The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 06, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
I'VWrsa TTil i V'"
Renewed activity on tlio part of
tho ladrones near Manila, P. I., was
roported on Fobruary 23 and it is said
that recontly thoy captured sovoral of
tho native constabulary in somo of
tho villages hear Manila. Reinforco
monts havo been sont to tho troops
who aro warring against theso outlaws.
Mr. Russell, tho United States
charge at Caracas, reported to tho
Btato department on February 23 that
a groat deal of apprehension is bo
ing felt in Venezuela on account of
tho delay in handing over tho cap
turod vossols to tho government au
thorities. It seems that Germany is
still insistent in regard to tho pay
mont of hor claims against that coun
try and this action is regarded as a
breach of trust
An Associated press cablegram from
Porto Cabollo under dato of Fobruary
23 says that ono Venezuelan vessel
had boon returned by Gormany, on
that date.
It wa3 recently reported that Can
ada will make a romonstranco against
the appointmont by tho United States
of Senators Lodge and Turnor on tho
Alaslcan boundary commission. This
romonstranco is based on tho ground
that it has boon tho understanding of
Canada that three judges of tho
United Statos supremo court were to
sorvb as commissionors.
Tho United States supreme court de
cided tho prize money case brought
h.Admlral Dowoy In bohalf of him
self and the offlcors and men of his
ileot on account of tho vessels sunk
at Manila, in his favor, but an ad
VorsqJigcision was given in tho case
of simllar,naturo.Jt)rought in bohalf of
Admiral Sampson.
On Fobruary 23 at Galveston, Tex.,
tho corner stono of the S125.000 sen-
wall was laid with imposing ceremon
ies. This wall is three miles in length
and Is designed to give absolute pro
tection ovoti from a Btago of water
equal to tho great tidal wavo of tho
1900 storm. It is reported that tho
city has beon exempted from state
Aaxos for a period of eighteon years
as assistance in tho oroction of the
groat wall for its protection.
It will bo remembered that recent
ly tho European powers sent a joint
noto to Turkey demanding of that
power better treatment of tho Chris
tians, particularly in Macedonia. On
February 23 tho sultan returned his
answer to this noto in which ho agrees
to Institute tho desired reforms in
joint resolution has been introduced
in tho Hawaiian territorial legisla
ture petitioning for statehood.
On Februaiy 24 it was reported that
tho revolutionary movement in South
China is growing more serious. Sov
oral engagements havo taken place
with the rebels and the troops sent
against them havo been defeated, the
rebels pillaging tho towns. Tho Rus
sian ambassador has asked the co
operation of this country to stop tho
illgal importation of arms to China,
and this request has also been made
to Belgium, Germany and Great
The most violent eruption of the
Colima volcano which has occurred
in years took place on February 24,
according to a dispatch from Mexico
City. Tho eruption was accompanied
with a sovcro earthquake shock.
On Fobruary 24 it was announced
that a bill had been passed by the
Illinois legislaturo appropriating $9,
000 for a life-sized statue of Frances
E. Willard, to bo placed in the na
tional statuary hall at Washington,
D. C. On the same day a bill appro
priating $5,000 for tho relief of the
famine-stricken people of Sweden and
Finland, was also passed.
Tho supremo court of New Jersey in
session at Trenton rendered a deci
sion on February 24 in regard to the
rights of stockholders to examine the
books of corporations organized un
der tho laws of that' state. According
to this decision, this right is denied
to stockholders, except in such cases
whore this right shall be germane to
the status of a stockholder.
A fight took place between the min
ers and sheriff's posses at Staniford
City, W. Va., on February 25 when
the sheriff attempted to arrest several
of the miners for violation of an in
junction issued by Judge Keller some
time ago. During tho struggle three
minors were killed and several badly
According to advices from Chicago
a movement is on foot to merge the in
terests Of all tllQ firms thflt onmnrlnn
the beef trust It Is regarded as cer
tain that April 1 will seo tho culmina
tion of those merger plans which may
eventually control the moat business
of tho world.
