The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 27, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    t --'"n ' wfir"w 4fl y' 'V lll?W'W5p5l1W
The Commoner.
i !
Entered nt the pofitoflicc at Lincoln, Nebraska, m econd
claei mall matter
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TtlE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
' .
In thorough organization thoro is strength;
also victory.
If trusts were bronchos they might bo broken
with less delay.
Dr. Crum soems unablo to find that small
partlclo of comfort.
However, tho beef trust has not found It hard
to overlook Kb federal Injunctions.
Tho "executlvo sessions" of tho senate havo
alwayB been subject to "publicity."
Victory may bo won by compromising wrong,
but Buccoas Is won only by fighting for principles.
A glance at tho pay roll of the Kansas legis
lature will bo sufficient proof of Its republicanism.
Speaking of got-rlch-quick concerns, the ship
subsidy champions anticipate something in that
lino. ,
Millions of bacilli are said to fatten on bank
notes. Quito a number of bankers have dono tho
Bamo thing.
Tho indications aro that the trusts will wear
tho El kins shackles as ornaments and do it
Another victory liko that of 1892 would set
back tho work of true democracy a quarter of a
Mr. Addlcks was careful to keep safely In his
hand ono end of tho string attached to his with
If thoro is anything that can cure it Poultnoy
Blgolow should tako something for that case of
Speaking of "gct-rlch-quick" concerns, what is
tho matter with a nico little bond deal like we had
a fow years ago?
It may be that Mr. J. P. Morgan based his
objoction on tho ground that it was unconstitu
tional to assess water.
Mr. Littlofield seems to havo gotton his prom
ises on the loft and his performances on the riEht
side of tho decimal point
It appears that the Addlcks era of prosperity
has made it unnecessary to havo tho Delaware
peach crop winter killed.
, v Mr JFay 8hould havo boon made secretary of
labor. Ho seems to bo the most easily worked
diplomat npw in public life. wornou
Tho fact that over 400 passongers were "killed
last year in accidents 0 American railroads, while
not one passenger was killed during that timo on
British railroads, demands that AmSican ?ai
road managers adopt safer methods.
The Commoner.
Thoso patrons of the bankrupt get-rich-quick
concerns who aro now complaining so loudly aro
referred to in Proverbs 27:22.
Among tho get-rich-quick concerns might bo
mentioned tho coal trust. And tho oil trust. And
"The Book of tho Presidents."
It should bo borne in mind that trust mag
nates do not uso wires to send messages to tho
senate. They merely pull them.
Tho president has just opened a canning ex
position. Practicing up on tho work of preserv
ing tho negro voto for future use?
"And if 'manywhero,' why not anywhich?'"
queries tho Chicago Tribune. To bo suro. And
why not "ovoryhow" and 'aftersoon?" .
It is barely possible that Mr. Addlcks is prac
ticing on Delaware with an Idea of trying to work
his game in some other and larger state.
Tho "Subscribers' Advertising Department" is
meeting with favor, and thoso who have tried it
testify to its efficacy as a means of publicity.
Tho gontleman who said that the average
life of a bank note or greenback is two years
must bo one of those theoretical statisticians.
It will bo some time ere Mr. Baer Is tendered
a reception liko the one tendered President Mitch
ell and Mr. Darrow in Chicago the other day.
His negro pension bill was a good bid, but
Mr. Hanna stands ready to raise it if the fine
work of Mr. J. S. Clarkson makes it necessary.
It would bo well for Americans to quit dis
covering gold in Alaska until after Mr. Hay gets
through dickering with Great Britain over that
Chicago Is about to lose the Thomas orchestra.
With neither tho Thomas orchestra nor John
Alexander Dowie Chicago will bo a tame and
uninteresting place.
Thoso St. Louis fake investment companies
once more give emphasis to the fact that work
Is the surest method of getting rich, although not
always tho quickest.
General F.coth prayed for the national senate
tho other day. The general has accomplished many
great works, which gives basis for the hope that
he accomplished something there.
Patti is coming over for another farewell tour.
Tho Patti farewell is a reminder of the lusty
industrial infants that have to be petted and
pampered always with us.
Professor Buck says forty languages are
spoken in Chicago. This does not include the lan
guage used by Chicago people when they find the
bridges turned or the cable broken.
A subscriber who asked for the information
is informed that "Footprints of Time" was writ
ten by Charles Bancroft and published by R. T
Root of Burlington, la., in 1880.
