; TjrrmrviWTiW The Commoner. NOVEMBER 6, 1903, 5 THERE IS GREAT CATARRH. DANGER IN If Left to Run Its Course Unchecked, It Often Causes Death. Catarrh scatters its poisons through out the entire system. The stomach and lungs are affected "by the drop pings that fall" Into the throat and are swallowdd during sleep. Dyspepsia, inflammation- of the stomach, bron chitis atid consumption are the results. The blood alio becomes contaminated and carries the poisons to all parts of the system. ' Frequently in the more advanced stages, the bones of the head become decayed and the air passages ar3 a putrid mass and create a stencil bo foul and offensive as to bo un bearable. The expression, "rotten with catarrh," is" not overdrawn or exag gerated. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets strike at the" root of this terrible, odjous dis ease and eradicate it from the system. They are a constitutional remedy that cleanses the systeni thoroughly of all poisons and purifies the blood. TJn, der ttieir influence 'the head becomes clea the discharges .at the nose and drpppings intothe throat cease, the lost sehseof smell is restored, the eye brightens, the foul breath becomes pure and sweet and tho odious, dis gusting disease is thoroughly expelled from the system. A Cincinnati man says: "I suffered the misery and humiliation of catarrh' for twelve years. My case became so aggravated that it seriously interfered with all my business relations. The disease became so offensive that I would not venture into any one's presence unless it were absolutely nec essary. I tried every remedy that I could get hold of.- Some helped me temporarily, but as soon as I ceased talcing them, I would relapse inlo the old condition, "Finally a "riend told me of Stuart's Calarrh Tablets aYid insisted that I try thCm. I had about despaired of ever finding help, but bought a box a'vway. I began to notice the iva? provement within twenty-four hours after-1 began taking them. Before the first box was gone I felt like an other man. I Kept up the treatment till I had taken three boxes and was e itirely cured. ,1 frave never had a recurrence of the trouble from that day to this. My -head fs clear and well arifi none of the offensive, symptoms of the disease ever trouble me.Tif has been- two years since I stopped tak ing them." Stuart's Catarrh." tablets are for sale, by a) druggists'! at 50 cts. a box. his financial -aid, so that he may be more .free to devote himselfto his chosen field of labor. If for any reason he la unwilling .to receive this sum for himself, it is, ray will that ho shall distribute- the said num of fifty thou sand dollars accordinp to his judg ment among educational and charita ble institutions. I have sent a duplicate of this letter t- Mr. Bryan and it Js jny desire that no onq excepting yqu and Mr. Bryan himself shall know of this letter and bequest, For this reason I will place this Jettjer.4na sealed envelope and direct that it-Bhall be opened only by you .anxLreacJ by ypu alone. With - loye an.d-,k6ses, P.' I! . BENNETT.' dollars to your wifo and invest fifteen thousand dollars for tho benefit of your three children, giving five thou sand dollars to each whenever you think it wise to turn tho money over to them. If for any reason you de cline to receive tho entiro sum or any part thereof, I shall trust you to dis tribute the samo according to your Judgment among educational and charitable institutions. Sincerely yours, p. S. BENNETT. was built the president used it prac tically altogether, and his remains wero taken to Springfield for burial Id it. In 18GG it becamo tho property of tho Union Pacific, and has only changed hands within tho last week. Boston Herald. The Deadly Cost of the Philippines. The nation does all that can be done for its dead who meet their end in tho distant islands of tho Pacific. They are buried in tho soil they loved and their friends are given tho oppor tunity of paying tho last tribute of re spect to their memories. But why need they have died? Has tho mor tality of tho Philippines not been to tally unnecessary? Tho war has been over for years, yet the deaths go on. Disease has succeeded sword and fire arms and insanity stalks hand in hand with death. Such is the cost. What is the gain? Nothing that can recom pense tho nation for tho loss of tho thousands of lives that have been sac rificed to the thirst for conquest. We paid twenty million dollars for islands