The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 08, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    "ir umifr -
SEPTEMBER, 8, 1$05
that they arc bringing hardships on our farmers
and working people, some of whom have lost
the savings of a lifetime. Therefore, bo it re
soved that we, East Plymouth patrons of hus
bandry 1548, do respectfully petition our next
legislature to. enact a law . compelling, banks
trust companies, loan societies, and other cor
porations receiving deposits of the peoples' money
and doing business in our state, to give bonds
to double the amount 'of their probable deposits
to bo approved annually, the first week in Janu
ary by the mayor and council in the city or
village in which such institutions are situated
aud be it further resolved that copies of these
resolutions be sent to the other Granges in the
county and to the Pomona and the State Gra'nge
also to the papers, which publish Grange news."
Va., president of the American Bar asso
ciation, in his address- at the opening of the
twentieth annual meeting of that association,
made a plea' for professional purity. Mr. Tucker
referred to what he-termed the remarkable ad
dress of President Roosevelt before the Harvard
Alumni In which the president said: "We all
know that, as things actually are, many of the
most influential and most highly remunerated
members of the bar in every center of wealth
make it their special task to work out bold and
ingenious schemes by which their very wealthy
clients, individual or corporate, can evade the
laws which are made to regulate in the interest
of the public the use of great wealth. Now,
the great lawyer who employs his talent and
learning in the highly remunerative task of en
abling a wealthy client to override or circumvent
the law is doing all that In him lies to encourage
the growth in this country of a spirit of dumb
anger against all laws and ji disbelief in their
COMMENTING on Mr. Roosevelt's remarks,
Mr. Tucker said: "The serious charge
made by the president against some of the mem
bers of our profession must give us pause. His
recognized position in the country of stimulating
lofty ideals in life, as well as his recognition of
the position of our profession in molding public
sentiment in the country, forces upon us, will
ingly or unwillingly, as an association, the in
quiry not only whether the charge be true but
also the broader inquiry whether the ethics of
our profession rise to the high standard which
its position of influence in the country demands.
Surely no more important question than this can
be forced upon the profession. I am one of those
who believe that the profession of the law is
more potential for good than any other profes
sion, excepting the Christian ministery, and in
some respects more powerful for good than even
that high profession. Its power for evil is cor
respondingly great. The lawyer who fights his
battles in the open, with no weapons save those
taken from the arsenal of eternal truth and right,
who scorns the temptation to advance a prin
ciple for his client or his cause as his own which
cannot be defended in the forum of conscience,
leaves a lasting impress for good upon those .
who hear him; and day by day in the shop, in
the street, in the market place, and around the
family hearthstone the discussion continues
which quietly but effectively forms a part of the
character of the community in which he lives."
RJ. HARDY of Carnegie, Pa., writing to The
Commoner says: "In your edition of the
25th inst. a Toronto (Ont.) correspondent says:
The street car problem does not bother Toronto
people.- There is no Immediate demand for mu
nicipal ownership, the reason being that the
owners of the street railway here seem to deal
lairly with the people.' I think if your corres
pondent will look into this matter he will find
that the city of Toronto owns the roadbed,' rails
and everything that goes to make up the per
manent way of the street railway, and that the
right of way to operate cars on these lines is
sold by the city to the highest bidder every ten
or fifteen years. I do not remember the details
J- the plan, but they would make interesting
reading, and unless I am very much mistaken
go to prove that Toronto's efficient and cheap
street car service is due not to voluntary liberality
tn nl1G parfc of lhe atreet; railway company, but
to the fact that municipal ownership exists, as
iar as the permanent way is concerned."
