The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 12, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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    "" "W
The Commoner.
MAY 12, 1905
bcstbyTssl 78YEARS.'WcDAV CASI
Want MOKE Salesmen V f t Weekly
Siark Nswsry, LoMlriiaa, Me.; Dtasvilk, N. Y.
and Whlalcey HabMa
cared at homo without
pain. Book of particulars
Hi. !! i lent riiEK. B. n.
eEi.tlaals,Otin 103 N.Pry or St.
WIRE-$I.40 Per 100 Lbs.
bmooui p&jvanitca wiro,put up iw
lbii. to a hale, lengths running up to
850CC. No. lipruoKO. per 100 lbB. 11.10.
Wrlto for prices oa otbor gauges.
Fence staplo, per 100 lbs., 12.00. "wlro
n&iui, mizea i n a iceg, per iuo i uk., f i.ou.
Barbed wlro, per 1001U&, 82.35. Poultry
netting, etcol fence , etc., atlow price.
Aak for CaUlorao No. E, "
on merchandise of all kinds from
Sheriffs' and Receivers' sales.
CHICAGO 110E8B WUKCKUJO CO.,Wfit SSta IreaBta.,CkIea
John G. Wooloy, Editor
A Journal Tor nil who nro lntorostcd In tho torn
pornnco movement. Published weekly. News, In
vcstlgatlon , Information, Inspiration, and Politics
Sixteen pnges every week, sometimes mora. It Is a
national and International bureau of Information
on all subjects relating to tho liquor traillc. Sub
scription prlco ono dollar per year.
Headers of Tho Commoner who are not now sub
scribers to THE KKW VOICE may tako ndvnntngo
of our special clubbing rate of $1.46 for both papers
ono year. This offer is not good for renewals to
Send all orders'to Tho Commoner, -Lincoln, Hcbr.
for the money. Made of old-fashioned oak tan
California leather, by
expert workmen. Hea
vy single strap, trace
and breast collar, dou
ble hiD and collarstran.
7 Une, 1 In. hand part.
maue in nicnei imita
tion rubber and solid
brass. Retails $20.00our
price, $12.50. In clubs of
thrco $30.00, express
prepaid, any railroad station in theU. S. Oak
Xreuther Harness Co.,Lincoln. Neb. P.O. BoxTCO.
' ) AN''
J, ) 4f
Paint Without Oil
Jtcmarkablc Discovery That Cuts Down
The Cost of Paint Seventy
five Per Cent
A Free Trial Package is Mailed to Everyone
Who Writes
A. L. Itlce, n prominent manufacturer of
Adams, N. Y has discovered a process of mak
ing a new kind of paint, without the use of oil.
He calls it Powdrpaint. It comes to the con
sumer a dry powder, and all that is required is
cold water to make a paint water-proof, lire
proof and as durable as oil paint. It adheres to
any surface, wood, stone or brick, spreads and
looks like oil paint and costs about one-fourth
as much.
Write to Mr. A. Ii. Rice, Manufacturer. 405
North St., Adams. N. Y.. and he will send you
a free trial package, also color card and full in
formation showing you how you can save a
good many dollars. "Write to-day.
Water, Works
For Country Homes.
By our Pneumatic Water System, water Is
forced anywhere in house, stable or yard,
for nil domestic purposes and for firo pro
tection. Cool water in summer and ice
water need not be supplied to stock in win
ter. Tank Underernnnrl nn trftp.r.intr or
bursting of pipes. Entirely automatic in
action. Air pressure generated by hand
pump, windmill or engine. Sold on
30 Days Trial.
AwnrnPrf fttrn TTtArlnla nvA frtrA nlntnnn
fit St. LnillQ Worlrl'c17oT lTMnrli-tr1ci r9 ntli
individlinl TlTflfAt WArUa lita tfA J iA
- "WiiMl fiuutd w uou
We have many letters from these satisfied
them in book form. It makes a book of
B75.00 and up, according to your require
ments. Write for full particulars.
