The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 12, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    --fPr,'iipT!r v1
The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Somehow or other the technicalities seem al
ways to work in favor of the defendant.
Perhaps ltussia and Japan have decided not
to light until tho American beef trust eases up
its grip a little.
We've whipped you twice," say the reor
ganizes, "and now we'll let you win if you will
follow our leadership."
Mr. Taft says the Filipinos are growing more
tranquil every day. They will all be tranquiiized
In time, if tho ammunition holds out.
Secretary Taft is already jabbing large holes
injiis presidential boom. This shows that Secre
tary Taft knows why he is secretary.
Mr. Knox might tako advantage of his vic
tory over that littlo salt trust and use some of
its product upon tho tails of bigger trusts.
Porhaps somo members" of congress would
find no opposition to their collection of mileage
if they did their traveling away from Washington.
What, $500,000 for an army gymnasium! What
athloto in civil life can show a jumping or vault
ing record equal to that of either Wood or Mills?
Tho now secretary of war was escorted from
the depot to his ofllco by a gorgeous cavalcade of
cavalry, which is sufficient evidence that wo have
"dovelopod sorao."
Tho Kansas City Journal remarks: "Tho
nS10 u ?" Yal1 stroet ls PP8l to President
Roosevelt is not unreasonable." No- it is aim
Ply unbelievable. ' s sim
Lotter postage in Japan is soven-tenths of a
cent per ounce. This leads us to infer that either
Japanese railroads ask only fair rates or postal
grafters have slim picking. L
"How long will it tako to dig the canal'"
asks a reader It depends on how long the money '
holds out with the eminent commercial glntll
mon who are now in chatge. h
A white man has been appointed postmaster
at Indianola, Miss., which reminds us of the emi
nent king of France who marched up tho hill and
then marched down again.
Tho difforonco between cyanide of potassium
ana a legal technicality is that tho atter Cm
tho culprit to go right on, while the fomer sfo, s
ovory thing but the funeral procession. p
Some of tho bolters have been siven nnsitinnB
by tho party for harmony's sake, bit nSSrty 5!
of thorn are working tooth and toe-nail to turn
tho party over to thoso who have knifed it.
Senator Forakor is seeking to amend th qw
man anti-trust law so as to givo thTcorrat ons'
mpro leeway. Tho senator is developing w
rare joker. Just as if tho corporations did not
fizss&s&x witUout any
The Commoner,
The republican press experiences considerable
difficulty in finding argument to bolster up its
claim that the receiver of stolen goods is a model
of honesty when compared with the thief.
This is Lincoln's birthday. Notice the col
umns of tho papers claiming to represent the
party of Lincoln and see how little they dare to
reprint of Abraham Lincoln's speeches and letters,
President Harper of Chicago University Is
talking about the "ideal university professor."
Can it be that the venerable Dr. Harper is look
ing for an educator with an increased financial
Dr. Harper says Chicago University is "no
longer Baptist," having "outgrown ienomination
alism." This may be taken as further proof that
oil and -water will not mix, save in Standard Oil
company barrels.
Senator Dietrich has demanded an Investiga
tion by the senate. As the court decided that
Dietrich was not a senator when the ac's charged
were committed, what right has the senate to in
vestigate them now
Harmony" seems to be especially popular
with two classes, those who are trying to gain a
secret advantage and those who aic willing to be
duped. An honest understanding is the oilv
basis of a lading harmony.
From tho bitterness which characterizes the
utterances of reorganize like Pulitzer, Watter-
bon, et al., those, who vote;l the ticket in 189U can
maglno what the arrogance of the bolters will
be if they ever get in control of the party.
Governor Odell has refused to honor Mis
souri's requisition for Mr. Zeigler, the baking pow-
PerhanT ' nT to a flaw lA the ufsiUon.
H?r . Pi e ?aw was seen by Poking sharply
tades a P f campaiSn contribution spec
if An? nowi.co1mGS the New York Herald and sug
gests. August Belmont, the bolting gold bmr
commit01' CIfiat!;man f ? ocrafiealiot!
committee. If the reorganizes control the com
mittee he would be next to J. Pierplt Morgan ?n
onesT'LSTw11"111115 ne how t0 ptect
eve -hand LVlf' SayS: "lhrust wnich"
ever nand is free against your assailant's nose "
That's all very well, but how about tne ern'mmV
hut far distant gentlemen who are stealing 5
pocketbooks by legislative enactment? S
it no? fn,7S deiY fredom t0 others deserve
it not for themselves. And under a iusi rn
cannot long retain lt-AlSLjfiS
,. ,A,R,ussian general is quoted as saying- n.,r
who aro JTtoTSr1 b' th0S
. . a lictator xvhr, ,ii u ut
Sulci. SoXaofS'?"
