The Commoner. Nov. 7, 190a, 15 GOOD SHORT STORIES I . I TIm Bright Side; "What an optimist Blnksley is" "Yea., It's pretty hard to discourage him," "When he fell and broke his leg last week he lay there and smiled while they were bringing: the ambulance Finally some one asked him if it didn't hurt. 'Oh, yes' he said, 'But I can't help being tickled because it's: the left one I have a bad corn on the little toe o that foot and it'll have a chance to go away while I'm laid up.' " Chi cago. Record-Herald. A Cka tie; Hint. The head of the house had already played the genial' and kindly host for two weeks beyond the time of the in vitation sent to. the third cousins once removed who were his guests. "I can't stand this- much longer," he said behind closed doors to his wife. "But what can be done? They are under our roof" "That's all right I'll give them a little hint, very gently." "I haven't much confidence In your little hints. Hadn't you better leave the matter to mW" "Why should I leave the matter to you? I guess I can manage "a little thing like that." "Then suppose neither of us does anything. They have seen almost ev erything in town. 'They must be thinking of going home pretty soon." "Now, don't you worry. They'll never guess- what I'm after. There won't be occasion for the least par tide of offense." "What a beautiful day," the third cousin, once removed' greeted him at the breakfast the next morning;- "Yes;" he responded; "a beautiful day fcr couWns to go home." New .York Sun. The Wrene. Gums. "Now I ratherr pride myself on my ability to' read' character,' said the man who waeF given to.- buying detective tales- in the hearing of a Kansas City JrlWf riSlTIHt and a large Salary always await an expert ,UOOicKeepen We tmacu.yon bookkeeping tirorougfaly by aiaiii until snxer aoseiwtty no cnargc lor tultloaunttl wepiace votrltvanaviscrDesitlon. Ifyou kwUte to UetteryauraeJI, write for 'our truarantce oner ana our ITRKK beak. COMKKCIUi rORRKHPAXBKKCK SCHOOLS, iouT.usu3.DMfmifir, a. a Br flMHirJsT MAKE POULTRY PAY 8rm JUa arTfegtaMs Cfc&tr la guana Ui Meat tMmboaaJsvhaatlma with lorn labor Ikaaaarot&er caller B4a SnArrbk coatalBUg bUwVg tar oa jwatto ag Tacor i. Kaaskfsy & Stmt;, tone 80, JelJet, !i. Star reporter, "and yet why should I? It Is really a very simple thingre quires.' nothing but close observation; For instance, it Is very easy to tell a man's occupation. His, facial expres sion, his actions, oven hia dress are stamped by his dally work. You see that man sitting opoalto us? Well, I am just as sure as though ho had toIJ me that he Is a barber." "You are mistaken," replied his friend. "That man Is a butcher." "Impossible," exclaimed the amateur detective. "You never saw a butcher with slim, white hands like his." "Perhaps not," admitted the other, "but he is a butcher just the same" "How do you know ho is?" "How do I know? Why, the- scoun drel shaved me once." but Jack's, a boy of eight "Why, Jack, why are you opposed to t war?" aslrpd the teacher,, and Jack's, surprising answer was: " Cause, Miss Sophie, war makes I history,, and there's mora o! that now 'an I can ever learn.," Exchange. POLITIC, H Jfl4HfnBvB r .BnMi vM At A raMtla. Itfe4r. CrM. J M - - a -- rf ' . m ana EMMtmarr mw nratufw u A New Author. The assumption of knowledge one does not really possess sometimes gets a person into an embarrassing predica ment says the Chicago Chronicle. A well-known professional man who spends his life entirely immersed in books has a wife who never reads any thing more ambitious than a fashion column,, bur she likes occasionally to protend an Inlet est in her husband's hobby, and so from time to time she goes to ihe lilliary an:l takes down a bouk just for the sake cf appearances. "I chose a book this morning," she remarked the other day to