312 Delaware SL
Kansas City, Mo,,
first and all tho time no long as it
stands for Jefferson democracy which
means tho Tifnnl arinll rnln nnt- 4i.
money changers.
Charles Carrillon, Mulberry Grovo,
HI. Enclosed please find my primary
pledge, and put me down as a S. A
Douglas democrat In 18 GO, but on ac
count of south nominating Mr. Breck
enrldge, vo.ted for Mr. Lincoln in 18G0
64 enlisted in TJ. S. army April 18,
labl, Held commission as lieutenant
during the war, and was wounded
twice. I am a Jefferson and Bryan
democrat as long as I have a button on
my coat.
D. T. Yount, Delyshi, Carroll county.
Ind.I have faith in the pledge bringl
tag out the rank and file and restoring
the party to the platforms of 189G and
TxrTf; C; Howar Georgetown, Ohio.
While I do not think it necessary for
mo to sign, I do it as a favor, for after
voting the democratic ticket in 1901
I do not think they could do anything
more to prevent me from voting it. I
also pledge you my hearty support
at any and all times. I believe in
radical democracy, for it is progres
sive and seeks to advance, while the
conservative (or Stand Pat) element
believes In "let well enough alone,"
and can be of no use to struggling hu
manity; they aro but a stumbling
block to progress.
Thomas E. Quinn, Parkersburg, W
Va. Please find enclosed my pledge
signed in support of the idea you
promulgate. If the plain people do not
rally to the standard you have thus
raised they will be unworthy of the
blessings of popular government. The
St. Louis fiasco with its results, should
end all differences as to tho course
to be pursued by sincere democrats.
Wishy-washy conservatism should
no longer bo tolerated in democratic
F. H. Osier, Machinery, Pomona, Cal.
I wish to endorse this good wonc
and also other good work that is be
ing done by The Commoner. I hope
every honest democrat will tako a
hand, and in that way we will have
men on our ticket that the people want
and not those whom the trusts want
and also let every democrat work for
a platform of public ownership of pub
lic utilities. Tho people are ready
for such a development now.
Robert Kirkham, Sullivan, Ind.I
went to work yesterday afternoon to
see how many I could get to sign
your primary pledge, and the enclosed
list is the fruit of my labor. I have
the names of 110 democrats who say
they will endeavor to make old Sulli
van county roll up her old time ma
ority of sixteen hundred in 1908 by
attending tho conventions, and see
that the voice of the common people
is expressed in all resolutions and not
let a few men sell us to a political
machine organized for the purpose of
thwarting their will. I only found four
who call themselves democrats, who
refused to sign, and one of them is a
county officer, two are bankers and
the other is a member of a trust com
pany. The reason they gave for not
signing was that "Bryan was at the
head of it."
Charles L. Warfield, Chairman Dem
ocratic City Committee, San Diego,
Cal. Your primary pledge proposition
is certainly a wise and timely move.
The desire for purity in politics is
spreading to all parts of tho country.
Our city held an election of municipal
officers on the same day that Chicago
gave Judge Dunne so handsome a ma
jority. Normally the democrats are In
the minority here, but this year joined
with the independent non-machine re
publicans and elected Captain John L.
Sehon mayor, and Judge W. R. An
drews, a Jefferson-Bryan democrat,
city attorney on the democratic ticket.
This is the result of an unusually large
attendance,, at our primaries. I
heartily endorse your plan and cheer
fully send my pledge duly signed.
W. H Dupree, Island Grove, Fla.
I have names of the villagers here
principally. All aro good, honest demo
crats, as also our entlro commtinltv
not a republican to tho fiftieth man,
an aro democrats in principle. All
voters of tho Ninth district would
sign tho pledge if I called on them.
But havo not seen them. No cause of
meeting to call them together. Lator
when some public meeting is called I
can get good list and additional sub
scribers. Wish entlro success.
