The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 06, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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JANUARY 6, 1905
The Commoner.
Moderation or Total Abstinence
Mt Vernon. Iowa, December 1, 1904,most diametrically onnosito to ,
For many years I nave oeen a con
Bt'int reader and adruiiei of your ex
cellent paper, but I have sometimes
wondered if the position that you have
taken as advocate foif the moderate use
of alcoholic boverages is tenable. The
effects of alcohol upon the human body
both in moderation and in excess, have
in recent years been carefully investi
gated by competent men of various
countries, and their contributions to
our knowledge of the sut ect have shed
much light upon tho problem. The
writer recalls that about twenty years
ago the New York Legislature passed
an act that required the effects of al
cohol and othor narcotics upon the hu
rian organism to be taught in cUo
schools. Other states followed New
York's example, and the consequence
was that the authors and publishers of
ext-books in their haste to comply
with the requirement often sacrificed
accuracy and fell into many exaggera
tions. A reaction from such teaching
was inevitable. But in the past few
ears, the subject has been approached
and investigated in a more judicial
spirit. The conclusions reached can
generally be accepted as reliable.
Among the more recent work3 on
physiological chemistry, that of G.
Bunge, a professor in tho University of
Bale, Switzerland, is widely used and
recognized as a standard. In his sec
tion on alcohol, he does not simply
give his own views and the results of
his own investigations, but he includes
the work that has been done on the
subject in England, the United States,
Belgium, France, Germany, Austria and
other countries. The conclusions arrived
at by all these investigations are al-
moderate drinking, it is shown that
what seems to bo tho stimulating
action on body and mind that
tho moderate drinker experiences la
uu w me paralysis or tho nerve cen
ters. Also to this paralysis aro duo tho
feeling of warmth. Alcohol does not
Improve digestion but retards It All tho
evidence tends to 3how the uselessness
and tho harmful ncss of tho beverage
oven in moderation. Another authority,
A. Baer, by collecting a largo mass of
evidence, shows that soldlors are able
to do better service In every climate
when entirely deprived of tho use of
alcohol. It is admitted that alcoholic
drinks diminish tho metabolic pro
cesses, the breaking down of the tis
sues; but this breaking down is nat
ural and tlGSiral'le. as it is the source
of all our energy.
t can luudly ue proved that moderate
drinkers cciiIIluc to use intoxicants in
moderation. Unlike tho ordinary foods
and drinks, alcohol creates a progress
ive appetite for itself, and the tendency
Is to use such liquors in evcess. Mod
erate drinking, therefore, is exceed
ingly dangerous, and with such risk
tho very doubtful advantages which
you claim for It are not commensurate.
Bunge states as a hard fact "that from
seventy to eighty per cent of crime and
from ten to forty per cent of tho sui
cides in civilized countries are duo to
alcohol. A benefactor of the race and
a powerful facer in tlio education of
civiliLed cojip uaivs, s -v. -v went
paper is. should you not now advocate
a policy of total abstinence as strongly
as you have advocated that of modera
tion? I am, sir,
Tho Wise Judg
Representative Dlnsmoro of Arkan
sas tells of a rural justice of the peace
in that state who was approached by a
man desiring a divorce. The justice
was in a quandary. Calling the baliff
to his side, he whispered:
"What's the law on this p'int?"
"You can't do It," was tho reply.
"It's out of your jurisdiction."
The husband, observing the consulta
tion between the two officials, anxious
ly interjected: "I'm willin' to pay
well; got the money right here in this
At this the justice assumed his grav
est judicial air. Adjusting his spec
tacles, he said:
"You know'd before you camo here
that 'twarnt for me to separate hus
band and wife; and yet you not only
take up the valuable time of this here
court with yo talkln', but you actually
propose to bribe me withTnoney! Now,
how much have you got in that sock?"
"'Bout six dollars and a half, yo'
"All right! Then I fine you $5 for
bribery and $1.50 for takin up my time
with a case outer my jurisdiction, and
may the Lord have mercy on your
soul ! "Collier's Weekly.
