1 " -$? "" (TANUABY 6, 1905 The Commoner. 3 mnim mnwwyygawi NT GOPICS '22p' iBaMiwMM-iiM.. -iMi.ws i ?y"'1" s L. "Kstr'aKl'liflTt ZL r v WW IGBIHBBii -"BI1W1 " " " s?Z2rf GOVERNOR CUMMINS of Iowa expresses tlio opinion that the scheme which Senator El guns has planned out for the establishment of a court to exercise jurisdiction over questions arising over the interstate commerce act will not provide the -people with relief. A railroad publication known as "Freight" and published in New York city, re cently asked Governor Cummins xor his opinion on the Blkin3 measure. In his reply the governor Bays that he favors the plan outlined in Mr. Roose velt's message, which ho thinks will, if adopted, provide relief promptly. The governor adds: "The bill which, accora.ng to newspaper report, is to bo brought forward by Senator Elkins, estab lishing a circuit court of interstate commerce to take jurisdiction of all matters arising under tne interstate commerce act, would, in my opinion fur nish no practical relief for the evils of excessive and discriminating rates. The examinaton of a freight rate in a court hampered by all the"" rules which regulate the introduction of evidence, ac companied by the delays which are common in such tribunals, attended with the cost which ia Incident to technical litigation, and followed by no effective result until the supremo cottrt of the Unted States is reached, will afford no remedy to the business interests of the country. To estab lish such a court for the original hearing of com plaints as an answer to the demand which the people are now making is to keep the promise to the ear and break it to the hope." ACCORDING to newspaper dispatches, some en terprising person has originated a plan for the collection of the repudiated bonds of certain southern states. According to these dis patches, these repudiated bonds are being secured by' brokers and tho plan is to 1 spose of them in northern states at a profit. It is held that the ' nortbe-rn states can issue and collect while both the states and the brokers make good profits. The Ihitdd States supiemo court, in the case of South Dakota vs. North Carolina, held that because South Dakota had accepted a bona fide gift df North Carolina bonds, that South Dakota was en titled to recover, although the former individual owners f thy bauds woulti have no power to sue North Carolina. It is said that the state of Louis iana has $32,000,000 of this indebtedness while Mississippi has ?22,000,000. The Chicago Record Herald says that the total debt that has been "re pudiated" by nine southern states is estimated at more than 5280.000,000; while accrued interest would double the amumt RECEisTLY Senator Foster said that great care should be exercised in framing arbitra tion treaties made with other countries, in order that those treaties contain no provisions which may be interpreted to mean the payment of fraud ulent reconstruction debts of the southern states. Approving the Foster note of warning, tho New Orleans Times Democrat says: "Republicans join with democrats in denouncing these debts, and de claring that the question at to responsibility for them must not and can not be considered by any arbitration tribunal. No one wants to enforce the payment of these infernal debts," says Sena tor Cullom; and his view of the situation is ac cepted by nearly au the prominent republicans in cong re3S. 'There is nothing in the objection raised,' he continues, and a number of lawyers join in de claring that these debts can not be arbitrated. The treaties -we make with foreign powers spe cify the cases in which arbitration should prevail; and if the debt of any American state were brought before the arbitration tribunal, we would have a right to object to its consideration. We aro further told that tho senate is very careful in adopting any treaues and will leave no loophole by which the holders of the fraudulent or repudiated bonds 'may present their . claims against any American state." ft THE' United States supreme court, speaking through Justice Day, has held that an allow ance to a wife and children is not in the nature of an ordinary debt and therefore can not be dis charged in bankruptcy. In his opinion Justice Day says: "The bankruptcy law should receive such an interpretation as will effectuate Its bone ficont purposes and not mako it an Instrument to deprivo dependent wife and children of tho sup port and maintenance duo thorn from tho husband and fathor, which It has ever been tho purpose of the law to enforco. Systems of bankruptcy aro designed to relievo tho honest debtor from tho weight of Indebtedness which has become oppres- -sivo and to permit him to havo a fresh start in business or commercial life, freed from tho orig inal obligations and responsibilities which may havo resulted from business misfortunes." "In other words," says tho Atlanta Constitution, "tho distinction Is clearly drawn between tho obliga tions and responsibilities arising from business misfortunes and that high obligation to wife and children represented by alimony. Tho court un doubtedly does the just and right thing in draw ing that distinction." CHRISTMAS Day of 1904, according to news paper dispatches, was not all "peace on earth, good will to men." Tho Now York World has compiled from newspaper dispatches an in teresting showing: Gen. Nogi's right wing ad vanced and captured new flanking position at the northwest of Port Arthur after hard fighting. A hotel-runner thoughtlessly turned tho signal lights at Brown Crossing, and there was a collision at Mount Carmel, 111., which cost seven lives. Judge Noye3 of Plaistow, Mass., was called from church, where he was singing In tho choir, to preside at the arraignment of twenty-two men arrested at a chicken fight. A crowd returning from midnight mass at Plainfleld. N. J., tried to lynch four ne groes who had fatally stabbed two policemen and wounded a third. A five-year-old girl in New York accidentally killed her baby brother by giving him carbolic acid and camphor by mistake for soda water. Frederick Fredericks of Brooklyn was fa tally stabbed by an unknown man for resenting., an insult offered to a young woman companion. Two men were killed and another fatally Injured in a collision