H. Martin Williams, Woodlawn, 111.
I can conceive of no duty more im
portant than pledging ono's self to at
tend democratic primaries for tho pur
pose of Influencing as far as ho may
bo able, a declaration of sound demo
cratic doctrino by the conventions of
tho party. The signing of this pledge
by democrats generally is tho first
step in tho direction of the organi
zation of our party and putting it on
a war footing for the great struggle
that is now on between monopoly and
special privilege, and the equal rights
of all tho people, and will mark the
beginning of tho campaign for demo
cratic democracy a campaign which
must surely end in victory for justico,
truth and right. Yours for tho democ
racy of Thomas Jefferson.
M. C. Felker, Real Estate, Chamber
lain, S. D. 1 have all my life mado it
a point to attend all conventions and
do all I could to promote democratic
principles. The first voto of mv Hfn
was for Abraham Lincoln, and the
msc lor ineouore Uoosevolt. In the
inter-times my vote was on tho losing
side with tho exception of Grovor
Cleveland, and I now wish I had voted
for Harrison. If the democratic party
can nominate a democrat instead of
a stool pigeon for Wall Street, I am
with the party, otherwise I will be
obliged to do the best I can and cast
my ballot for the best rnua.
J. P. Gibson, President and Manager
The Bank of Elmore, Elmore, Ind. Tor.
You will find enclosed tho primary
pledges of 50 true democrats, who are
loyal to tho principles enunciated by
Jefferson, defended by Jackson, resur
rected by Mr. Bryan in 1896 and fear
lessly defended by him in St. Louis
in 1904. Signing this pledge is the
duty of every democrat for we must
stand together well organized, making
direct assaults upon imperialism,
trusts and combinations if we receive
the proper legislation, favoring the
masses, instead of the few.
B. F. Patton, Nye, Mont Enclosed
find primary nledfre. I am a dGmnnrfir.
a Bryan democrat not a Grover
Cleveland democrat. I believe you are
- O. N. Carter, M.D., Brookline, Mo. I
herewith enclose tho primary pledge
with which I am in hearty accord,
hoping the plan may be instrumental
in turning the balance In favor of our
victory in 1908, that equal and exact
justico may again prevail.
" T. S. Parsons. Larrro. Enclosed
please find four of The Commoner's
primary pledges with names attached.
It is not Necessary that I should take
any pledge to attend either a primary
or general election, as I believe it
to be tho duty of every honest man
to voto in every election that is if
there is an honest man on the ticket
to voto for.
E. W. Ferguson, Jr., Hartington,
Neb. This is an easy thing for me
to promise as I have been a true dis
ciple of yours since I was in my mi
nority and think I have attended every
primary as onlooker or participant for
ten years. Two or three times, only,
have there been need of such watch
fulness yet none of us know when the
critical time will come. Had other
states been as careful in their prir
maries and county conventions last
year as wo were in Nebraska, things
would have been different. Our pros
pects In 1908 must not. be clouded on
account of our criminal neglect in the
primaries the next four years. v Yours
always for truodemocracy.
J. H. Sutton, Contractor, Bethany,
Mo. Enclosed find primary pledge
sheet filled with twenty names on
&r w .-.
All transaction on honar. Save a Diamond.
Win a heart. Every woman love a Diamond.
Every woman knows that to bo attractive she
must look attractive. She want to wear a
Diamond. Gratify Iter. Gratify ficr love for
tho beautiful. Present her with a Diamond.
The iparktlntr Diamond lasts forever. Bvery
day during llfo the loved one Is reminded ef
mo sircr Buuurauun nnu generosity.
