The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 31, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    " 'Wiirwr - w-
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The Commoner.
'.' I
Condensed News of the Week
maneuvers o the Norm Auanuc ueu
Twenty-four men wore lcillod in a
mlno oxDloBlon at Rush Run, W. Va.,
March 18. Tho firo began in the Rush
Hun mlno, and extended through to an
otlicr mine nearly two miles away,
great flames of fire bursting from the
mouths of both mines.
Tho deadlock, which began January
8 in the Missouri legislature, has at
last boon broken and Major William
Warner, republican, of Kansas City,
was chosen to succeed Senator Cock
mil. Tim wildest disorder prevailed
r-,r ,::; ssas s,
will support tho Roosevelt policies.
Former President Grover Cleveland
celebrated his G8th birthday at his
homo "Westland," Princeton, N. J.,
March IS.
Mrs. B. F. Marsh, wife of Congress
man Marsh of Illinois, died of apoplexy
March 18. Mrs. Marsh was a sister-in-law
of Chief Justice Fuller of tho
United States supremo court.
Great forest fires are raging in Ha
waii and valuable forests are being
destroyed, as well as great numbers
of cattle.
An Associated Press dispatch, dated
Rome, March 19, says: "In concluding
peace with Groat Britain through the
mediation of Italy tho Mad Mullah has
obtained permission to occupy defi
nitely Illig, a village in Italian terri
tory, 1G0 miles from Obia, which was
tho base of operations in tho last
campaign led by General Manning.
Coast rights are granted the Mullah,
qualified by a prohibition of trade in
inns and slaves."
Fred W. Faulkes, editor of the Ce
dar Rapids Gazette, died at Excelsior
Springs, Mo., of heart disease.
Senator Lewis G. Campbell of Crip
ple Creek, Colo., on March 20, intro
duced a concurrent resolution in the
legislature instructing Attorney Gen
eral Miller to institute quo warranto
proceedings against Mayor Robert
Speer and all the democratic officials
elected in Denver on May 17 last re
quiring them to show cause why their
offices should not bo forfeited. Alle
gations of frauds at that election are
made. Mr. Campbell says that John
W. Springer was elected to the office
Two women, disciples of Carrie Na
tion, smashed five saloons in a short
time a few days ago at Olmutz, Kan.
One of the women was the wife of an
District Attorney Jerome in express
ing his opinion as to the proper man
ner of controlling the liquor traffic in
New York city before the Methodist.
Preachers' association advocated open
ing saloons during certain hours on
Sunday, but said he was not prepared
to maintain that the sale of liquor on
Sunday was the proper way to carry
out the divine commandment.
and it is now Teady for the governor s
signature. The bill applies only to un
derground miners and to dangerous
occupations in the mills and smelters,
as was demanded by the Western Fed
eration of Miners.
An Associated Press dispatch, dated
Tangier, Morocco, March 20, says: "As
an apparent sequel to the Perdicaris
case, Raisuli has received from the
sultan a letter appointing him gov
ernor of a number of important tribes
between Tangier and Fez. The chiefs
of the tribes will meet tomorrow to
consider the sultan's letter .and Rai
suli's appointment."
Former United States Senator Jos
eph R. Hawley of Connecticut, died at
Hartford, Conn., March 21.
In a riot at Lamenta, Russian Po
land, March 21, eleven farmers were
killed and fifty were woimded by the
infantry which was sent to quell the
The third rescue party reached tho
point of the explosion where the first
rescue party was overtaken in the coal
mine at Fish Creek, W. Va., and joined
in the work of removing the bodies,
which were terribly mangled. So far
as the work of rescue has gone it is
certain that not one of the twenty-four
men Involved in tho two explosions
By an explosion in a colliery at
Drenkova, Hungary, ten miners were
killed and many others injured.
The Newfoundland government or
dered the customs collectors through
out the island to refuse American fish
ing vessels license to procure bait in
colonial waters.
muu ture owner, Nanenmi. ..
