The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 23, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    i""r r V -',"if
The Commoner.
OCTOBER 23, 1003.
UPW mWpwi"H'w "i hijh rr 'm'mrr -f"iy-
Bright1 Disease and
Diabetes Cured.
University Chemist Acting as Judge
Irvlno K. Mott, M. D of Cincinnati. O., dem
onstrated before the editorial board oftho Even
inu Post, ono oftho leading dally papers of Cin
cinnati, me power 01 jus
remedy to euro tlio worst
forms of kidney diseases.
Later a public test was In
stituted under the auspl
cch of the Post, and live
cases of llrighvs Disease
and Diabetes were select
cd by them -and placed
under Dr. Moll's care. In
three months' tlmo all
were pronounced cured,
ono of the most nroml-
ncnt Universities in the "United States fiaving
been chosen by the Font to make examination
or the cases before and after treatment.
Any one desiring to read the details of "this
public test can obtain copies of the papers by
writing to Dr. Mott for them.
This public demonstration gavo Dr. Mott an
international reputation that has brought him
into correspondence with people all over the
world, and several noted Europjans are num
bered among those who have taken his treat
ment and been cured.
The doctor will correspond with those who
arc suffering with Hright's Disease, Diabetes or
any kidney trouble, either in the first, intermedi
ate or last stages, apd will be pleased to give his
expert opinion free to those who will send him a
description of their symptoms. An essay which
the Doctor has prepared about kidney troubles
and describing his new method of treatment
will also be mailed by him. Correspondence for
this purpose should be addressed to IRVINE K.
MOTT. M. D., 89 Mitchell Building, Cincinnati,
has promised a general amnesty and
funds in aid of rebuilding their homes
if the fugitives return to Macedonia.
It is said that this has been agreed
to on' the part of the fugitives if the
lepatriation will be made under for
eign control.
At intervals of one-half hour each
eight train loads of the followers of
John Alexander Dowie of JSion City,
Chicago, left that city for New York
on October 14. Over 3,000 "crusaders"
were in the company representing
nearly all Caucasian races. The move
ment was undertaken for the purpose
of converting the city of New York
and the meetings will be held mostly
in Madison Square garden.
It was reported from Panama on
October 13 that preparations are on
foot in Central America to declare war
against Salvador and Honduras by the
republics of Nicaragua and Guatemala.
These reports were not officially con
firmed, however, but it is said that
an army of 10,000 Guatemalan sol
diers are reported to bo marching to-,
ward Salvador.
Saving Lives of Oaks by Surgery.
A dispatch to the New York Herald,
under date of Berkeley, Cal., August
35, says:
Three surgeons are at work on the
University of California oaks. Those
famous trees that almost everybody
in the world has read or heard about
are submitting to a rejuvenating pro
cess. It may not be as painful as the sur
gery practiced on human beings, but
it is doing a great deal of good, and
the patient old oaks will come out of
the ordeal revivified and the better
equipped to withstand the Pacific
Once in their lives oak trees the
California kind, that is must be oper
ated upon. Like human beings, as
they grow older, their vitality de
ceases. Their withered limbs get
more crusty, and the dry rot takes hold
of their trunks.
In their young days, say when they
were about two hundred years old
Heart Disease
may be cured by strengthening the
heart nerves, enriching the blood and
proving the circulation with Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. Safe and sure.
wd on KDftnntra, Bond postal for f re "book
a akwuMM of the bwuc and err today.
Dk. Mxiae Mxxhcal Oo iSkkart, Ind.
for the university oaks are estimated 1
10 De over lour hundred years of age
they were strong enough to shako oft
these manifestations of age.
If the wind made a wound in the
trunk of n,n oak it soon healed over
with new bark; if a limb broke, it sent
a new one to take its place.
But in the infirmity-of old ago tho
-palsied tree can no longer cover up
its injuries, and it stretches out its
scraggy arms to man, appealing to
him for assistance in its distress.
The most devitalizing affliction of
the oak is the dry rot This usually
manifests itself at the places on the
'trunk where the limbs have boon
broken or cut off. Before the bark
has had timo to shield tho wound the
weather sets into it and the wood rots
Sometimes there will be a hole sev
eral feet deep where it is least sus
pected. If this disease id not corrected
it will eat its way into the heart of
tho tree, eventually killing it
Professor W. A. Sctchell, of the
botany department of the university,
ras been watching with some appre
hension the encroachments of tho dry
rot on the trees.
