination in that state against jncjopondeiit coal operators by the wollltnnro JB, Ohtn vallrna. Mr Till. A Washington dispatch describes a scene in the house in this way: "Mr. Shackleford (Mo.) with trembling voice, then read a prepared statement regarding the language he intended to uso when taken off the floor last week by Mr. Tawney (Minn.), who objected to the tenor of his words, as they seemed to reflect upon the speak er, Mr. Shackleford said tho bill pro posed by his colleague, Mr. Rhodes, to pension the Missouri volunteers should pass. Continuing, he said: 'We're here, De Armond, Clark, Lloyd, Rucker, Hunt, Wood, Shackleford, all ready and anxious to vote for the measure. Take your heavy hand off the old soldier, Mr. Speaker, and let us vote for the bill As ho sat down, with this utterance still , ringing through the hall, Speaker Cannon arose. Republicans gathered in front of tho speaker's desk and democrats crowded the aisles. The speaker showed deep1 feeling as he replied :i 'Mr. Chairman, just a second, only; i I have listened to the gentleman from Missouri, Mr. Shackleford. If it aft fords .him any consolation to makot. me a stalking horse on account pi the quarrel with tho minority leader," well and good (Applause.) Mr. Shackleford, with' deep feeling, re piled in tho midst of the confusion?" which ensued owing to the speaker's" unusual appearance: 'I deny, Mn Speaker, that my quarrel with you has any such foundation " - ' ii l!i.-fl,liLL Jf llBillr Why Not BUY The Best INCUBATOR Thoro Is a nowcr and higher stand ard In incubators and broodors The "QUEEN" hag get this Standard for they are tho only perfectly ventilated Machines mado thoy aro oaslor to operate tfooy are nioro economical thoy last longor. Tho low prices wo aro making now will surprise yon Writo today Tor particulars. Piokertou Mannfacturiag Compaay BOX 38, lilNCOLN, NEBRASKA, utjnsm gUEBER KHKtygf The Locomotive Special i4 9$ icwci cn An.iiicTcn u. hV Vlell IimhV mmiJvffP w Bbibv So BPimr tntudprfNttlMtkcpfruvtU. ZquU In tppttruut tb ctaehii M J.wldwtoiMtkiU fertS6.00 to 10.00. I)aUr dat ptojfMrtw t114' iHwIm u, (BtrutW fer SO ;ert both tut tad vorki. Bt jrvtli bi nUti pld m ttloft wlia loati? a dUt and wotki. 8teifd S3 Jiwtltd adjetud. SEEING IS BELIEVING. CatttkcratuidiMdlttauiwlUijOQf , pcM ISM udupttu o&t uidnu ud wt will Med tbt wul to jta by P" fet uutluaoa. Toa tztnla tt ttyiar txprtM tad If m nhnmi. 4WWMKtwbrtIaulttittKM.sduiKtlitftMtad Ufa Sat. OnUr t-d7 u toll tdTtbneat 1U potlUr.lT not Mpur ttiia. K. OIIALMK8 4s CO., 8G6 WcbrbsraSt., ChleaKOw $)5Q A MONTH BUYS A GENUINE L KIMBALL ORGAN At Factory Prices, Stool and Music Book Free If you writo us at onco. You can now buy tho famous Kimball Onmns dl- SVSm Wra aLf?otory prlcQ8' .Wo w1 Bond thm reliable poo ploanywhoro, tobo puldforon our extromoly easy payment plan-$2.60 monthly and upwards, If doslrod. ' ' ' uu i?pir?tlu.ff th0 lare?t gan factory In tho world; employing tho largest capital, buying raw material in the grcatofetquantlty for cash-tho K-mbalt Bystom of manufacturing and distributing positively saves you 120 to $50 on strictly flrst-class organs. wu If you want an owan at all you want n good ono. a moro protty case with no music in It will not do. Hccuro at onco tho old reliable Kimball Organ at factory prices and pay on convenient terms. oai Send Today for pur Money-Saving plan and Hrco Catalojruo UndurnoolrcumitancoscanyoualToralo buy or consldor nnVXtw organ until you havo our money-saving proposition. Our half a conturv'n miiT?T.nt,,-i . onco; our Unanoially strong gnaranteoKmoans much IxSk KSSPSV1011 BOt bilttor orBnn valuo Xor yur monVthEn caS Kad SWhSo KS lnoxporioncod buyors, a thousand or moro miles away, can deal with us wlsolv is T thn Bht2 !5?ri.?r thouKh yH wore hero in person, for yon 'havo our aZancntatt l1".0?" aoiociou oy an oxpori, stool ana music book Ireo with o.no.U n Wr t f,T ' r: r?""?" "" W. W. KimbaU Co., 12G Khnball HaU, Chicago, ILL ' " ogno. wSSfflr c9EjH LL PIONEER GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK AT WHOLESALE PRICES AH stock guaranteed disease free and true to namr. Hart Pioneer Stock is pure bred and produces heavy crops. Yaluo received for every dollar sent us. No Agent's Commission. WRITH FOR COHPLETE PRICE LIST. WE WILL SAVE VOI I nnwnv HART PIONEER NURSERIES, SST Fort Scott, Kan. 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