y Ts ,r ,MWjliWijiMJHW 'WWjwWWWInywf Mrim"-rm VMimi. tir'-vm -TrTtvymp f The Commoner. yOMJMH 8, NUMBER g 1 ." iifc NOT UNTIIi YOU SAY, "Hero Is the dollar; you Oewryel It,' Tl mJL not until wo HAVE E AIINED IX, not until you are TTIIiIiING B 'to nd It to umnot until you want to send OM,notun(U M mJL u are SATISFIED to pay it, not until wo HAVE PROVEN ' ww w XO YOU that wo have what we claim, ot until VlTiE-OKE WAR DONE FOB YOU WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BO FOB YOU Unttl tbon, you pBNOTHlNar After that, you will he willing to pay, fUDIOu hundreds of the readers f this papor, yea oven thousands, have hecn willing ihd glad to pay. YOU ABE TO BE THE JUJDGE. Wo leave It to you entirely for you to decide yi If you can say that we and Vifae-Ort have earned the dollar, we want our gay, as we say at the fop, but nof otherwise. v. SatfA a S ism im How can you refuse to give this most remarkable of all romarkablo reme dies a natural curing and healing mineral orea trial on tho terms of such a LIBERAL OFFER? If you need medicinal treatment of any kind, If you aro sick and ailing, If anyone In your family Is ailing, poorly, worn-out, sickly, it is actually a sin and a shame If you do not send for Vitaj-Ore upon tho terms of this thirty-day trial offer. Bead the offer! Bead it again and again I Send for tho medicine ! Do it today! Each day lost makes a case older, more obstinate, harder, hurts you more, pains you more. YOU DON'T PAY A CENT UNLESS IT BENEFITS YOU! reMWl You are to be ' the Judge to if - rtr ' m Had Lost the Use of His Limbs. i.y - I liii kiss IBP m m ED Z0 & i fowls Drlght's Disease and Liver Trouble Completely Cured at Age of GSI I had 1M. . h I)1oo(ibo and Llvor Trouble and was bo weak could notBtnndon my loot. I had really ontlroiy lost tho use pf my limbs. I had already tried ovory remedy I could hoar of and had consulted und troatedwlth aU of. tho best doctors horcabouts, to no avail, bo that I had bo- como resigned to what I consider ed tho InoviUible, airing up all hopes of a cure. Ono day n friend ndvisodmetotry Vltm-Oro, calling my attention to tho inannor in which It wna of fered on trial. I contended that It would bo Uko all ofthereotanddo mo no Rood, but ima gooa friend Boinuhjtod that I llnallyBont foru packago on trial, Thotijalpackago 8 h o w o d nro markablo lm proveniont an.d.1 ecntfortwonioro ma.lt lpu throo packages alto Kothov that I Iiiivn nurwl. Tlilo S2S0ior ono yoa.r nK'J and although I tun now Btxty.flvo years or ago, I can truthfully say that LTLnffRO0( uml M"Uhy, and In fact as young as i; did twenty yours ago. 1 can oat anything I want; my kidneys do not trouble mo: my liver la nctlng aa it should. My neighbors all ask mo what I havofceon doing to tuako mo look ho well and .active, and I toll thorn all tho credit boloncs to Ylta-Oro. IfltED OTJKTIS, Swanton, Ohio. Read This Liberal Thirty -Day Trial Offer If Vngi Ikwg QSfftr wo want to send youa$i.oo package of Vltxe III UU rtrC 911,1V ore, the great healer from the earth's veins, enough for 30 days' use, postpaid, and we want to send It to you on 30 days' trial. We don't want a penny we Just want you to try it, Just want a letter from you asking- for it, and will be glad to send it to you. We take abso lutely all tho risk we take all chances. You don't risk a pennyl All we ask is that you use V.-O. for no davs and nav us S1.00 if It has lielned vnu. if you are satisfied that It has done you more than $1.00 worth of positive, actual, visible good. Otherwise you pay nothing, we ask nothing, we want nothing. Can you Hot spare too minutes during tho next 30 days to try it? Can you not give 5 minutes to write for it, 5 minutes to properly prepare it upon its arrival, and 3 minutes each day for 30 days to use it. That is ail it takes. Cannot you give 100 minutes to Insure for vou new health. . new Diooa. new iorcc. new cnenrv. vipar. lite ana itnnninium ; You arc to be 'the Judge. We are satisfied with your decision, are perfectly iuu arc xo dc inc judge, we are sattsuea wun your aeasion, are perfectly willing to trust to your honor, to your Judgment, as to whether or not V.