rTWW,l1 ,.rWV' .vr The Commoner VOLUME 4, NUMBER 11. 16 I I"" "" ? I I BuyWholesale Furniture Catalog Tree SlTraB3ftS!'ifi DRE03ER & BED I JSSlSlJ Write us at Jl i . nnea lor our WmHkI ?? - nnea flnoy lustrated r-ur- niiurn Catalocuo No. 155. con taining a most attractlvp display of everything that la desirable modern lurnituro. uvoryu plecoo, an 01 me latest design, nlcoly Illustrated, honestly described and priced at our famous Fac tory to you" figures. Save the dealers' profits by purchas ing direct. Wo chip on ap proval If do si red. hull particu lars In cata logue, also freight rates and details of our plan to satisfy you or your money back. Ask for Fur niture Cataloguo No. 155. hbbu Iflnll VSIMUJlI'flSln nnW5illKH ILUiKlAittiilwidMiuliLJl& 'kkTkHltoiiitf' ssr 6i wmmmmMmMmmUmW"" "I r - Wt We also liMie n cats loetie nf liitrh irratle mahnianvfum1tiire nd one of iImW and office furniture. Either freo to those Interested. Address Montgomery Ward Co. 32 years World's Headquarters for Everything. Michigan Ave., Madison and Washington cats. 1 f.hlfarfn- the (mi-rmr) iaw kemaineo a PED LETTER ON THE STATUTE BOOKS DURlNtr THE ENVRE 3ECQN0 ADMINISTRATION OF OROVER CLEVELAND, A DEMOCRATIC I. PRESIDENT. THROUGH THOSE FOUR YEARS' OF DEMOCfATC ADMINISTRATION ACL mmJiP,PEAL'5 AND ALL EFFORTS OF ME HORU TO NAVE THE LAW ENFORCED WERE MET MTH SNEERS , JEEftS AND OPEN CONTEMPT FROA A DEMOCRAT I C ATTORNEY GENERAL, RICHARD OLNEY, wnv rxcicfwci i NAT THE LAW WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL . AND WHO WOULD DO HQWINCr TOWARD PROfcECUTINO VIOLATORS OF DEMOCRAT MUST NOMINATE GROW CLEVELAND, RICHARD OLNFf OR f lAIKU OP THAT STRIPER OOOONTOIGUOIAH0)S DEfEAIvUNHONQ.KOfiW f3- ! ft yiiwiM it. - mmm.. , a Does his right hand know what his left. hand doeth? struggle to maintain their liberty and Independence. Wo denounce the lavish appropria tion of recent republican congresses, which have kept taxes high and which threaten the perpetuation o the op pressive war levies. We oppose the accumulation of a surplus to be squandered in such bare-faced frauds upon the taxpayers as the shipping subsidy bill, which, under the false pretense of fostering American ship building, would put unearned millions into the pockets of favorite contribu tes to the republican campaign fund. We favor the reduction and snee-iv repeal of the war taxes and a return to the time-honor,ed democratic policy of strict economy in governmental ex penditures. Believing that our most cherished institutions are in great peril, that the very existence of our constitutional republic is at stake and that the de cision now to be rendered will deter- iuiuu wnetner or not our cnuuren are to enjoy those blessed privileges of free government which have made the United States great, prosperous and honored, we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of principles the hearty support of the liberty-loving American people, regardless of previous party affiliations. Bright' Dlsim Caused the death of Doctor Bright. Brlght's uisoaso ts Bimpiy slow congestion ol tno Kid noys. In tho last stage tho congestion becomes acute and tho victim lives a few hours tor a few days, but is past saving. This Insidious Kid noy trouble is caused by sluggish, torpid, con gested liver nnd slow, constipated bowels, whoreby tho kidneys nro involved and ruined. Drake's Palmetto YVlno is n too to congestion or Liver, Kidneys and tissues. It promptly re lieves the congestion and carries It out ot tho Liver, Kidneys, tissues und blood. Drake's Palmetto Wino restores tho mucous membranes' to healthy condition, relieves tho membranes throughout tho body from inflammation and Catarrh and cures Catarrh, Constipation and Liver and Kldnoy disease to stay cured. It elves relief immediately, builds up vigor and health, prolongs life and makes it enjoyable. A tvlal bottle always gives relief and of ten euros. A trial bottlowill be sent to every reader ot this paper who will write for it to Drako Formula Company, Drake Building, Chloago, 111. A postal oard will bring this wonderful tonio Palmotto medicine to you absolutely