',F't'(;fiwJ55pB3!SSBKSj5 The Commoner. MARCH 25, 1904. 13 las We plm vit llkli Grand Hole Acrordeon for lelllnr 2S eaawiBaaB paekagee JSliltagatlOcenU. It's a beauty, Hiu 10 key(,twoMopi,ebonlzed caie. tloublebellowa.proteciortandclaapi. , Voacanearn Itlnonediy. No money required wctrutyH. Bend forHlulnp.rell theparkaeiallOcta. ' anu rcium ut me money. Ttien we 1 will aendyontheAccordeon. We alio Pito vioutu, auitara, Mandoline, urnpiinpnanci ana bu Other Eletcunfc rrcctB. Write quick. Addrcai TRUE BLUE CO., DEPT. 870, BOSTON, MASS. WORLD'S FAIR If yon wish lo know all about it, send for RTCIIVS ST. 1.0UI8 AND THK WORLD'S WA.1K, a largo, ncnutirui illustrated book, 56 verdict for Senator Dietrich of Ne braska, practically acquitting him of the charges preferred against him. President Roosevelt has announced that- ho will not attend the formal opening of the St. Louis exposition. Daces, with complete Blrda-oyo Views of Exno. SWA EARN A TRIP TO THE FAIR by selling it in your own town. 8pecial rate to agents, xoutns aro earning 53.00 to 50.00 a day selling it. Address ItOBKRT A. ItEID, The TJsenn, St. Lenta. In tho house of representatives on March 18 the report of tho committfo on elections confirmed tho titles of Representatives Lever, Livernash and Gudger, to their seats. March 18, Representative Hearst of New York introduced resolutions pro viding for an investigation of tho trust question by a committee of fivo members of the house. The resolu tions were referred to the committeo on rules. PER IOO LBS. WIRE $1.40 SMOOTH GALVANIZED WIRE fut up 100lbs.toa bale. gauges from 1 to It IncluslTO. Length running up to 850 ft. For 100 lbs. 11.10. Fence Staple, all sizes, per 100 lbs.i 12.00. WlroNaila, assorted in a keg. per inn Itia t 7rt llt..l 117 1 . ' .v.- 100 lbs. 8.W. PoBltry Nettlnr, Field Fences etc., at low prices. Ante for free catalogue Tie. 334, on tnorcnanillsoorall kinds from Sheriffs and llccelveni sales UICAtiO UOUSK WKKCKUiU CO., S6tk A Irom 8ls,Ckleago. o RUPTURE Care by the Colllars System. 6nd yonr nam and addrets to Capt. W. A. Colling. Ro-.m 117, 1GJ4 Publto Square, Watertewu, W. T., and ha tilU tend iw FRBC BY MAILatrlalothli wonderful treatment that cured hlaa and hat cured thouiandi of others. Do not delay, but write to-day. Capt. Ceilings had a remark- ante .xpenence wnn rupture ana win iiauij rccij; i aetuu ana isna ireo uiti. niiM.u., Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING. BALMY OIL3. Caneor, Tumor. Catarrh, Piles, Fistula.-Ulcers, Eozcmaandall Skin and Vyomb Diseases. Writ for Illustrated Boole Sent free. Address DR.'BYE,g5?a?. Kansas City, Mo. An Associated press dispatch, under date of Washington, March 18, says: Information has reached the president that the Hon cub and two olephant tusks, sent to him as a present by King Menelik of Abyssinia, have ar rived in Now York. Accompanying them is a hyena, imported for the Na tional Zoological park in this city,. Keepers from tho "Zoo" have gone to New York to bring the animals and the tusks to Washington. The lien cub, which is very tame, and the tusks will be taken to the White houeo in order that tho president and his family may see them. The cub then will be sent to the "Zoo" and the tusks to the national museum. The tusks are said to be fine specimens, weighing 175 pounds and valued at ?5,000. In a personal letter the president will ac knowledge to King Menelik receipt of the presents. General Leonard Wood was con firmed major general by the senate, March 18, the vote being 45 to 10. Five democrats voted for the confirmation and two republicans, Kittredge and Scott, voted against it. This is the Limit A Hot Water. Solf -Regulating, 60 egg Incubator 14.50. 13.00 and up for BroodorB. All on 30 DAYS' TRIAL. Ko agents. You nay no middlemen's profits. See catalogue for "100$ Hatches.'' Write IUCKETE INCUBATOR COMPANY los 0, Springfield, utile OLD TRUSTY ' 30. Days Trial. tf von want to know about tho chicken business, -wrlto for John- eon's catalogue. Croat Sio oirer this year. Write- and find out, M. M. JOHNSON, Clay Center, Neb. nMJM.. Ojiia.l01lFEEreturncd. FREE Patent Secured srKfUffK and what to invent. Finest publications issued for froo distribution. Patents sooured by us advertised free In Patent Itocord SAMPLE COPY FREE. Ivans, Wllkons Co., Dopt. F, Washington, D, O. S'aEl Hes President R.oosevelt Courage to Indict Hill ? Peerless