Favorite Authors
Senator Hoar, rather against his will,
once found himself at a sort of literary
reception. Members of reading clubs,
Browning societies and similar earnest
Cheap Rates to Colorado
To accommodate delegates to the
annual conventions of National Live
btock and Wool Growers Associations
in Denver, the Union Pacific has put in
effect a round trip rate of one fare
Plus $2.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs,
or Pueblo. Tickets on sale January 7,
. and 9, with final return limit Jan
?y31st. 1905, Inquire of any Union
a agont or R' 'B- Slosson, Gen'l
t v t
folk were thick about him. The sena
tor bore up well for some ime, but was
Anally forced to seek relief In his fa
mous bynch of keys. About this time
a lady of the gusher variety resolutely
cornered him and began to "talk lit
erature." "Oh, senator," she chirruped, "how I
dote on Rossetti. Browning, of course,
I love, and, in prose, Walter Pater, but
always I find myself returning to
Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Tell me, sen
ator, who is your favorite author?"
"Bill Nye," came tho answer with a
quick twirl of the keys. Saturday Ev
ening Post
"Who and Why"
The New York World offered a prize
for the best letter from a native tell
ing who he or she would rather be
and why.
.- This won the prize:
"I would be Hetty Green, tho rich
est woman in the world. So I could
open dooi-3 with golden keys ease
heartaches, relieve distress. I would
fill theater boxes with tired clerks, au
tomobiles with wornout mothers and
give them daily rides, fill my summer
home with those not able to bear the
heated city, give receptions at my city
home to ladies and gentlemen who
maintain large families, and treat them
with the courtesy extended to a so
ciety belle. I would fill this worl
with happiness, for God never meant
that a few should own It.
"250 West 38th St.. New York City."
clo Sam. Ho woro cowhido boots. Ho
vr0, ?!? whl8kcrs- "o wore faded
broadcloth made up in frock coat ef
rects. His vest was cut low and partly
unbuttoned, it exposed a snowy ex
panse of frilled linen. His trousers
w.w ubBy uuu jusi a bit abort. Ho
SH?.11 iaCC 8tr,nff tl0 or nono at a
Senator Cockrell was tall, broad-shouldered,
but a gaunt, lean man. Ho
stoops a little when ho walks, and
bends hiB head forward, with a hand
spread fan-shapo behind his ear, whon
he desires to liston. Kansas City Journal.
Why Ho Prefers Th Mountains
Charles Emory Smith, who was tho
American ambassador at tho court of
St. Petersburg beforo ho was called to
sit in Mr. McKinley's cabinet as post
master general, was discussing tho
other day tho more purely personal
side of the czar it was apropos of the
birth of tho long hoped for son and
"Nicholas is really a hard-worked
man," said Mr. Smith, "but ho is not so
ruled by others a3 some reports make
him out to bo. He can, for instance,
take a vacation now and then, and he
does.'" Then ho added with a quizzical
smile: "But he always goes" to the
mountains; never to tho sea shore."
"Why is that?" asked tho unwary
"He doesn't like the serf," came tho
reply. The Criterion.
when ono of his subordinates, United
States District Attorney Burnett of tho
southorn district of Now York, draws
an average of JG1.000 a year in salary
and legitimato fees. Boston Herald.
5,000 Rifled
Jan cnd n your nam
and ddrtM so that we may
If II yon how to jfet Mil fine
rifl AUolMlely FKKK.
A w are going; to 1 away
0.000 of them. We mean It, try
word, and thl U an honrif,
tralKbtforward otter, ma4e by
an upright uunlneta dim who
always do curtly aathrragtee.
All wo uk U that you do afaw
mlnulm work for n HUroTcry
ar that you will taaurprlMd.
toy air rifle, but U a (ttnulne
fltoel. lilUO liMi-rel. litintlnir rlfl
H thnt Is strong, accurate and safo
I H and carries n. B calibre loner or
uort cartridge. Ityou want a fine
Utile hunting rifle. Just write and
ask ui for particular. They aro
free and you will itirely say ltrth
beit Oder you erer utwor heard of.
before the t,0OQ rifle are alt gone,
aa the boys aro taking them faat.
Peoples Popular Monthly,
67'J Manhattan Ilulldlnr,
Entirely Too Narrow
At tho international peace congres3
in Boston, Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood
pointed out tho selfishness of thoso
who would not help to right tho wrongs
of foreigners, on tho ground that char
ity begins at home.
"Such persons," said Mrs. Lockwood,
"aro like an old woman who lived in
Lima while I was a student there.
