The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 26, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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Is It Worth While?
IIq worshipped golden idols and tho
. shining dollar mark
Lurod him on through days of BunBlimo
and through oven iiig shadows dark.
Piling millions his ambition, no
reached out for golden store,
And each dollar that ho garnered made
him reach and grab for more.
Thousands tolloa to mako him profit,
Bwcat to make him rich and great,
Till ho owned a fortune qqual to the
riches of a stato.
Thon, worn out in chasing money ho
laid down and quickly died,
And ho couldn't take it with him when
ho crossed tho Groat Divide.
Friends of early days forgotten ho for
golden eagles clmsod,
And tho friendships men should covet
wore by greed for gain displaced.
To broad acres rich and fortilo ho
could road his titlo clear;
At Ills nod great rulors cowerod and
their subjects quaked with fear.
"When ho spoke tho millions listened,
for ho ruled with golden sway,
And ho added to his millions ov'ry
moment of tho day.
But at last Death sent its summons
and cut down his golden pride,
And he loft his wealth behind him
when ho crossed tho Great Divide.
What is life If it bo given to pursuit
of yollow gold?
Can a lifo that's ruled by money
any of its joys behold?
Friendship that is worth tho having is
not bought like merchandise,
And tho richest joys of living aro not
bound by golden tlos.
What shall profit him who gaineth
fortune's greatest, richost goal
Jf in gaining he doeth forfeit through
eternity his soul?
Don't wasto life In piling dollars till
the light of love they hido,
For you can not take them with you
' ' whon you cross tho Great Divide.
Just Thoughts
Of course you have noticed in the
daily papers rocontly that the "do
mestic scientists" have inaugurated a
crusade against pie. We didn't have
any "domestic scientists" when you
and I wore boys and girls, but wo
did have cooks. Far bo it from us
to rail against domestic science. On
tho contrary wo dote on it, but when
tneso modern domestic scientists put
thoir ban on pio we aro going to make
a kick, and don't you forget it.
By pio wo do not mean soggy-crusted
and'doped-filllng concoctions wo have
shoved off on us at the hotols and
restaurants, but the genuine, old-fash-ioned
pio wo used to got when wo
wero boys and girls.
Who was it, wo ask, 'that fought
tho groatest war in history? Why,
tho boys and men from the farms
of tho north and the plantations of
the south, and thoy were brought up
on pio good old satisfying, nourish
ing and filling pie. The men and
women who braved tho dangers that
besot tho early pioneers and pushed
tho front of civilization westward un-
ui it gazed out upon tho broad Pa
cific, wero steady eaters of nle. Dnnioi
T . . - --..
oono never could have hennmn fn.
ious on a diet of "nmrni fnnri" nni
fflfllnf.v cnnonnllnno fl .in.i.
wtheso modern exponents of "domes-
WAT tin. HfilPnPP V Wo wnc ., i i- .,
y rrrpnr nnnrls liv Mia 1ncninti u ,-
W elderberry, blueberry, wild cherry and
vmuBm jut;. uuurgo Washington
nover would havo crossed the Dola-
rrrr irt 4-r mnMiMU ...
SoMrt had ho been doued with "ancol
food" and chocolate eclairs. Not by
a long shot. It was the physical
strength ho had builded up in tho
years agono when ho filled up on
cranberry pio and apple pie and pump
kin pio.
Nowadays men and women keep
lato hours, dopo themselves with
drugs, keop up a strenuous pace day
and night, eat food that is adulterated
to Uio limit, and then attribute their
enfeebled health to pio. It's a base
slander on tho greatest confection
over invented. After they havo mis
treated and maltreated their stomachs
until those organs rebel, they gulp
down a mass of stuff labeled pie, and
when they aro racked with pain they
lay tho whole blamo on tho pie.
