- J r V. OCTOBER 21, 1904 The Commoner. 13 niUOrUP 25,000.00 Made irora half acre hlnritlla K8Hjr grown in Garden or Farm Ulliuuriv Rootaand seeds for sale. Sendee for postage and get booklet A Q. telling all about it. MCDOWKIX, GIWSBNO GARDEN, JorUN, Mo G7S? torcLpftu . 1 UtHHlttflWewDIr. IUUMMOSMUMlthrdlHTI. c. toned tr offlekti Bailreads Mi W.U.Tal.Oo. rMltkas . cured. Entire ewt, Ulttea (telcrapkr and typewriting, toard and rooa, wee. eearae, $8. Can be redaecd. Home Instruction alojrlYeii. Catalog B4 U fret. iKIBUX'B ltmiruXX Of TXUrWUrHT, Yalrko, h. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers. Etc zema and all Skin and Womb- Diseases. Wrle for Illustrated Book. Rent free Address PI), BYE. SiSJgS Kansas City. Mo. The Joh5tow Democrat Jokastewa, Pa. WABRBN WORTH BAILKY, ED. It stands for Democratic Democracy Tbe Democrat is a radical advooato of Jofforsonian principles as applied in the philosophy or Henry George. Dally $3- Weakly $i. I CAN SELL YOUB BUSINESS or Beal Estate no matter wbero located. Properties and business of all kinds sold quickly lor cash in all of the United Mates. J on't wait. Y rlto today, describing what you havo to sell and give cash prlco on same. A. P. TONE WILSON, JR. BBAI EOTATR SFXCTALIST. Topeka Kansas 413 Kansas Ave. Subscription Bargains II the Best Pablleatleas fit n Savlas; w af Nearly Oae-Half. The-'Erairta Farm'er 11.00, Vfck's Hacazf no 60c Poultry 8' cccbs 50c, Green's Fruit Grower COc All est year for $1.35. The Pralrlo Farmer 51.00, American Boy $1.00, Poultry Tribune 50c, Yick'B Magazine 60c All one year for $1.05. The Pralrlo Farmer J1.U0, HousefcceperCOc,Vick'a Magazine Guc, Ponltry Tribune 50c. Alloae year for $1.80. All orders for tbese' combinations should bo sent direct to The Pralrlo Farmer, JRand-McNally Plag., 160 Adams St., Chicago. FREE Sample Book See our samples sS'iTi biuiii 1 iivjanapncoa tj. ib or ore it . buying ygur win- SUlt. havo enor- m o u s trade in Men's and Boys' Clothing and are prepared to serve you as no other firm can. Wesellonlygood, serviceable suits and quote prices that vIU surprise you when you see the quality wo put in all our gar ments. Our clothing Is made In clean, well aired and lighted work shops. When you buy from us you get the very best. Ask for Sample Book W2 and We will send you 75 pieces of cloth for your Inspection. If you want a suit cut to your special order ask for Sam ple Book V2 land will send 28 Pieces of cloth, also a tape measure and instruc tions for taking measurements. Eithnr RnoV VJO nf x,nAr-maA tamnlft OF V21 of made-to-order sampleswrite to-day. MontciMisrv Ward Ce. Michigan Ave., Madison and Washington Sts. Gftlsage fWvU efaea ifor wm I rML i A CJattAJftaaaaW. msji .aaaaaam- wr-mLfZBmmzs. rHSiaaaaaafUOSWWTV; NMaaaaESSfloanaWift B-E- aaaaaaaaaaan!Ak?kaanBaaaBamSt HifBaai fllj VaaaaaaNaalSM i n fB'aaiyfjmirti l I. W4rBaaaaTH KMVVr.fGfV7ii WUJi ail TaaaaUl KwV t j5IJTvH v7Tlt xi s aaajsi ,m i II i Miii in i in af aaaEA JiaaaaaV )fc T ySj ftXlaaaaaaaaaw jaaWEeiraaMVVSAjHaaaaaaaay aaaaaB8aalP9vS BauBaa$&" '&i'vJhs1 BatTaavaaaaatvSnHEaa l'--J?aail B3lKWaaBr?aaa! PKIf IS4 fivi 8" 1IM1 ra C &$8 S mmm a Jaaav MM Mm 1' your -,i tor 'V4W0 l;- t-'an c -ur.yt. lZV iT't idual laborer, but-from every other In dividual. "Belong to the trust, or obey it," will be absolutely the oniy po'.'sibio outcomo if the oncroacbmoiite of tbesn rapacious monsters aro allowed to on unresisted. In every village, cverv town, ovcry city. oery Btat uo American people are nr bicgered an: insulted and robbed and oonresjui hv the hundreds of monopolies ana trusts that the individual cltisen 's reducrd to a state of indignant but reAedilcas im potence. Prom a republican nominee ono Uopp not expect a