her hus band, with a bright smile, "by an au thor named Volix. Is he considered a good writer?" "Vollx!" said the good man In a t puzzled tone; and, then, not liking to , confess himself Ignorant of one of the .books in his own library, he added, "Tes, my dear, a. writer of very con siderable power, who possesses a re markable insight, into his subject" But when she had. completed her elaborate toilet and had gone off to 1 her garden party he sneaked around to her bedroom to discover the boek. of, the author of whom he had never heard. It turned out to bo a volume of Browning's poetry which happened to have been bound with no name on the back,, where it merely bore the legend' Vol. IX. H1 Regular Ferum! a. The reader for the publishing house was doing a little marketing, and the grocer had handed him in change a suspicious-looking dollar bill: He looked at it absent-mindedly, and handed it back. "I find myself unable to use this," ho said, "and herewith roturn it You are not to understand, howovcr, that it is declined on account of a lack of merit but because for my particular purpose it is unavailable." Chicago , Tribune. yf9MBn&f In CaWM flfv fHHI le Qamm atkkaaed Vjr Hut kn W. Faater, XxCJr tm Vm. JC. ItfTMiaffdlaadlMlMitiMc 1'utt Cteasmerrfal. Mbtwhu tart Am trALi cms. A&mtvAwMimzM, Tt-bock I rse to MrttaeMM. TmWwi aoilaat. KMM. H. . i ff Discriminating Against Americana. The American citizen Is required to 'pay $3.23 for one kind of harness snaps, $2.24 for one and $1.37 for an other kind. These same harness snaps are sold by the American manufacturer to the foreigner for $2.40, $1.G8 and $1 re spectively. Hero is a difference of 35, 33 and 37 per cent in favor of the foreigner. This Imposition upon the homo con sumer Is made possible by a trust breeding tariff, maintained by the re publican party, whose campaign funds are derived from the trusts. Why should any American cltlzon, other than a trust magnato or a re publican office holder, vote with a party that is not only responsible for this imposition, but promises to main tain, the policy that will perpetuate impositions of this character? Similar discrimination is made in re gard' to many articles of commerce, and will continue to be made so long as the people continue to vote for tho trust candidates to make and admin ister tho laws of this country. Why shouldn't the people cease voting for the trusts and. do a little, voting for , themselves.?- Jbplln Globe. pan a r"' -", If flf lM fUUCUn) I alili M m la AirMail T " a WMafe U r UU mMm felbt ftf Urn ft tin. t MI ntlM iM(Ur. Wa41 uamr tm TMiT ' htmt m frta ftm jo BiJ iiwIm It T t " w.iMV ... ..iu.w M.nh mm ..m panw DlMisaM elr, iu lf UtuuM wnnwu iia r7 v pm. prMptM. 1liiriMiMH(Mi.iiiMw7wiwir" Vmtt Id tM bwlatu. Tnt Mai nMf Wl rfr aw w Rnitut U.h .r IUimmIiI UUM M KII tn MM MT WIM1W I IT tad itaadlar. 0r btMUral w. -at KuUj Tea (Ma Wmt m Ova Xi1smI." uimi rT aiMba kua lr wu m. w i I Mrd 11 tr wiOi piiuutua itafn tKftt, Writ tatj.l LOFTIS BROS. . CO., wu OrroTaMMiaau.ruuiaCo. CHKUttO, ILU, B. ., K I tt to 912 WKBHCT for eopTttHrletten-fer as In yomr arm: iMme, eatfltaiand: particulars free. Address, Ladlea' Horns Mftsazlae, PbllndelpLla, rennaylTanfK flWBKS beetbyl(-V7VrjAHS. WeRAV V&SA wjjxt mors; sjuxwwrt i wmmt Stark Mrvf. f wflna. M.: nawrrllki, N.Y Thi Old Lint Bankirs Lift Insurance Gta of Lincoln, Nibraska. will write yon a policy of $1,000 and gnarantse en its face that the net cost to yon from date till its maturity in 20 years-will not exceed 11.00 er year at age twenty np to 6.20 per year at age fifty-flTe. Every policy secured by , de posit with the State of Nebraska. Send age at earess birthday aBd gr Iliostration. FOR i ALE ANGUS CAXTLK 40 head, hoth sexes, any age; large herd to select from. Mail' orders a