A testimonial sword was presented
to Rear Admiral Henry C. Taylor
who conimandod tho battleship Ind
iana in tho Spanish-American war
by the people of Indiana through the
general assembly on February 23 at
Indianapolis This sword Is a beau
V. GQ0D workmanship and cost
It was recently announced that a
A convention which is to discuss
municipal ownership and franchises
began its sessions at New York city
on February 25, and continued for
three days. One speaker suggested
that this movement is due to indig
nation at corruptness of private own
ership and it was hoped that the ad-'
vantages of municipal ownership will
bo bettor understood by moans of this
nelia Colo Fairbanks of Indiana was
unanimously re-elected president gen
eral of tho Daughters of the American
Revolution society, recently in ses
sion at Washington, D. C.
A great mass meeting was held in
New York city on February 26 to do
honor to the memory of John Wesley,
the founder of Methodism. The meet-
ing was held under the auspices of the
committee having charge of the thank
offering fund of $20,000,000 raised by
the Methodists throughout the country
to celebrate tho advent of the twen
tieth century. President Roosevelt
was' the principal speaker of the
A disastrous fire visited the center
of the business district of Cincinnati,
O., on February 26, occasioning a loss
of over $2,000,000.
The czar of Russia has come to the
relief of the starving Finns and has
ordered that extensive relief works be
started without delay in Finland. The
proposed Idensalmi-Kayana railway is
to bo begun at once, added to which
work will be an expenditure of $300,
000 on another line, the establishment
of a bank with a capital of $2,000,000,
which sum is to be used in making
loans to the peasant farmers, and pub
lic works amounting to $140,000 are
to be constructed, thus giving work
to tho people.
Advices from Pekin under date of
February 27 report the ambushing and
slaughter by the rebels of 500 imper
ial troops in the province of Kwang
Si, northern China.
In lo(M.
inJ?0S0 who deserted in 1896 and
1900 do not want to adopt a platform
in 1904 with bimetallism only left
IlK T e7 ,want t0 adPt a Platform
that will leave out every and all
planks that demand justice for the
whole people. They want to make a
Platform that will bo so nearly like
the JGpublican platform that it will bo
necessary to have the narty name at-
tached to it to tell which, is which
Tho 6,500,000 democrats who fol
lowed W J. Bryan will never con
sent to give up all their principles for
what? For the purpose of getting a
few party traitors to vote the demo
cratic ticket The democrats who
voted tho democratic tickets of 1896
and 1900 will make tho platform for
1904. Thoy will put into it what they
think is right. And there is no as
surance that a platform founded on
right and justice will forever he de
feated. The time may come may be
here now when the common people
of tho nation will vote solidly for their
interests hy voting the democratic
ticket as the plutocratic despoilers of
the people now vote for their inter
eats by casting all of their ballots
for the republican party. Joplin Daily;
The Boys.
'Twas a shrewd old farmer spake
the other day the while he combed
from beard and hair tho seedlets of
the hay:
"Our Freddie is a business man, an
makin' piles in soap; Ezekiel is a doc
tor an' feeds the people dope. Our
Mary Ann is pretty, an' full of edu
cation. She's bagged a dude from
town who's rich as all creation.
"Hennery's a preacher, an' runs a
gospel shop; Pete's a politician a
climbin' to the top; Willum is indus
trious he stays with mo an' marm
an' me an' him an' her get a livin
from the farm.
"But Tom! it really seems Tom
never had no sense. He couldn't tako
a hammer and pound nails into a
fence. But marm, she's not despair
in'; or if she is she don't show it
Says she: 'You leave that Tom alone;
he fixin' to be a poet! ' "Atlanta
There will be dishonesty in politics
as long as political tricksters are'hon
ored by political parties. The ' man
who is dishonest in politics is as bad
as tho man who is dishonest in-business.
