PPEVfRfvM JMWPW-yr1 ' Wfjjiyp 'Hir- JANUARY 0, 1905 The Commoner. 15 wwwwifmmv I commissioner uameiirs Proposal xiiMilMIMMMJUUJIMKMAMMMAJUWJlMMJUJUtllMlllliiiiiiiiiiiii...... 7 rnTTw''''''M''''',,'''''""Mni(TrfyrArfrrYiVV'w,VMVW Federal licenses for corporations do ing interstate business is the plan rec- omeuded by Secretary Garfield, of the department of commerce, as the best available method for curing existing ovils. The avidity with which Thomas W. Lawson's articles are devoured by the public shows how deep-seated is the popular distrust of the intentions, methods and honesty of those captains of finance who have .amassed great fortunes. Secretary Garfield thinks that the opportunity for Buch opera tions in Wall street, or before the courts, or in various legislatures, as described by Mr. Lawson, is to bo found in the chaotic conditions of our corporation laws as they are today. The "state" syatem of chartering cor porations makes possible the practice of great corporations ol moving their legal residence from state to state for special privileges, paying therefor the annual taxes levied by the state which issues the charter. This has resulted in the anomalous state of the corpora tion law which represents the needs of special interests and not the require ments for the guidance and protection of a whole people. These incoherent and divergent principles might all bo harmonized, in Secretary Garfield's opinion, if the United States govern ment would reauire every corporation engaged in interstate commerce to take out a federal license. This could be done under the clause' in the constitu tion which directly empowers congress with the right of regulating commerce between the states. So far the exercise of this right has been largely negative. True, the custom of the interstate com merce commission was an affirmative and far-reaching action. Its power, however, has been much weakened by restrictive legislation and adverse ju dicial constructions. There is no doubt in Secretary Garfield's mind as to the efficiency of the federal license system, if carried ouf along the recommended lines. The first fruits of such a plan would be the publicity given and information acquired by means of which some sys tematic legislation could be prepared for the governing of corporations en gaged in interstate commerce. Pub licity of proper facts would help the creation of an enlightened public opinion that would go far towards ad justing many difficulties that exist at present. After discussing the various methods of accomplishing this end, Secretary Garfield advises a federal license, as such a course would Btill leave, the chartering, taxing and local control of the corporations in the hands of the states. Information necessary to the de partment in charge of this work can be obtained by making the granting of the proposed license dependent on the compliance of the corporations with the requirements in this respect. It is suggested that all private informa tion received thrmicTi mirb Hrmrnn-a Vio kept scrupulously secret, In order that the legitimate workings, organization or advantages of one corporation may not become the property of another, other recommendations of a similar nature are made for the protection of those taking out a .federal license. In summing up the proposed policy FITS Those awful, agonizing dangerous fits are me result of on aggravated condition of nervous utility. Dr. Miles' Nervine has made many remarkable cures by restoring health and strength to the nervous system. Sold by drug Gists under a guarantee that the flrst bottle will benefit or your money returne-i of this department, Secretary Garfield says: "In brief, the policy of the bureau in the accomplishment, of thn ntimne of it3 creation is to co-operate with, not antagonize, the DU3lness world; the immediate object of its inquiries is the suggestion of constructive legisla tion, not the institution of criminal prosecution. It purposes, through ex haustive investigations of law and fact, to secure conservative action and to avoid ill-considered attack upon cor porations charged with unfair or dis honest practices. Legitimate business law-respecting persons and corpo rationshave nothing to fear from the proposed exercise of this great govern mental power of inquiry." Secretary Garfield esneciallv emnho.- sizes ins desire to prevent any in creased centralization of power at Washington in the matter of control of private and public corporations. In its essential characteristics the plan embodies the proposals for the regulat ing corporations which Mr. W. J. Bryan made some time ago. It is likely, there fore, that it will have a good deal or strength from the democratic side of the house. Richmond Times-Dispatch. A New Deal In Politics There is going to be some extremely interesting politics in this country in the next four years. Each wing of the democratic party has had its turn now, and each has proved that it can not succeed without the other. In 189G and 1900 the radicals tried to win without the conservatives, and failed. In 1901 the conservatives have failed to win without the radicals. What next? American political history has shown that when a dominant party has de stroyed all effective organized oppo sition there is likely to be a general shuffle and a new deal. S'o it was after 1820, when Monroe's almost unanimous second election was followed by the break-up of the too-successful Jeffer sonian party and a contest among four republican candidates at the next elec tion. It was so" after 1852, when Pierce's overpowering triumph led to the disap pearance of the whigs and the creation of the new republican party. The Gree ley rout of 1872 brought a revulsion of feeling that gave new life to the par alyzed democracy. Today the signs of political readjust ment are in the air. They are not con fined to any one party they cover the whole field of politics. Bryan and Cleveland were not more incongruous as members of the same party in 1892 than LaFollette and Spooner are in 1904. There is a great body of repub licans