The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 05, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
Dec. 5, I9a
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position to build the canal itsolf or sell
a now concession. Such a course
would raise a serious question between
the Colombian government, the Pana
ma company, the French government
and the government of the United
States as to whether or not a supple
mentary decree extending tho. conces
sion ten years from 1904 was valid.
OearMM by Mall In Americas
Politic. HUtet-y, Civic, Uvon unt
ie and Elementary Luw. Eminent
professors in charge. Courses endoitetl by
John u. lAing, Benuier rtpoonci,
Joka W, Foster, Ex-dov. Bontwell, i
Wm. J. jsryaa ana leaning rmoucuKS.
Full Commercial, Normal and Aen
dcrata departments. Text-books I rco to
our foments. I uiuon oommiu
Catalogue andpartiaUarxfrtt, Writi ,
Depf. 12, Sprlncfltld,
Ib priceless. Gunrd tcarofully;
tho Icnrt aliment may monn
LllndncFfl. You can bo cured In
your own homo without pain or
thoknlfo. rend me a utatcmont
of your caso and rccolvo my
professional opinion and grand
illustrated nook ireo.
Dr. F. G-o. Cnrie,
Ehukcrt Bldg., Kansas city, Mo.
4o83 Appointments
weromado to civil Sorvlco placos during tho yoar
ending .Juno 30, 1002. 'ibis was 4.M2 moro than woro
appointed during 1001. Excellent opportunities for
young poople. Hundreds of thoBO whom wo prcparo
bymaU for tho examinations aro annually appointed,
'lull information about all government positions freo.
"ft rlto for our Civil Sorvlco Cataloguo and dates of ex
Pa. Avo. S. E., Washington, D. 0.
IMNew Regulator
on the Bare Ilateh itrreally auto
matic and direct acting greatest
improvement of rears. Don't pay
double price for old style machines.
luccoumoou and rrec trial otror.
Clay center, rsd or Columbus, Ohio.
'1 1 80 B w
m St ! n id
SJ P MeBth ad Bxpenaea; no experience
"A needed; position' permanent; self-seller,
I U Pxabb Ms. Co.,Stat'a Cincinnati. O.
On Npvember 25 it was announced
from Havana that tho strike has been
settled largely through tho influence
cf General Gomez who headed the
committee to confer with the Havana
Commercial company, against whom
the strike was first directod. After
this conference it is said that General
Gomez addressed tho central labor
union advising them to submit or ho
would call out veterans to force them
to return to work. As a consequence,
the strike was declared off.
An Associated press cablegram from
Constantinople under date of Novem
ber 25 says: Renewed disturbances
are reported from the neighborhood of
Monaltir, eighty-seven miles north
west of Salonica. Conflicts between
the Turkish troops and Bulgarian
brigand bands have taken place and
some men have been killed and wound
c on both sides. Reliable details re
garding the fighting aro not obtainable.
The British consul at Salonica, in a
report to the British embassy hero on
the recent troubles in Northern Mace
donia, says the agitators did their ut
most to Incite the Turks and provok6
a massacre of the Christians, but tho
Turks remain quiet. The rebels even
went to the length of murdering their
own kinsmen in the hope of incrimi
nating the Turks.
On November 25 it was reported by
the Associated press from Washing
ton, D. C, that Justice Harlan of the
United States supreme court on De
cember 9 will have completed twenty
five years of service as a member of
that court, and his friends at tho bar
throughout the country have arranged
to express their appreciation of his
services by a dinner in his honor on
that evening at tho new Willard hotel
li. this city. The purpose is to make
Uj affair a national one. Tho presi
dent and his cabinet, the justices of
tho United States supreme court, tho
speaker of tho house, the president of
the senate and some other gentlemen
A Cold Watch and Chain for $3SS
20 "5T33AJEI. 3rXJJ3L3B.JNrXjnyiS
Th batt, handsottwt, ud meat ptrfeel rrtnotn 1 4 karal Oal4 plaUd watch and chain oo to Baikal DoabU buntlof
kMM, full (apartd (Olid (old pattern. lUcblr l,wl4 mortment, Mrantt to tht twtnd, lira wind and lun Ml ul
Inunstetd for 10 jrttr. With beiuilfal 60-lneb Oold Pitted Lorgnttu Cbila for ladltt and baadMsia
DooM. Ortutad Chain and China for genu. PoriUrlj (bo gnatcM bargain rrtr oBnA on tht Cut of tht Carta.
