The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1904, Image 1

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The Commoner.
VoU 3. No. 50.
Lincoln, Nebraska, January 1, 1904.
WhoItNo. 154.
(Copyright by New York Journal, 1903.)
November 29 was spent in Dublin, the 30th at
iclfast and en rdute to that city from Dublin,
Dublin is a very substantial looking city and much
lore ancient in appearance than Belfast, tho lat
jr reminding one more of an enterprising Ameri-
m city. We aid not have a chance to visit auy
the industries' of Dublin, and only a linen fac-
)ry and a shipyard in Belfast, but as the linen
ictory, tho York Street Linen Mills, was one of
le largest in Ireland, and the shipyard, Harland
Wolff's, the largest in the world, they gave
)me idea of tho industrial possibilities of tho
The lord mayor of Belfast, Sir Daniel Dixon,
rave us a history of the municipal undertakings
id extended to us every possible courtesy. To
hie accustomed to the farms of the Mississippi
Ind the Missouri valleys, the little farms of Ire-
ind seemed contracted indeed, but what they lack
size, they make up in thoroughness of cultiva-
lon. Not a loot seemed to be wasted. At Birm-
igham I saw some Kerry cows, which I can best
pecribe as pony cattle, that they told me were
ling bred. in Ireland in preference to tho larger
Seeds; they are certainly more in keeping with
size of the farms. The farm houses were
large, but from tho railroad train they looked
it and well kept.
V Mv visit to Ireland was ton hrlftf to enn.hfh mo
if,., ,.. . '., r ; A :
wuk into cue conuiuon oi ine tenants in mo
Pious parts of the island, but by the courtesy of
lord mayor of Dublin, Mr. Timothy Harring-
L and Mr. John Dillon, both members of parlla-
t, I niet a number of the prominent represen
ts of Ireland in national politics. A luncheon
le Mansion House was attended by some 75
ae Irish leaders, including Archbishop Walsh,
Redmond, John Dillon, Michael Davitt, Will-
KField, Patrick O'Brien, several members of
city council, ex-Mayor Valentine Dillon, High
Thomas Powers, and Drs. McArdle and
f)anrl fViQ. nnrannx laf lnnrnlcViorT In waHoim
of life.
,he dinner at Mr. Dillon's gave me a chance
jt Mr. Bailey of the new land commission
r. Finucane; lately connected with the Ind
jpartment, and to become better acquainted
the more prominent of tho Irish -leaders
tS names have become familiar to American
and whom I met at luncheon.
jhbishop Walsh is one of the best known
at beloved of the Irish clergy, and he en-
himself to the friends of bimetallism
lout the world by the pamphlet which ho
ome years ago setting forth the effect of
standard upon the Irish tenant farmer.
(..genuine pleasure to make his personal ac-
ice. It mayrbo added, in passing, that the
hot Ireland will bo more than ever in-
in a stable dollar when they have se-
tle to their lands and assumed the pay-
rhich extend over more than sixty years.
rease in the value of the dollar would in-
le burden of these payments by lossen-
price which they would obtain for the
of the soil.
Fohn Redmond is the leader of the Irish
irliament, and having visited the United
the appearance of & well-to-do lawyer, is quick
to catch a point, ready of speech and Immensely
popular with his people. Ho has tho roputatlon
of being ono of the most forcible of tho Irish
orators, and I regret that I had no opportunity of
hearing him speak.
Mr. Dillon is a tall man, probably six feet ono,
with a scholarly face and wears a beard. His long
experience in parliament, his thorough knowledge
of tho issues of the last quarter of a century, and'
his fidelity to tho interests of tho people of his
land have given him a deservedly high place
among tho great Irishmen of the present genera
tion. Mr. Michael Davltt has also had a conspicuous
career, but is not now in parliament, having re
signed as a protest against tho Boer war. He is
the oldest of the group and shows in his countc
nance the fighting qualities that have made his
name known throughout the world. Ho is not a
diplomat ho has not learned tho language of the
court. He is not a compromiser, but a com
batant, and his blows havo been telling ones.
The lord mayor of Dublin, Mr. Timothy Har
rington, has been honored with a third election
as lord mayor, a position first held by Daniel
O'Connell, but he is always at Westminster when
ever there is an important vote In parliament. Ho
Sf-'riri1 i"1""1"". imuu-uttwuicu, urn ui uu-
mor, wen inrormea and a natural-politician.