-O. has benefited you. Read what Vitaj-Ore is, and write today for a dollar pucKago on 1111s most uuerai trial oner. From the Earth's Veins to Your Veins. Vitm-Oro Is an oro-substance a combination of min erals mined from the ground, from tho Earth's veins. It contains iron, sulphur and magnesium, three properties most essential for tho retontlon or hoalth In tho human sys tem, and one package of tho ore, mixed with a quart of Y jt hl" iu lUBiucmui atrongtu ana curative value nearly 800 gallons of tho poworful mineral waters of the globe. drank fresh at the springs. Tho mineral properties which give to the waters of tho world's noted healing springs their curatlvo virtue, come from tho rock or mineral orb through which water forces Its way to Its outlet, only a very small proportion of the medicinal power in tho orh being absorbed by the liquid. Vitoo-Oro is acomblnatlon of these medicine-bearing minerals Pi,rAdandpulverl,rerS(lu,,FinB only tho addition of water tomako a most remarkable healing and curing draught. Thous ands have nronounnpfl it t.hn mnrmi nt , I,,.5 t"," such diseases as ItbcumtlHm. Rrin-i.) TTi T?u. niZ.k srii1in lirn. nrt n.- . 1 . - pwvkv mmm.jj. acli & Femalo . Mink BEST DOCTORS FAILED Had Kidney Trouble for 30 years, Drop sy 20 years, and Rheumatism 12 years. In 1EC7 1 was taken with Kldnoy Troublo and could nt do any farm work. I continued In this condition- for so long, nltlioutfh I tried many remedies, that It dovolopod Into Drop sy, and I havo boon moro or loss In a dropsical stato for tho past twenty years, at times most alarmingly so. To add to my alroauy noavy uuruon, I was attacked with lthoum atism some 11 or 12 years ago, and this haB boon with mo almost continuously slnco tbattlmo. I had tho best doctors In the country, hav ing continually searched and oxpoiided monpy to bring about a euro If such a thing woro possible, but all to no avail. I also tried my share of all the udvortiBod troatmonts, as I supposo ov ory sick person dooa and must, with tho samo results. When I ilrst loarnod of Vltoi Oro I hud tried so long and so fruitlessly that I laughed at tho claims sot forth, but asl Investigated furthorand found that It was not a man- made compound but a natural mineral ore, mined from a deposit, I grow Interested In It and docldod to at least glvo it a trial. I commenced taking Vltro-Oi o threo months ago and still take It, und am now as well and froo from all thoso troubles asl over expected to bu and more. Vltno-Oro Is cor tuinly a poworful remedy and I only wish that I had loarn ed of It when It was first placod upon tho markot. It almost makes mo heart-sick to think of all tho great sulTorlnjj.paln and Illness I could havo saved, and tho ability I could havo had to do all I wanted to do. No ailing porson should pass by tho opportunity to try It when It l& otrorod to thorn. D. L. STRAIN, Shannon Qlty, Iowa I feu IF you are sick or suffering from any of the above named disorders, in oil ol which Y.-0. is ol special value, don't let another day go by before you send for a trial package. Fifteen Years of Dosing and Drugging I havo boon a BulToror from Stomach Troublo, Indigestion and Nervousness for about 15 yoars and havo almost con tlnually boon under thotroatmontof physicians, bolngcom polled usually to uho a stomach tube for relief. My husband has spont hundreds of dollars for medicines and doctor bill's In our attempt tasocura a euro, and I also Usod Kloctrlo Holts with no relief. Throo months ago I sent for a trial packago of Vltic-Oro and am now using my third package 1 can truthfully say that it has dono mo moro good than all tho medicines I havo over taken, I am gaining In flesh, hav ing taken on thirteon pounds In tho last throo months, and can sleep well at night. Tho Nervousness Is gone, my food agrees with mo and I fool like a vpry dJIIoront woman. I cannot pralso this groat romedy enough and only hopo that every aullerer may loarn of and uso It. ,MKS. JANlfl SWAIN, Bothol Springs, Tonn. We Take All The Risk You Have Nothing to Lose WF MUTT HARP ifyouaroHkomicni.wnoo,,rt, , " T " " W U vllllllg III LU9C LCO B. C. DEPT. Vfitae-Ore eidg. CHICAGO, ILL i y r1 y - - jitoKiHUttMHttr, ''-.S.