Www&tj UimmBbKh SW ffSUljpppMfIJip LI 10 : Weekly News Summary Z A Berlin dispatch declares that there exists a vory strong sentiment In Ger many favorable to the annexation to the German empire of South American countries where, the Teutonic element is strong. ' The rebellion in Colombia, South America, has taken several interesting turns. The rebels captured the city of Colon after quite a spirited struggle. One week later Colon was surrendered to the United States authorities, who, in turn, delivered it to the regular Colombian government. The camp occupied by union miners near Madisonvillo, Ky., was taken pos session of by state troops by order of the court. No resistance was made. - Sugar refiners interested in the Ger man "Kartell" are busy asserting that the "Kartell" is not-a trust, but sim ply an "agreement" among refiners. A London cablegram to the New York World, Bpeaking on the subject of the "Kartell" makes this' interesting show ing: Tho alarming state of the sugar market 4s laid by British manufactur ers to a great secret " German trust called the "Kartell," which they have recently discovered. They say the German "Kartell" and bounty com bined will ruin within two years tho cane and beet sugar industry in other countries,; notably Cuba and the other 'West Indies, unless " checked. The overthrow df this "Kartell" will be one of the' chief subjects of consideration at the Brussels conference. British firms are already in correspondence with leading American sugar interests, and tables are being drawn up to show the workings of the "Kartell" with a view to laying them beforo the govern ment at Washington. The British gov ernment will be urged to emppwer its representatives at Brussels to threaten retaliatory countervailing measures unless . the "Kartell" is broken" lip or ' modified. Germany now produces one third of the world's supply of beet sugar, of which she exports no less than 1,250,000 tons. This exportation, almost one-fifth of the 'world's avail able supply, would mean a loss to German manufacturers but for the "Kartell" and the bounty, which en able them not only to reap a handsome profit. but also control the sugar Comedy or Tragedy? Household Dramas on Which Curtain is Drawn. tho market. The "Kartell" is run secretly, but confidential reports show that It consists of an Ironclad combination of almost all producers and refiners to keep up the price of sugar in Ger many. This is done so successfully that tho German consumer pays three times as much for sugar as the Briton does for the same article iinportQd from Germany. The enormous profits due to 'these methods are 'pooled in the "Kartell" and divided upon an elab orate, ingenious scale,, and the surplus product is disposed, of at a slight loss in other European and Amerfcah mar kets, though even this deficit is often made up by the bounty. Tom L. Johnson, mayor of Cleve land, has been granted by tho supremo court of Ohio permission to file a peti tion in mandamus against the state board of equalization oh railroads. Mayor Johnson seeks to compel the re assessment of the railroad property at a valuation based upon tho market value of its securities. Mr. Johnson contends that the railroads of Ohio which are on the assessment list for $117,000,000 are appraised at only 23 per cent of their actual value, while real estate in Ohio is appraised at CO per cent of its real value. He asks that railroad valuation be increased so as to brjng them up to a GO per cent basis. This would make the railroad assessment $356,000,000 instead of $117,000,000. A terrible wreok occurred on the Wabash railroad November 26, one mile east of Seneca, Mich. It is re ported that at least eighty lives were lost, many passengers being cremated in the burning cars. Secretary of War Root has addressed a letter to Maso, one of the candidates for the presidency of Cuba. In this letter Mr. Root assures Maso that the United States government will not seek to interfere in the contest for the presidency of the new republic, General Kitchener has been accused of suppressing news from South Af rica. It is asserted by Kitchener's Lon don critics that many of Kitchener's reports have been wholly misleading. Lieut. Lewis J. Van Schaick with five American soldiers attacked 150 Fili pinos at Cavite and put them to flight. Col A. D. Anderson of Washington City, who is said to have originated the idea of the World's fair at Chica go, committed suicide by drowning himself in the Potomac river. The supreme court has declared that tho Kansas law fixing rates, at the Kansas City stock. yards is invalid. . Martin Hogan, the well-known Irish man, recently died in the city of Chi cago. The Chicago Tribune says of Hogan: "Martin Hogan was convicted in Ireland in 1866, with John Boyle O'Reilly and five others, on a charge of ,treason. The seven men joined tha English army in 1863, intending to Fenianlze it. They were detected, tried for treason, and sentenced to bo shot. The sentences were commuted to life imprisonntent and later reduced to twenty years of penal servitude in Van Dieman's Land, the English penal col ony in Australia. In the spring ' of 1869 the whaling ship Catalpa was fitted out to rescue the convicts, but before its arrival O'Reilly had escaped from the island in an open boat. Ho was picked up by another American whaler and brought to this country. Hogan and his five companions wero taken off the island by the Catalpa. ous mining man;! thdught'.;thesofai5t3 might bo of somo benefit to somo of lriy acquaiptances." THE WORST THING TO DO. The worst thing to do when tho stom ach is diseased and causes discomfort, such as belching or acidity, is to tako . ; BOino of tho many palliatives put up in Tho daily press makes us familiar tho form of pills, tablets, powders, etc. enough with tho sceno in the drunkard's These are no remedies for the disease, family in which tho intoxicated man They only superficially chango existing finding tho meal not to his liking, throws -conditions. Allow that they "sweeten" it on tho floor and proceeds to vent his tho stomach, release the accumulated temper by smashing crockery and furni- gas, check fermentation, etc. All this ture. This is pure tragedy to tho abused is only temporary. The diseased condi- and helpless