" Mr. Rockefeller, junior, says tho giving of
money is not the greatest kindness we can be
stow on uur fellows. Perhaps Mr. Rockefeller is
thinking most about the cheapest kindness..
i??!i,tel;BraPh TGports a few days ago con
tained the pleasing information that Senator Mor
gan had sat upen Senator Beveridge. There are
several ways of earning a senatorial salary.
unhoKv SST" IS ?P&ng th0 Passase of the ship
thaf Mr tLU? the house- U ls saf0 to state
ihRMv wn S a mr, interested in the ship
subsidy bill than he is in his negro pension bill.
A change in the expiration date appearing on
ers6 ffiSiTS b evideico to renewing subsfrib
ers that their remittance has been received Tho
change, however, should not be expected uttil the
second week after renewing. Lxpeciea unm mQ
mninatr?lect Anlceny declares that he did not
make a pledge or a promise to secure election
Somehow or other this reminds us 10 ' BoTs?o
Brander's explanation of the election of
father, Maverick Brander, to coVis- ?w hnvl
MadohSo,?mlJeS,h OVOiy Vte he sot
. Mr. Addlcks is not tho worst example of re
publican political methods. Ho is merely tho
most conspicuous at this time.
The horrors of famine are on tho increase in
Sweden and thousands of honest and hard-working
people are on the verge of starvation. The re
sponse to their call for aid should be prompt and
liberal. mtC
Judge Grosscup's injunction against tho beet
trust was too late for a comic valentine and too
early for an April fool joke. This being the caso
the beef trust probably will pay no attention
to it.
Senator Depew vigorously attacked Mormon
Ism tho other day. There are no Mormon's, we be
lieve, connected with the great corporations so
ably represented by Senator Depew in tho upper
house of congress,
The Milwaukee News is authority for tho
statement that New Jersey has a "publicity" law
after which the new "publicity" law passed by
congress is fashioned. Think of it a New Jer
sey model for curbing the trusts!
The H. C. Frick Coke company has ordered
the vaccination of all 6f its employes and their
families, numbering in all about 300,000 people.
The company does not intend that its employes
shall take anything they do not earn.
We aro now hearing of the men who will
"make" the university baseball teams this spring.
When the commencement programs aro out we
will be able to ascertain the names of the young
men who will "make" their diplomas.
The paragraphers are making much of the
fact that a Connecticut firm has just shipped a
consignment of idols to the orient There are a
great many people in this country who worship
an idol. It is not Buddah, it is Dollah.
When gentlemen who paid $1,000 per copy for
General Grosvenor's book desire to havo a little
thing like the ship subsidy bill shoved through
the committee, of course General Grosvenor cannot
decline to assist them, being himself a great
shouter for reciprocity.
The battle for the preservation of the party's
integrity cannot be won in a week before the na
tional convention of 1904. It must be won by long
and arduous labor. The thing for loyal demo
crats to do is to organize now and perform syste
matic work until the victory is won.
Many inquiries have been received from sub
scribers in regard to Volume 2 of "The Commoner
Condensed." We are now able to announce that
the book will be issued in similar form to Volume
1; details as to date of issue, price, etc, will bo
given soon in our advertising columns.
Tho editor of a republican exchange admits
that one of his ideas was strengthened by the in
telligent compositor making a mistake in one of
the words. With a full knowledge of the facts it
Is impossible to consider this in the light of a
compliment to the intelligent compositor.
rt Jhomas K,inney of Greenspring, O., is anxious
to hear from his son, T. H. Kinney. The son is
22 years old, and when last heard from by his
nanrlrL7aS at Hartland, Minn., in the employ of a
tho Si Cnma ,Any formation concerning
the son will be thankfully received by the father.
The Philadelphia Press says: "Mr Brvan
HWh,B rgan' The Commoner that
he is in favor of the nomination in 1904 of Gov-
orthePhihSZ,6 I,Sland'' Th29Shl22Stt
Mr Brvan fcfw Pss Pagraph is its falsity.
naiionTn i9S0?Ot namig 'favorite" tor the nomi-
the reason fnaUIC?e Zenln snsin cannot seo
thSt mriv hi? tt,ng the territorIes, knowing
harborinrrLn m ?Mneed of more senators and
imrDoring grave objections to any course liiiv in
kSX ssssnSrsg st manases to
Z: toZvV? porte M In,0,ther
wnq o-,,m ,I0Prts that Major Glenn
WH prisoner nnlHy The ? hT". n0t ",?"
tlon presents some's? Sgo cobKonaT