The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 12, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
fCtoatiawei iron Pg? 2.1
ifeapty 3i rotiogatttoa of lb retslaos
Jiii-i mm xJt xa all w31 ocpaaizerf
wtty Juat'wetfa sas & creator of
wcliii. and ike -wosftfe TriWi fee cre
ates. Umitfa. la IJ59, 4&ttu&il tkat
Jd 41b aaa aad tie dollar csuae iaio
OMuSIri,. saaa was to be preferred
U AJbe dollar..
if yw tiialk I aa radical wfrea I
cwAtsaa phrtot-rscj- aad ptesad tor a
9swucrry H24 trill ratogstze ssaa 25
.15 aastar aa4 saoey 2 tke ses-raat,
14 s? jwore tae aioderatJoa of ay
lfi;pKDipe ay joo4iag tbe Iagae of
Csrtftrte T&S5, aot Joaa G.). He
laid name irtrty years ago:
"Aristocracy of feudal pjarchsaeat
&2S p2ed away wfta 2 saigfety resa
Sag, aad acnr Vj a aataral cwrse, we
aarixe at arisionacy of ike asoBey
bag. It Ss lae coarse taroaga which
all Banopeaa societies are at tMs no
mcat ttrarelJag AppareaiJy a ba&er
cut of arfcrtocracy. Aa Infinitely
baser; tbe barest yet lraowa. . . .
Waat geaeroos heart caa prc&end to
Itself, or he hooa-wiBlied Into beJier
Ing, t&al loyally to lie raoaey-bag is
a coble Uoyalty? Mammoa, crier Use
geaeroas heart out of all ages aad all
ooooirles, is the basest of lmowa
sods, eTca of knowa devils. Is ana
what glory is there that ye sboali
worship bias? No glory discemable;
not erea terror; at best detestabiiity
III matched rrith despicability
The trouble with or government
tooay !s thai it Is loo math IbSo
eaoed In its operations by taea whose
only loyalty Is loyalty to tie money
bags. Who will say tiat tils is or
caa be a aobl? loyalty? Aad yet ia
ibis great commercial ceaier in the
very city of New York this worship
of the inoae3'-bags has beea carried
as far as It ha3 anywhere else In tils
country, How maay prominent men
have you in this city, either In lie
democratic party or the republican
party, who are brave enough to defy
the influence of the "money-bags," or
The Hog's most dangerous foo knocked
Hog worms get a bog out of condi
tion by weakening his digestion and
causing a rough coat and a hacklae
cough, which leads into uuthriftiaess
and cholera, if treated witn lie
Snoddy Cholera Cure soon as first
symptoms appear, the trouble will
stop and hogs will get thrifty.
T,ir; G?' 5irsch' of the Kirch
Packing Co, Z. B. Job and Ed. Leis
an large hog feeders of Alton 111
had their hogs take cholera a Jew
days ago, tie disease starting as out
lined above. As soon as the hegs be
gan to die they began giving them
the Snoddy Cholera Remedy and
cured them in a few davs. Tie latter
two did not lose a hog after begin
aing the treatment S
ilr J. P Hanna, Tarkio, Mo., cured
his large herd a few days age wit?
this treatment, and now his fathers-law
Mr D. Rankin, at same place
is curing the cholera on three of hU
feeding ranches with this same trea
.i8 catment Is certain death to
germ. It cures cholera after the dis
ease has started in the her ? Any
practical farmer can stop the disease
and save his hogs with this remedy
It is cheap and easy to use. Hun
dreds of men are curing theit hoe
with it all the time. SS
Snoddy's booklet on Hog Cholera
tells it all and is free for the 2g
Every hog raiser should have it if
you want It, ask for it, then you'wil
fhA A,ret? m,ail free- AJdrs
Lton in Rem?dy Co- DePt. 24,
jai rettrkilons upon jt? Occa&Ioaal
ly a jroti Is beard trora tie pa! pit
aiftfPirt ii baiaeas raetiods of Wall
jAzwL Lt Swaday oae of yoor
EpfaKopilJaa dergyiaen said:
"Who are te ijerooe mat are aeio
op for tie adairatfon of the rirtag
oerxtkra? They are the gambling
tek broken, who, TRiti their stock
-srateriag proe&Kes, their corners aad
libeir derioos deals, are 7OTse than
tie old feudal robbers. The clearest
evidence that tie American people
are aooj-siad is that they will toler
ate tie robber king of gambling fi
BttLoe. Thee coasdeaceleas rogues
Slag the -side code of boaesty to the
yrjzis, defy tie laws, rob mea of their
iard earalags, aad thea try co throw
a sop of their ili-goitea gains to the
cierci as 'hash money. "
Tils Ss harsh language, so haiih
tiat I rrovOd heitate to employ iL
ALd yet, is it not deserved?