Just before his departurofor Europe
recently he had a conference on the
subject with President Wheeler, to
whom he said that something must be
dono to savo the oaks, and done at
President "Wheeler was alive to tho
necessity of Immediate treatment, and
gave orders, therefore, to Grounds Su
perintendent A. L. Bolton to proceed
according to x-rofessor Setchell's di
rections. In carrying out the instructions, Su
perintendent Bolton, as chief surgeon
and the surgeons under him hav
tenderly solicitous for tho fathers of
the campus.
In digging out tho cavities and fill
ing them with more wholesome stuff
they have exercised the greatest care
not to hurt the tree, though there must
bo inward groans when the drills
pierce too far.
Workers have proceeded by ridding
I he trees of all tho dry rot, then dte
infecting'the exposed places with coal
tar and filling them with California
cement. Tho cement takes the place
of the natural wood and enough is put
Into the cavity to hring it to the edge
cf the bark.
This leaves a surface over which the
bark grows In time, thus enclosing
fho cement If the cement was filled
to' the brim of the bark the hark
would be retarded in Its growth and
ittally the tree would die.
The treatment of the trees has dis
closed some strange things. Most
curious of these is an oak in which
Lr letters "G. R." were cut years ago
in the bark.
This left the wood exposed to the
weather which in time rotted deep,
though it was not apparent until the
operators began work upon it In a
fe.w more years the tree would have
Various are the tools used by the
tree surgeons in prosecuting their la
bors, many of them not unlike those
us-Q by a surgeon. There are scoops
and spoons and drills and all sorts of
instruments, all of them turned out
for the purpose by the college black
smith shop.
For the cavities high up from the
rouno an improvised chair is em
ployed, in which the workman is
hoisted to his work.
The last legislature made a special
appropriation for this work.
Monticello (la.) Times: It is a no
ticeable fact that many of the men
who opposed the free coinage of silver
in 1896 and prated about honest cur
rency, the credit and honor of the gov
ernment, are now advocating the en
actment of the Fowler bill, which
would enable them to unload a lot of
dishonest securities on the govern
ment as security for asset currency is
sued by national banks.
K. V
t4 . I
t ?
i r
, f
' ,iSfJi
-r - &
need not
The few dollars that you would pay foi
n unrcuaoic waicii wnicn neeat selling
.twice dally, would put you In Immediate
possession oi one oi inc dcsi waicnes
mado. We sell the finest ELGIN. WAL-
movements. In solid 1 4kt gold cases, or In
the finest cold filled cases, guaranteed
for 20 and 25 years on EASY MOMTHLY
BOW TO GET ONE: Write to-day for
our Catalogue, and from It (elect tha
style and make of case and movement thai vou nrtfrr..
Tell us where to send It to vour home, nlaee of hud.
ncss, Express office or where vou nrefer. ft will be sent
promptly on annroval for vour Inspection before vnu
pay any money, if It Is Just what you expected, and satis,
factory in cvervwav nutltln vour noeketand mvnn
fifth Of the Price: then .send us the balance mnnthlv. In
eight equal payments. You will then have a reliable time'
piece as lowr a Vou live. We sell only GENUINE DIAMONDS
we no not sen the cheap brass, fire-flit or gold plated cases
with cheap Swiss movements, that have been so extensively
advertised and foisted unon the nubile at nremlum. nr
sold at $3.75, $4.95, etc. Such watches are absolutely
worthless, for they will not keep time, and their cast will
turn Wack (n a few weeks.
THE L0FTIS SYSTEM wakes it Just as easy for you to ret
the linest Watch made, as It is for you to get a cheap, trashy
affair that you arc ashamed to pull out of your pocket ,
We sell genuine Diamonds on the same easy terms. We pay
Express charges whether you buy or not; we require no
Interest or security; create no publicity: have no dlsagree-
aojc lormauucs, in laci, we assume au me risk, trouble ana
expense of showing our goods on their merits, leaving you
to decide for vour self. We are the larrect ilriW In
Diamonds and Watches in the world, and one of the oldest
established in 18SC We refer to any bank In America. Tor
instance, step into your local bank and ask about us. They
will refer to their Commercial Agency books, and tell you
that we stand very high In the business world, and that our
representations may be accepted without question. We ask.
only one opportunity for adding your name to one of the
largest lists of satisfied customers that a Mall Order houte
was ever honored with. WRITE TO-DAY TOR ILLUSTRATED
Diamonds - watch a- Jewelry
'ittiST'TEiUlLi' . T is sA . nn m, . m. A
jyepi. ju-oy, vi to ?o aiate at., uutziuu, ill
"Wonderfal. Inducement to eell our Bwrd IZakiac Powdr.
