The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 13, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
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The Old Toys
"Where are the toys of yester-year
Trumpet and monkey and ark and
Scattered in fragments,' far and near.
But fato to their whereabouts is
For the monkey is dust and the horn
is" dumb, , ,"
The ark is a wreck and sunken, l
And gone is the drum to kingdom
With the other toys of yester-year.
Blithe was our child on Christmas day,
- Viowing the tree with treasures
Still in his "nightio's" pure array,
Shrieking aloud with gleesomo
How ho reveled hi3 things among!
"Little cherub." '.'The little dear."
Swelled ther paean from list and lung
But alas for the toys of yester-year.
"Look," spake the drum, "at his fin
gers cute?"
But only the once such words he
. said, " , ;,
For he right soon went by the back
door route
. "With his strings all cut and a hole
' ..L. in his head.
By a hasty tread wa3 the trumpet sped,
Tho ark was razed to its bulwarks,
. sheer,
'".; The .monkey was smashed in the trun-
vv. .die-bed,
;; -V-AIas for the toys of yester-year!
AyeVbig.wlth hope were thoset bright
young :toys; ? ;' -1 -v
How aweet to gladden the childish
And they thrilled with pride and they
brimmed with joy;
And he tore them, joint from joint
apart. '
Explored their inwards with rapid art
Stripped them of varnish" and paint
'-' and gear
Strewed them wide through the house
hold mart!
Oh, hapless toys, of yester-year!
Homo Chats x
As the excitement of the holidays
subsides we begin to look about us
for more worlds to conquer, and among
the first things that confront U3 is
the necessity for getting down to the
spring sewing before the semi-annual
house-cleaning bdason overshadows us
On overhauling the boxes, bags, closets
and other storage room,., we find many
things if there are children in the
family that may be made over," cut
down, or otherwise made .passable to
serve "along the line." Nearly every
thing will call for some little expense
a spool of thread, a card of button, a
bit of new lining, braid, trimming of
some kind, a scrap to "piece out," or
a yard or more for combinations, and
thu3 we turn our attention to the an
nual "spring bargain sales" for the
necessary materials. Everything is
said to be "marked down," and many
things really are a few cents cheaper,
while some articles are "bargains" in
truth, if one has tho good fortune to
get first choice of them and has the
iJSJht: xJ?NB,:yVa '"oothinii sp 'or children
tcothDCBhoaldalwayiilio used lor children while
Ml.IUof,e?BtU8 wns, allays all pain, cures
necessary amount of experience to en
able her to know a good article from
a clever sham.'
If tho article in Question Is really
needed, or would be wanted soon, it
will bo no extravagance to buy it.
Many remnants of materials, buttons,
trimmings, etc., can be found a few
cents cheaper than the goods in stock,
and by the time our needs have beeii
supplied we will have saved quite a few
cents by our "bargain' rummage. But
tho trouble lies in the fact that wo
are prone to keep on buying; the good3
are so alluringly advertised, and they
seem so desirable at the price asked,
mat we are tempted to buy many
things that we may never use, and that
certainly we do not want, just now.
Before we realize it. our funda kvn
given out while we are still "short" on
many real necessities. Besides all thi3,
all marked down sales are not real bar
gainsto us. In confirmation of this
one has but to look at the long lino
of parcel-laden women at the credit
or exchange deslc of any of our largo
department stores on the morning
after special bargain sales. The ma
jority of these have found that their
yielding to temptation at the bargain!
counter has not turned out ro whit
wnen viewed in the light at home:
others have awakened to the fact that
other things were much mnr -natiriAh:
and they have no more money for ne'e '
osaary snapping, and hence seek tho
aid of the exchange desk.
Before venturing from home, it is a
sensible idea to write out a list of
everything we want to b)iy;f. then look
over it carefully and check off all-superfluities,
or articles not now needed;
go over the list again, and mark off
all except tho must-haves, and suit
these In number and price to the
amount you have to expend for them.
"When the stores are reached, keep
steadily in mind the Length and breadth;
of the abbreviated list, and get these
things first, and when the last article
is checked off the list, if the money
holds out, and there is anything left,
one might indulge in the few things
she is sure to need later in the season
keeping in mind the fact that it is a
"bargain" only to us when it is some
thing wo both need and desire, and for
which we can find a good use. Because
it is "marked down" is no assurance
that it will be a wise investment for
us at the time. If the least doubt ex
ists, it is well to nass it hv. fn im ,,
ited after "second thought," if we still
desire it.
stiff enough; tho inner border i3 in
variably curved to accentuate the great
too displacement.
Unitil we are sensible enough t6
demand sensibly shaped shoes, we
must continue to suffer; but for tho
sake of the future generation, we
should begin to demand them now.-1-S'elected.
Quory Box
Woodsman. For chilblains, soak
tho feet in warm, strong lime water;,
not more than two or three applica
tions are necessary. Burns from frost
are similar to burns from fire.
Annie M.To malce a Russian suit
for a boy of four years, will require
two and one-half yards of material one
yard wide, with three-fourth3 yard of
contrasting material for trimming.
Maude. One with red hair and
brown eyes may" choose gray-blues,
bronze-greens and copper-browns. One
with black or dark brown hair, blue
or gray eyes, can wear all shades of
gray, dark blue, clear greens, dark
wines and some shadea of Drown.