apeclalty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for catalogue and circular, with words from customers in 17 states.. Farm 1-4 mile from town. JNO. F. COULTER, Excello, Ma. Why HejOprewed. War., At the- beginning of our war "with. Spain a teacher of a primary class told some of her boys about the' war and asked all' who favored It to hold' - up their hands.. Up went every handi GINSENG 125,000 tRadft from one-trail acre. Kaallr grown tbrougoout the UsKe4 h'Utiia and Canada. Itoom la year card en to grow thousand ofd&IIftrs worth. HooteitaA eeds for. sale, bend 4o lor poetSKe and jtet our beatt Icttelllnscall about It. ' McDewell QlfiMa&r Qardens, Jeplla, Mlssearl. Ananias Lyman., "Talk? about names!" writer a former Washington womam who: Is now living down In Virginia. "Ifvo come across the best yet, and Itfs true. A colored girlf came to me. the' other day to aste for work. I told her I should meed1 her in a weefr or so, and, asked' her where I should send for her. She told: me where she1 was- living Tm staying;? said she,, 'with my un cle.. His name is- Mr. Ananias Ly maruT "-Washington Post. Poems You. Should Ifcimmfar Wreak, Break; Break. Break, break, break,, On thy cold, gray stones, Q Sea! And I wish that my tongue could utter Tha thoughts that arise in me, O well for the fisherman's boy, That he shouts with his sister at play!. 0 well for the sailor lad, That he sings in his boat on the bay! And the stately shfps go on To the haven under the hill; - But O for the touch of a vanish'd hand, 4 And the sound of a voice that is still L Break, break, break, At the foot of the crags; O Sea! But the tender grace of day that is dead1 Will never come back to me. Alfred- Temnyson. The Up aad the Hmrt. One-day between the Lip and! the Heart A wordless strife arose, Which was. expertest in the art His purpose to disclose The Lip called forth the vassal Tongue And made him vouch a He! The; slave his servile anthent sung," And braved the listening sky The Heart to speak in vain essayed, Nor could his purpose reach His will nor voice nor tongue obeyed, His silence was his speech. Mark, thou- their difference, child of earth i While each performs his part, Not all the lip can speak is worth The) silence of the fieart. John Quincy Adams. rnrrwe nitre one beautiful, retina gold eelltalre B nLl Puritan rota dl&raoad rJne.umd'irold sat. t-,,"1"tOTn.forw!Ulmr30 packages Uarftcltt PertsT Oura at & cents a package Finest finality; eejr sale; b'end name; we mall Ruin. Ytlum sold tend iaonfy; we mall ring. 7th year. Hundreds of taoueands pleased, customer. Catalog-, free stumlaa: HUiwterds premiums. Garfield uum.Uo. Iloz.70 Meadvllle, Jtfa. $75 Xeraek au4 Xxvmsm: no azserTeaee MA.j. ...... - -- - ..- STUDY LAW AT HOME .Prepare for the Bit or for adrweed. eUndinr In a your own home. Ooarsee of etadr. text books, practice work and Hoot Court earae as In reeweat school. Superior to studying la a law office. One student writes: "Have learned more law In three weeks la yonr echool than I learned In four zaontha In alaw office. KegnlaeOolleffeCkmrre (2 yeare), Poflt-Graduitte Course t year) and Buelnese Law Course (US weeks). Endorsed by the beucb and bar. JorfalljagUealargaiiilraer CHI0M0' OORRESPONDINeC SCHOOL UW, Kflr Waciu hi&ftaa., Ranfer Sraad Hotel Seattle,, Wash. Staropeaa. Plan: Batea9f.09aadBpwareL K?.roBa. 7romwitk hath, ifisasjs CatM la. tke nortkweat; moled, for tka psllar exceUesea ita CnJsla. Iiikr &rA Bttd Ci. H. B. DUNBAR, PresMaat Mflfr. I1 Don't Struggle Almg WiUMMta Pwar. At rm mevw irasDHMPw WEBSTER VaWttsMl flAUMs ENGINE eaMreiy lr eoatateei, BMDTgrjstMotuk. er, salllsr, savsr, 4airy BUSU MS. VHU. Iywer Costa ealrS tescsaJeaerfcoyraale, HB)Die. wbohii. j " rIT72ET" 1 ei verweau aaa nonmtmi 1 mshwi iMaUsdfrM. WEIfTERMFt.M . M72.WtfthtrattOkSoav Uto. A