r 1 ) Ml '; 6 The Commoner. ; - -tffjrivWk " r3 "" E IV. VWtfVWWWWWWiWW i s 3 Whether Common or Not. -2 Whip Behind. The meanest man on life's highway Is not the one who's bent On making loans for thirty days At ton or twelve per cent.. He's not the man who wore his brain Into a frazzled wreck To -make a button of a wart That grew upon his neck. fT , ( The meanest man is not the one Whose greed insatiate Caused him to climb the fence to save The hinges on his gate. He's not the one who saved his heels By walking on his toes; He's not the one who saved his teeth . By talking through his nose. The meanest man on earth today Is not the man who totes A quart of shoepegs to his horse And palms thorn off for oats. Nay, all these men are gentlemen Of wondrous hearts and kind Compared with him who is so mean He always whips behind. " God bless the man who's kind enough To smile and look ahead; Who never growls because a boy 'Hooks" on a little sled. 'May health be his, and length of years, And may he fortune find; For nothing is too good for him" - .Who. never whips behiiid: Vy Longing:. Tell me", ,ye winged winds that roar About me day by day; That rush athwart my cottage door Like Titans at their .play JVill not some gen'rous man or maid . Speak up so's to be heard "And say they'll send me, express paid, v A fat Thanksgiving bird? i' Engaged. ' - "What's Writerly doing now-?" - - "He's writing a biography of' the next candidate for president." "But how does he know who the candidate will be?" "He don't know, but he's writing it anyhow. It'll bo easy enough to take a rubber stamp and insert the name." Of Two Evils, Etc. Mrs. Harry Stockracy "Sophie, if anyone calls this afternoon tell them I am not at home." Sophie (recently landed) "Ay vill, boot Ay tank dat be a lie." Mrs. Harry Stockracy "Of course It will, but if you do not tell It I will have to meet the caller and say I am glad to see her, and that would be a greater. He." Blacklisted. Hitte De Pyke "Please, mum, will yer help a poor workin'man who Is blacklisted an' can't git nuthin' f do?" Mrs. Nuweddo "Yes, poor man. Here is a nice sandwich and a cup of coffee. What kind of work were you engaged in before you were black listed?" Hitte De Pyke "I wuz foreman o' de gang w'at wuz digging holes f'r de poles uv a wireless telegraph line." Brain Leaks. A word of cheer costs nothing but is beyond price. A good character is not to be builded on hate or envy. Jealousy is the hope that what you are looking for does not exist. Well earned glory will last much longer than unearned prize money. Some men are so constituted that if you fill their stomachs you may slap their faces when you will. Some men are so lazy' they will spend an hour praying for something they could get with five minutes' work. Some men are agnostics because that is the easiest way they can find of inventing excuses for their ignorance. A little man can never fill' a big place, but a big man In a small place soon makes the place large enough to fit. Some church members dearly love to have the minister announce the old hymn, "I'm glad salvation's free." It eases their conscience when they filter the dollars through their fingers and grasp a penny to put in the contribu tion basket. The Usual Fate. ,A maiden in far Pocatello Couldn't pick out a suitable fellow. .'. Shd is now an old maid ,!,.. . I i-TJfeo is sad and affaidlv ,f She has passed to the sere nd the yellow. l J With the Shades. The shade of Admiral Nelson was sauntering down the flower-strewn pathway when his one eye saw some thing fluttering in the distance. "What is that?" he asked. "It appears to be a wig-wag signal, my lord," replied the shade of Stephen. Decatur, happening along most op portunely. "Can you make it out, Steve? My blind eye bothers me." "I'll try, my lord. But it's been a long time since I tried to read the wig-wag flag." "Well, what is it, Steve?" asked Nel son, after a long silence. "Hush, be still! It seems to be the shade of Commodore Perry trying to communicate with you. It is, too. Wait till I spell it out." Then Decatur slowly spelled out the following signal: "Hello, Nels, old boy! Have you noticed that no one has yet stood up to dispute the statement that there was glory enough to go 'round at Trafalgar and on Lake JDrie?" Then the shades of Nejspn and De catur wandered slowly oh down the flower-strewn pathway, 1 Items of Interest. The oil wells of the United States produce about 100,000 barre'ls of oila day. Women are employed as porters and guards on some French lines of rail way. Natives of South Africa distill an in toxicating liquor from the fruit of the umganu tree. Manchester leads the list of English cities in the number of public houses called saloons in the United States. Before a Norwegian girl may marry in her own country she must demon strate that she can knit, bake and spin. Great Britain exports about 50,000, 000 tons of coal a year, chiefly to France, Russia, Spain, Sweden and India. Japanese mills run day and night, the shifts changing at noon and mid night. Most of the mill workers are children. The production of alcohol in Ger many is close to 100,000,000 gallons a year, two-thirds of it being distilled from potatoes. A Portland, Me., liquor dealer re cently played a ghastly joke on him self. He "complained because a car of beer consigned' to him had been seized, while a car consigned to an other man was not touched. His of fer to pilot the officers to the car be longing to his business rival was ac- Mrs. "Window's Soothing Syrttp. Has boen'used for over sixrx teaha by mii lions of motitisub for their cniLUUKN while TEKTniNO, yjtlJ terfect success. It SOOTnES tho oniiiD, softens the gums, allays nil tain, cubes wind colio. nnd is tho best remedy for DiAREnosA. Sold by Druwists in cvpry pnrt of tho world. Bo euro and nsk for "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing: Syrup," nndlnko no other kind. Twen-ty-flvo cents a bottle. It is the best of all. cepted, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the officers seize another car consigned to himself, he having made a mistake in pointing out the car. On May 24, 1819, the first trans-Atlantic steamboat started from Savan nah for Liverpool. That was the day on which Queen Victoria was born. The Canadian fisheries department has sent a consignment of salmon to be placed in Tasmanian streams. A' prior experiment with Canadian trout proved wonderfully successful. It is asserted that some of the Egyp tian obelisks bear figures of men mounted on two-wheeled vehicles greatly resembling the old-fashioned velocipedes. Mrs. Milford Brady of Morrow coun ty, Ohio, owns and operates an old fashioned water-power mill, Her only assistant; is a boy. The mill is over 100 years old. It Is reported that a tribe known as the Nulate Indians, living within the Arctic circle, speak the same lan guage as the Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico. Mrs. F. M. Smith, wife of the "borax king," is preparing to start a colony for homeless girls. She will build ten cottages, in which .one hundred girls will be located and trained in domestic arts. TO OVIUG A COM) itf ONE DAY Order Your Winter's Reading. For the benefit of our readers who wish to subscribe for othor periodicals in connection with Tho Commoner wo make the following combination offer: To any one sending to this office tho combi nation price of any periodical in the list below wo will send both the periodical named and The Commoner for one year, This offer applies to both new and re newed subscriptions, except for Public Opinion. These are all standard publications of recognized worth, and it is a pleasure to bo able to supply thorn at these remark ably low prices. 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