REV. EDWARD SAVAGE, of Windom, Minn,
says: "The Commoner has a charm that
i enjoy outside of its political position. Its
Pure tone touching social and religious life en-
The Commoner.
ablee me to use it often in the pulpit to good
advantage in illustrating the points I try to pro
sent to my little congregation, and 1 keep my
copies circulating among friends whom I know
will appreciate the bright thoughts presented In
such selections ns 'Kingdom of Nover-Grow-Old'
and 'Little Myself as I Used To Be Yestorday
I hud an Impressive service in my son's homo. It .
was the baptism of my only granddaughter and
the families of both parents wore present to
gether with throo other friends. I read Isaiah
11: 1-6; then I recited without remark that beauti
ful little poem 'Little Myself as I Used To Bo;'
then baptism and prayer. The poem from The
Commoner fit in beautifully and Impressively."
THE NEWSPAPERS recently told of au In
stance where a woman who had been dis
appointed in love, bequeathed her fortune to her
old time lover on the condition that he abandon
her successful rival, his wife. The Allentown,
Pa., correspondent for the New York World tells
of another "jilted lover's curse" which was ful
filled. This correspondent explains: "When Mr.
and Mrs. Allen C. Deppe, of Hickory Run, at the
age of forty years became the parents of twenty
three children, upon the arrival of their sixth
pair of twius last week, there was fulfilled an
extraordinary curse. A little more than twenty
years ago Mrs. Deppe was Miss Elizabeth Sear
fass, and was living with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Timothy Searfass, at Albrlghtsvllle. She
was engaged to the son of a neighboring farmer
when Allen Deppe appeared. After a short ac
quaintance, lasting only a few weeks, Deppe and
Miss Searfass eloped and were married. The
bride's parents and the neighbors, with whom
Deppe had made himself popular, took the elope
ment in good part and counted it a joke on tho
other fellow. The jilted fiance, however, was
. terribly disappointed. Instead of congratulating
the bride he uttered an imprecation, wishing she
would become the mother of the largest family
ever known, including six pairs of twins."
IT IS estimated that the late census for the
state of New York will enumerate a total pop
latlon of 7,800.000 people. Then New York Sun
says that about 4,000,000 or more than one-half
of this number are in New York City, and adds
''Moreover, the gain in the population of the state
since 1900 will probably be shown to have been
in the city wholly, for that gain seems to have
been only about equal to the Increase in the city.
New York will continue to lead all the states in
population. It has a population greater by more
that two millions than the aggregate number oL.
inhabitants in all the six New England states. The
aggregate population of the whole eleven states
of the old Southern Confederacy is only about
twice as great. Canada, adjoiniug New York to
the north, In all its provinces has a population
which is about two millions less."
ACCORDING to this same writer, at the begin
ning of the last century, New York was
third in population among the states, Virginia
holding the first place with 880,200, Pennsylvania
second, with 602,305, and New York, 589,051. In
1810 it had gone ahead of Pennsylvania, but was
still behind Virginia, and not until 1820 did it
get the first place in the Union in population,
which it has since held. The Sun further says:
"The building of the Erie canal gave New Yorlc
a great impetus, and then came the foreign im
migration, so that between 1830 and 1860 its pop
ulation more ,than doubled. Pennsylvania con
tinued to hold the second place, but by 1860 the
population of Virginia was much less than half
that of New York, and in 1900 only about a
THE preponderance of the city of New York in
the population of the state, is steadily In
creasing, and the Sun predicts that when the next
state census shall be taken in 1915, New York's
population will be two-thirds of tlie whole. The
Sun adds: "About four-fifths of the population of
the city in 1900 was of foreign birth or parentage,
and in the five years since this percentage must
have increased very considerably. Leaving out
the accessions by immigration, the natural in
crease of the foreign elements Is much greater
than of the native. Much less than a fifth of the
births officially reported by the health department
in Manhattan last year were of native parents,
and among these parents were included a very
great part who are of comparatively recent alien
extraction, descendants of immigrants who settled
here in the middle of the last century. Relatively
to their numbers, the birth rate among the Jews
was the highest, with the Italians a close second.