grea. deal upon the labor question; and would lo disappointed if ho did expect II BH from a demo cratic nominee ono naturally hopes for a doliverance. Judge Parker's for mal letter does not recognize that such a thing as the tabor quart ion exists. Ho offers no solution of the trouble; and upon .the calm tide of his smooth rhetoric there is no suggestion that civil war smoulders in many a region of our Christian republic, where cap ital and labor have taken each other by the throat. It is true that Judge Parker thinks taat tariff and reform would benefit the wago-earner. So it would, if it were of the right sort. But Cleveland, once upon a time, sounded the slogan of "tariff reform" and, after one defeat, was elected to do the work. Arthur Gorman was the master-builder who framed the measure which was to lessen the burdens of the oppressed and when Arthur Gorman got through with the job the burdens of the op pressed had merely been shifted from one shoulder to the other. The great warm-hearted senator from Missouri, George G. VeSc, wanted coal put upon the free list, in order that cheaper fuel could be had by the peo ple; Arthur Gorman opposed the meas ure stubbornly in the senate. When the sugar trust wanted a better rate than the Dingley bill was about to give them, S'enator Elkins brought Have meyer and Gorman together in per sonal conference; and the trust got what Havemeyer came for. And Arthur Gorman is Parker's manager! The "tariff reform" of the demo cratic nominee must, therefore, be tak en with care, and to the Parker letter of acceptance should be attached the Gorman tariff act of 1894 as "Exhibit A," .and the speech of General Joe Wheoler against that measure as "Ex hibit B." What Watson Would Do If I were president, J would recog nize that capital and labor have reached a dangerous antagonism. My utmost influence would be used to es tablish a national bureau of arbitra tion. I would ask combined capital to choose one man; union labor to choose another; and I would, myself, as chief magistrate, chose a third. Such a board ' of arbitration should have jurisdiction over labor troubles, an,d would become a power for good. That something must be done, and dono soon, should be clear to all. A lew more Colorado situations would precipitate the rule of the soldier, paid by the corporation, or by the taxpayers whose state officials are owned by cor porations. Majority Rule The people's party advocates the in itiative, by means of which the peo ple can originate and pass such laws as they desire; the referendum, by means of which they can veto such legislation as they disapprove; and the right to cancel the commission of such public officials as have given dissatis faction. One of the evils of the present sys tem is that the people are not con sulted when laws are to be made; they only hear of the legislative acts after they are published. Even fleet-footed lawyers find it-difficult to keep pace with the changed constantly being raado in tho statutes. The initiative and referendum would correct most of that; and tho Impera tive mandato and right of recall would do a creat deal 'ownrrl imnnin miunn officers faithful to trust. To cancel tho commission of tho put-lie servant who has been recreant tc duty In mild enough punlshmont If such a power uu uul given me peopio, then our stat utes should mako the betrayal of pub lic trust punishable with tho heaviest penalties. Wo shoot tho private sol dier who deserts to the onomy. Tho extreme penalty is supposed to bo necessary to deter othors from desert ing. But when a Fenator or represen tative or governor or judgo sells bis vote, or his decision, to tho onomles of tho people, in violation of solemn pledges made to tho people who elected