Occasionally a voice Is raised
against some particular maaifesta
tjoa of coaiHsercialism, some new evi-
uriPtt oi ue oegraaauoa tnat 11 aas
wrought; bat why are your leaders in
rfCgloa, ia business aud in politics
aot grappling with the vicious prin
ciple that is responsible foi the pres
ent demoralization of political Hie
aamely, tie theory that government
can properly be used as the means of
bringing pecuaiary advantage to those
who tfanirn! if "wui it 1
hzea substituted for "Is it right?" and
as a consequence our legislative as
semblies, city, state, and national, are
becoming auct:on rooms In which
governmental privileges are kaor&ed
down to the Hgbest bidder. is it
straage that two senators have been
Indicted for selling their political ln
flueace? Is it strange that govern
ment officials, and members of con
gress have been interesting them
selves in government contracts' Is
it strange tiat boodle invest ications
arc bringing to light wholesale cor-n-ption
in state and municipal gov
ernment? Is it strange that those
who use the government as a business
asset employ a part of their ill-gotten
gains 10 niitvhfl!t fi,Tv... 1 t ,.
or further Immunity? Is it stSSe
tht many obscure voters use their
sun rage, the only political asset they
S? tJ a sonrce of Pecuniary profit,
when they see more prominent citi
zens using the government foi private
gam? is it wrong for the voter to sell
his vote? Certainly, but he canno
sell unless there is a purchaser 5
lilt TId. BO Purchaser but for
rnfifthat e government has been
turned from its true and legitimate
channel and made the instrumen? by
wbicb some eniici themselves at the
expense of the rest of the people.
When great corporations, which an
known to be careful and 'eSnomlcal
ia their expenditures, con'ribuS
1??M8,?n8 f0r the electln of certam
""-. t vu you aoubt that
hey expect and will receive a return
in the way of governmental favors?
uJu ere he saye several evidenpPc n'r
hribery and corrupUon.) s o
Cne evidence that our n,rt
honestly seeking to secure "Sotf
the masses in 1S96 and m isooTS io
found In the fact that n,,n to be
funds were Inslgnificnt7n w?paIsn
Paigas. althoug more & ?&m
contributed thnn -.r individuals
before And wSa? furSr C?tllbuted
needed ofttro
by the republican party with f h de
porations than vou hire In e cor"
enactment of legislatfL V ,promPt
the protected Si tSircd b'
financiers, and to f.nnd by tbe
Party to 'interfere wUh thf f that
of the trusts' the raPacity
Ila?110 part a-
1mSM in the two siates of New
York and Indiana. One trust coa
triooied S175.0W. and ia all tie close
sUj tbera was money to buy every
porciaseableroter; and what was
the remit? Tie meet plutocratic ad
ministration tils country iad ever
knowa. We witnessed a surrender to
organized aad predatory wealth so ab
ject aad h complete tiat serea years
of exile from power have aot entirely
removed the stain from the party.
You ask why l am opposed to the re
organization of the democratic party.
Because I want my party to define
the rights of tie people; 1 want it to
be the fearles champion of their In
terests; I want it to present the
moral iwue involved ia public ques
tions, aad to appeai to tie public
conscience. It is because I love my
party aad waat it to deserve tie con
fidence and respsct of an awakened
aad patriotic citizenship that I am
aot willing to lend my influence, be
it much or little, to the mortgaging
of the party to the money changers,
I would be giad to see those who left
us in 1S95 return; and those who
aie democratic ia sentiment and in
tu'aed or will rclura when they un-
creraiaaa me situatioa; but I verily
believe that if duriag the past seven
years our leaders had speat halt as
mrch time reasoniag with honest re-
DUblk-ailR C Thov fcQVA cnonl in 4 t.
l in.C lo COncilixle mrnfinHnn ifomA.