will reiPof T 1 it nese states
to which they arc Tasked Lift of suice
"autocratic fiat o a dictator ' 1?! h Wn the
appeal of a democrat whr? i?2L Is, the earnest
ciples of Jefferlon ami o? Tbelieves that the prin
the moJXZty It ilTn Sh0uld co-ol
pno who loves Ms party tha tTe appeal
to its principles by remain w Jhat ?arty be truo
It is the protest of a SSSSS U, ? tlle peoPle
tho hopes of the people SS110 believes that
cratic party's fldelltV tc ita 2n, n,Pn he dem
republicanizatlon of tto n!Jl dpl?4 aBaln8t tho
of tho party.a affairs iStntin' and the deivery
of the represeS at ives if wlf? keopIne
advise the democrat!? partv ti V lnte,reflts. To
tll Pep,eS couCnsPeai saTn
gesting the only plan whereby the party can nh
tain new life and new power and ultimately wfn
a victory that will beworth having, becauV 5
will be a victory that will bring substantial re
sults to the people. 1(J
Commenting upon tho showing relating to th
large increase in gold production, the Cincinnati
Enquirer says: 'The gold men
Why aro of course delighted with tho
Abandon present showing, and the free
it Then? silver men find in it no rebuke
,0,- 1 of the Position they took in
1896 when so many thousands of men presented
.a picture of earnestness that may not 'be S
cated in many a year. 'Plenty of money to lo
business with' was the cry. The. silver remedv
was rejected at the polls after a hard fight and
then the gold discoveries did -the business. ' The
s tuation does not, however, preclude further
study of the question of finance." And yet the
Enquirer is among those newspapers that would
have the democratic party utterly abandon tno
Kansas City platform, because in that platform
the party declared for bimetallism. While ad-
S!SlnStt sItuatin does "not preclude further
5;nw0f e q"estIon f finance, the Enquirer
ffes ,very strongly when any bimetallist in-
I Sw- at,,1li?1esSon is sett"led unt'n tt settled
right, and that it would not be wise for the
democratic party to abandon its position on the
money question.
Why Try
to Defeat
it Then7
The Brooklyn Eagle says that "Mr. Bryan as
sumes that the voters are wrong while he Is
--o-v. j.xlv vutors piucea rne
republican party in power in
1896 and again in 1900." Were
they right then in giving sup-
JUtoewp?blica,n fr rsr&sr k
TX nomlnat1 insiSt that the SSSS
party nominate some man of its choosing because
0 theTfeat'of'tt131 pinion' is eSSr?
is wnHntt 1 the republican party. The Eagle
prov de3Stfh,H0 repubiican Party defeated,
candliR? S , M5Ult, Pan be accomplished by a
whos J adSfiSSiSff16 S choosm& and a candMote
with resnfof ? atin, 'V0,uld act no differently
w tn respect to special interests than the re-
ftJto'SSS'1? ,deS- But tV den 0.
Zhll D ty does not choose a candidate unon
mayelf UiJnTrffr13 0f special eS5
Snf l?!7 I n thxd Eagle wil1 he found giving cor
dial support to the republican ticket.
nt Sf,1 Witl1' but tneso are not
Others. eviig peculiar to us, for all na-
We are still in the SSSh8 t0i dea: with them
a future ahead of !" w Tl and we 1,ave
ideals whether new or 111 T k?eOUT hifih
decline." IB it not Srn,' if Ye don fc W(J will
lege President Cn in f-tha! wllile this col
archy Ind socialism STT t0 Speak o au'
demnation fo? he Till words of cou
men who wtwW placP. those
Push buttons in wttaf11 conSress,
may promptly iumn vfiinf H!te? &tates senators
authorities? If Pr&Iden? w laW and defi' tho
genuine aid to thf ni?nrf 1?,lB0n.expects to ,vo
ideals, he wil do well to it0 ,maIntaln our high
tion of the wealthy !5 b.lows In tbc dlrec-
vigorous as ttSreXS'ff, "i0 ,j!1St aS
rags. uueccea at the anarchists in
Papet rneL0trUttl55"0n Post ' that
,. . siv'i.!?!?'' na? ever
'W S . v? popn!I" is not
thaHJ?.ei also' Is !t 'a tact
that Mr. Roosevelt is on iwnrrt
voice of the neonlA iD avInl asserted that "the
devil." The Port BaveTn?0,?? tho Voico of llio
and believes that fnn 1 .U has been formed
Catholic universltv n V delivered a tho
heen assured ho safr-J i lta correspondent has
it or not, we na LT QlJler Mr- Roosevelt said
republican coition iLnn g?aTlted that if the
nBomeonaoKtnn5?i,1inappon to spUI
at least think even S? ' Roosevolt, he would
that m ttta lnXSr1lidW150fc openly sa
spired .from on high PU U WSls not lm"
When It
Is not
Vox Del.
IJ s.
"a im-'