who really belong on the demo cratic 'side, and a smaller, but still large, number of democrats who ought to.be republicans. Party names o longer correspond to real things. An English visitor who was recently writ ing a profound essay on American poli tics for one of his home reviews turned helplessly to an American friend and asked: "What ia the difference between the republican and democratic par ties?" The informant could not tell, and the article had to go into print without that important information. There is good reason to believe that observers of the campaign of 1908 will not be confronted by any such dif ficulty. Saturday Evening Post served to bo revolving somothing In her mind for quito a quarter of an hour, and Just as hor mother was about to ask her what alio was think ing about, tho littlo girl said: vl0t MCr' Is your grand mother dead?" Yes," answered tho now tnoroughly perplexed mother. "Well, Is sho in heaven?" limn nrn. pounded tho youthful Knnirnt. nfrnr knowledge. I nopo so," said tho inothor. "Well l am afld not," replied tho little one. "for I never saw a ninhim of an old angel." And with an expression on her littlo face that showed sho had solved an other knotty question, tho child re turned to her play. Philadelphia Press. Comparative Statistics Representative Gooch of Kentucky, according to tho Philadelphia Public Ledger, says that several years ago a young lawyer was admitted to tho bar in hia state, and one of his first cases was where the right of property to a lot of hogs was Involved. It wns a case of replevin, and tho blundering lawyer addressed the jury in this way "There were just twenty-four hogs in that drove, gentlemen of tho jury just twenty-four, gentlemen exactly twico as many as there arc in that jury box." Tho case was decided against the young lawyer's client. Color and Temperament Certain sounds awaken equivalent1. moous in a nearer, certain colors quell a given temper of mind, and certain odors have an unexpected assoclatlonal value, inducing alien and unlooked for trains of thought. Faintly wo grasp that wo live in subtle but strong relations to all the phenomena of na ture. Consciously or unconsciously, wherever wo look we are searching for tho color particularly our own, or se lecting from tho incommensurable thud of tho universe that sound which la in tune with our own mental make up. But the colors we choose to keep about us, or instinctively note in our wanderings, disclose more definitely than any of tho other choices of inborn temperament. Color and sensibility aro closely al lied, and one inattentive to clashing combinations Is likely to be also a lit tle blunt to the finer moral and intel lectual distinctions, a little impervious to the more delicate ta3tes and acuter pains. Harper's Weekly. , No Old Angel She is too young to understand much about the "life hereafter," but old enough to think she has grasped that problem thoroughly. For this rea son she talks often and much about hflfivfin. The other day she was 6b- DIRECT TO YOU AUX2 Ml. plnuat PTofi .III XIAlUUB Retail ymoiffftn nr craniw aired from ea tod ft factory prleee with no mid. that oat. Utlt ton am err7 auwt. tAt Md noH nrhi. Oixr I area rra euiotraa tell nil boot (rar no nOD7 with order plan, freight eSsr. two rear Rntnuitr and bowwB4tlpiuirbr8oa d?Fhee Trial Wa maka HOttrlMof rahlelM from ZA9 op and JOT) style ol barnraa from 4a up. Write today for Free Money Savin z Gitatogwt. U. 9. DUUGY at CART CO., u DB'Jt uinainnau, u ELECTRIC Metal Wheels will crlra yo a mw wrifoft a&4 a utoUme errtco cral of. ytnr aid running gears. Ibcr ara tto uioucra areas ferric wneL atatf t PH ay mml adapted fared otaj steal i poked, bro4 lrtl. tnr Heir lit itfitmt. Yam will bo through with ropalraaM ute mono, Stlds and labor e bono and niu, WrHa at oaat Mr ear catalogs. K'a tnt tor tho asking-. ELEOTftltt WHEEL ,. OXm Hsyf tmmoH. CREAM SEPARATOR C RFP isJCLiaa This ! a genuine IHataai offer made to Introduce the Peoples Cream Separator in every Bcfeb borhood. It is the beet and simplest In the world. We ask that you show it to your neighbor who have cows. Send your name and the name ! the nearest freight office. AtiareM PEOPLES MUPPLr DO. Doot. 17T. KAA CITY. I. 'ill wj BE A SUCCESS. Wo can teach you how to makeyour farm pay better than It ever ha done. Let us send you pamphlet 1 00$ I A R M E Ri It costs you nothing to learn about our method Correspondence Agricultural College m Ncbrniko. fit., BJoux City, Iowa. C7 "eXacLpvt faoithtUioroaihlr. Intltoifi etlllihl int. Ka inrfl hr ortieUU KaJIrMU aa4 W.U.Tel. Co. VtmUluoi m. curr.t, Knllrc coat, tulliou (Ulrcrapb atid tivrlBf), tocrd and room, 0 tnoa. course, $H9. Cm ho rclae4 Uorne Instruction iltftrlrrn. Ciuloro U frte, jjotxiK-a liHTiTurk or TtutuiurHr, TJrw, tu. 0EATHTOHCAytt. i Vai T UaaraalMC m A?CEafiS2&fc KyjpP&jfjpaaVRfssw VXHTOS'SHMTe, Cok, Umpr m4 In4lgt(11a Cwra A viUriiiary pit for wl4, Uirott and fUrtnacJi trentUa tUrmf TU&nmtndi. $1.00 pr eta. I)Uri. Mill trKi. p TkoJinUin Itnie4y Toledo, OkU. 10 men In each slnto to trarel, tack dim U dlslrlbulo tamples and circulars of our goods, nalarr 176 pr-r month, 3 per dar for expn. KUIILUAM CO., Lept.K-5", Atlas block, Chicago. WANTED THE PLATFORM TEXT BOOK Contains Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. S., All National Platforms, of all political parties, since their formation, to and including those of 1901, 188 pages. Is just what every public speaker ahould haye at hand for ready roforonce. Postpaid 25 cents. Address, THE COMMONER, Llncola, Nebr. EafefH Fire, Water Lightning anil Preef New Steel Roofing and Siding YaSnUA red on both sides $2.00 Per 100 Square Feet jw-Arffi au and eight feet long. p JTjforftf to .11 nolnta East of Colorado, except Indian Tert,Oklahon,a and SS . -a- wprieD" SSSKI&uiffi?S TiTiiOTOaT C. '& on BaJIdiSgitatirul Wire, Hpe.Humblng Material, FurnltuVo, noebSld OoTetcTWc Buy at Skeria aaa KecctTera' Sales. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKIHU i.9 Join at irun "'i.P a HHflKWtt-T. ..;.vtWtir' lix-m;-rnrf - ' U-