Bless their hearts, tho pie had nothing
to do with it. It Is their own fool
ishness. Real pio never hurt anybody. Don't
you remember those cold winter days
about thirty or forty years ago when
mother used to make you hike out
to tho the ground where father
had buried the Genitans and Wine
saps and Jonathans, covering them
with straw and dirt. Gee, but how
good tho steam smelled when you got
tho hole opened and wero grabbing
out tho moist apples. Then mother
made a crust out of flour and real
lard nono of your patent stuff and
filled It with apples and crimped the
edges with her fingers and baked it
In the old oven, and then brought it
to tho table steaming hot. Then you
ate about half of one and right after
eating it went out and performed a
half-day's work that would make the
wook's work of the average man look
liko a kindergartener's half-hour re
cess. Thirty or forty years ago you
hauled a load' of pumpkins to the
house and mother peeled them and
cut them into square chunks about
an inch each way, and strung 'em on
a packthread and hung them up to the
coiling to dry. And when the weather
was cold enough to freeze boiling
water on a redhot Btove, she would
take down a bunch of that dried
pumpkin, stew it a few hqurs in an
old Iron pot," sweeten it with sugar
and dope it with cinnampn and other
spices, and then make a pie a real
pie! The men who were fed on that
kind of pie made this nation, and don't
you forget it!
Do you imagine for a minute that
it was pate de foi gras and club
sandwiches that won tho battle of
Lexington and crushed Btirgoyne at
Saratoga? Not much. It was pie!
Look at that man over there,
perched up on a stool before that
lunch counter and munching dry bread
and drinking hot wainr. So i,i.
grow pale at the sight or mention of
iu. we minus pie has ruined his
digestion, but he is mistaken. Late
5?Sf:llBmid,B" lu,n?ues mniing
ww..,o, yuLem. meiucines, worry, to
bacco and thirty-second lunches at
uuun mars wnat's the matter with
him. If he would quit his foolishness
and get his stomach back to its nor
mal condition ho could eat pie and
conquer tho business world.
"What do you mix your paints
with?" asked a visitor of Hogarth.
"With brains' replied tho artist
That's what real piemakers mix
their pies with. They pass up the
patent lards and depend on the genu
ine article that they render for them
selves. Thoy prepare their own fill
ing, and do not take it out of a can.
Thoy do not try to make a thousand
pies all at once, but give their un
divided attention to three or four.
Tho result is a confection that makes
a man feel like going right out into
the world and doing something really
worth while.
Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers wither when the cold
snows fly;
But thou hast all seasons for thine
0, good old pie!
Right here and now we give it out
with all the emphasis at our command
that we are going to stand and do bat
tle for the preservation of the pie as
long as thero is an apple in the bar
rel or a string of dried pumpkin hang
ing from the ceiling.
The Optimist
The winter winds are howlin',
But they never worry me.
The gray clad skies aro scowlin',
But I'm happy as can be.
For while winter winds are blowin'
And the coal bill swiftly growin,'
There's great comfort just in knowin'
That the springtime soon I'll see.
Jack Frost paints with icy fingers
Chilly pictures grim and gray;
And the frost rime coldly lingers
On the window night and day.
But there ain't no use repinin';
Soon the spring sun will be shinin',
And I'll take great joy reclinin'
In tho flowery bloom of May.
Waste of time to fret and worry
When the cold winds whistle through.
All your growlin' will not hurry
Better days to me and you.
Smile right through the davs so drmirv?
Smile right through the tasks so weary,
Anu we'll soon be gay and cheery
When tho May time skies are blue.
Brain Leaks
Worry is an ever ready sexton.
Flattery is a fattening food for fools.
mi-- ....1.1 ii . -
xuo worm nites a winner, out loves
a good loser.
It is difficult to reason with an
empty stomach.
We know some men whoso lives
are continual apoligies for living.
The conscience of some men never
hurts them until they are found out.
The cheapest way to acquire a
reputation for wisdom is to agree
with everybody.
Every time a boy has to wait while
his elders dine he declares that when
ho is a man he will have a table big
enough for all.
The fun about building castles in
Spain is that you can change the
architectural plans any time you so
desire without adding a penny to the
We hayo seen men jostle and cheer
for two hours at a footbair game and
then go homo and complain that the
sound of the children running across
the floor makes them nervous.
