The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 19, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Commoner,
Sept. i9, 1902
Mills, Arapahoe county; congressman
at largo, R. H. Northcutt, Washington
county-; state treasurer, James L. Hurt,
Saganche county; attorney general,
Charles C. Post, Clear Creek county;
state auditor, Matthew J. Laydcn, El
Paso county; state superintendent of
public schools, Mrs. Helen M. Gren
fels, of Gilpin county.
Two democratic conventions were
held at Council Bluffs, la., on Septem
ber 10, that of the Ninth congressional
district and that of the Fifteenth judi
cial district The congressional con
vention nominated G. W. Cullison of
Shelby county for congress, and by a
vote which was declared to bo 49 to
17, refuted to pass a resolution indors
ing the Kansas City platform and the
recent Iowa state democratic platform.
The judicial convention nominated S.
B. Wadsnvorth of this city for district
A Portland (Me.) dispatch of Sep
tember 8 says: Returns for governor
in today's election from twenty cities
and towns give Hill (republican) 3,
329; Gould (democrat) 1.911. The same
towns in 1900 gave Hill (rep.) 3,075;
Lord (dem.) 2,241. These returns in
dicate a republican loss of less than 1
per cent and a democratic loss of
nearly 15 per cent. On this basis tho
republican plurality should be. about
Nominations are reported by tho As
sociated press as follows:
Boston, Mass., Sept 8. The social
ists of Massachusetts held -a conven
tion today and nominated a state
ticket which includes tho following:
For governor, John C. Chase, Haver
hill; lieutenant governor, Dr. John
Quincy Adams, Amesbury; secretary
of state, Howard A. Buckland, Hol
yoke. y
Ft.AVorth, vTox. Thg, state republi
can convention 'will convene here to
morrow. B. H. R. Green has arrived
in his special car. The colored dele
gates are in the majority. There is
no mention of a gubernatorial candi
date, the real contest being over state
Pueblo, Colo. Congressman John C.
Bell was today renominated by the
Second district. democratic convention.
Ft Scott, The socialists of tho
Second district today nominated Frank
A. Byrne for congress.
Th hanil.oiu.d and but ooine ilk iolu Mt&
watch and chain on iht nuritt. Double huatlnj cut,
Ln ant raoTCQMni, .urn
wind andac! and aoiolutelfuaranucd fur
Vi 1th WMneh cold plated obaln for ladlt.
and, rit chain and charm far ctnu.
(!nt this oat and aend lltouavlth jour
aamC, pott office and expreai otSca adarcu
and wt.wlll tend tht watch and chain to
joa bj ciprr.s fur- examination you
amino It at tht tiptrii efnee and If at
rcprrttnud paj J3.IS and cxprtucfiarfrt
and it It jcura, Only one watch to tach
cuitomtrat tbttprloc. Mention tlitnasu
rdtrtvdat ww will tnd oat lamplttai thlirtdiucd price for GO daj only.
K.E. CIIALMEKS A: CO. 352-350 Dearborn8t.ChlcBto.
$.') to $12 WEEKLY for copylntr letters for us In your
own home, outfits and particulars freo. ddresq,
Ladles' Homo Aingnzlnc, 1'hlindelphla, Pennsylvania.
Democrats May Ask
"Why organized Labor wants the Referendum.
"Why, to stop the strikes, and the shootings, and
the "Vampire" Judges.
TJiey know that if the people were, in power
that if we had a REAL DEMOCRATIC GO
VERNMENT, that Labor would get justice.
Public opinion, WITHOUT TIIE TOWER
to enforce its sentiments (see the coal strike) is a
farce, but Public Opinion' BACKED BY
VOTES is omnipotent. See paragraph on
'Strict Constructionists" in
Price 25 Cents Postpaid.
Tho Abbey Press, 114 Piftla Ave., N. Y. City.
At the close of the seventeenth
week of the miners' Btrlke In Penn
sylvania, both sides to the contest ex
press themselves satisfied as to tho
situation. The operators state that
the output of coal is steadily increas
ing while on the other hand, tho
striking miners claim that tho effort
to resume mining has been a signal
failure President Mitchell says that
tho miners are just as determined as
ever and that all talk of them going
back to work was without foundation.
A cablegram from San Juan, P. It.,
under date of Septembor G. says:
MTrederlce de' Getau, Porto Rican com
missioner to the United States con
gress, has addressed a lengthy protest
to the secretary against tho United
States treasury circular referring to
tho examination of Porto RIcans en
tering the United States. He claims
it is opposed to the act of April 2, 1900,
and insists that the islanders are citi
zens, according to section 7 of that act.
