The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 29, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
How will Knox handle the axehandle trust?
What Mr. Roosevelt seems to need Is talkless
cabinet officers.
It apears that General Smith's feelings, not
his conscience, have been hurt.
The beef trust hasn't said a word calculated to
arouse the enmity of Mr. Knox.
A genuine democratic platform needs no dia
gram and explanatory foot notes.
Perhaps those Iowa republicans meant tariff
perversion instead of tariff revision.
The more the people see of Knox the better
-they like Griggs Qrjggs of New Jersey.
Mr. Knox's fight against Miss Taylor is much
fiercer than his fight against the beef trust.
The gentlemen who imagine that-democracy
needs reorganizing should consult an alienist
It worked on General Funston, Mr. President.
Why not try it on the secretary of the treasury?
The republican leaders appear to be working
several of the McKinley policies in the reverse
The republican campaign text book has been
dry-docked for the purpose of repairing some of
its plates.
If you are Interested in the spread of 4 demo
cratic princlpjes, read the "Lots of Five" offer on
another page'
It seems that the news of the declaration of
peace in the Philippines has not yet reached the
soldiers and Filipinos.
It seems about time that the. "infant" indus
tries be stopped in their practice of assimilating
the whole bill of faro.
Chairman Babcoclo has crawled so far back
into his tariff revision hole that only the tips of
his ears remain visible
The beef trust is so frightened by the presi
dent's prosecution that it is about to resolve Itself
into a still larger trust
One of Iowa's representatives in the cabinet
seems to have mixed one of his pedal extremities
with his soft palate, and it isn't Uncle Tama Jim
Wilson, either.
Governor Cummins, the tariff reform re
publican of Iowa, has read Secretary Shaw's inter
view and he must be very much ashamed of him
self or of the secretary of the treasury.
It is reported that Justice Shiras is soon to
!!?,. f "5", th0 supreme bench and resumo"tho
practice of law. We trust that the eminent judge
will not act towards his cliehts-aa he did towards
the income tax. A lawyer cannot bo on both sides
of a case at one and the same time.
The attempt to republicanize the democratic
party will bo a failure so long as democrats stand
on guard and do their duty.
It appears that cunning was unshackled flong
enough to enable It to revise the proof on the re
publican campaign text book.
Colonel Wotmorc of St. Louis won his fight In
the trans-Mississippi congress and secured a res
olution denouncing the trusts.
- . Senator Hanna and President Roosevelt both
declare that they aro friends of tho working
classes, but "pretty is as pretty does."
General Miles might bo pardoned if he sug
gested tho retired list as a remedy for the secre
tary of the treasury's tendency to talk.
The attention of the civij service reformers Is
respectfully called to the fact that the cabinet is
being converted into an elocution bureau.
The grindstone trust would not be an unmixed
evil if it showed tho republican farmers the folly
of turning the grindstone by their votes.
If we do acquire the Faroe islands they should
bo annexed to Wall street The name should en
dear the islands to that center of gambling.
When reading of the huge "not earnings" of
the railroads remember that the farmers and mer
chants who pay the freight were caught in tho net
That European earthquake tremor a few days
ago doubtless was Admiral Crowninshield bump
ing the prow of his battleship against another
The people who celebrated the capture of
Manila on August 13 seem never to have read
Admiral Dewey's claim that Manila was not captured.
The Rock Island merger calls for so much
water that the patrons who pay the freight will
have to mako requisition for emergers and lifo
The Fairbanks presidential boom, seems to
have paused for the purpose of trying to ascertain
who dropped the monkeywrench into its steer
ing gear.
The "Lots of Five" offer made on another
page will interest and benefit every democrat who
believes in standing squarely upon democratic
If a lot of republican statesmen would vote
to relieve labor of unjust burdens the aforesaid
statesmen would not have to offer their services
as arbitrators.
Enterprising gold brick artists should hasten
to ascertain tho names of all who believe that tho
republican party will revise the tariff in tho inter
ests of the masses.
What evidence have we that the president re
gards a cabinet office as a public trust? Answer:
The president compels the holder of the office to
defend the trusts.
The Houston Post asks If republican organs
ever will quit slandering Mr. Bryan. The Indica
tions are that they will, about the time Philander
Knox busts a trust.