0 JHti Frea Trial.
3 Year OnarantM .Writ
for f re 1900 catalog, anr
iw writ.
Ifca Carriage .0
Station U
OaetaaaU, 0tt
001 students enrolled.
Enter any time;select
studies; $102 pays for
0 months' board, tui
tion and room rent.
Send for free catalogue; state course
desired. Address, Allen Moore, Chilli-
cotbe, Mo. Box O.
H. Johnson Co.,
49, e m 90 Days TrUa mi
Old Trusty
The Easy Machine t Operate.
Yon run no riutc. Flvo year guar
antee. Strongest hatchce Iwwi
care loss oil most profit. Don't
par two prices. Thousand! sold. We
wuuuvoi. nig iwv hook urea.
Clay Center. Nefc.
Sand or Cold Wind. Soo our .
Door. Any bIzo. 1-f or 85 cts.. - '.
""" n $1 Airnnt.R wnnt-.nJ C
Weather-Strip Mf gr Paola, Kan,
BftTTMT prnimrtn
lAIrm nirlllinrllED. FltHKOPrwrnw
Bend f0r Guide Book and WhaWlnvinffi
Publication Issued for FnKB Distribution. Patents
soeured by ua AdTortlBoa at our Bxpense. Kranj.
Wllkena & Co., CIS F St., Washington. D. O. f.
' "
Wanted MHN TO MSARN Telegraphy, '
Ity, Arkansas City, Ks.
to latroduce m Gnarantced Poaltry ad BtbefeC
uemcdlcA. Bcndf or contractiwo moan business and fur ,
ulaubestreforonce. U.B.UU1I&RC0..X 4HSwtefiJiiu, '
070 PER MONTH 3X32S&'
111 1 II v,01, p2st B,KDS advertise andJeaTosam-,
T?T,.r P'08- Statoagoandprosoniomploymont.
Kuhlmau Company, Dopt. 0, Atlas Bit., Chicago. '
S D R A I 1 55 M B.? UP tho Groatest Subject
V Ji o l ,0 day 10c or wholo year.
Vnn 5S?d, Soc,IaH.Bt MngMlno of tho World.
vtfS.0??. circulation. WILSHIltES MAGA
ZINE, 5 Boacu Bldg., Now York City. u--
jfwn arfcau i rff
irXWTAK'flHMTa- Cawfc.
tBitr ud lMdl4ian fW.
, A Teurlnary ipeoi&e for wlnd,"V -.
' -mtva ana iiomacn irouDle. f -
'$& Strong rccommtniU. l,00 Bs
B can, of dealers, or Kxp. prepaid, v.-
laextewtenBemedrOa, v
Toledo, Ohio. -
"Asents Wanted r ea0h$
city In the United Stntes to take exclusive ':
Su:e l i001 salesof "DleestoMediciSe Co's
Eoods. Sell to.consumers. Big profits. Per-T
iSSSaSS?" Writ D1esto MeaTino oTr
1M SO YEAR fell 75
BuTjtmr JtwetrratwktlHaleDrieM. Itnut&A
jou for liujiHtlMi by xprM 0. 0. .. oar iimpto
pagkan wuHMlag of thlf Uaatlful SO tur roar.
u j u wttfwa
ttUdwith XUeaat SpeeU! Hot.
aieat, nbr JtntUd, oeapci-attta
balaae. nllk otu- muuta. aa
ji wr
net sa.76
Un 1A
loar rold ula
Obala or a
atatl old
Run BUtl Valt
.T?.? OhllB-
"'"" wh.Uial. '
my ar a
s&5A j - ri i
tjpVj lMtr
Save 35 per cent
t.g.T? "7B bur of us. Krerf
mo Bronest ana moat iiiJf r v "'inKJ
our Special ifaplemant oluioraSj ff&M?? v' ,or
line and expurn why S r.Ll' ?.?1 Law our
T . . iO
iMUMuiomery Ward 9 r
Mlchlga, Are, Madl and wmmfa, st ChIcajro
coodaar Tnn m.A .1.. ,'7. ri " "fraitw
aUbandalul-. iMK,:.T?4:',y'n
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