that we do not want and that sq far have failed to even pay Interest on the investment and, in addition, have cost us millions more and will cost us many millions still. Taken altogether this Philippines situation is the most regrettable feature of American his tory. Boston Traveler. Diseases of Metals. Certain metallurgists in Gcrmnny, says Harper's Weekly, havo como to tho conclusion tnat metals are capa blo of being Infected with diseases. A leading scientist, Professor lloyn, has found that in tho injury dono to cop per from overheating tho motal is poisoned with what ho calls copper protoxide, a disorder which causes sickness and structural weakness. Steel that has been poisoned by hy drogon is deteriorated until It becomes almost as brittle as glass. Another scientist has discovered a certain kind of tin pest which Inhabits roofs. Ho found also that when tho diseased motal was brought fn contact with healthy tin the latter soon became in fected, and was finally destroyod. How Soon a Train Stops. At a recent convention of air brake men an interesting report was pre sented, showing how the distance re quired for tho stopping of a train has been reduced by the new high speed brake. A train 'running eighty miles an hour was stopped in 2,240 feet by tho high speed brake at ten pounds, where ordinary pressure of seventy pounds took exactly half 'a mile to bring it to a stand. Other train speeds and re ductions in stopping distances were these: Fifty miles an hour, from 840 to 700 feet; fifty-five miles an hour, from 1,'095 to 830 feet; sixty miles, 1,330 to 1,000 feet; sixty-five miles, 1,635 to 1,300 feet; seventy miles, 2,012 to 1,510 feet; seventy-five miles, 2,295 to 1,840 feet. Elmjra (N. Y.) Gazette. Mr r Bennett,. Sloan & Co., Importers and Jobbers, Teas, .Coffees and Spices, Canned Goods, Flavoring Extracts, Hudson and Franklin Streets, New York, May 22, 1903.My Dear Mr. Bryan: J enclose a duplicate letter which I have placed in a sealed en velope with instructions that it shall be opened by Mrs. Bennett and read by her alone. I have stated therein the reasons for the provisions made ior you al I sinceroly hope that you will accept the sum of. fifty thousand dollars for'yourself, give ten thousand First to Prohibit Slavery. The first Americans to prohibit slav ery in this country were the back woodsmen of Vermont, who incorpor ated this rule In tho constitution of 1777, which established Vermont as an ' independent republic. Mayo W. Ha zeltlne, the, well known author and critic, contributes to Harper's for Aug ust an historical account of the time when Vermont was a self-governing republic, possessing a unique council of thirteen censors, who were chosen by the people every seven years for the purpose of inquiring if the consti tution had been violated. The article is illustrated by portraits and rare documents. Kansas City Journal. The Lincoln Car. The. Union Pacific has sold the Lincoln-car, which 1-as been the property of the road for the last 37 years, and it will be placed on exhibition on the Pike in St. Louis next year. For years the car has stood on the tracks near the Union Pacific shops, in Omaha, Neb., and it has attracted scarcely passing notice of Omaha peo ple except when it was on view at the Trans-Mississippi exhibition. It was also exhibited at Chicago in 1893. The car was built at the military car shops in Alexandria, Va., in 1864, It was ironclad, armor plate being" set between the inner and outer walls to make it armor proof. After the car Germany's Church Census. Religious statistics of tho Gorman empire, according to tho recently ta bulated results of tho census of 1900, 1 show that 62 per cent of tho popula tion aro Protestant, and almost all members of ono or another of tho various state churches, and number ing in all 35,231,104. Tho ltoman Catholics number 20,321,441. Of Greek Catholics thero are 6,472, and of "oth er Christians" 103,792. In tho whole German empire there aro only G8G,833 who register themselves as Jews fewer perhaps than in tho borough of Manhattan, No- York. Only 17,535 Germans profess themselves to pos sess no faith. Kansas City Journal. Justified. - "Sir," said tho police magistrate, "you are accused of smiting this man with a hammer and then throwing him out of tho .ofilce. What have you to say for yourself?" "Your honor," replied the prisoner, "I am a peaceable business man and the complainant is . an editor. He wrote an artlclo in