Fire Kindler Everlasting:, Retail Price ascents. Acents Wanted. Sample and Terms ISC Peerless Mfgr. Co., Indianapolis, lnd 1P- iriiSMSi 1HL . " . -j bk ar FENCE! fKBSBZ Strong, Obleken Tight. Bold to tho Farmer at Wholesale Prfe. Fally Warranted. Catalog Fre COILBD SPRING FBNCR CO. VOX 2U Wtotbwtw, IadUaa,U.S.A. $80 a MONTH SALARY il nlBhuestroforenee. O.K. B10WRCO., X 860Bprt8imM.ni. WANTEQ-10 MEN IN EACH STATE TO w travel, taok Blgns and distribute circulars and Bam plea of opr goods. Salary 880.W per montlr, $3.00 per day for expenses. Kublman Co., DeptVH 12, Atlas Block, Chicago. HEALTHY TREES VSfflSSL CnfttA AnnM.lM5.B0; budded peaches, 100 15.00; tnvjT5 r. r: .vrrir' v : :f..i.. .-.-trnrv.iouu: uZZZzrxmsfirziZAiti. ma Pramlims vw. Catalogue mailed free for tie asU ag. AUBA1TH NUISKRIEf , KM , PAIMUrtT, HEI. The United States supremo court has decided that the merger of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railroad companiesto destroy compe tition was in breach of the Sherman anti-trust Jaw. That act makes ' violations of its provisions a (crime. Justice Holmes in his minority opin ion went straight to the point when he said: "The statute of which we find tho meaning is a criminal statute. The two sections on which the government relies both mate certain acts crimes. "That is their immediate puipote and that is what they say. It is in vain to insist that this is not a crim inal proceeding. Tho words cannot read one way in a suit which is to end in fine and imprisonment, and an other way in one which seeks an in junction. "What I now ask is under which of tho foregoing classes this case' is sup posed to come, and that Question must be answered as definitely and precisely as if we were 1ealing with the indict ments which logically ought to follow the decision," Manifestly Justice Holmes Is right The language of the act forbids all doubt upon the pubject The Sherman anti-trust law is as dofinito In Its pen alties as Is tho statuto forbidding burglary. And there should bo no more hesita tion about indicting James J. Hill than there Is about indicting a bur glar who has been caught in tho act. The Sherman act provides that "ev ery person" who violates it "shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shalj bo pun ished by a fine not exceeding ?5,000 or by imprisonment not exceodlng ono year, or both, said punishments at tho discretion of tho court' Under this law, which tho supremd court convicts him of having broken, James J. Hill, president of, the North ern Securities company, can bo in dicted, prosecuted and sent to jail.. Why should any tenderness ho shown him? Poor men aro not al lowed to break tho law and escape tho consequences. Shall Hill bo ex empt from punishment because ho l wealthy? Is there to bo ono kind of justice for tho poor aud another for the rich? Will President Roosevelt have tho courage to Instruct his attor ney general to procure immediate in dictment of Hill the courage to en force the law against an offender who is at once rich and politically influen tial? If tho weapon for destroying the criminal trusts offered to the adminis tration .by tho supremo court be re jected because of political timidity, then the usefulness of Monday's deci sion to tho robbed peoplo will be very small while Mr. Roosevelt remains in office. Attorney General Knox hastens to reassure the alarmed trusts by volun teering tho announcement that "tho government does not mean to run amuck." This remarkable utteiance, read In tho light of Mr. Knox's constant sheltering kindi.ess to tho coal trust and other predatory combines, will bo universally understood to signify that the government does not mean to ap ply the law as it has been laid down by the supreme court unless the president, whose subordinate Mr. Knox Is, shall order him to change his course. James J. Hill is precisely the kind of man that should be pursued with ail possible vigor by the government. He is a fine type of tho "captains of in dustry" who rely upon their wealth and the political pull which their wealth gives to insure them against the law's penalties while they gather in unearned millions outside tho law. Is, the president of the Northern Securities company to enjoy immunity because he is a millionaire and tho partner of millionaires as contemptu ous of the law as ho himself has now been proved to be? Is he tp be privileged to "run