The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 02, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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JJTJNE 2, 1905'
The Commoner
plan and the boys in the trenches
can he aroused on tne questions or
indirect taxation, so adroitly prac
ticed by the various private monopo
lies. God may rule and the demo
cratic party live.
W. E. Fowler, Delta, Ohio.- If you
will furnish me with a supply of the
primary pledge blanks, I will procure
as many democratic voters to sign
them as possible. Every democrat in
the United States should sign one
and then carry it out.
A. Rump, Tolleston, Ind. Enclosed
I send two subscriptions and my
signed primary pledge. With such a
host of men behind this pledge, it
will start us in the right direction
to secure good men, and good meas
ures in the governmental affairs of
our country.
Joseph M. Paulr Landeck, O. The
primary pledge plan is the correct
thing in politics. It will give candi
dates to understand that if nominated
and elected they have the peoples'
interests to look after instead of self
interest, which is too often the case.
L. "Vineyard, Grangeville, Idaho.
I pledge myself to attend all demo
cratic primaries and work therein for
a clear and-plain expression of demo
cratic principles and work in .them
from now until the next democratic na
tional campaign.
M. M. Morrow, Fayetteville, Ark.
Enclosed find my renewal for the
paper. I began with the first num
ber. On page 14, No. 17, Mr. Shackle
ton says: "I cast my first vote for
Buchannan, my next for Stephen A.
Douglas," etc. I cast my first vote
for Buchannan, my next for John
E. L. Berry, Nehawka, Nebraska.
Find a signed primary pledge. I
think your plan an excellent one. I
also believe that this plan will get
the common people closer together
and we shall win.
A. W. Stoll, Hartford City, Ind.
Find primary pledge signed by my
self. I think your plan an excellent
one. I also believe that this plan
will get the common people closer
together and we will win.
George D. Thompson, Iola, Kans.
Your primary pledge plan is in my
judgment the best plan yet devised
for keeping the democratic party in
hands of real democrats.
G. H. Wheeler, Conconully, Wash.
I enclose herewith my primary
pledge signed. I heartily approve the
plan and it will be no new duty for
me, for I am always there anyway.
A. W. "Nolan, Edna, Kansas. En
closed please find seven subscriptions
and primary pledge, signed by twenty
five of the leading democrats of this
precinct, who are willing to work for
the good of the cause.
C. A. Judd, Minneapolis, Minn.
Please send a few of the primary
pledge blanks. In my precinct we
have about 120 democrats. Out of
that number about 30 voted for Par
ker and the balance either refused
to vote for president, or voted for
Debs. We will hope for no more
"Safe and Sane Democracy." The
Jefferson,- Jackson, Bryan brand is
good enough for me.
D. F. Rogers, Minburn, Iowa. The
- Buccess of modern democracy at the
polls, and thereby the redemption
of the country from republican mis
rule, depends upon the faithfulness of
the democratic masses to their duty
at the primaries and at the ballot
box. This pledge is the first and the
right Btep toward that much prayed
for consummation. Here are 15 of
A. S. Perrin, Koshkonong, Mo.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! for .the
primary pledge, for thig i the only
pledge that will turn back the tide of flag that points to absolute free trade,
socialism that has so strongly sot in Second, I would raise monoy for t the
here in America. Push it! Push it! support of the government from
and urge all democratic papers to do wealth, taxing land, railroads, raco
the same, for it is the people's only horses, the Bible that lies on tho pul-
salvation. I always attend the demo
cratic primaries, and every other
democratic gathering I can reach.
The .democrats in "Old Missouri,"
seem to be in the coils of hopeless
apathy over the actions of the so
called "conservative democracy." But
I can not but 'believe that it is tho
calm before the storm. In my opin
ion we will give the republicans tho
greatest surprise of their lives the
next chance (190G) we get.
W. B. Perrin, Koshkonong, Mo.
Find enclosed my primary pledge. I
heartily endorse the plan you have
taken to organize the democratic
party. This will not only remind
every one of their duty but will also
show the strength of the party.
W. A. Dalton, Campbell, Mo. En
closed find primary pledge which
with pleasure I have signed. I think
your plan a good one. I think it the
duty of every truo democrat to thus
pledge himself, and not until he does
can we ever hope to succeed. Let
every democrat help in this good
J. M. Haverfield, Lamonte, Mo.
Enclosed please find primary pledge
signed. I take pleasure in following
your lead.
J. B. A. Robertson, Lawyer, Chand
ler, Okla. The primary pledge Idea
is a good one If the people could
only be brought to realize that they
possess all power, not alone in poll
tics but in governmental affairs as
well, it would be but a Bhort time
until the true principles of govern
ment would be. crystalized into law
and "government of the people, for
the people and by the people" would
be a reality and not an idle dream.
Success to Bryan and The Commoner.
Dr. J. W. Hermettet, Industry, 111.
Enclosed find a copy of the primary
pledge signed by m;self and twelve
others. When all the real believers
in democracy attend the primaries no
such evidence of general dissatisfac
tion with the party's nominee and
platform" will be possible as was the
case last year. Nothing has given
us, the plain democrats, co much
hope as the promulgation of this
pledge. Send me some pledge cards
so we can keep the good work mov
ing. E. J. Gibson, County Attorney,
Corsicana, Texas. Please find letter
dictated to me by my father; also
pledge. Father is a great friend of
The Commoner. Last spring he had
me send $20 with the request that
the paper be sent to certain friends.
Occasionally he meets one of your
solicitors and tells him to send The
Commoner to some friend. He ad
monishes every one to read it.