SEEING IS BELIEVING. Cut tab out and and It to u, vita your nam, pott offiet aad
aiprm offloo addrcai, and wt will Mod tht witob and chain cotapltu to your tipr.xa offljt lot laralnattan.
Too oxamln tbm at jrar txpttu ofllot and If at rgprtntd pay tht tiprtu apnt nr banal a aala prto S-ttf
and tiprfM cbarrM and tbtj art joiira Only on watch and chain to cacb utomrr at thla ndnetd price. MmUon
ill wanted, GENTS or LADIES "d ordtr to-day ai thU adfertlteatal will potltlrtlf niapparacala.
Addrcai R. & CHALMERS & CO., 352-356 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Please Read
My Free Offer
Words of Wisdom to Sufftrers from a
Lady of Hotrt Damt, Indiana.
I send free of charge to every sufferer this crrcat
Womaa Remedy, with full instructions, descrip
tion of my past ofloringa and how I permanently
cured myself.
You Can Care Yourself at Home Without the
Aid of a Physician.
It cpsta nothlnr? to try this remedy once, and if
you desiro to continue its use, it will cost you only
twelve cents a week. It does not interfere with
your work or occupation. 1 have nothing to sell.
Tell other sufferers or it; that is all I ask. It cures
everybody, young or old.
If you feel bearing down pains as from approach
In? dantrer. rmin in tho back and bowels. creoDincr
feeling: in tho spine, a desire to cry, hot flashes and faintness, or if you are Buffering from any
Ho-called female complaint, then write to Mrs. M. Summers, Notro Dame, InL, for her free
treatment and full instructions. Like myself thousands havo Ibeen cured by it, I send it in
a plain envelope.
Mothers and Daughters win learn of a simple family remedy, which quickly and thoroughly
cures female complaints of every nature. It saves-worry and expense and the anpleasaatness of
having' to reveal your condition to others. Vigor, health and happiness result from its use.
.Wherever yoa live I can refer you to well-known ladies in your nelfraborhood. who knew and
will testify that this family remedy cures all troubles peculiar to their sex. strengthens the wholo
system and makes healtby and strong wese. Write to-day, as this offer may not bo mado again.
note will bo guests of tho bar, and
about 1,000 invitations have been sent
to lawyers in all parts of tho union
practicing beforo tho United States
supremo court to be present
Much surpriso was occasioned by tho
announcement from Now York city on
November 25 that during tho confer
ence of anthracite coal road men in
this city today a request was recoived
from Washington asking that both tho
independent operators and the railroad
representatives meet John Mitchell
and his associates on Friday. Mr.
Baor, president of tho Reading Rail
road company, was Instructed to make
tho following answer: "The conditions
aro sucu that no substantial progress
toward ah adjustment can bo mado by
tho suggested meeting. Tbo general
judgmont of tho .operators is that it
will bo best for the present to go on
with the hearing." This action is In
terpreted as being tho result of the
agitation by the independent mine
owners, and although this message
came when an agreement had been
reached, it still seems probablo that
it has not injured tho cause of tho min
ers in any degree.
Wu Ting Fang, former Chinese -minister
to tho United States, sailed for
China from San Francisco on Novem
ber 25.
A Washington dispatch dated No
vember 25 says: Tho state department
has been notified by tho French em
bassy here thattho president of tho
French republic has conferred dipfo
mas of tho order of the Legion of
Honor on the following officers of tho
state, war and navy departments for
the part played by them in tho dedica
tion of tho Rochambeau monument:
State department, Edwin Morgan,
chevalier. War department, Major
General John A. Brooke, commander;
Brigadier General S. B. M. Young,
commander; Colonel Albert L. Mills,
officer. Navy department, Rear Ad
miral F. J. Higglnson, commander;
Captain Willard H. Brownson, officer;
Captain Henry W. Lyon, officer; Cap
tain Joseph H. Hemphill, officer. Theso
diplomas are in addition to a num
ber transmitted to tho state depart
ment several months ago, and, like
them, may not be accepted until con
gress has given its approval.
A London cablegram of November 26
says: The Shamrock III. will be
launched at the end of March or ear
ly In April. She will be much more
ready for sea than was the Shamrock
II. when tho latter was launched. Lady
Shaftsbury. wife of the commodoro of
the Royal Ulster Yacht club, probably
will christen the new challenger.
