The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 07, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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    The Commoner.
Nov. 7, if oa
'u-mf, vW
T8IALlayoroirm Imf. maruralth ta rcaatoe sad aaly
ny reader of this paper. Jfo mtj Ik rtmen wry lair
..ttpo.Uliertir.aU. COSTS ALH 1ST H8TWf-Pr.4
Trlth most an other treatments. CtlitlWiriM
(riebelU,ppttueMM4rrBtdirl!. VJKiaafcfMrt
ka 80 allaeaU. Only Hire ear for ai! bottom dttai,
rakBM aad dlMrrfcr. For eamalete acatat
Sdcntlal eataloa-ae. cut this ad. out and mall to u.
Democrats Hay Ask
Wliy organized Labor wants the Refercs&nW.
Why, to stop the strikes, and the ahootUlgf,
the "Vampire" TudEs.
" They know that If the people were In
that if we had a REAL DEMOCRATIC
YEItNBIENT, that Labor would get justic.
Public opinion, -WITHOUT THE POWKB
to enforce its sentiments (see the coal strike) la 4
farce, but Public Opinion BACKED BY
TOTES la omnipotent See paragraph ou
"Strict Constructionists" in
' Price S ContB Postpaid.
Cke Abboy Proas, 114 Fifth Ave., N. T. City.
plpemen. Tho strike is general ovor
the Wabash system and includes shops
at Fort Wayne, Ind.; Decatur, III.,
and Moborly, Mo. Tho strike was or
dered from national headquarters at
Later reports as to the Dokhobor
disturbance near Yorkton, Canada, say
that, without question, those people
must be taken caro of by tho proper
authorities. The report says that they
are so exhausted by hunger and sleep
lessness that no amount of reasoning
with them is of any avail, and force
must be used to diss dado them from
their marching across the country.
On October 31 it was reported from
Kingston, Jamaica, that smallpox con
tinues to spread in Baradoes at an
alarming rate. A week ago tho total
number of cases reached 1,200. Tho
other Islands are observing tho most
strict quarantine against Baradoes.
persons although it is
nono wore fatally hurt
thought that
BHzaboth Cady Stanton, the well
known woman suffragist? died at her
home in Now York qity on Octobor 26.
Mrs. Stanton was 87 years of ago and
for many years has been one of tho
prominent leadors of th6 woman suf
frage movement
The final ceremonies connected with
tne coronation of King Edward of Eng
land took place in Loudon on October
26 when tho king and queen and almost
all tho members of tho royal family
drove to St Paul's cathedral and of
foiod up thanks for tho recovery of tho
king's health. Tho sceno is roportcd
to have been very impressive.
Let us Sell Your Farm
oryo&r uuslnoss, no mattor where located.
We Know where to And tho buyers. Send de
scription and prlco and we will teU you how
wo do it, without cost to you.
cott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.
TIL tl
... & Zj& rla
A St Louis, Mo., dispatch of October
31 reports that a potition with tho sig
natures of over 12,000 Anglo-Americans
asking the release from imprison
ment of Mrs. Maybrick, convicted on
the charge of murder by the British
government, is about to bo sent to
King Edward at London. The potition
was originated in St Louis under the
auspices of the St Louis Society of
St George, an English organization.
It has been passed on to other cities
and has returned here with over 12,
000 signatures. In 1888 Mrs. May
brick was convicted of murdering her
husband by poison.
The transport Sherman arrived in
San Francisco on October 31 from
Manila having on board 1,011 soldiers,
including six troops of the Ninth cav
alry, consisting of 520 men, 285 cas
uals, 134 sick, eight prisoners and five
insane men. She also brought the
bodies of seventeen dead soldiers.
There are ninety-flvo cabin passen
gers, Including a number of officers re
turning to their homes.