Among the Jews alone this natural increase last
ycaP was about a half greater than among Iho
native born, Including, as we havo said, those 6f
comparatively recent forolgn descent. Out of to
ward sixty thousand births in Manhattan last year
somothing more than 28 per cent wer6 children
of Jows and about 20 per cent of Italians. These
nro very significant statistics, and tho more so
because tho birth rato among tho Irish and Ger
mans Is much less. Tho children born last year
of Irish and German parents were moroHhan ton
thousand less than those of Jowlsh paronliikc and
about five thousand loss than tho Italian. The
birth statistics generally, however, indicate' that
in Manhattan thero Is no reason to doplorc 'race
hulclde.' "
ATTENTION has .iready lr'o.i diroek lo tho
e Mcnicni vuiiccnzing chile labo. t.,;ih b
rwen J Lovejoy, c"iuiir oi tho Nati.n il "..Id
labor committee. Commenting upon Mr. Love
joy's statements, the Chlcngo Record Herald says:
"If It had not been for the solf-sncrlllclng labor
of private persons who felt tho horrors of tho
abuse of young children In factories wo would
not havo obtained on our statute books even tho
laws wo havo today. For much of the progress
that the future Is to show wc must look to private
initiative. Indeed, wo could look to no better
force, so long ns wo keep our government In such
clean running order that private Initiative can
secure results and not get blockod up or side
tracked. On the basis of census reports Mr. Love
joy shows that the percentage of boys employed
in factories has been increasing faster than tho
percentage of increase in tho population, while
the girls employed have been increasing faster
still. Ho wishes that he could show that the
intelligence of tho members of our legislature!
and tho extent of their Information on tho subject
wore likewise increasing. He is unfortunately
obliged to record rather startling facts about tho
ignoranco and the blunted consciences of some.
of the legislators ho has met. The full text of Mr.
Lovojoy's address would be an excellent -document
to put into the hands of every legislator In
the country."
THOSE who wero pessimistic during the recont
peaco conference at Portsmouth were encour
aged by the statement made by the Chicago Record
Herald that not a single peace conference hold
since the reorganization and rehabilitation of
Europe by the action of the nations at (ho con
gress of Vienna, In 1815, failed to bring forth n
treaty settling the issues between tho belliger
ents for tho time being and loading to tho cessa
tion of hostilities. Tho Record Herald says:
"Omitting civil and minor conflicts and colonial
warfare of expanding powers, the world has wit
nessed these wars since the fall of Napoleon:
The Russo-Turkish conflict of 1829; the 'opium'
war in China and the subsequent war between
the Celestial empire and the 'allies,' England and
Russia; the Crimean war; tho Italian war, In
which Austria was pitted against France and
Piedmont; the Austro-Prussian war, the Franco
Prussian war, the Russo-Turkish war of 3877-8,
tho Chino-Japanese war, the Spanish-American
war and the Anglo-Boer war in South Africa."
SOME of the treaties whereby these conflicts
were terminated are veritable land marks In
the course of historical events. The Record-Herald
explains: "Few events are more notable in mod
ern history than the Franco-Prussian negotia
tions, which led to the treaty of Frankfort, and
the congress of Berlin, which overhauled the Russo-Turkish
treaty of San Stefano and put an en
tirely new face on the settlement of the near
eastern question. Only second to these treaties
in importance are the treaty of Prague,
which followed the Austrian disaster at
Sadowa and marked an epoch In the
history of what has since become the Ger
man Empire, the treaty of Paris, which adjusted
the difficult questions of the Crimean war, and
the treaty of Shlmonoseki, which gave Japan a
new position in the world and tho unceremonious
revision of which by Russia, Germany and France
may be considered the primary cause of the pres
ent Ruso-Japanese conflict. Momentous and dif
ficult as tho issues were in most of the cases
named, none of the conferences arranged for the
discussion of principles and terms of peace ended
in disagreement and failure. In each Instance a
treaty was concluded and the foundation of con
cord laid."
Governor Hoch is indulging in dreams. He
says that of all states Kansas has among her
people the least per cent of illiteracy, excepting
only Iowa. Wo suggest to Governor Mickey of
Nebraska that he inform Governor Hoch that Ne
braska is 8 till. .on the map.