Every nurchoscr of a notmd con of Swan liaLln I'nwrln-
under our Plan No. CS trill receive tills beanUfol Water Bet, con4t
lng of pitcber and fix elosacB, full size, free. Latctt cat glow pat-
icih lUBHKiiiiKi una u;r nci ut kitcu ausuiuiurjce w DTI
mir irra in nii-rr
parchascr of household articles as described byodr FJan 27t. 65.
uoerary iiwywiio ecus ionnecn cass oi nran umsamm I'owder,
under I1an Ho. C5, tritii tko tadBccneat cf tbU beaatlfal Watar
Helfree te each oarchaaer. wo jriYCahandromclv decorated CO.
Pleee JOlaaer 8t r a 6G-Ileco Tea fret, abeolatelr free. "We
jbaro a very larco number of different plana Trith-vrlilch Troidre ott
Duy. w eao not rcquiro any money Jnaatanre. Bleu
tout namoanunaaresfl and wo will forward ocr differed nu
aarprlsed to aoo what cua bocccoaapUabedlaaCew hours park. We Will allorr 70a fifteen day todddrer
eome thing to bay.
EMfuf jjHK yWtOSMfmJm.
qr MMMMWfiimBMirrmmr
Una and fall Information. To a wfll fe
Wo allow largo cash commiadon'
If preferred. Wo pay alt
itjnnnau xaacf
tha trooda and collect tha money beforo Darinir ua.
freight.' We also &ro Bedateaaa, Table, CoaaBM, Chatr. tfbli-t WaUtPattenu,
Xiaeo uartaiaa, itoouias unair ana nunareus 01 oiner naei m ana oaarutio article,
tor bUbs and lull laf ormation. ( Wo awora oar readera that tfcia coorpaxnr la t
, iorseiUM oorcooda, Wrtta
borooghly nUdtic-Zakoc
Dou't Uko tho other fallow walcbt oa yoar 1
With one at
alxnlntelr O.IUmI C Vmt taala for 4Q TIC 10V kBOW hut Wkat
porfoct nllHI Uaiwn only a;lill7oaUkato(AWBCTary
trio. Nocnaealne. ItBarm nonarandelraa catlafaatlon. field uadarS re vemr
guaranty on KO A V'M VUX.K. TKIAtT UalJ Uaariasa. InUrehrhla Parte.
Fall Oompouod Baam. KoLooeaWalKhU, Bart Ooaatraettoa. KorWctoyaa. mo
letter tola made, ion eas araet It yoarelf, Bo.axpart maadaaL Kaaieatra
6-Tcb YWL Conaaaad KraM SUmm caJe Tor mmlr 2.7&. 8a4 tor Catalan.
Mnd in an Antitrust Factory from the best White Leaf Tobacco:
M.-1 sweetened with Wild Honey and Pure Maple Byrnp; flavored with Aromatic Spices from
Arabia maklne the most duliclo w chew ever placed In the mouth. It eastalna n
serai or eplmn. It sweetens the breath preserves the teem ana aius muJiirrio.f. Areata
wantadl to aall GUMHACCO te ehewer. Send One Dollar, remitting by Money Order, fit.
Louis or New York Exchange, and receive, Chargeiprcpald, Two-Pound Box of GUMBACCO.
Reiercnce: The American JZxchong Bank, or Any Other Banking Institution In St. Louis.
WETMORE MANUFACTURING CO., - - Carliloi Bvildlig, St. Loiilt, Ml.
big bargains are listed for sale.
If you wast to tray a farm, send 255 cent 1a stats p or
Hllver to TBK PKAIRJB FAKMKB, 1C0 Adam StChl
cago,for TILE PBAIBIE PARMEE Home Jfagazlne
edition, woatbTy, for twelTe saoathf. Hundreds of