On Octobor 20 it was reported from
London that it is officially announced
that Colonial Secretary Chamberlain
has decided personally to visit South
-Africa and examine on tho spot tho
problems presontcd by tho termination
of the war and tho settlement of af
fairs in the new colonics. King Ed
ward has given his approval of this
plan, which, it is said, has lso tho
full uppioval of Premier Balfour and
tho cabinet Mr. Chamberlain proposes
to start e-outhward tho end of Novem
ber, aiid to return the early part of
March. His visit will embraco tho
Capo Natal, the Orange River colony
and the Transvaal. Tho colonial sec
retary hopes to have an opportunity to
colder while in South Africa with rep
resentatives of all tho different inter
ests concerned and to consider their
views In tho future policy.
by volcanoes and a hill near Paleaqoc
which has always been supposed to Ihi
the ruins of a great prehistoric city,
has suddenly transformed itself Into an
active volcano. It Is also said that ths
Guadaloupo Sierras are being disturbed
and scientific opinion Is that all this to
part of tho general awakening of vol
vanlc forces in the West Indies awl
Central Amorlca.
Under dato of London, October 27,
comes tho roport that General Dewet
Informed a representative of the Asso
ciated press today that he would sail
for South Africa November 1. Ho add
ed: "Botha and Delarey still intend
paying a visit to America."
Frank E. Elwoll of Brooklyn, N. Y
an International authority on motor
cycling, was killed on Octobor 27 whils
participating in a club run. It is said
that Elwoll has traveled through Eu
ropo, Asia and Northern Africa on the
machine that caused his death.
Have Your Own Pressure Waterworks
Be comfortable llko city folks. Uavo DATU. Closet
range uollor supplied with hydrant water; 2000 plants
operating. Especially fine for farmers and town
waterworks. Hand power, windmill or engine. Send
lor now Illustrated catalogue.
I ".r PIANO J -
Awarded medal
Paris, 1900.
Gnd$rsed by
and 3S,000
On Octobor 25 It was reported from
London that Emperor William of Ger
many will arrive In England on No
vember 8 and it is also expected that
King Carlos of Portugal will at the
same time bo a guest of King Edward.
Tho dispatch says also that there is
every reason to believe that the meet
ing of the three monarchs will result
In Important international understand
ings especially as regards South Afri
ca and more particularly Delagoa bay,
which is so vitally Important to Great
Britain as an outlet for her newly ac
quired colonies. The Portuguese gov
ernment appears willing to transfer
some portions of its South African ter
ritory to British rule. Germany is un
derstood to be strenuously opposed to
the British securing such an advant
age, at any rate unless Portugal is
willing to placate Germany by grant
ing her some similar concession, and it
is believed that before the emperor and
King Carlos leave England a bargain
will bo arranged.
The first session of tho coal striko
arbitration.board was held at Wash
ington on October 27 with all tho mem
bers of tho commission present It was
decided to begin regular sessions on
October 30 and an exhaustive examina
tion of tho questions submitted will bo
made. One point that seems at pres
ent to present some difficulties will bo
as to the recognition of tho miners'
union. President Mitchell appeared in
behalf of tho miners, but an objection
to this was raised by Mr. Baor, the coal
baron, and this question will have to
bo settled by the board.
Tho revolution in Colombia is re
ported to bo nearing its end owing to
tho surrender of tho revolutionary gen
oral Urtbo-Uribo to General Marjare
with all his mon and munitions of war.
The reports announce that there is
much rejoicing in Colon and Panama
ovor tho defeat of tho rcbols.
On October 27 it was reported from
Havana that the proposed treaty be
tween the United States and Cuba was
returned to Washington by mail last
Saturday. With U10 treaty was sent a
counter proposition from the govern
ment of Cuba to that of tho United
States, the nature of which is not
known, is understood that Presi
dent Palma, in a letter sent with the
treaty, says that the acceptance of the
proposition made by the United States
would be ruinous to Cuba, as it would
result in a large reduction of the cus
toms revenue of the island.
Octobor 29 was observed In tho min
ing regions a3 "MItcholl Day" and
thro was a general suspension of min
ing. Pnrnds and irront mnoq mHnes
were hold In nearly all the towns of
tho coal region. "Mitchell Da" was
the aniversary of tho closo of the last
big striko, Octobor 29, 1900, when the
mine workers returned to work after
being out six weeks, tho owners having
granted & 10 per cent Increase In wages
and other concessions. As In the re
cent strike, President Mitchell then
conducted tho case for tho mine workers.
