ftr 16 The Commoner : VOLUME 3, NUMBER 32, ,wxa Teaching the World How to Die. Popo Leo XIII., in his sovonty years' corvico to his church, has boon an oxamplo to priest and layman. By doed and procopt ho has taught the world how to live. Now ho is teach ing tho world how to dio. At 93, with tho work of life well done, ho faces death with more than tho cold serenity of philosophers. He faces it with the simple trust of tho Christian. It is as if tho poet had fcroseen his death bed when penning tho lines: "So live, that when thy summons comes to join Tho innumerable caravan, which moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall tako His chamber in tho silent halls death, Thou go not, liko the quarry-slave night, Scourged to his dungeon, but, tained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy gravo Liko ono who wraps tho drapery of his couch About hira, and lies down tj pleasant dreams." Everv incident in the death cham ber at Rome, every word spoken by tho popo to his people or about his people, suggests this imago of the man ready to dio. When Grant sauared his shoulders and bowed his head to meet tho end on Mount McGregor the world was tho better for it. When McKinley, knowing that death was at hand, faced tho supremo fact of at SUB- CLUB LIST. Any ono of tho following will 1)0 sent with THE COMMONER, both ono yenr, for tho club price. Fcrlodlenls mny bo sent to diflercnt addresses If desired. Your friends nmywlsh to join with you In sending for a combination. All subscrip tions nro for ono year, nnd If new, begin with tho current number unless othcrwho directed. Pres ent subscribers need not wait until their sub scriptions expire. Renewals received now will bo entered for a full year from expiration date. srnry Digest ana ruD Renewala, for theso Subscriptions for Arena, Literary uu wpwiiuu inusi uu NHW. Uirco not accented. Foreign postage extra. AGRICULTURAL. Reg. 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Chicago Inter-Ocean. Spencer and the Three Howes, Spencer, Mass., will honor, at its coming 150th anniversary, three men whose inventions stand among the greatest of the last century. Elias Howe's invention of the sewing ma chine is the direct forerunner of every fastening machine used today. $The olaborate Goodyear and McKay sys tems, the Bonaz machine embroidery system,- every chain and locustitch laachine, the standard role-fastening machines, ate all tributes to Howe's genius. There aro hundreds of minor inventions that followed as a direct re sult of Howe's great work. Then his two half brothers. Tyler and William Hcwe, invented the spring bed and the truss bridge. Elias Howe was born September y, 1815, and in May, 1845, patented his machine. In less than. GO years it has become such a necessity that the standard sole-fastening ma chines are made every year, and ono factory alone employs 6,000 mechanics ond over 12,000 persons in business offices and sales agencies. All New England should bo especially crateful to Howe, for through him the shoe trade was raised to its present im portance. When Spencer celebrates rext Thursday, it should be given rousing support, not only in honor of its 150 years, but also for the sake or the three great brothers it nm. J duced. -Worcester Telegram.- The First Battle -BY W. J. Bryan. .. A Story of the Campaign of 1896, Together with a Collection of His Speeches and a Biographical Sketch by His Wife. ILLUSTRATED EDITION, PRICE, $1.50, I have purchased of the publisher all unsold copies of ."The First Battle," numbering' 350 copies, and offer them for sale at tho low price of $1.50 per copy, sent postpaid on receipt of price. These copies are handsomely bound in Half Mo , , rocco, printed on heavy paper from clear type, ' contain over COO pages. Orders will be filled in their turn until the supply is exhausted. When inioo nnmno ntr .1J il. 1 l '11 "if i vivjjiun wu Bum mu DOOK Will DC OUl OI Address these print. 011 So. 11th St., M. T. HOWEY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.