A report from Havana, dated Sep
tember 6, says: The senate today ap
proved tho appointment of Rafael
Montoro as Cuban minister to Great
Britain. Tho question of approving
the nominations for ' justices of the
supreme court has been laid on tho
table until all the judges shall bo
named. The house of representatives
at today's session decided to make
amendments to the bill providing for
a loan of $35,000,000. This step will
necessitate tho sending of tho bill back
to the senate for the consideration of
a conference committee. It is under
stood that President Palma objects
strongly to tho establishment of a lot
tery to provide means of furnishing
tho bonds.
It is announced ff6m London that
tho Boer leaders, Generals Botha, Do
Wet and Delarey, have had a confer
ence with Colonial Secretary Cham
berlain, and while nothing of much
importance is likely to result, some
slight modification of plans relative to
the administration of affairs in South
Africa may ensue,
One of the powder magazines at old
Fort Winthrop on Governor's Island,
Upper Boston harbor, blew up on Sep
tember 7, and one man was killed and
five injured. The cause of the explo
sion Is not known. All over the Island
the effects of the explosion are visible,
while in East Boston and South Bos
ton and the city proper the concussion
was sufficient to break windows.
Major Cornelius Gardener, who re
ported that the water cure and other
forms of torture wore used Against
the natives in tho Philippines, arrived
in San Francisco from Manila on Sep
tember 7, and will report to the mili
tary headquarters at once.
It is reported ' from Port au Prince,
Hayti, under date of September 7, that
the German gunboat, the Panther, had
sunk the Firminist vessel, the Grete-a-Pierrot,
after giving her crew fif
teen minutes to surrender and re
move from the vessel.
It is reported from Washington that
one of tho most important innovations
in the postal service, in recent years
is now under consideration by the
postohice authorities. The proposed
service is known as tho return en
velope and postal card system. At
present any one sending out a lot of
circulars, inclosing an addressed pos
tal card, has to pay ?10 a thousand
for the postals and the cost of print
ing, and. statistics show that the re
turns rarely exceed 10 per cent, ' Un
der the new system it Is proposed to
authorize the use of a special form of
envelope and postal card, which are to
bo sold at a reasonable prico per thou
sand. They will boar a stamp de
signed to show that thoy can he
dropped in tho mall and carried to
their destination, whom the postage
will bo paid by tho addressee before
A cablegram from London, dated
September 7, says: A special dispatch
from Naples says largo volumes of
flame were issuing from the crater of
ruount Vesuvius Saturday morning.
The eruption of tho Soufrioro vol
cano on tho island of St. Vlucont, has
resulted In many interesting phenom
ena. Tho Rabacca river is now a
stream of liquid fire a quarter of a
milo or more wide. The river bed is
continuously throwing up columns of
dense clouds of steam, mud and peb
bles. The appearance of tho country
has changed and has spread farther
seaward. A largo portion of tho vol
cano has apparently been blown off
and small eruptions occur at all un
expected points and destroy plantations.
An interesting announcement was
made at tho general conference of tho
Society of Friends, in session at As
bury Park, N. J., on September 8. It
was decided that it is no longer neces
sary for Quakers to retain their head
gear in meeting, and the entire as
sembly was asked to remove their
A Paris cablegram, under date of
September 9, says: Dispatches re
ceived here from Bueno3 Ayres an
nounce tho destruction of the town of
Boliver, Argentine republic, by a cy
clone. Fourteen persons were killed
and fifty were injured.
The National Candy company, with
an authorized capital stock of $9.
000,000, has been incorporated in New
George W. Day, commissioner of the
Nebraska supreme court, will succeed
Judge W. W. Kcysor of the Fourth
judicial district. Judge Keysor will
accept a chair in the Washington uni
versity law school at St Louis, Mo.
Nineteen members of the St. Louis
city council have been indicted on
charges jot bribery and receiving
bribes, and also on the charge of per
jury. This lias caused a great sensa
tion in the city, as most of the persons
concerned tre prominent citizens.
Sir Thomas Lipton has laid his
plans for building another Shamrock
to compete with tho Americans for
the championship In yachting. This
will bo the 'third boat built for this
A Manila cablegram, dated Septem
ber 9, says: The column of troops
which Brigadier General Samuel S.