There being an election just ahead several re
publican statesmen have stepped Into the glare
of the limelight and offered to do their best to
settle the coal strike.
The soulless trusts will not be satisfied until
they learn how to utilize tho energy that babies
waste in playing about the floor and cooing in
their mothers' arms.
While the coal operators are securing tho
militia to protect the strike breakers, who Is go
ing to protect the coal consumers from the vicious
assaults of the coal operators?
If Senator A. Jeremiah Beveridge ever gets
through writing about "Russia in the Far East"
perhaps he will devote a little time to studying
conditions in the United States. y b
Perhaps Mr. Hanna intends to help the work
insmen like ho saved Dr. Wilson-through a su
perheated imagination and the complacency of a
lot of humblo newspaper organs.
Vol. a, No. 32.
Admiral Crowninshield (pronounced Crunch
ell) is still cruising around in European waters
and the careful European nation .never fails to
take in its coast lino over night
General Corbin Is going to Germany to watch
tho German' army maneuvers. Emperor William
will make a huge mlstage if he allows himself tq
believe that General Corbin is a sample.
When a cabinet officer defends . a trust ho
ought to state how much that particular trust con
tributed to the campaign fund. The mutuality
of the transaction would then be understood.
Miss Taylor should organize under the laws ofi
New Jersey, float a lot of watered stock and issuo
some first mortgage bonds. This is a sure way td
find favor in the sight of Mr. Philander Knox.
Mr. Neeley might stand some show of getting
the money by promising a slice of it to the g. o. p.
campaign fund. It's just as honest money as tho
bulk contributed to republican campaign funds.
Secretary Shaw's action in defending tho
"water cure" in trust organizations suggests a
reason why the republicans have dealt so lien-
lently with the "water cure" in the Philippines.
Of course, gratitude is a virtue, but isn't Sec
retary Shaw overdoing it when he defends tho
great corporations merely because their contribu
tions made it possible for him to hold his present
Mr. Foraker's claim of friendship for the Han
na senatorial boom would have a better standing it
Mr. Foraker would puff out his cheeks instead of.
drawing them In while pretending to Inflate tho
boom. '
According to Secretary Shaw's logic millions
of people must endure without murmuring a con
tinuance of tariff exaction because revision of the
tariff might injure a handful of tariff protected
The 10,000 employes let out by the formation!
of the harvester trust might profitably employ
their time for the next week or two recalling tho
siren song Of the "let well enough alone" vocal
ists in 1900.
"What does the Iowa platform mean?" aska
an esteemed contemporary. At this distance it
seems to mean that if the trusts don't hurry up
with a plentiful supply of campaign fat they'll
wish they had.
While Mr. Knox's attention was called to tho
men at the other table a lot of thresher manufac
turers got together and formed a trust without
paying any attention to the jingling- of shackles
along the shores of Oyster Bay.
Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio pauses in his perambu
lations long enough to tell us that he has always
been in favor of grabbing Cuba. But why Mr.
Grosvenor should waste time and breath In telling
us is another deep and dark mystery.
The Record-Herald's correspondent says that
the president would not have appointed Justice
Holmes to the supremo bench without knowing
him to be an imperialist. But, of course, it is
proper to pack the bench from that side.
If any of the reorganizers who were frightened
out of the democratic party in 1896 by the fear of tt
silver panic will read Secretary Shaw's interview
they will find tariff reform will, according to this
eminent authority, cause a much worse panic.
Before a republican candidate for congress
begins to jolly you, just ask him if ho favors en
acting the Fowler bill into law, and if he thinks
the house should pass the shipping subsidy hill
that passed the senate. And make him answer, too.
The officers of a labor union have been jailed
for contempt because they refused to bring tho
union's books Into court when ordered to do so.
The meat trust officials refused to obey a similaB
order, but up to dato no meat trust officials havo
been sent to Jail. t
Senator Dolliver's "four-hundred-dollars-in
five-years" man did not Include among his expen
..ditures any contribution to th rflnuhhean cam
paign fund, but the syndicates that fatten off of, tho
people under republican favoritism aro able to
contribute enormous sums and they get the monejh
back with Interest out of the Dockets of tho1
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