free. It is a boon to dlsease-lndencd, paln-rlddon men and women. Hustler. "Don't wait until the iron's hot, But make it hot by muscle. Don't wait for the wealth your father's got, But take off your coat and hustle." That's the word, "Hustle," with a large H, for it is only through hus tling that one achieves advertising success nowadays. No mattor what you are a bookkeeper, stenographer, advertising solicitor or clerk work Hard and do your work right. Don't grumble. The world ha3 no time for grumblers. Be cheerful, even if it takes some effort to do it. And if in addition to doinc what vou am rnui and doing it well, you do a little more maue suggestions that will romi n improve your work and show that you uiu using urams you are on tho road to Successville, that town for which many purchase "through" tickets ami at which few arrive. But those who do reach tho pluce cot the nniv hv the Hustle & Hard Work railroad the president of which is Mr. Persever ance; the superintendent, Mr. Energy and the general manager. Mr. am! tion. Printers' Ink. - .dJiPfeZl 1 tl Imltatlonleathertrlmmed: Carpet, wrench and shafts Just as Illustrated. Our Vehicle Catalogue 250 gives complete particulars. Send for it before you order. Other Road Wagons $2i.tuand$23.yu. "Defiance" Butfgy. fa $ -Ti iT Yi Zmmm fmy .00 Shipments from St. Louis "Eli" Road Wagon. or from Chicago If desired. Do not place your order for any kind of a vehicle until you have heard from us. Let us show you how to get a high grade, nobby and attractive rig at a price anywhere from $ 1 0 to $25 lower than you can get a good rig for elsewhere. We have just the kind of a vehiclo you are looking for. Buggies, surreys and spring wagons In a thousand styles. Stanhopos. breaks and runabouts even farm wagons all at prices you can see at a clance are decidedly low. No trouble for us to havo low prices, because we build the rigs In our own factory and let you have them at the wholesale price. No dealers, no Jobbers, no middlemen Just a direct transac tion between the maker and user by which the profit of tho middle fellow goes to you. What s better, we glve-you quality; real second growth hickory, put together with Norway Iron, and finished off like a Pullman car. No ' 'dipping" In our factory, no new-fangled painting process, but Just the old-fashioned finish with pure lead and pure oil rubbed down by hand. Everybody likes our rigs. They are popular for their fine lines and superior finish points that make a "Ward buggy look liko a thorough bred when compared with the common kind. Our freo Vehicle Catalogue No. 250 explains all. It elves the details nf our 30 riavs free trial With canopy toD-tmUaiton offJer; lt ""Plains our Guaranty of Satisfaction, lea her trimmed SS lnd our Sh,p om Approval plan. It also tells t:;-Z..-.:LmmeQ' GOOd, how wa can mnlM tilnmn from fnrtnrtftS n sha s7 Before oTderinJ ,ChicaB0. St. Loula andtlnclnna I. We are sav Veh!cl r..l 1.1,1 ?LdSrt.nS Ing our customers SS tn 10 on each buPPV. lH"vftwh.?ve better Surreys at $46.50 $50 ok and giving mora stylo, durability and finish than $72.50, $87.50, $110.00, $125.00 etc &9,95 can be obtained anywhere else. Write to-day- C 4. n . oFSstai y"1 do- Askfor Vehicle Catalogue No. taCtOry Prices, 50, ThSprlngedlIon is now ready. Address 50 Dav' Ti'ai Monttfomerv Ward y Co. . " Mlt,l- A. mm ,. ... .. .. . - "v.iuK.mfwe., waataon e& wasntngtonois., inicas' Cloth trimmed: 3-bowtop, In cut. Before vou nrHr write for Catalogue 250 with complete details. We havo Buggies in better grades at $30.00. $35.95, $0.ou, pto.ou 4tg.uu uiu up to oo.uu. "Climax" Surrey. i I j send for our 59 .50 Should R.cspoct His Own Order. It Is to be hoped that our enthusi astic president will himself follow the suggestion of his new executive order and refrain scrupulously from any ex pression of his personal sympathies when stirring war news comes ami Semi-Weekly WORLD-HERALD A Newspaper for Democrats. u.d TwIcoaWookjUCWh., Special Clubbing Offer; w"d-Heraid .nd commons t w Thl. oOer nrlll ,tnd for a abort Hm , "'' vv. imuio i,u iie wmmoner, iiincoia, ; only. I .j i , , -3.. JHf&X