Our Foet
Style in foot-wear undoubtedly is
to blame for 99 per cent of the cases
of flat-foot. The tendency of those
who wear roomy, common-sense shoes
is to wear away the outer portion of
the sole; that is a3 it should be. It
is the natural, weight-bearing surface
side of the shoe; but the wearer, as
a rule, doesn't know this; he thinks
It is a habit that should be corrected
So, to meet this opinion the manu
facturer makes shoes that throw the
weight-bearing surface to the inner
border. Of course, to wear this style
of shoe any length of time means flat
foot and Physicians. If one very per
ceptibly wears away the inner por
tion Of the SOlG. it la nn lnf1lnnMnn
.weakness, and'Ought to have attention.
vulus anoes nave little to recom
mend th.em for the preservation of per
fect ffifcr. ffolrlnm ic, t, i- . ..
enough or the shank hieh. broad "or 1
George R. To euro t.eff.i viti!wnrm
or barbers itch, take one ounce of su
gar of lead, one ounce of lac-sulphur
(common sulphur will not do), and
eight ounces of rosewater Mix thor
oughly. For external application only,
applying no ofterier than: is absolutely
necessary, as sugar of lead is poisons
ous.- ...
Marie. For a skirt made of thick
material, use a seven-gore pattern, fit
ting smoothly about hips without darts,
shaping by the seams. The closing is
made at the back under two" inverted
plaits that are flatly pressed. Exten
sions may be set in seams at the side
gores below the knees, inverted box
plaits. The3e may be either taped or
flatly pressed and allowed to flare
widely about the feet of the wearer.
A. L. R. The price of ordinary dia
monds is about J$150 per carat weight,
but many diamonds are more valuable'
because of rare shade or unusual bril
liancy. A "carat" is a jeweler's weight
for weighing diamonds and other prec
ious stones, and has a fixed weight
equal to three anfl nnfivfv. m
grains. Goldsmiths and assayers also
use the term carat as a means of stat
ing the proportion of pure gold con
tained in any alloy of gold and with
other metals, but not a3 a fixed weight.
"Out-Doors." For cracks in the fin
gers there is nothing better or less ex
pensive than common shoe (not har
ness) wax, quite a lump of which may
be had for five cents. Hold the lump
over heat until soft enough to drop
and apply at once to tbe crack. Hold
the crack over and stick a bit of
w0ngmisSUe ?apGr over the wax while
hot. Tie wool yarn around the finger
several times and. let stay until worn
off. This will heal at once.
Requested R.oo!pes
Sliced Be6f.-Get a name of beef
,., ' -wwu"5 tu ueea.) sea-
son with pepper, salt and powdered gar-
bU,ou uu ugnuy and tie with
a string tightly; place i a kettlo S
- - ' ",vc u"i- ana iput m a pan,
" ' VOLUME .4, NUMBER 53
but do not take off the com. Z "
clean board on it andLe w ti,P ace a
weights and leave all nighT tJT
morning remove tho weight tb
the cord and when win ted slice n
with a sharp knife. . ihlh
Buttermilk Biscuits. Sift i mm,. -flour
into a mixing bowl; work WthJ
center of this one teaspoonfui f B" t
and, on? of soda, pour into this a pin
of thick sour milk and mix uniii I
becomes a stiff dough. Do not put a
bit of shortening into it; pinch off
small pieces of dough and mold into
KM !PJ!pto as post
., uiouuiL will Ue llEhtpi- on,i
fluffier than when rolled onaboS
Put a heaping tablespoonful of lard in
a pan, let it get smoking hot, roll each
bjscuit in this and bake in a quick
oven. Report success.
Baked Trout. For a trout four to six
pounds in weight, dress and let lie in
salty water over night; make a dress
ing of stale bread, seasoning with but
ter, pepper, salt and sage, turn boiling
water over, cover and let stand until
sou., mix well and fill the fish with
the dressing and sew it up neatly; lay
in a granite baking pan, cut several
gashes in its upper side and put a small
slice of fresh fat pork in each gash.
Dredge with Jlour and lay thin slices
of lemon over; add a pint of water and
a generous lump of butter. Bake mm
hour or more,, basting often, when the
waier snouig:, an oe cooked out and the
trout niqely browned. Carefully slip
the fish onto, a platter and garnish
with sllce3 of lemon. Add butter and a
spoonful of flour to the linuid in the
tpan with, nearly a pint cf water, boil
up once anu pour around the fish.
NiceJWrifles. One quart of thick,
sour milk (home, churned buttermilk
is .Just,, right), one cup. of sour cream
(if tp be thad).t and flour, enough to
maKe a4 stiff patter,, with a teaspoonfui
pf salt. Stir in the "beaten yolks of
three eggs; beat the. whites stiff and
add last, With a teaspoonfui of soda
dissolved in a little water. Tho secret
of having good waffles is in baking
them right. Have a good fire and tho
waffle iron well greased and one side
smoking hot; pour enough batter in to
fill the iron and quickly close it, and as
soon as the batter Ijas spread, filling
the iron, which will be in about a min
ute, turn, the iron and leave until
brown; by raising the edge of the waf
fle from the iron one can see if it is
brown. Do not turn the iron back and
forth, as this will dry the cake instead
of baking it. The eggs must be beaten
THAMMMK ,, ,. ; bm VMt KB
S- M j . 'SI a I H
Send your nam today and get this
Great Discovery by Return Mail.
Wo want everyone who has Rheuma
tism to send us his or her name. Return
mail will bripg a pair of tho colebratod
Magic Foot. Drafts tho great Michigan
discovery which cures all kind of Rheu
matism, in every part of tho bodyby
absorbing uric acid and other impurities
from the blood through the great foot
pores. They apply a new principle which
is curing the worst old chronic cases
cases considered incurable after every
thing else failed. No one need despair.
.Writo today. Return mnll brlru'8 the Droits.
Try thorn and)lf you are ftilly satisfied with tuo
benefit received send ua. Ono Dollar; If not sonu
us nothing. You.docide. You can see that we
couldn't afford to ronkc this offer If the Draiw
didn't cure. Our new book qomes free wan
tho Drafts.4 -Write today.
Xm oHyerBId. Jackson, Mich,
j i