-tv xf-3m i The Commoner. 16 .VOLUME 5, NUMBER n "UNDER OTHER FLAGS" Tho echoes of Mr. Bryan's European trip did much to awaken American thought to a realization of his superior qualities as a puhllc man. Until then there had been, It must bo confessed, a - wide-spread notion among us that ho was a man of no- parts, who had be come notorious through a pretty per- . oration about a cross of gold with which ho had closed a stirring speech upon a critical occasion. Through this bit of spellbinding, so it was urged, ho had sprung into prominence. But men do not spring into tho place Mr. Bryan has occupied in tho public eye for nearly ton years, unless they are in fact men of very great parts. Only tho superficial could have supposed that ho achieved and hold his position without greal 'ability and only upon tho echoes of a speech especially an inforior speech, such as the "cross of gold" effort was said by his critics to he; but then tho superficial are numer ous. Whon, however, Buropo sent us word that sho could now understand, after having had Bryan with her for a visit, why ho was a popular leader at homo, simply because he was a great man, wo all began to think bet ter of him. His own story of this European visit is told by Mr. Bryan in his recent book, "Under (Tther Flags." It is an extra ordinarily good book of American CLUB LIST. Aw? one of tho following will bo sent with TIIE COMMONKU, botli onoycr.r, for tho club price. Periodicals may bo sent to dlilcrcnt addresses If dcBlred. Your friends may wish to Join with you in sending for a combination. All subscrip tions nro for ono year, nnd 11 new, begin with tho current number unless othcrwlso directed. Present subscribers need not wait until tholr sub BcrlpUons expire. Renewals received now will bo entered for a full year from expiration date. Subscriptions for Literary Digest nnd Tubllo Opinion must bo new. Renewals for these two -x-T not accepted. Foreign postngo cxtrn. AGRICULTURAL. . Ito?. Clab Trlco Prlco AgrlculturalKpltomlst.mo .G0 51.20 Urcedcr'B Gnzette.WK 2.00 2.25 Farm nnd Home, scml-mo 50 1.00 Farm. Field nnd Fireside, vk 1.00 1.85 Fnrm, g(ock nnd IIome,Eeml-mo... .60 1.00 Farmer's Wife, mo 50 1.00 Iloino nnd Farm, seml-mo 50 1.00 Irrigation Agc.mo 1.00 1.55 Kawns Former, wk 1.00 i.oo jujtfuun viuiey farmer, mo 50 1.00 Orango JuddFnrmcr.wk 1.00 1.10 Poultry Success 50 no Poultry Topics, mo .25 l'oo Practical Farmer, wk 1.00 135 Prairie Farmer, wt 1.00 ioo Rellublo Poultry Journal, mo 50 l.oo WuternEwino Prcedcr mo .60 1.00 NEWSPAPERS. Reg. Club A llnnta Constitution, wfe 11.00 Vl.SS GJncInnntlEnoulrcr.wk 1.00 i's5 Indianapolis Eentlnel.wk 50 l'oo Johnstown (Pa.) Democrat i.oo i'jk Kansas City World Daily g.oo Vm Kamos City World da. exc. Sun. .. 1.50 200 tsebraska Independent, wk 1.00 135 Rocky Mountain News-Times, wk. . 1.00 i'.co Senttlo Times, wk 1 00 , Thrlcc-n-Wcek N. Y. World....::'.:: l.'oo g Wftchtcruml Anrelgcr, Sunday.. ..1.60 U5 vorld-Herald,lwlcc-a-weck 1.00 1.35 MAQAZINES. Rear. Olnb Cosmopolitan, mo .'j? " Good Housekeeplng.mo...::..::; iS 5 Pearson's Magazine, mo i'oq i' Pilgrim, mo ,' J'gJ J'S Review ot Reviews, mo ...""" 2 50 $ Success, mo ,$ 5 Twentieth Century Uome.'mo 1 00 1 S Woman'tUome Companion, mo:.. 1.00 j'SS MISCELLANEOUS. Res. Club Wterary Digest, (new) wk $0 Public Opinion, (new) wk 4.00 7m ThoPubHc.wk : :: 2 J'JJ indie's Gotllng Gun, mo 1.00 35 -Note.-Clubblng Combinations or premium oners In which thoThrlcca-Weok World World Herald, or Kansas City World, or Farm, Stock end Homo papers, are not open to residents of i:SCmeSlnPuamc4 - -HMUU,U travel. Mr. Bryan is a shrewd observ er and an excellent reporter. He saw Buropo under favorable opportunities, looked at what ho wished to see and with his pwn eyes, and has reported what ho saw in his own way. The things which an intelligent American interested in common affairs most wants to know of Buropo, these are what Mr. Bryan tells about. His observations on Russia are par ticularly valuable just now, for he had interviews with tho czar and also with Tolstoy. Admirers of Tolstoy will be interested to know from Mr. Bryan that this great Russian is "an admirer of Henry George and a believer in his theory in regard to the single tax." In connection with tho Gorman trip, Mr. Bryan explains socialism and its progress in Germany; and, as with all tho other explanations of the drift of public sentiment which he makes, this of socialism is concise and singularly accurate. Supplementing the story of his trip, Mr. Bryan's book contains several of his important speeches. Among them is the famous Thanksgiving address before the American society of London, the cabled reports of which caused that part of the American public that had despised Mr. Bryan to open their minds and inquire what manner of man this could be whom they had held in contempt so long as a "jawsmith," but whom London welcomed as an orator of the first rank. Among the other speeches collected here are his lec tures on the "Value of an Ideal" and a "Conquering Nation," and his dramat ic speech at the St. Louis convention, in which he laid down his commission of party leadership with the memom. ble words: "You may dispute wheth er 1 nave lought a good fight, you may dispute whether I have finished my course, but you cannot deny that I nave Kept tne faith." Chicago Public. T V " lIifTV AJUAnU V Is ono of tho most progressive countries in tho world. 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