between ice boats on Onondaga lake. Two persons were suffocated to death and three others seriously injured in a tenement house fire on Allen street. TO AVOID a collision with a trolley car the driver of a fire-engine raced his. horses along a crowded sidewalk. Nobody was hurt. Two Italians fought a duel in We3t Farms square In the midst of a crowd of pedestrians. One of tho principals was mortally wounded, and the other then tried to shoot a policeman. A crowd of Italians in One Hundred and Ninth street assailed policemen who were making arrests and the po lice had to draw their revolvers to protect them selves. A prominent democratic politician of Brooklyn was assaulted and robbed by three negroes. Mrs. Mary E. West of East New York fell dead while trimming a Christmas tree. Some body exploded a dynamite bomb In a three-story tenement house on Third avenue. Christian Law rence was knocked down and fatally injured on Broadway by a runaway horse. A young woman companion was painfully bruised. A Brooklyn boy died from hemorrhage of the nose after ar ranging a Christmas celebration. During a fight with the city marshal a young man at Black shear Ga., killed his father. A freight elevator operator. att Sherry's fell to tho bottom of tho shaft and was killed. A socialist leader at Paw tucket was found dead on the railroad track. A Baltimore man was seriously wounded by a negro burglar who entered his daughter's bedroom. Two men held up a passenger train near Valley Springs, S Dak., shot the cars full of hole3 and made the passengers dance jigs In the aisle3. THE total vote for president In the late elec tion was 13,508,496. The New York World, which seems just now to have a weakness for election figures, says: "This was 400,078 less than the vote in 1900. notwithstanding an estimated In crease of nearly 7,000,000 in population and of 1 400 000 in eligible voters. What should the total vot 'have been in November had the interest of citizens in the result been profound and their Preferences between tho candidates sharply de fied ? The fullest vote in proportion to popula tion over cast In a presidential election wan In 189G, when tho ratio was 1 to 5. By this ratio tho voto In November would havo boon 16,000,000. Tho voto actually pollod was 3,092,000 Rhort of this, DR. LYMAN ABBOTT rocontly delivered an address beforo tho Harvard students and his statements on that occasion have created a commotion in ecclesiastical circlos. Dr. Abbott is being eovcrely criticised by many clorgyraon and Yet ho is not without nrdont supporters. Tho Now York b'un contributes to tho discuaalon an Inter esting parallel column. Tho Sun takes from Dr. Abbott's address this extract: "Tho Ton Com mandments did not spring spontaneously from Moses, but were, like all laws, a gradual growth, and that man is a creature of ovolutlon, not a creation. I beliovo in a God Who Is in and through and of overythlng not an absentee God, whom we havo to reach through a Blblo or a priest or somo other outsido aid, but a God who Is closer to us than hands or feet. There is only ono energy. That energy has always been working, it in an Intelligent energy. No sciontlst can dony it. My God is a great and cvor-prcaent force, which is manifest In all tho activities of man and all tho workings of nature" Then the S'un compares tho Abbott remarks with the following declarations mado by Tom Paino: "Tho Commandments carry no internal evidence of divinity with them; they contain somo good moral precepts, such as any man qualified to bo a lawgiver, or a legislator, could produce himself, without having recourse to supernatural intervention. In fine, do wo want to know what God is? Search not tho book called the Scripturo, which any human hand might mako, but tho Scripturo called tho Creation. Tho only Idea man can affix to tho namo of God is that of a first cause of all things. Do wo want to contemplate His power? Wo seo It In tho immen sity of the Creation. Do wo want to contemplato His wisdom? Wo seo It in tho unchangeable or der by which tho incomprehensible whole is gov erned." THOSE who Imagine that tho republican con gress may be depended upon to provide tho people with protection from corporation imposi tion will do well to read a telegram sent to the Now York Press, a republican paper, by Its Washington correspondent. That correspondent says; "Va rious Wall street Interests havo been 'assured' from here than the recommendations mado In President Roosevelt's message should not be regarded too seriously, because there Is no possibility, In tho opinion of these Congress lobbyists, that legisla tion such as recommended will bo enacted. They seek, in other words, t bolster up the stock mar ket, with the assurance that they will "take care" of all legislation looking to tho federal control of railroad traffic rates, or to Federal espionage over tho great insurance corporations of the country, or to strengthening the anti-trust laws. A finan cial expert sent out the following from here to day: 'The financial world has been assured that there shall be no legislation along tho lines rec ommended In tho President's message relating to tho regulation of railroad rates. This assurance has been given in ample time to protect tho mar ket, and it Is claimed that Washington should not bo held responsible for the crash which Wall" Btreet is experiencing.'" THERE are now said to be only 1333 American buffalo in existence. The various herds with the number of each are given Jy tho Kansas City Journal as follows: "Pablo-AHard, etc, herd, on Flathead Indian reservation, Mon tana, 330; running wild, west of Great Slave lake, 200; in the Austin Corbln park, New Hampshire, 160; herd of James Philip, Fort Pierre, S', D., 90; herd of Charles Goodnight, Goodnight, Tex., 50; in Banff Rocky Mountain park, Canada, 45; in Yellowstone park (inclosed), 40; in Bronx park, New York, 32; in Yellowstone park (running wild), 30; herd of Jphn E. Dooley, Utah, 30; herd of G. W. Llllle (Pawnee Bill), Oklahoma, 28; herd of Lincoln park, Chicago, 20; herd of Burgess & Han son, Luana, Iowa, 20; herd, of J. J. Hill, Cardigan, Minn., 18; in the Cincinnati Zoological park, 16; herd of C. J. Lenander, Bancroft, Iowa 10i i ill JA tJtUt ft flj.i. .-i.km Jtf-jgmho ikt I t