ft "'' , V,"- FEBRUARY 9, 190S The Commoner. 15 (Continued from Page 12) the initiatory steps to acquire the Berlin Street Railway company, which has practically a monopoly of the street railroads of Berlin and its Suburbs, and to operate roads upon the joint account of the municipalities. The company has a capital of ?25,000,000." Mr. Tillman has introduced in the senate a resolution asking the com mittee on immigration to investigate the effects of the Chinese boycott of American goods. Governor Pattison of Ohio is ill and his friends are considerably worried. The Standard Oil company an nounces that it will withdraw from the state of Illinois because of threat ened suits against it. It is reported that District Attorney Jerome Is contemplating proceedings against Justice Deuel and Editor Mann, a result of the disclosures in the recent Hapgood libel caae. A Washington dispatch to the Chi cage Record-Herald follows: "While senators and representatives who are under railroad influence speak of the Gillespie resolution, passed by the Iiouse calling for information regard ing the Pennsylvania railroad com bination, as trifling and unimportant, signs are not wanting here of a com ing4 anti-trust upheavel. It is expected it will be similar to the one which oc curred at the time President Rooser velt ordered Attorney General Knox to proceed against the Northern Se curities merger. The Gillespie reso ' lution Was delivered at the White House early this morning, and the president at once communicated with the interstate commerce commission and instructed it to send to the house all of , the information it had hearing upon ttie- matter. .'-Attorney General Moody has done nothing whatever in the way of investigating this combina tion, alleged, to be in restraint of trade. There are members of the house who declare that if the informa tion furnished is proof of the allega tions made by Mr. Gillespie, a resolu tion, will be introduced either direct ing the attorney general to proceed with an inquiry or providing for an investigation by a house committee. It is believed that duch a resolution would pass by as large a vote as that whiqh carried Mr. Gillespie's resolu tion through. It is understood also that President Roosevelt does not want any agitation at this, time of the Pennsylvania combination. He ad mitted in his message that the North ern m Securities suit had wrought no economic change. He has been told a great many times and by many persons that it would cause a panic if he proceeded against such a com bination and forced the .companies back Into their original organizations. For that reason the president has not proceeded against either the Penn sylvania or the New York, New Haven and Hartford, both of which have ac quired competing lines." WHETHER COMMON OR NOT (Continued from Page 10) friends friends who would do to tie to, and were friends In all kinds of wind and weather. A Lincoln Story If Abraham Lincoln told all of the stories attributed to him he must have been born talking and kept it up twenty-four hours a day as long as he lived. And if he split all the rails attributed to his beetle and wedge he must have worked at it twenty-four hours a day from the time he could walk until he started to Washington. And apro pos of his rail splitting here is a lit- Uncle John Eymjin of Macon county, Illinois, knew Lincoln' when nhe lat ter lived in that county, and" oftea worked with him in the woods on the Sangamon bottoms. "Abe could split rails, all right," said Uncle John, "but ho .liked a whole lot better to sit on the stumpB and do the talking while the rest of us done the splitting. One day, after splitting an unusually tough log, Abo set down on a stump, wiped the sweat ' off'n his face and said to me, says he: " 'John, did you ever think about trees being like human characters?' " 'No, I never did, Abe.' "Well, they are, John. See that big hickory over there. It took three hundred years to .grow, maybe. And yet I can cut it down In a few licks of my ax. An' a man can live upright I and honest and do. the best he can for. I fifty or sixty years, an' along comes some fellow an' with a few motions of his tongue can fell that good man's character an- split It all up in little bits.'" tmjm VfcM WtflV WHTW iWiShtoii30DsTria! I W 9mt Mk Hv Ay MywKk trrftr CUT ID 01 wntrat. mwtt vtMMrRflMMMMI re r MMf MHwuub HwwtaMMU k mrt HmwI Utmt ttm mtU. 1 i i - - - 'f -JM-J--J----iglra SllPilllr N W m4 l IU ail) re h th bm cemtUM ttfitt of Mst ud bwu l?tl. Tki Wk Iwn, U dnljwlow cet aS pUia, All vcliktM tMopad rtct tnm ft huocr. Frtew entm wnnsm wwrcan wva vmwrwwwt Willi Poultry Judgs Rtcommtnd Wo are receiving many orders from people who my "A poultry Judtro recommends the QUEEN as tho best Incubator." QUEEN incubators arc pronounced best by poultry Judircs. QUEEN Incubators have won llrst prize wherever exhibited. QUEEN Incuba tors are very reasonably priced. Heforc you buy Brain Leaks When, a man dodges the sheriff be tween charitable donations we have a right to suspect that thf money he gives is earned by crooked schemes. A real Christian" is never exclusive. A man who depends on tips usually feels tough. T The little worries of life make the great troubles. The interested workman seldom complains of his taBR. . A man can not reach and keep high place by low actions. There is a difference between sav ing money and money saving. A clean heart and a foul tongue "are never found in the same man. - A lot of men who are always prat ing about justice really want mercy. Some men are to be, congratulated on never becoming acquainted with themselves. Most of us declare that wo do net like flattery, and then by our actions prove that we are fond of It. Just about the time a man gets comfortably' fixed-in his favorite chair with the evening newspaper, his wife thinks of what some caller told her during the day. The ' trouble about accumulating money is that just about the time a man begins to get" somewhere near what he wants he dies and is com pelled to give it all up. Solomon is said to have had 300 wives, but no reference is made to the children. Perhaps Solomon made his reputation for wisdom by not try ing to answer the questions of his youngsters. "I-.