At a dinner given a few days later at the Na
tional Liberal club in London by Mr. T. P. O'Con
nor, I met several other Irish members, among
them Mr. William Redmond, brother of tho leader
of the Irish party, and himself a man of great abil
ity and long parliamentary experience, and James
Devlin, one of the most brilliant of the orators of
the younger generation. The oldest person at the
O'Connor dinner was Mr. O'Brien, the last Irish
man who enjoyed the distinction of being sen
tenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. The
host, Mr. O'Connor, while ha represents a Liver
pool constituency and is not, therefore, technical
ly speaking, a member of the Irish party, Is one
of the most prominent and influential of tne
Irishmen in the house of commons. He has lec
tured In the United States as well as In Europe,
and Is now editor of two weekly papers of large
circulation. He showed his friendliness toward
America and his appreciation of our country's
resources by taking unto himself an American
wife a beautiful Texan.
At Glasgow I met another member of parlia
ment, Mr. William McKillup, who, though a citi
zen of Glasgow, represents an Irish district and
takes an active interest in everything that af
fects the Emerald Isle.
Mr. Harrington and Mr. Redmond took me to
the Dublin cemetery and we visited the graves of
O'Connell and Parnell. The tomb of Ireland's
great agitator is under a massive pile of granite
made to represent an old Irish tower. No monu
ment has yet been erected 10 Parnell. The mem
ory of tho two dead statesmen and the presence of
the living leaders recalled the struggle to which
so many of Ireland's sons have devoted their lives,
and it was a matter of extreme gratification to
find that substantial progress Is being made.
It is true that home rule has not yet been
secured, but the contest for home rule has fo-
cuscd attention upon tho Industrial and politi
cal condition of Erin, and a numbor of remedial
measures havo beon adopted. First, the tenant wo
given titlo to his Improvements and then the
amount of tho rent was judicially determined.
More recently tho authorities havo been building
cottages for tho rural laborors. Ovor 15,000 of
these cottages havo been already erected and ar
rangements are being made for some 19,00a more.
These are much more comfortable than tho
former dwellings, and much safer fr6m a sani
tary point of view. Tho recent land purchase
act, which went into effect on November 1, seems
likely to exert a very great Influence upon the
condition of the people. According to its terms
tho government is to buy tho land of tho land
lord and sell It to tho tenants. As tho govern
ment can borrow money at a lowor rato tnan the
ordinary borrower, it is ablo to glvo tho tonant
much better torms tnan ho gets from his present
landlord, and at tho same time purchase tho land
of tho landlord at a price that is equitable The
landlords are showing a disposition to comply
with the spirit of tho law, although some of them
are attempting to get a larger price for their
land than it as worth prior to the passage of
tho law. rlno purpose of tho law is to remove
from politics tho landlord question, which has
beon a delicate one to deal with. Most of the
larger, estates wore given to tho ancestors of the
present holders ""arid many of the owncrg live
in England and collect their rents through a local
agent. Tho now law makes tho government the
landlord and the tenant, by paying a certain an
nual sum for C3 years, becomes tho owner of the
fee. Ho has the privilege of paying all or any
part, at any time, and can dispose of his Interest
Tho settlement which is now being effected, not
only removes the friction which has exited be
tween tho tenant and tho landlord, but puts the
tenant In a position where he can appeal to the
government with reasonable certainty of .redrew
in case unforeseen circumstances make lis lot
harder than at preseut anticipated. The assur
ance that he will become the owner of tht fee
will give to tho Irish farmer an ambition that has
heretofore been wanting, for he will be able to
save without fear of an increase In the rent Not
only is the land question in process of settlement,
but there have beon at the same time other im
provements which make for the permanent prog
ress of the race. There is a constant Increase In
educational facilities, and a large number of co
operative banks have been established. Agricul
tural societies have been formed fpr the Improve
ment of crops and stoc, and the trend Is dis
tinctly upward. The Irish leaders havo not ob
tained all that they labored for there is much to
be secured before their work is complete, but when
tho history of Ireland Is written, the leaders now
living will bo able to regard with justifiable pride
tho results of their devotion and sacrifice, and
their names will be added to the long list of Irish,
patriots and statesmen.
In Dublin I paid my respects to Lord Dudley,
lieutenant governor of Ireland, whose residence,
the Viceregal Lodge, is in Phoenix Park, and found
him so genial and affable a host that I am led to
hope that in his administration of the executive
branch of the government he will make the same
L known to many of our people. He has
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