family, and to ttie onlooker tion of tho stomach is untouched. Dis- who through tho wandows of tho press oases never stands still, and therefore tho views tho sad scone. But the daily paper stomach itself is getting worso instead of uovor has a word to, say about tho sober better. Ibis the result of the use of and roputable man of family, who, in a some of these numerous palliatives that fit of irritation dashes to the floor or out men and 'women, when they have ex- of the window some dish not to his liking, hausted their little helpfulness, find Tho press doesn't tell because it doesn't themselves with an aggravated form of know. Family prido and lovo draw tho stomach "trouble.'' If theso palliatives curtains of privacy closely about such had not disguised and covered up tho scenes, and it is only when tho long earlier symptoms, tho people would long ago have sought and '&&& ynnr' This slgnaturo is on ovory box of tho genuine Laxative Brorao-QuinineTavieta Ah rctuody that enres a cola in one tiny. f Hogan has lived in Chicago for twenty-five years, coming from New York to this city when his family arrived from Ireland." A Constantinople cablegram to the (Continued oh Page Eleven.), found a real cure. Tho moral is that if your stomach is "weak" or diseased don't trifle with trivial palliatives get tho medicine which cures disease of tho stom ach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, Dr.' Pierce's Gbldbn Med ical Discovery. ' "For hreo years I suf fered untold agony," writes Mrs. H. R. White, of Stanstead, Stanstead Co., Quebec, Box 115V "I would have spells of trembling and being sick at my stomach, pain in right side all tho time; then it would work suu suffering wife appears perhaps in the into my stomach, and such distress it is divorce court that tho curtain is raised impossible to describe. I wrote to the for a moment and roveals the mysteries World's Dispensary Medical Association, lovo has long hidden. This is not a fan- stating my case to them, and they very ciful case. There is many a good home promptly answered and told mo what' to haunted by this skeleton of unhappi- do. I took eight bottles of . Dr. Pierce's ness; many a reputable business man Golden Medical Discovery, and five vials whose homo coming is feared and 6f Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thanks dreaded. To an outsider tho sight of a to Dr. Pierce and his medicine I am a man furiously throwing a dish of cako well woman , today. Dr., Pierce's medi- from tho window, or savagely kicking a cine also cured my mother of liver com- chair out of his way, would provoko a plaint' from which sho had been a suf- sraile. But to those in tho man's family ferer for fifteen yeqrs. We recommend his conduct provokes only tears. theso medicines to all suffering people." THE CAUSE OT- IT ALL. WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT. ' It is not natural ill-temner or miro You may expect from tho" uso of meanness which makes a man so moody, "Golden" M&dical Discovery" the same sullen and irritable. Tho cause of his results which have followed its use in a condition is generally to bo found in dis- multitude d other cases. You may 6x- easo of the stomach, often involving tho pect that tho stomach will W perfectly liver, kidneys or other organs. The and ' permanently cured; that by tho surest and quickest cure for disease of perfect digestion and assimilation of food tho stomach and other organs of diges- tno wnolo body will receive new strength; tion and nutrition is found in the use of that lost flesh will be regained. You Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, may expect' that if the disease of th'o Having seen tho advertisement of stomach has involved tho heart, liver, your 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and kidneys or other organs, that tho disease being a great sufferer from tho offects of of theseorgans will be cured with tho stomach trouble for the past eight years, cure of tho stomach. I concluded to try your medicine," writes Why may these - things bo' expected? Mr. W. A. Maxwell, of Marshfield, Coos Because they are tho common expected Co., Orog. "I had tried almost every oft those who- have been cured by tho known remedy, also consulted with tho use of "Golden Medical Discovery." best medical skill attainable,but all with- Theso experiences follow tho law of ex out any relief. After reading one of your poctations, by which we naturally expect circulars I concluded to try one bottle of that an effect which has usually followed Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a given cause will not ceaso to follow it. After taking one bottle I felt so relieved By the same law you may expect it induced mo to continue. Am now on "Golden Medical Discovery" to euro the fourth bottle, and have not had a you. It has a record of cures, covering spell of bloating or 'acid stomach' nearly a third of a century. In ninety- (which was vory painful) for the last eight cases out of every hundred it lias six weeks, Before the use of your medi- perfectly arid permanently cured the dis cino I was in dread of every meal time, eases for which it is prescribed and rec for in twenty minutes after eating I ommbnded.' would .bo racked, with pain. Indigestion Those who suffer from chronic diseases was my principal ailment, and I have aro invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, been also terribly afflicted with asthma, free All cprrespondenco striotly private, which I believe was brought on through Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, "Buffalo, N. Y. the medium of indigestion. Now, as I ' WispoM tor pennies; stated, after having used four bottles of A 1008 page, book, froo. You can get your medicino, I have riot had an attack thQ People's Common genso Medical of sour stomach or painful bloating, arid Adviser, thoest medical book ovorpub my asthma has just about disappeared. ishod, freety sending, stamps' to. pay In fact, I feel hotter, now than for tho expense of mailing only. Send . 21 one last ten years. As It'am largely known centstampjgjjpr. the book in paper coyers, in Now Mexico, Arizona, Co orado, Call- or 31 etampfpr the clothrbound voliimfc, f ornia arid 'Orogon, as a rather prosper to Dr, R. V. Piorce, Buffalo, N. Y.