-. n.. JP ?rc Yupy reasonably priced. iJeforc you buy I lie Qlieen N Jnibatr Nona for catalogue wblch tells " annnh THE InmiliMtrtr Tt la fmn PINKERTON MFG. CO., Box 38, Lincoln, Nebraska." A CARLOAD OF LUMBER FOR $100.00 At this price we will furnish you 15,090 feet of lumber from THE FIFTY MILLION DOLX.AU LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION The lumber Is offered at this extremely low price because -we wont to quickly dispose- of tho odds and ends of miscellaneous lumber wblch we ha.ro for dolfvcry. This la not In specified sites. It consists of an assort ment of 1 Inch Btuff, Flooring, Sheathing, Dourdi,21nch etuitfrom Zxi'o to 2xl0's and 12'a; also timbers, If de sired, from ixi to 12x12. Itls all In lengths from 3 to 9 ft. We cannot accept orders for portions In specified slses, but will fill orders for specified quantities or either tho 1 Inch or S Inch stuff or timbers. 9100.00. Is F. 0. D. cars Exposition, 8t. Louis. This material Is sultablo for many purposes. In lots of Instances It will work In just as good as though It canio In full lengths. It Is mostly all licet Southern I'lno. Wo will select with as great care as we possibly can. If yoa want us to figure on lumber In specinod widths and lengths Send Us Your Lumber mil far Otir Estimate, and wo will mako yon oxtrcmoly low prices. 8avo so to CO per cent. We have all kinds of lumher for every purpose. Wo can furnish it promptly and correctly. Now Is your time to put into execution your long needed improvements. You may sorer again find suck an opportunity to buy lumber: at e. Tory low prlco. ASK FOR FREE CO PAGE CATALOGUE Ne. EQ34. CHICAGO IIOUSE WRECKING CO., WORLD'S FUR flKOPNM, 8T.LOOT8, 0. He Did "That man Billdns is quite wealthy. Did he earn his money?" , "He married the rich Miss Kienne." "Well, I guess" he earned it, all right." , . Limerick There was an old man in Eau Claire Whose head was awfully haire. He chased a jack rabbit And tried for to grabbit Because he much wanted the haire. I CURED MY RUPTURE I Will Show You How To Cure Yours FREE. . I was helpless and bed-ridden for years from a doublo rupture. No fruaa could hold. Doctors Bald I would die If not operated on. I fooled them all and cured myself by a shnplo discovery. I will send tho euro frco by mall If you wrlto for it. It cured mo and has slnco cured thousands. It will euro you, Write to-day,, Capt. W. A. Collings, Box20 A,W&tertovp, N. Y. A MILLION DOLLAR CONTEST TO INCREASE GRAIN GROWERS' PROFtTSn FOR PARTICULARS, SEE OUR CATALOGUE, PAGES 2 AND 3 I Sn0faK PramftMm also for Vegetable and Flower Seed customers this vr,uV... .. . ,.......... -v ycar Genuine cuts to our patrons to introduce varieties of rare morlt obtainable only of us. LADIUS especially read pago 4 of our big frco cntalojrue. VflpsTSf e5SP& B No matter -whether you are a small or larce user of seeds, or whether you buy Field Seeds. Veritable or Flower Seeds, getNorthrup.Klntr oiCo'8 Free Catalosue and read all about these wonderful offers. Write for this 190G Seed Encyclopedia before you make any plans for buying: your 1906 supply of seeds for the farm, garden or lawn. Nopthmtp, King &. Gom's Interesting Seed Catalogue is FvaeX Get this valuable catalogue. Send your letter or postal today addressed just like this : NorthrupyKing & Co., 702 Northrup-KIng BulldIng,M!nnoapolis,MInn. i-M B'lt'gf Wrfff S::!: My discovery, Pmdrpalnt, spreads, loblca and -wwitb like on patnft. kom U far- tio m t j. 4W. i l.a . nk w - f A t . A Z . ' TT . M.OT-.UJU ivBuiuu. f "uui.u, A u I. UI JIB IU l U1XUU WIfca CQ1U ITSMr DMOB1M like Portland cement and forsia a lianl. dnrahlo munel rjxtinv tut roi.ta1 Bun, heat, cold, froat, rain, snow, eanea and acids. It doee not dry out and become chalky, nor crack, peel,clieclc or blister. Z'otrdrpalnt Reduces Cost of Fainting 75. Sold direct from ray factory, freight prepaid, as explained In my booklet It la the best paint ever discorcrod for farm uoiidlnR-s, botb ootsldo and Jnsluoj for barn, Koappir. You oryouruiri-dmancandotuewor I also mako Doublwear Paint, tho best oil paint at one third lees than younayo to pay elsewhere. Tell mo -what you have to viilnf. nnA f -urllt mnrA vnti mbvi)1 and lkvrtl living lntl vJ paint sense and show rou last how you can eavoj to stf M w& X your paint money. Writo mo today sure, 0.yMi your paint money. Write mo today sure. A.Z RICE. Paint Maker, 4WNorth St.. Adams, N.Y. tN JUvumitr, you ictvt all middlcmtiCa Jirtyt. I Jaj the freight. tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummBmmmmmtmm 1VI5ITK FOR CATAI.OQ Save 35 per cent Tho Triumph Incubator $2.68. Lowest prices on 15 other stylos. 0. Tt. Panning Mill SO. 65. Tho largest, bast assorted, most modern lino of standard implements in America at prices lower than yon have ever seen be fore. It pays to buy of us. Every implement covered by tho strongest and most liberal rnarnntee. Ask for onr Special Implemont Catalogue; it tells all about onr lino and explains why wo can mako such lowprlcos. Send for onr book at once; your dollar is blceost at Ward's. Address 18 Montgomery Ward Company Mlchlpaa Ave., Madison and Washington Sts., Chicago WRTTTC FOIt OATAT.Oa HMMMNBHHMMMHHHHUMMNHM L. ..Jt.. H , 4qw(h4M( - ""j! .1 ..