amuck" against statutes designed to protect the peoplo of the United States from industrial monopolists and free booters? The people have a right to demand that President Roosevelt and his at torney general shall extend no mercy to notoriously thieving trusts. The public is entitled to relief from spoliation which tho supreme courts decision if honestly carried into ef fect by the attorney general against tho Northern Securities company and otner monopolies will give them. If President Roosevelt cares to bo thought sincere in his professed de sire to curb the trusts, if he is not afraid of their power to hurt him politically, he will make a salutary example of the head and front of the criminal railroad combination which the supreme court hao smashed. In loyalty to tho violated law, in. the interest of tho trust-ridden and trust-pillaged American people now and hereafter, it is the duty of the president to order his attorney general J to procure tho indictment of James J. Hill and send him to jail, where he be longs. Chicago American. . The EMPIRE' Cream , Separator tbouch not tie eldest. It tk most popular separator la Ui I world to-day. Why? Simply becawe It !a do ing better work and civing great cr satisfaction titan any other can. That's why so many farm ers have discarded all others, wtlifay xou t itt tht hit. Send for our free books on the "Empire Way" of dairying. There's good sense In them. Erapire Cream Separator Ce. Btaemlel, N. J. Ga4cce,ttL XlU,Xle. GOOD SEEDS CHEAP BEST Ever Crown. None better and none so How In Drice. lo ncr nkfc. and un.noetnald. Finest; Illustrated cat afoKue ever firlntcd sent FREE. Kngrav ngg of every variety. A great , lot of extraDkea. of seeds, new 'sorts, presented free with every order. Somo aorta onions only 65c rper lb. Other seed equally low. 40 vears a seed srrower and dealer ' an u al 1 customers satisfied. No old 'seed s, Now, fresh and reliable every year, write ror we ukc; catalogue. lH.SHUMWAf.RoGkford.lll. tirte reit met ut er nceonoa a. talkina MACHINES. variaaraaaHaVHBc' i ttr sii '- rTT Mil 1 nifci 1 1 'ilL ''M foDIA-1 coyJurjrjWEf . t feu atrM- tita tttt tot Mills $340 worth ofcooda a itmi want tou ( teller. Lt If ton cad ut j oat Dam and v.dr(is,w, will acad joo jpeaU paid, and Truit You with Mono haodMmut and ftttttt mIHdc ar tUU em tnvit', tatllr lold In half as hoar at lOe. each. Wlitn lold und th money, f I.G0, and w trill tend you a gaaranteedA. (.Colombia UrapbophoBe with tbree-toBfr record. In case jou ate not pleated villi tha QrapbopboDVi (end li back to n and w will allow 70a $8.50 or the purcliaw of anr michlno you mar (elect from oar etalor,ot. We will forfeit $1,000 to any one prorinc any trick or catch about tbU offer, or that we eire a toy machine or one tbat mint be turned by hand. Oar machine ! a key winding, (elf-playing Columbia Qrapbophone, and with thrte-aonc record, la the created premium erer olTerod. Send for free Hit or record and (raphopbon. Send your reply to o at once and he treated fairly. A trial coiU nothing. Addreaiplalnly, W. 0, UlMl'BOX, VtBU 10,New Yerk. LIGHTING SYSTEM Free Trial to Merchants WowllLshlp merchants a Two-LlKht Outfit on two weeks XltKK trial. If not the beit thing you oversaw, return It at our expense. Two-Llght Omamenta. Chandellor Outfit complete, with two-gal. Tank mr. and 25 feet or hollow wire. You can afterwards Du add any number of lamps, whlcb aro $3.25 each. Extra hollow wire 3c per foot. JJurned under 0 pounds pres sure, with an ordinary gas mantle, It produces COO can. die power light. Best and cheapest system on tho market. Absolutely safe. Kcduce your light bills. Order today, sendlag diagram. Standard Gaa Lamp Ce., 141 Ontario 3t.,ChlcagO CREAM SEPARATOR FREE 4TC7m This is a genuine! 1. & l& offer made to introduce the Peoples Cream Separator in every neigh borhood. It is the best and simplest in the world. We ask that you show it to your neighbors who have cows. Send your name and the name of the nearest freight office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO, Dent. 177. KANSAS CITY, M. M A.S Hsrsssl aVisflf aVssssssa TREES 1 H Fruit and Orna MMtaJ, Shrubs, Roses. Bulbs L Dl I UYO TESTED50 YEARS. fL All 1 d Saaa for Descriptive Price Catalog FXEK fMAcna.1 3flraaakaaa. PWaUULiJtee PHOEHIXnURSERYCO.&aiii - . . bestD7Taet7YAIS. WfcJtV CISM Stark Nerwry, Lw.iUm, Me.; JfsettrtMe, Afe. m u :J 111 1 &- iV- iSta