5,ce dieter i ' 5
store, Morris, 111,; r. b
chant, Marengo, 111.; njt'
real estato rlpriim ru
Feik farmer, Heri'den, in,;
real estate dealer, Oak Park-S
Feik farmer, Heriden, 111.; pL
Hampshire, 111.; 0. W. Waft?
man. 709 Washing i ,5bQfo
11am Peacock business man, S?
uiiv, usur urencn, president E 7
Trench company, 738 West irSr
street. Josenh SnVnn fll Iadlsa
town assessor. 122R mh , nrth
nue; William Haden, farmer
Til win in nM.i. ' mtr M
t"' -V""""i ""whuii, commit
or oi nignways and farmer, La Safe,
A TVTovlnnn nnnottnn. .
arrived at Muege, Lower CalifonS
carrying several empty cases thatW'
uvc" vi i imiusur rnies.
vupluiix uuuiuluu mat ne uas msm
more, than 100 cases floating on 2
water. e
Tho remains of Mrs. Stanford, who
met death under such peculiar circum
stances at Honolulu, have reached San
Francisco. When the vessel which
bore tho remains entered tho harbor
tho flags on all vessels were placed
at half-mast and later when the hearse
passed through the streets thousands
of persons lined tho sidewalks and
lifted their hats as a mark of respect.
Twenty-four Chinamen were discov
ered in a box car in the Southern Pa
cific yards at Yuma, Ariz. They had
been smuggled over the Mexican bor
der at El Paso and were on their way
to Los Angeles. Alfred Griffin, Unit
ed States Chinese inspector, was no
tified and took them into custody.
A state of siege has been proclaimed
President Roosevelt, having request- in J? government of Kutais, Russia,
ed United States Senator William War
ner to nominate his successor as Unit
ed States district attorney for West
ern Missouri, Mr. Warner will recom
mend the selection of his assistant,
A. S. Van Valkenburgh, a native of
Syracuse, N. Y.
An Associated Press dispatch, dated
Paris, March 20, says: "General An
tonio Belutini, President Castro's fiscal
agent at Antwerp, has been authorized
to sign a contract with the German
and British holders of Venezuelan
bonds, pledging 50 per cent of the cus
tom receipts of the Guanta le'Vela,
Cumana, Ciudad, Bolivar, Porto Colo
and Carupano, to pay $26,000,000, bear
ing interest at the rate of 4 per cent
per annum, until tho creditor nations
are paid from 30 per cent of the cus
toms of La Guaira and Porto Cabello,
after which those two ports shall pay
25 per cent of the total receipts to
ureat Britain and Germany. "
Over 3,000 men are idle owing to
the shutting down of the Havemeyer
sugar refinery in Brooklyn, N. Y. No
explanation was given of the shutting
down of the plant, but it is said that
the decreased consumption of sugar
on account of the high prices is the
The national commission of the
Louisiana Purchase commission met
at Washington and former Senator
Thurston of Nebraska was elected
president, vice Senator Carter of Mon
tana, resigned.
and General Prince Ordeliani has been
invested with full powers as governor
The Chicago City railway, a corpora
tion controlling ninety miles of street
railway lines in the south and south
west portion of Chicago, is now with
out a franchise of any description
. Plans for subways to cost $230,000,
000, submitted to the New York City
Railway company and by the Interbor-
ougn company, were made public by
the board of rapid transit commission
ers of New York.
The lower house of the Tennessee
legislature has passed the bill which
prohibits betting on horse races in
Tennessee. The bill originated in the
senate and now goes to tho governor
A disaster occurred at Brockton,
Mass., in the Grover Shoe factory
when nearly 100 people lost their lives
in tho explosion of a boiler which de
stroyed a great many buildings for
blocks around. Workers are still
searching tho ruins for dead bodies
and so far over three score have been
Secretary of the Navy Morton and
his party, including Speaker Cannon,
ouuuiui niuu uua jxepresentatlvo Mey
er of Louisiana, sailed for Guantana
mo, Cuba, where they will inspect the
naval station there and observe tho
Ourea deep aoatod GouRhBMid Oolda.Oroup and all
The Kansas Oil Producers' asso
elation indignantly denies tho report
that it adopted resolutions condemn-
GariiSS r?SiideUt and Commissioner
Garfield and have sent tho president a
telegram saying: "The Kansas oil pro
ducers have the utmost confidence in
you and stand by you. We know noth
ing of the report."