Father and a few friends fought the
battles of Roger Q. Mills in this dis
trict for twenty years. Mr. Mills al
ways had a warm fight and his views
when they became revolutionized,
caused his home friends no little re
gret. I should have sent pledge and
letter sooner" and regret that I did
John S. Gibson, Corsicana, Texas.
Enclosed find pledge to uttend pri
marv meetings. I voted for Andy
John non when he defeated Meredith
P. Gentry before the Civil war. I
have never scratched a democratic
nominee since. I have spent more
than $10,000 for the cause of democ
racy as taught me from Roger Q.
Mills. But I am done with the east
ern democracy, who vote with repub-
plt like the bottlo of whiskey any
thing that -asks and receives tho
strong arm of tho law for protection
should contribute its just share for
that protection. I think ovory man
should pay his poll tax to bo allowed
to vote. "Now if I can participate fur
ther with these views file pledge, If not
destroy or return to me. I want no
moro straddles and uncertainties In
mine. Teach the people to tell the
truth, keep sober and pay their debts;
this will line up honest government.
S. C. Sumrall, Jeanerotte, La. En
closed please find primary pledge,
signed, with a hearty support for all
it embodies. Think it a key to in
terest many otherwise negligent dem
ocrats and through it the policy of
government brought back to Its origi
nal faith and practice.
A. A. Booth, Lawyer, Seattle, Wash.
Find enclosed primary pleJge with
my signature. I have never failed to
attend the primaries since I ca3t my
first vote for W. J. Bryan in 189G,
but I am glad to sign the pledge as
I think it a splendid and democratic
plan of organizing the democrats of
the nation. Unless all signs fail, a
democratic victory for the people of
this country, is not far off. The bat
tle against plutocracy within tho party
has been fought and won, and I think
we will be in a position in tho cam
paigns near at hand to present a
solid front to the enemy. Democracy
must win because it now deserves to
win. When tho peopl3 see how futilo
it is for all to expect to enjoy a pros
perity that is created )y legislation
for tho few, they will bo content to
ask for a fair field and no favors.
What makes republicanism strong at
present is that men still believe that
they have an equal chance with J. D.
Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie and
the men who exercise special privi
leges throughout the country. This
delusion won't last much longer. Suc
cess to The Commoner, its editor and
the principles for which ho is fight
ing. Joel Ayers, Pinnacle, N. C. I am
a subscriber of your paper ad would
like to join in with my brethren in
the fight for democracy. 1 am a
democrat from head to foot. I intend
to work for and support the party so
long as it stands on the platform it
now stands long as I live. Fellow
democrats, I have good reasons for
being a democrat. 1 am seventy-seven
years old, and have always voted for
our party and tried to defend our na
tion the very best I could. My grand
father and oldest uncle served through
the war of the Revolution, my father
and oldest half-brother served in the
&, Every democrat Is asked to &
& pledge himself to attend all of
& the primaries of his party to &
& be held between now and the &
& next democratic national con- &
& ventlon, unless unavoidably &
& prevented and to uoe hlo in- &
& fluence to secure a clear, non- &
& C6t and straight-forward de o
5 claration of the party's pool- &
'tlon on every question upon &
v.. which the voters of the party jt
6 desire to speak. Those de-
& siring to be enrolled can elth- &
& er write to The Commoner ap- &
& proving the object of the or- &
& ganization and asking to have &
& their names entered on the &
& roll, or they can fill out and &
& mail the blank pledge which &
& Is printed on page 16 of this &
& issue. &
5 It will require time to cover S
6 the entire field, but if demo- &
crats co-operate, the desired &
& result will be accomplished. J
5 Send The Con.moner your &
6 own primary pledge and then &
& ask your neighbor to do like- &
& wise. &
& &
war of 1812, till tho surrender, and I
fought in the Civil war from beginning
to ending. Brethren of tho demo
cratic party, I would like to shako
your hands and tell you more but
space will not admit cf it. Wishing
The Commoner and all its readers suc
cess I am yours for good government
and democratic victory in the future.
Please send mo blank to sign and
M. Phillips, Cheney, Wash. I have
been a reader and a friend of Tho
Commoner since it commenced; have
got a few subscribers ovory year and
if it sticks to its present policy will
make an effort to do more in the fu
ture. Am pleased to see my old
friends of Belleville, Kan., J. F. Wal
ker and J. C. Glasco send In their
pledges, as I know they arc faithful
workers. I also send In mine, and
hope I will be able to help such men
as Bryan, Folk and Tom Watson.
W. Klmmel, Milton, Ind. Hero Is
my pledge. I believe it is a good
move in the right direction; now is
the time to prepare for the future,
to work for the right of tho people
and give to them what they demand. '
I have been reading Tho Commoner
ever since it was established.
Joseph G. Burdette, Redstar, W. Va.
I hereby enclose my pledge and am
and will always be ready to help tho
cause of true democracy.
Edward Lewis, Northport, N. Y.
I take pleasure in signing pledge and
(Continued on Page 14)
FOR $21.00 TO $23.00 VwWWm,
TOP BUOOIES, almllar to ne Illustrated, URRETO t
unui atiRRfpK fan ba offered at theto DrTce and why wo can Mil
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Uuggles, Koad Wagons, Cort, Surreys, Phaeton.
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Saddlery, all shown In large handsome half-tons
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1 nfIIEC yo will receive tho most astonishing
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AHe7 Received Ter.Ou outtod.y and maH t u...
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2H k 4 y ImlM
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