A dispatch from Pittsburg, Pa., un
der dato of October 28, says: Negotia
tions are under way for a merging of
the Pittsburg Coal company and tho
Monongahela River Consolidated Coal
and Coko company, wHan authorized
capitalization of $11,000,000, and as
sets of H20.083.581. Consolidation of
these interests will launch by far tho
strongest bituminous concern In the
world. Tho combined coal output of
tho two companies Is close to 30,000,000
tons a year. Tho plan is to make tho
Pittsburg company lessee and tho pur
pose to economize operations.
These well known
inntrumenta. tiala-
brated for their I
quality, rone ana
Finish can be ob
tained by dealers
in any state at
most moderate and
The strike of the anthracite miners
having been declared off, it was an
nounced on October 26 that no further
levies for fund3 will be necessary.
LUDWIG & CO., Mfgrs.,
Southern Boulevard, New York.
Send for catalogue and prices.
Matthewa Piano Co.
General Agent for Lincoln, Neb.
Attorney General Knox has decided
that a clear and unincumbered title to
the Panama canal can be procured in
case the United States accepts the of
fer of the now Panama Canal company
for the sale of the' canal for $40,
000.000. This decision was announced
as, the result of the attorney general's
inquiry into the situation in Paris,
where the new company has its headquarters.
A collision between a trolley car and
an automobile in New York city on Oc
tober 2G resulted in tho Injury of 22 J state of Tobasco is being shaken up
A Washington roport of October 27
says: The statement that the negotia
tions of a reciprocity treaty with New
foundland has been abandoned on ac
count of the opposition of Senator
Lodge is declared to be without foun
dation. Senator Lodge is In favor of a
reciprocity treaty if the Interests of
Gloucester are, in his opinion, protect
ed. It is understood that the negotia
tions between the two countries have
not been interrupted.
An interesting report from a Wash
ington source was given out on Octo
ber 27, when Major General Corbin
made the statement that on the retire
ment of Lieutenant General Miles next
August his place will be taken by Ma
jor General Young. Although this Is
not official, yet the report has gained
some credence In army circles.
BrigM's Disease and
Diabetes Cured
University ChemUt Acting a-Judge.
Volcanic disturbances are frlghten
inff the neonle of Mexico greatly. The
Irvine X. Mottf M. D., ef Cincinnati, O., denea.
strated before the editorial board of the Ermine
Pott, OB0 of the leading dally papers of Cincinnati,
uo power of aw nueay u
cure tbe worst forms of kid
ney diseases. Later a psblle
ted was instituted under tbe
auspices of the Post, and Are
case of Hrlgbt's Disease and
Diabetes were selected by
tat'ta aad placed under Dr.
Mott care. Is tbreenoMfe's
t aU were presousced
cured, the medical depart.
ent of a prominent Unlrer.
sky feartBg bees okosea by
the Post to make ezaaslaa-
Uob of the casfs before and after treatment. .
Any ime deslrtec toreadtbe details of tbla M(
tost can obtain copies of the papers by wriUu to Dr.
Mott for them.
This puMlo dejaonstrattoa care Dr. Mott aa Inter
national reputation that has broBglat him Into eorrg
syoadee? wlttt people all orer the werld, and several
EaropeaM arenusnbered amene those who hare Ukca
his treatmeat and been cared.
1 be doctor will correspond wKb taose wao are mtl
fertaffwtiH hrlgbt's Disease. Diabetes or any kfctaejr
troM, eltber Is the first, laterssedtate or Uststaees,
and will be pleased to give Ma expert opinion ttmf
UMe who wUl send him a deserlpUoB erf tbeirsnas-.
tens. As essay wales the Deetor has prepared aeeet
kld4r troubles aad daserlMac Me sew sietNad e
treatment will alse be stalled by Hub. Cerroasos
desee tor tbla parsese sseald he addressed te caTDrE
K. MOTT, M. D., Mv MlteseH Jesifcuac, ciwMnniiT,