" 1 II . n
dooscnoere Ative
rtising Department
By a unanimous vote tho Delaware
house of representatives on February
25 adopted a resolution requesting
congress to call a convention to pro
pose a constitutional amendment au-
tnorizmg the direct election of United
States senators by the people.
An interesting item of news was
given out on February 25 when, ac
cording to United SUtes Consul Mc
wado at Canton, it was asserted that
an American nTivsirlan, Dr. Aclolph
Rnfzng, has dterovfired a moans of
curing and exterminating the disease
of lenrosy which has hitherto been
considered incurable.
Advertising is the life of trade. Yon
have heard, perhaps, the story of the
boy whose mother sent him to town
to sell some chickens. The mother
put the chickens in a bag and told
the boy to stand on the corner and sell
them. In tho evening the boy returned
home with the chickens.
"Why didn't you sell them?" quer
ied tho mother.
"Didn't nobody know what I had in
the bag," said the boy.
1,'Well, why didn't you tell them?"
Why, because nobody asked me"
replied the son. '
If you have anything to sell, do not
wait to bo asked. Tell people what
I: o , tu HOU' XQn tnem throuch
tho Subscribers' Advertising Depart-
-.i8AIiK--10 noad ' Duroc Jersey cuts hmiHnn
at 130.00. Vandegrlft Bros.. Austin. Mh' brcd ri8ht'
ment of The Commoner. A few lines
will suffice, and your advertisement
will be seen by a half million people
who are always on tho lookout for
bargains. Why hot start a mail order
business, of your own? Why not open
a real estate exchange through this
department? The Subscribers' Adver
slDS Department was-established for
the benefit and accommodation of The
Commoner's subscribers. Tho rate is
the lowest made in the paper 6 cents
per word por insertion, in advance.
The publisher will word your ad
vertisement for you if you are in doubt
as to the best and briefest shape, and
I Sl!?mitL beforG Publication. Do
not wait to be asked what you have in
rwia& A.??resa a orders to The
Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
jiSfSaSuSSr. ra proora rro- .
It. J. Gatllng. Inventor of the Gatllng
gun. died in Now York citv on Feb
ruary 2G, at the age of eighty-four
After a spirited contest,- Mrs. Cor-
WK aro now receiving orders for New Manln s
Delivery In March. Supply limited If yon w5ir?iPA
dollclous nectar writo. sample "of puro mffi .U
by mall ton cento, it. e. French, Medina, o. P BUsar
FOIt SAT.K.'WS nnrmmm.n..! !
2 and 4. Near Lap lata Gold mJnca jSSS? W" rtKnts
a C. Faunco, Mancoa, Colo. W' Parllcilars
and clvon. w. . liora. CrEtannK!0088 rwllrcd
- - wf iuu,
office Box 324, Uardwlcfc, Yt DroauclD "wcUon. rost-
tloEn?GWohpacatlJ'ColtCnV,tSrl?,e9' Distance no objeo
ud frceffi. jj hW R$n ,wnlcfc Prevent Jar
Mt. Blanco Vo&rsFik A
' "'"""Hi UU1U.
ECZRXrin., a. : '
Pald,25cTnTTBinavncra- treatment Mt"
"l -UUUUBUillU, '.
iiEArt iThn rj -. . :
and capital T 10 rnma oa.orr.or" (a11 8D0Ut lahor
rocco, ind. Coata WM. W. B. Ahorn, Mo-
"hoop, XoB "affinoSSl T no,wn for U0r8M caUl0
W cents. Edwin a v3ro5nuIft and fuI1 directions,
""w. i-uwin A. Young, Bamah, Colo.
Btr3.anMo80 Models con-
pntcnta. actExDorWlMnt0Mffir 8nrt ,narkot e
sheet case 12.50 Di? S&2m ou yonr tont I or a
how to ret moat mnn00 oa.80 &M & "P- Tolls
Ito art o7lffi?n offi iSSKi Btamp for Particulars.