which ho referred to mo as a 'captain of industry' and I" "Complaint dismissed," exclaimed the justice. "A man is In duty bound to take extreme measures, if neces sary, to protect his good name." We Want You to Try Us To tend us a trial order and test our ability to sallafy you In every reticular. Wo have special cataloruea en almost every lino you can think of. Tell us what kind of roods you are Interested In, and wo will send you, absolutely res. any of tho following Illustrated catalogues nuotlntt wholesale prices. Da sure to mention tho ono you want, and wo will send It Free of Chart. Furniture Stationery Farm Implement Toys Vehicles Munlcal Instrument Sewing Machines Silverware Hardware Carpets ana KUtjs Crockery Underwear Glassware Groceries Stoves Dlcycles Bportinr Goods Baby Carriages Harness Dry Goods Blacksmith Tools Photographic Goods Dairy Oooda Notions Telephones Books Electrical Goods Shoes 33 Years House Paints Millinery In the Same Watches Cloaks Uuilfietl Drurs Furs Men's and Boys' Suits (both Ready-Mads and Made-to-Order) Including Samples. If you desire our complete catalogue, a book of over 1 100 pages, and welching 3V4 pounds, end for Catalogue No. 72, and enclose I S cents in e-Hher -stamps or coin. The small cataloruea are fro. Buy your goods at wholes o prices. MONTGOMERY WARD OCO. Michigan Avenue, MadWon & Waihlnrton Strccli - CHICAGO rrr , THOUSANDS OF EYE CURES la nil part of the worlds wororgsry, annoyance or potbllltr or Injury by the Oneal IJU.olrent Muthod. flat, raetsaad all other causes of bllndnoja eared at patients own homo, quickly cud at small wnM. Urofts-Ks Straightened. No knife or pain. Ah ways miccewiai. u uwi "yj deserlblng all Kye LHkmom CDCC and Dr. Oneal's adrlce rllCh OREN ONEAL, M. D Sate 121, 52 DwrksrsSt, CMcsfs, saw Mills, a n. 1. cuts 2,000 feet per dar Alt iizf rua or,Flilnle Mills sad Kdajors with Patent Variable Friction Fe!dI'urtablA (Irlnd Intc Mtlls.Water (or Urr ful4fM. rrtiU btlOicTl MUX HtO. CO., iitiin, aomu.o iii u unj at r-t. Pi' LvbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbtJE 'fanssHVfSI FENCE!? STfromsEtJ ABE. Bull tmntr. (!tiffVjn. Tfcht. Sold to too FarmoratnkoU.il Men. rsr HsrrasUd. Cataloe Kfss. COILKfBIKIXarElfCXCO. BOX Z'H 1TlMfcMtr,!4UM,t,C.jU Ganger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OIL. Csseer, Tumor. Catarrh. Pile. Fistula, Ulcer. Ectemaand all Skin and Went Disease. Writ for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address Kansas City, Ho, mmmfmmnwr MshssaNBfJ no nvc cor. otis UIli UIL, 1! roadway Are You interested in a Farm Paper? LOOK AT THIS PRAIRIE FARMER OFFER! For ONE DOLLAR, paid in advance, we will send you The Commoner and The Prairie Farmer, both one year; this includes also TheUome Maga zine monthly supplement which every Prairie Parmer subscriber receives. No matter whether your subscription is new or renewal, this offer is open to every subscriber WHO ASKS FOR IT at the time the money is sent to tu . No commission to agents on this offer. Address all orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. cni.., BED BARGAIN 7w erer heard of. Handsome IRN JtK a jgrkK fiTKAU, WOVEN WlKE MI'BlNUtf M Sa&a23 SPECIAL MATTKESH, all complete. OHLV. yWmm We duty anyone to duplicate this outfit at retail for lesa Uisa U or $10. Oar prloe oa this bed I actually lower tbaa It costs to manufacture them. Ked this IleseripUsni Height tof bod 4 Inchest faaatf la. corner porta: 6-16 in. allinga; wrought ateeJ connection, and la carefully and accurately fitted: full leagtfe. width either 4 ft, 6 in. or 3 It. 6 In. aa tfcalredi aide rails ..n .ixmla fmn Vwxta. nlmlcA nt colora. wSMf ar KTttm caMtrl The prir oro 8rt clam double woren wlro, attached to bard wood frame, eeonrel braced. Mattwa, good Rradeof ticking, with pedal wool td$ on ezeeklor. Hattnwaudbed are carefully wrap- f)rHP f flrlftA i??" ttto Wi5 ped for ahipaaent. Ill Ulf T UIIC9 derfal low. price. With Your Orderforthbioatltwewlll eewl with the aulp sarat FREK oar eewplete 7 pceCtlae. aroUss whole, ale prices oa ererythlng. If yoa prefer to hare the catalocsa before ordering, aend0c.ataaops or cola, totxrwrH th fwUffa aaditwjll be sent prepaid. Yos cannot afford to be without .it. Q. L. CgASEMHtCANTILE CO.. Pes4. Osf UaBmCtQjU iwlmyrmFFflJzE& 'aH bsbbI ima?Tnaric . Tvm. m WRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW SsavlsVRSsMi aBBt BSBBB smsV frct frsts pBEBBbasasCHy 48 ' Hi Trrbb Jsfffis! -fiy-"tt