"This old woman was absent-minded.
One Sunday morning she walked into
church, took a front seat and joined in
the service vigorously. Then the col
lection basket was pased to her, and,
putting a coin in it, she looked about.
"Slie looked about, her mind cleared,
and an expression of amazement over
spread her face.
"She got up. She hurried down tho
aisle. She overtook the man with tho
collection basket.
"I'm in the wrong church,' she whis
pered, and, taking out the coin she had
put in, she hurried forth." New York
Hid Clovir a Marvilous Curaflvtt
It ban beTi (Uncovered that com
mon rod clover 1h tlio moat wonder
ful blood purifier known to the
medical profeaalon. It kepn the
IxjwoIb rolaxcd In a natural, harm
Ichh way, curcn coumlpatlon ami
rciiiores from tho HHt'miinnolmm
and Impurities that cauao inultgnant blood
Cancer. Halt- rheum, rheumatism, blood poison,
facial eruptions and all blood dlscuacH aro quick
ly cured In a natural, Iwrmlcflb way by tlila
olinplo efTectlvo remedy.
Send your name and oddrcun to-day to D.
Needham'B SonH. ll'JA LntccHldoflldg., Chicago,
and recelvo nbHuluiely froo booklet containing
lull Information.
Do Honor3 Pay?
Small wonder that Attorney General
Moody, with a salary of $8,000, enlarges
on the inequalities of tho fee system,
Cancer Cured
Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers, Kc
zems and nil Hkln and Womb Diseases WrlU
for Illustrated Hook. Sent tree. Address
DR. BYE, g?;-Xh.r Kansas Cily. Mo.
and WhUhey Tlmbff
cured nt home without
piiin. Rook of particular
sent nKK. H. W.
to Introduce our Guaranteed Poultry anil HtocK
Jfcracdlea. Bend for contract .we mranlimlneM and for
nlhucC reference. (UUDIULittUi.,X37 gprlafttid, JH.
WE NOW HAVK UVESlXn toitrunzti,
New aalennm In c&ch slate; salary or commission;
eiperlenco unnecessary; old established houtc W.
C. hurt Tobacco Co., Uiarllle, t.
(THE $50,000,000 W08,'UW
Millions of dollars' worth of material will bo placed on tho market tor quick aale by a st
prices that will mean an enormous saving to ptrcboAera. Mow la your opportunity to pot
into execution your long contemplated ImproTornants.
I 100,000,000 Feet High Grade lumber For Salo
mho imn t hnv inmtiAP In toflar. Even If yon do not need any today, it will pay yon to
Enrohaso it now and store it for futnro use. It's botter than mosey In the bank. Boy qnltfk,
ecauoo tba price at which we will offer this material Is bound to sell It as fast as wo can easko
delivery. The finest grados of lumber wero used in tie construction of this Grand Kxnositlon.
Wo have everrthlnjr needed in the construction and famishing of a bnllding for any purpose.
Send Us Your Lumber BUI For Our Estimate
Last Pair pf Cowhide Boots
With the coming: retirement of Sen
ator Cockrell of Missouri will go the
last pair of cowhido hoots from the
senate. When he first tool: his seat '
twenty-nine years ago, he wore this
antebellum footgear, and he still clings
to it In the earlier period of his sen
nrnWni rnroer the Missourfan's general
appearance suggested the typical Un-i,
You Cam Savm From 3D tm BO Fmf Cmnt It You Muy At Omcm
This la vout opportunity to build or improve your Home, Darn, Warshooao, Oburcb, EJova
tor Tool Shed, Qranary and Crib, Store, School House, and ia fact any kind of m building.
Millions of Dollars9 Worth of Other Material For Salo
images Lumbor, wo offer at low prices Bash, Doors, Steel and Felt Roofing, Pipe, Hard
ware Macblnorr, Household Goods and Furniture f c-Tory kind, Roofing Glass, Fencing,
Fenco Posts. Electrical Material, Plumbing and thousands of other iteaia.
We purchased and dismantled all the Exposition of modern days. Write as today.
MIh Offices CMeaf. St. Lmukt Otftmma Exffultfft Brmtttufm, St. Lmmim
(AIJJ.KXBS UUli x. iiuvia t.rijnt -tl s J--
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