crats. our party would be very much
stronger today. What we need, to
1 Kive our nsrtv assimno ,.u:li.
i and substantial victory, is not conces-
J,uu "L cuucniauon or compromise,
but a platform so clear and strong'
and candidates so democratic that the
platform and candidates together will
drive out of the party tie mercenarv
representatives of Mammon whose
actions belie the promises of tie par
ty whose utterances are used to con
vict the party of insinceritv and
whose very presence profanes tbe
temple of democracy. I beg vou re
publicans as well as democrats lay-
Swfc5 H. ministers, to consider
hether it is not time to pitch our
campaigns upon a higher plane and
tkj PrinciPIes to public ques-
The mam question involved in im-
f-om1 h? &S" tte income
Lorn the Philippine islands will eaual
'vlten?611?16 reQUired f0r a cokSS
system Such a question Involves so
much of mathematics that no one ca"S
ure acUy the pecuniary SfiSS
Si,?1?11 on 1,imself or his nenih-
l?ol?rlI. for Ba-
Ph of Omtw iSrtg" Z?g? osn.i ..: ;B?- T1e isih-
not Quite so i,n talSts aBd "Sts
advantage ttrtfTfe,? "onoaiic
any group ot mmaThAb6r
right to dictate to , Te a moral
People, and Sm $
tinis a choice between surrendering
money and losing lifeu
In discussing the money que:-t;ca
instead of asMng merely whtter cne
standard will help one class or an
other, one section or another, the aim
should be to adopt tiat systrai of
finance whici Tvfll give us tie nearest
approach to justice as between aaa
and man, and this end cannot b
reached by delegating this quest: a (o
financiers a class which, with c a
sioaal exceptions, has in all &L:ry
thrown its powerful weight against
reforms. It is not a question of g M
or silver, these are hut incidents it
is a question whether the meney
changers shall control the Toluir;. of
money and the national treasury.
The financiers confess themselves
either hostile to the welfare of tbe
people, or that they lack confidence in
their intelligence, when they refuse
to submit to the judgment of the
masses of the people the financial
measures which they favor.
The whole protective tariff system
is built upon supposed pecuniary
profit to those who Tote for iL The
manufacturers are to be paid for their
support with higher prices, the labor
iag man with better wages, the wool
growers with a more remunerative
market for their wool, and the others
who vote for high tariff are fed with
the delusion that the money wbirh
goes out of their pockets through,
tariff taxation returns in some invis
ible way, beariag compound interest
with it A direct bounty, which our
supreme court has called larceay, ua
dei the form of law would be much
less harmful than a protective tariff,
because its evils are more easily esti
mated. Instead of calculating whe
ther a 42 per cent tariff will pay more
iec A Ver.
f ,f?I? U P3 aWar. the new P.fcr Mean
wertero "oricsaai Caenesra orsofaor. Scad t-da
Subscribers' Ad.irtisinf Dipartment
As a real estate exchange this de
partment has few equals and no su
periors. Thousands of acres of ,and
have changed hands because of adver
tising in this department Have ycu
land to sell? Tell 500.000 people about
it by using this department Do you
want to buy land? Say so" here. It
will cost you 6 cents per word per in
sertion. Address all orders to The
Oommouer, Lincoln, Neb
casd Si aS,C, the F-a' that has a drilled
dwfn nni7 ntePltcs having one fit
SSL? vSol4BOSS C- (VreU 'itllsu,) Me-
H. Proctor, Chehalls, yashington.
StOCt fnrrn."7X"li ,, T0"" - ""rv With
nivol. forrcJ?ttlreatdAlryman. All In V E. K
01 Kansas. Cheater Thoniaarwterrtlle?KJt
noneSalTe?pi.P03tlXaIa 25(X nM
YOanc2?.UvnDSLL ?LD " I TNSUR-
kaand KaniaV AdrtT ?ii"' e?f
ana Kansas. Address L, care ot Commoner.
?tw!unc5nr,bt.1CUlaW add J' W- Breff
values. George Hill indeSSJ&nff
!!STRys LEa'
- Rapchcs Chas, Blrdsall. Citer, Okla.
veyande frnts1 r.r.VV lu tmvel by private con
aSSSSSSS&f' t0 N- Mont- Addre"
' --'i i .itz4