him, is' his crlmo less gravo than that of tho deserter who is shot? Cleveland and Shlras 'Should Have Been Impeached If Cleveland had been impeached for that mysterious bond deal, and Shlras di-iobed for his flop on tho incomo tax lascality in high places might havo slackened lta gait and mended its ways. The people's party favors tho elec tion of all officers by tho peopio. For ono thing, this would bring the federal judges to their senses, and take out of their inflated souls tho idea that they aro earthly editions of Jehovah, The life-term in offico Is so undemocratic and so inherently vicious that it is a matter of astonishment that our fore fathers established It. It is safe to say that they failed to realize their peril. Jefferson alono saw tho deadly danger which lurked In this autocratic body of men, and warned tho people of the (Continued on pago 14.) If you only knew how ranch" mere . taonoy you could mako with an Empire Cream Separator! on tho farm, we don't bellore you'd hesitato a day before buying- one. Our books about tho Empire Way of running tho dairy are free. They point tno way to blccer profits. Send In you. name. Empire Cre Separator Ce. BttttafieM, N. J. Chlcage, III, M!aMjpHj, Mlaa. turn CffiflSlKad AMh'EiAK $75 to $250 a Month Kalllno NOVELTY KNIVPfi... Kf avail rJrbanl andParhar A 8avl rJcturaa, altOYMirtume, addrett. photo, lodge rtnblrm, etc. under' neathhwidlw. Stylo lis (like cut) Sfcfn long, I UtAn, Satly tempered razor ttecl, $1.00. Ct.hotn manyttylet. Send Jc atamp for arret t HpeeU! OfTrr to Areata. Olir profits cood eommlulonrnld. I.'icluilro territory, TfcWOVELTTOVTLERT CO.. Jtar Btrt. OanUB. Ohia. J Patent Secured wp&jss 9 uiwiii wwvwiuujty fcend lor Kuldcbonk aad what to latest. Unrrt paMlcstlons tMaedfw free dlitrlbutloa 1 stents secured by us a4THtts4 free la 1'atmt Kecord h AW PI A COPY TMEK. Erans, V likens Co., lJept. V, Y,Mfalato, D.O. KFRUIT100H3 shows in NATURAL COLO. ikI accurately describe 216 rari tics of fruit. Bend for our terms f distribution. WowaBtswraialMBH. Stark Uro'i.Usljiaaa.ata, ir THE PLATFORM TEXT BOOK Contains Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the U. S., All National Platforms, of all political parties, sinco their formation, to and including those of 1004, 188 pages, Is just what ovory public spenkor should have nt hand for ready reforonco. Postpaid 25 cents. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr. If You Want a FENCE .SEE THAT TWIST II That Is auule from tbe best H(f W Carfcon Strrl TTIra. That IsHratHr Oaltaalied to pruvent ruatorcorroil on, ThatlaCOItROto prorido for eon traction and expansion, That Is Htnng EiioB(b to turn tho most vlclonaonlmaJ, That ! WetM Chttlj to turn chickens and amaJl plfp, Thatataples to tho post as you would nail a board, That eaally adjubta Itself to aJI uneven surfaces, That la woven In such a manner that compels every wire to bear Its portion of strain, Tbatyou can Bay B I rrt from tneflrmthatmakcslt,wlth Frekbt Frratld to your nearest railroad station. That you can examine at your railroad station and re turn If It displeases yoa la any particular, That you can erect ana V ter Thirty Byi, and If unsat isfactory return at oar expense and Ret your money, Write for Kree Catalog giving full Information, Address, 'KITSELMAN BROS, Kax.- MUNCIE, INDIANA. Better Investigate tho merits and advantages offered by the various railway lines before purchasing tickets. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. has electric-lighted trains, solid vestibuled, steam heated, equipped with every modern safety device, heavy steel first-class road-bed, . and many other advantages. Write to ' F. A. HASH, Gimral Wistem Agent, 1524 Farnam Strut, OMAHA, NEB. inVidlg