TflP Tfm f n Ruv I)lmo,nt rMit now. Yon
I IIC IIII1L IU DUy enn inako a nrollt will to you
are weaririK It. Mamondn aro kuIiiic up In taIuo
twenty per cent every year. Write or Catalog. ,
Write for Our Splendid CafalojrioooniX
trntlonn of Diamond. Watehc and Jewelry. Wo will
nend It to you. Wo will No mull to you our In tcrentlnsr
"Souvenir Diamond Ilooklot. You can Mlcct tho article
you want and wear 1 1 you me If or prricut It to a loved
ono. Wo wl 1 1 itond It to you on approval. If you like
It, pay ono nf tk tho prlco and keep It, Bonding tlio
Ijataiiro to uh In olKht equal monthly payments. Wo
pay all oxrr chanrct. Wo aak no nocurlty. Wo
creato no publicity. Wo mako no Inuulrlmof cm
ploycni. All traniactlona are prlvatoand conflduntlal.
Your account will bo welcomed. Write for Catalog,
fliir fiimrintp CorUflto of fpiallty and value IB
UUT UUaraniCe ont with OTory Diamond. Wo
allow you full prlco It over you wlh to oiclmnHo
for other oodn or a larger Diamond. Uooda beat,
frlcoa lowest. TcrniB vaalcst. Write for Catalog.
We Arc the Largest $S3 A JSSSlS
the world. Wo aro tho only Diamond Cutters nefllnK
fi' !"iT.h0 k'f'J?? tc?1 ' vod hiKliest ftwanT,
tlnlfl Mfttffll At. fill! Hf Trttlu Vi.AUIH '
" W"w MVUM mllUUUi
Dflflt. V-T.O 02foRfiSlalaSf.
! BROS & CO. iwa chicaoo, ill, u. 8. a.
27.90 loM.58
S22.50 UP
Direct to von at fctnrv nrtciand von !eraM41fmen'i
croIU. Our Unto free eauloioo telli alt aliomt mir no
moner with Oflcr plan, fi.lnht offer. 1 it.rf auaranlM.
tfjw?.?.'.1! 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL
We make 140 atjlra of vehicle and 100 atylea of hit- '
neu. wei rar oiieri ucioro you nay.
Wrile To'dav for Free Money Saving Catalogue.
IB 889. Cincinnati, O.I
from tho IWH1DK inn anu tea oiuer
lesdin&r World's Fair hotels
Iron Beds, 50c; Dressers, U30;
Extension Tables, S3J0; Chairs,
25c: Sheets. 10c: 9x12 Rues, $5.00;
fcnd everything in proportion. All good as now.
Our O0 Wmrahouu Im Overflowing
Room must bo mado to handle our contrncts.
Tho frreatost naraln Clearing Sulo ever held.
Complete Catalogue sent FIIGH Dcpt. J. A,
LANCAN & TAYLOR, St. Louis, Mo.
Cancer Cured
Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers. Ko
resaa and all Skin and Womb Dlieasen. Wrlt
for IlluitraUd Book, fientfreo. Address
DR. BYE. S?.r-Xk. Kansas City. Me.
Fonca wlro known to toienco la
FAaiJ-WlIlB-n nlh-carbon don-blo-strongtb.
boalo open-hoarth
spring steol wiro mado in oar steol
mills at Moneasen. Fa., and ui;d
only In th manufacture of Fago
xoDcea anu conoa springs.
liox B'lOB Adrian, Mick.
" WB.wajSIS.aj M tQ palentabUlty
Send for Guide Book and What to invent, finest
publications Issued for free distribution. Patents
secured by us advertised at our expense. Evans,
wincens a uo eio iv. t. waswnirton, u, c.
You can make $50.00 a week. Spare time
$1.00 an hour. Salary if preferred. Outfit free.
Ziegler Co. Philadelphia.
ITPUIUR WH Eczema, tvnd Othex
llunlnU OMfl Skfn Dlae&ses Cured.
Trial treatment and testimonials sent for 6c.
"W. Bullard, Zi'd Theodore St.. Detroit. Mich.
Eggs from Prize-winning Barred Plymouth
Rocks $2.00per fifteen. Cottage Poultry Yards
Route 5, Boone, la.
Manta aatf Expeases; no experience,
needed: position permanent; self-seLec
Pjusb Mro. Co., Sta. 59, Cincinnati, O
, J., r "J -