Sumner, commanding the department
of Mindanao, is to lead against tho
Macin Moros win probably leave Camp
Vicar at the end of this week. Tt will
consist of portions of the 11th and
27th Infantry, two troops of the 15th
cavalry, and a mountain battery, about
100 men in all. Serious opposition is
not expected by the military authori
ties. It is believed the plan is to
segregate the hostlles and frlendlies
At alf dtu store.
25 Doses 25c
Salaried Positions
I'jyliC 660 Is (100 tr Mori Pir Monlh.
fWured In omen, HMnes, I$anU, I (nil road OJTkw, eta,
nru-rro i.pln litgour Homo Htudy ouno In UooUWp
liijr, THtunuihy, Iimklntf and olhcr mihJecU. Ui-to-il'UMnethcMK
tliProuithljr practlrm ami n-roorkalily ln
(pc'itvo,tHlln,f yoonjr men and wmnr n fo (rood my.
I I? tionn In pmrw.fltorcOlonkiLlUllrnadOmcfTi,
Ho Anyo pc learn It In nfnw weH. Wefli.d irU
Uoiu ins or clianre. Wrlto today lor mil rvatUniUr.
o.i4."tnTl.M.,0,,.l.l.0AN U1H I.NHTI1 ijtrT
21 tu to Hid. KbUihbiw, AliV
A f.Tcst Mcrvefcus Toilet Preparation
1 AT fill A r l,1nrt. Mnkfnan.iHtA.i
. . . tnncMiK shnnijoo wh'cli prcvmU
hold nets, lout if JinJr. rityuOM ntul jiremnture
grnni. Steps lirltMi.ii rnd itching, i'-w
riropn nukcsHmv np Irtlu-r iiutrntly Invifj
orntltiK lor U c tinth No rpnt h required Hem! 4
cents pi (.Inge fir trnl pjicknge. At drucKitiM
50c T.niollnt'o., 1133 llroadway, New York; City
t Can Sell Your Farm
no matter l.e it It. ind !curiiun, tUte price "i
ViVn.!i0WA ,J,t' ! WcUreferem.ei. Offuet In 14 tlllw.
V. At. 0trndcr,icooK. A. Hid,, I'hllddclphla
MfteRWAKT MOKB Halbsmrk " Wecklr
rmW) Stark Nnratry, Lwlalant. Mo.t Dmuvllls. HV.
Sft ICQ from
PROFIT ncrc of
woBinndoln ono year torn Minimal rnnn. Dcmnnd
la Increasing'. V llil nupidy nearly rxlinntlcd. llnrdy
evi'rywhero in t nltcd Matr. 1 un lo grown In Fmnli
gardens an well as on fit inn, Moct prolltnlilo crop
known, (omplcto booklet nbout thin wonderful
UiNbKNO, 10 cents. Clrcularafreo. Address,
Department V JOPLIN, J10.
WANTED Active canvassers mnlo
und female, whole or spare time, for
the sale of Air. William Jennings
Bryan's new book, Just published. It
Is a splendid seller and wc allow lib
eral terms. A big commission to thoso
who want to earn money. Address,
The Abbey Press, Publish rs, 114
Fifth Avenue, lew York City.
A. T. MOIIR, Buffalo, N. Y. Bwwdbb o
Bullri tlmt will prqduco hiphortt Jorsoy
quality nnd overy cnlf.outof horned daras,
nntuntlly homlenH. Tho only crcditH bio
way to dehorn your future dairy herds.
Union Central Life
Highest interest rate; lowest death rate; pay
largest dividends. Good agents wanted. Address
John M. FntUfion, Pre., Cincinnati. J. M. IJd
miston, state ngent for Ncbrabka, Lincoln.
Don't Struggle
Along Without a Power.
It fa neither reasonable
nor economical, itla
Vi rilcal 8lffl
entirely self contained,
fltsoveryueedof tho trm
er, miller, sawyer, dairy,
man. etc. 8 rail herne
power. Cort3 only 2 to flcon taper hour. Bate,
oiunde. cfUcient. Fully Kuaranteod. Catalogue
ol Vertical and Horizontal oglns oC all klads
mailed freo.
IQ72 WnntlSth Street. Chloneo. Ills.
il M
Have Your Own Pressure Waterworks
Uo corafortablo llko city folks. HavoJIATH. Closet
rang" boiler rupjdled with hydrant water; 2,000 plants
operating. Especially flno for fanners and town
waturwtirkf. tiand power, windmill, or engine, sond
for new Illustrated cataloguo,