Tho fifth violent eruption of tho vol
cano La Soufrlere since May 7 took
place on November 20 and tho inhabi
tants of the towns in the vicinity of the
mountain fled. It Is reported that the
crater has been smolcing constantly
since tho terrific . eruption of Octo
ber 16.
According to a report from St
Etlenne, France, tho coal strike In that
country has been settled and work was
to be resumed during the present week.
The strike was declared on October 9
and at one time involved 100,000 men.
Tho first general observance of
Thanksgiving day by the Roman Cath
olic church in the Philippines took
place this year. According to news
dispatches from Manila the other
churches held a united service, Bish
op Brent delivering an address and
the Rev. George Pentecost reciting the
prayer. Governor Taft and a major
ity of the American colony also at
tended this service. In the course of
his address Bishop Brent said that he
Have You Seen Your
Neighbor's New Sew
ing Machine?
A number of flnost PieDrawtr, Drop Head
Cablnnt tiewiag Maeliiam have recently bea
hipped to familie hi erery town la lite Waited
Stains oa three moBths' free trial. The prkee
aro$ .US, $10. &, $1105, and SUMS, atcordlag to
mako and ttrln of machine.
If you will mention the same of this nar
or Magazine, cut thii notice oat and mall to as,
no tmiiur wnere rou live, what stato, etty, town
or country, we will immediately write yoa. gir
Inffyoutue unmet of a number of peeele ia
your neighborhood whoareuiitijrour machinnf,
to you can see and examine thetn and eOnviaee
yourftolf there aro no better machines Made al
any priee. Wo will alo aanil you, free, our new
poclal tewing machine eatalowue, allowing
handsome Illustrations, ilnvcriptioni and nrleee
of an imraonae line of machines at J5.0. to 9l'Ui,
special three months' free trial offer and mom
liberal sawing machine proposition ever heard
A aewlnir machine trnst is said to be forming
for the purpose of cutting off our supply aad if
nccompllshed,you will no doubt be compelled
to pny $ '5.00 to S 10.00 for machines we can bow
furnish yuu at tSM t 411,20. Our Rtock U now
complete and for catalogue, all offers and par
tlculara you should cut this notice out and mall
to us today. Bearh, Hokbdok St Co., Chicago.
had opposed the United States assump
tion of responsibility in tho Philippine
islands, but he added, "Now wo must
return and face our duty."
An Associated press report from Es
sen, Prussia, dated November 27, say
Frau Krupp has given $700,000 to es
tablish a bbnofit fund for tho workmen
hero in memory of her late husband.
A great deal of interest is manifested
In tho effort of John S. tJVIso to provo
tho recent Virginia congressional elec
tions Illegal and to Invalidate the new
Virginia constitution. This action was
brought by Mr. Wise in behalf of cer
tain colored complainants, and has
tho backing of the colored element gen
erally throughout tho state.
The closing of the Brighton stock
yards, tho largest ones in New Ensj"
land, was determined on November 28
because of tho presence of a foot and
mouth contagion among tho cattle.
Tho National Non-partisan Reci
procity leaguo will hold Its annual
meeting at Detroit, December 10 and
11. Invitations have been sent out all
over the country to prominent men,
stato governors, etc, and It Is pro
posed to extend tho policy of reclproc- ;
ity all'over tho civilized world.
On November 28 it was reported
from Port au Prince that on General'
Nord's entry into St Marine was re
ceived by tho army and the population
with cries of "Long live General Nord,
president of Hayti." Hitf candidacy for
the presidency is gaining ground here.
Several attempts to hold a meeting ol
the chamber have failed. It being im
possible to obtain a quorum The fol
Iowrafs of Callistheno Fouchard, for
merR' minister of finance and now an
aspirant for tho presidency, and Deet
jen Zenequlst, president of tho cham
ber, aro divided and appear to be pow
erless to resist General Nord.
A dispatch from Indianapolis, Ind.,
dated November 28, says: It was offi
cially announced today at the national
headquarters of the mine workers that
when th2 miners meet in national con
vention here in January to prepare a
new wage scale, Secretary Wilson will
report tho amount of money given by
them to aid the striking anthracite
miners. It Is understood that the to
tal was moro than $2,000,000. It was
also officially announced that the as
sessment of miners for the strike fun
stopped November 15.
wnte ur. uee, .
D, I'alcago, III., fer a
i.50 free treataieat,
1,000 woaderfal earn,
aad hook.