. o
Th? at0 senate of Colorado on
March 20, passed the eight-hou? wu
Attorney General Rogers has insti
tuted suits against the Armour Pack
ing company and the St. Louis Re
frigerator company to recover back
iiixus on private cars used in the state
on an approximate valuation of $1,-
During a heavy spring storm an
electric power wire was broken and
fell across a door knob of the home of
John McGovern, engineer at the in
sane asylum at St. Louis, situated near
the institution, and McGovern was in
stantly killed by the electricity as he
opened the door.
Abigail "Becker, the brave rammi,.
woman whose fame has been sunz
throughout Canada, died at her home
in Walsingham Center, March 23. The
crew of the schooner "Conductor"
wuwu Hiia wreuiusu at i-ong Point oa
Lake Erie in November, 1853, Vas
saved by her own efforts and for h
'ivery the government gave her a
The machinists on the entire system
nf flio fJrnnH Triinlr rnilrnnrl in PnTuinn
have asked for an increase of 25 perfV1 BuJf?J 5?ip SrWn,er?, Pve her
cent in wages. The men are well or
ganized and say they are only asking
to be put on the same footing as Cana
dian Pacific railway employes.
$1,000 and the New York Life Savine
association presented her with a gold
During a heavy fog William Higgins,
nnJfryTn' and flve Passengers
names unknown, were drowned in the
Monongahela river at Chartlers Pa
by the boat being carried over a dam
and capsizing. m
tvZ-h?Vhe ,nvestigation of the beef
nle?o iinnSfeMi0? at Chlcag0 the com
AT wo0' tllGbure is as follows:
m. if' farmer' Mendota, fore.
?wi?e?i7 GTe0.rgG' 3r" farmer Mount
Carrol , 111.; John F. Hahn, city clerk
Evanston, 111.; Arthur W. Haysf deafer
in coal, wood and hay, Joliet 111
Charles G. Ingraham, retired capital
ist, Waukegan, 111.; Albert P. Buckley
wT' nUn??9' In'; Christian S
hardt, retired farmer, Wilmington 111
Joseph Dawson, constable Morris' m'
John McGoUKh. buttGrmnW It"1:,'
Hin' rUK Murray, farm'er.E s
1111. i C A. Nadelhoffor. ron,i i "li1
, .vivu UOJ.JiU'1,-
Subscribers1 Advertising Depart
The Subscribers' Advertising De
partment was instituted to meet the
requirements of advertisers who were
not regularly engaged in business, but
who had some meritorious article for
sale or exchange. The rates were
made lower than the regular display
advertising rates, and the rule adopted
that only regular subscribers were al
lowed to use it. The success of those
who have availed themselves of this
opportunity offered has been remark
ably good. George E. Dickson ot
Evanston, 111., writes: "I herewith en
close check for which run my adver
tisement in the subscribers' advertis
ing department of the next two issues
of The Commoner. You may
be interested in knowing that up to
date I have received fifty-eight in
quiries from twenty states and terri
tories in response to this ad, which
appeared first in last week's issue of
the paper. I consider that moneyjj
pretty well spent." Many others have
written in a similar strain. The rate
for advertisements in this department
is 6 cents per word per insertion, In
advance. If you are in doubt as v ,
the best and briefest wording of your
advertisement, the manager will n
glad to assist you. Address The Com
moner, Lincoln, Neb. .
r ly Ohio Seed Potato. $1.00 a bushel. Hoo
Walter. Iroquois. S D .
Illustrated, octavo, 465 pnpoB. JnJJK
1900, nothing later In print. A c "ftS
of publishers' stock, at great yrcJwwPjS
boautirul cloth bindimr 81.00 '! &
S1.2fi, posURo propald. G. H. Walters, z. v
Ht. Lincoln; NebraaKa -
Costs under ten dollars. Write h. J. w
Wausau, Wis., for sample proof ami iuh p
LVi sharps or flats. Send 0 cent? siw
four-papo waltz. R. Stetue a -
c citv. n. y. -
New York City. N. Y.
" No drouths or bllaanrd-i sJd stoCk
water. Good timber.- Grain, f r . l flaede,
farms near good markets. Hooku
Amelia. Va. t
x Anderson. Delaney Ark. . -
v and price-list. T A BMc"'!-
W 13. Matthewson. YeUvillo. aim
tit "S-iilitt ,j.itn