(.(asjr'iM"'' MARCH 10, 1005 The Commoner. 15 I,. ft r Cbe fldorh of Congress Aii Associated Press dispatch, dated Washington, March 1, says: The legislative activity of the fifty eighth congress during its short ses sion just closing may be estimated by the fact that over 100 laws affecting the general public have been enacted and over 1,000 private acts passed. The private acts consist largely of pensions', granted, while a few relief measures and removal of charges of desertion made up the remainder. The regular appropriation bills all are pro gressing to completion and some of them have already received the signa ture of President Roosevelt. The sen ate has amended and ratified arbitra tion treaties with seven European powers and sixteen American republics. It also has sat as a court and acquitted Charles S'wayne, judge of the district court for the Northern district of Flo rida, on articles of impeachment voted by the house. In 1oint session of the two houses the electoral vote for president and vice president was canvassed and the official announcement made of the elec tion of Roosevelt and Fairbanks. A revision of the Philippine tariff has progressed nearly to completion without indication of defeat, and an act has been signed intended to de velop the resources of those islands by guaranteeing interest on capital invested in railroad building and au thorizing the issuance of bonds for municipal improvements, schools and roads. The laws for Alaska have "been codified, an. additional district judge authorized and" the revenues from the liquor traffic in that territory diverted to the support of schools, the building of roads and the care of the insane. Legislation for the government of the Panama canal zone and the regula tions for the construction of the canal has been passed by both houses, but differences remain to be adjusted in conferences. Two new battleships were provided for by congress in the naval appropria tion bill. The trade mark laws hae been re vised and an international copyright act passed. Jurisdiction of the forest reserves has been transfered from the interior to the agricultural department Authority to make arrests in forest re serves has been granted employes, as a measure of further protection. Presi dent Rooseelt has been authorized to set apart a portion of the Witchita forest reserve as a breeding place for game animals and birds. By resolution of the house the de partment of commerce and labor has begun an investigation of the oil trust. Obscene matter has been prohibited from importation and transit as inter state commerce. As a further aid in the enforcement of the immigration laws steamships entering United States ports are required to furnish complete passenger lists. Captured confederate battle-fiags in the possession of the war department were ordered returned to the proper authorities of the state in which the regiment carrying the colors was or ganized. Tim American National Red Cross society was incorporated as were the trustees of the grand encampment of Knights Templar of the United States. Statehood bills have passed both houses and are in conference. Both measures contain provision for the ad mission of Oklahoma and the Indian territory as one state. The foundation for railroad legisla tion has been laid by the passage of win miuufiu tue nouso atter exhaus tive hearings and the beginning of an inquiry by the senate, which is to be wuum,icu uuiiug me recess. A halt has been called in the ex travagance with which public docu ments have been printed. The president was authorized to grant medals for heroism in the saving of life in train wrecks. The extradition law3 of the United States were extended to the Philip pines. The state of Arkansas was ceded a strip of land from the Indian terri tory. A portion of the Round Valley Indian reservation in California was opened to settlement. Settlers in the Rosebud reservation were given addi tional time to establish citizensnfp The unallotted lands of the Yakima reseration in Washington were ordered disposed of. Twenty-eight of the public acts are authorities to build bridges or dam navigable streams; twenty-three relate to the District of Columbia and four to tue judiciary. This is the only Windmill Tower which can be set close up against the house.directlv in front of the door and right over the walk without being in the least in the way . It gives HEAD ROOM PUMP ROOM TANK ROOM STOCK ROOM This Tower is made only by Write for 1irgcHarxjer joflhiaTrusse Tripod Tower. Address 1263 12th Street There is nothing like it It is a marvel of strength too. "Corpse" Came to LIftj Nathan F. Chidester, a Jefferson bus iness man, wa3 attacked with a serious illness two days ago and died, accord ing to the attending physician. An un dertaker prepared the body,for burial, It was wept over by the family, and on yesterday afternoon the funeral ser vices were held at the Chidester home. A clergyman delivered a "pow erful" sermon, at the close of which those present were Invited to take a last look at the dead. A relative of Chidester noticed, when she looked at the faco, that the lips were moist. With a cry she declared that the man was alive. A hurried in vestigation was made and it was dis covered that he was breathing. Phy sicians were quickly summoned and Chidester was removed from the coffin. In a short time he had regained con sciousness and was sitting up in bed. He is now able to walk about the house, and if no setback occurs he will be out attending to business in a few days. The coffin was taken back to tho undertaking shop. Chidester has not been told of the narrow escape from being buried alive. It is feared that the shock might be too great for him to bear in his present condition. Jefferson, Texas, Cor. New York World. i v f wt T T ' Lttfltl -8 - pyyi Inn Wivr: 3d Ul Ir PP '- Look at the room in the base of this Tower- V NEW ZEALAND v v Is one of tho moat progressive countries In the worl'J. Free to form their own government and to shape their legislation, unhampered by previous BystomB, the people of thcdo Inter esting Islands have udopted many reforms which are now under discussion here und else where. "POLITICS IN NEW ZEALAND" Is the title of a pamphlet of 11G pages which tellB all about tho success of tho Torrens sys tem of land transfers, government telegraph and telephone lines, government railroads, postal savings banks and other reforms. Price- 25 cents postpaid. Address C. F. TAYLOR., Bakor Building, Philadelphia. Pa. 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Collar extra 11.10. rW-r nTUIfZ allTa. nil-r- andscndlttonsandwe WW! J fltf fjru shows all ofthe very latest Writ fr It hwi $43.90 fitrya "Selli Comfort" ntiBtaa. exactly asshownln cut. Uxce hand iomo lamps, wide fenders, top, shafts ,etc print: cushion and back. KJI 9CBuys eur lars H"t . seated family ear rlaass without lamns. tenders and too, Price with too. fenders and limns. t'JiJJo. For foil deserfn. Uoa of this and other sty les, write (or catalogue. $9i QR for our gentlemen's driving wagea, wits Hf.iJU stick seat, exactly as shown in cut, with shafts. CC E BuyaaurNe. 107slnal buggy or carriage tVUaOl hirnam. eolllr fend h.imn frtvlr. with nvrr m side check. 1 In. traces; collar extra, 75 cents. $17 flfl BMys ur. Ho. a 17 heavy deubta team frar flf.UU ness(wlthlH In. traces, 18ft. lines. 1 in. polo and breast strap, with snaps and slides, complete with two raps. Collars extrzJlJM. Write for Ire catalogue, will mall you FREE our vehicle and harness catalogue. It 5t fttvlf f7ft IQlY Thm 1tt 9MttiM fiM .tMMfnnn. M 'vtry plain aad complete, so you will know how every vehicle Is made. We ship an 30 daya (rial. WedoBotaskyoatoraoy 1 money with order. Do net bin? a vehicle er laamaaaef kiarf brii ou s.i au,.is.,.. mi .M.txw astonishingly low prices, and the most liberal terms ever made. A" BJ ffilJl M tUIBIJ nt AUIAIAn 111 v. 09 SMI delay. KeRtr It l fret.j mflUBlN OMIInvUd VElluAaUa 11U hitch strar Kjjllipadlawlltri '" ilM-.r, riJ. . J