MMWIM "VT, rpmpw fpmpjpipswpqp The Commoner. vr rft -2 3 WWWWYWWVV Whether Coirintion or Not IWWWWMWMWWWAIWWW is LEARF E , BUT He was up in mathematics, in didactics, hydrostatics; Could givo the Latin name of bug and beast. , - Ho was up in physiology, psychology , neurology, And he knew the mystic culture of the east. He was long on homoeopathy, likewise, also, osteopathy; And suggestive therapeutics was his forte. Ho was, too, a great geographer, an oxpert lexicographer, ' - And in legal lore he far surpasse d the court. . , As a learnod sociologist his name would always lead the list, And he sought man's reformation every way. He bewailed vice in the city, viewed his nation's fate with pity And forgot to cast a vote election day. his forward with nrlntcr's ink on Angers and a pencil in his hand. "A moment, please, Brother ly. It is unfair to take undue advant age of the people. I have here the subscription books of the Weekly Bu gle, and I suggest that you allow thirty minutes before demanding a final an swer to that question." A moment later the church was filled with the jingling of silver and the rapid scratching of a pencil travel ing over the pages of a receipt book. She was up in musicology, dabbled And could paint on silk and She was versed in ancient history, Of the occult science called She could talk on social science to And preside with grace and She could lead a social function with And in matter's of late fashions She could talk on any topic, always" And her mind with great refor Playing golf she was a dandy, with But she couldn't darn a sock somewhat in astrology; china fair to see. had delved deep into the mystery theosophy. old Father Time's defiance; fairness, and with wit. aplomb, .and also unction; she was "it." kind and philanthropic; ras was always rife; , ,c an auto she was handyh-,, ,. to save her life. . ..'-.., : 1 Unsatisfactory. "Look here, Jenkins! Did you tell Harklns I was a, liar?" . -; ... "No, sir; I did not. I merely told Harklns you talked like a naval map." Then the fight began. His Only Argument. He ran a party organ and He posed a patriot. The words his opponents would print He styled as "treason," "rot." He couldn't arguenot a bit But raised a din infernal Whenever in a corner caught, And shouted "Yellow journal!" Seasonable. He just dashed off a summer ode In rythm somewhat jerkey, And sold it to a magazine. To get his ChriBtmas turkey. love Biffs. never goes on dress The Unexpected Happens. Walker Bout "You know what a piotis man Dopeley protends to be?" E. Z. Thynge "Yes; what about him?" Walker Bout "Well, I happened to be passing by his house the other day when he was putting up a stovepipe. ,He didn't see me, so I stopped, and listened." " B. Z. Thynge "And he forgot all his pretended piety and cussed just like the rest of us?" Walker Bout "No. The pipe went up easily and he never quit smiling while working at it." Outrageous. . Hamphat d'Aigs "Something should be done to stop this epidemic of yel low Journalism." Rantin Howler "That's what. They're always springing our jokes be fore we get 'em learned and rehearsed." The flodern Playwright. A miser cold, a mortgage old, A, maiden wronged and tearful; A father proud, a villain loud, A lover roused and fearful. Somo cows and sheep, farm "props" a heap, A snow storm made of paper; Scone: Vale and hill.' The actors nil, For that's the proper caper. Farm hand quartette that don't forget To sing "Hi-too-ri-loo-ral;" Time: Christmas night then all ends right nd there's your drama "rural." Truo parade. ' The good 'time of today is too often the headache of tomorrow. "Let well enough alone" never 'fathered a needed reform. An ounce of honesty is worth a pound of reorganization expediency. A trust attorney in the cabinet is worth two in the court room to the trusts. Trusts never will be 'shackled by the more mouthings of men entrusted with authority. Sympathy is something you can give when you want to use your money for. something else. "I Will" never waits on "I Wish." Judges who object most strenuously to -criticism are the ones who deserve it most. As between pneumatic journalism and yellow journalism the public pre fers the latter. Pneumatic journal ism talks; yellow journalism does things. A fight between a two-billion dollar steel trust and a one-billion dollar steel trust simply means that the pub lic will have to pay hospital expenses for a three-billion dollar steel trust. Homeopathic' Percy D'Flytte-"I just gaVe the wudo fellah a piece of my mind, bah jove' "Miss'Caustique "You wronged your self, Mr. D'Flytte." ' A Great Opportunity. "And now, brethren," remarked Rev. Dr. Fourthly, "in conclusion I jvould ask all who are square with the' world to rise to their feet." "A moment, please," exclaimed a tall, gaunt individual, who stepped In Boston. Mrs. Beacon Hill "Gracious! Did you hear about the horrible faux pas President Roosevelt made dining with Booker Washington?" Mrs. Back Bay "No! Did he omit baked beans from the menu?" - " ' ' Will M.- Maupin. A Little Humor. "How did you come out with your farming this year, Uncle Jim?" "Well, suh, ef I don't have enough lef ter buy a Chrismus dram I'll be a mightily disapp'inted nigger!" At lanta Constitution. Briggs "They say those India Yo gis can keep their minds fixed on va cancy for hours at a time." Griggs "That's nothing. I spent a whole week recently reading the short stories in the magazines." Life. "Who is the hero of this, piece?" asked the man who was coming out of the theatre. And the manager thoughtfully re plied: "The man who is putting up the money." Washington Star. Teddy "I wish I hadn't licked JTmmy Brown this morning." Mamma "You see now how wrong it was, don't you, dear?" Teddy "Yes, 'cause I didn't know till noon that he was going to give a party."" London Tit-Bits. Mr. Newcomb (examining - the gro cery bill, one item 'of which was tea, $10, reprovingly) "My dear, we can never. use so much tea before it spoils." Mrs. Newcomb "I know it, but you haven't seen the dear little china plate I got for buying so much. It's worth at least $1 and the tea we don't use we can throw away. Judge. "I do not mind the notoriety so much,',' soliloquized the whale, after it had left Jonah on the beach, "but those smart young whaleB in our set will be sure to always be asking me to take something for the inner man, or to go spouting around about how hard it is to keep a good man down." Baltimore American. Weekly News Summary. . SATURDAY, Oct. 2C Safe robbers blew open a safe at Berea, 0., and se cured booty estimated at $100,000. E'oys wrecked a Baltimore & Ohio train at Ravenna, O., by putting spikes on the rails; no fatalities, but much damage done to property. German press speaks disparagingly of the pan? American congress. Admiral A. S.' Crowninshield, chief of the navigation bureau, given command of the Eu ropean squadron. SUNDAY, Oct. 27. National Bank of Commerce, Omaha, goes into vol untary liquidation. President Roose velt, with two or three friends, quiet ly celebrated his forty-third birthday. Duke and Duchess of Manchester be come parents of a daughter. MONDAY, Oct. 28. In a race riot in Washington parish, Louisiana, three, white men and eleven negroes were killed. Lieutenant General Miles' an nual report upholds anti-canteen law and finds fault with the present or ganization. Charles Nutting, impris oned in a mine near Bingham, Utah, for sixty-one hours by a cave-in, res; cued alive. Admiral Schley concludes his testimony before the court of in- " quiry. Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant reported seriously ill. TUESDAY, Oct. 29. Buffalo Bill's Wild West t-Low wrecked near Lex ington, N. C, and 100 horses killed.. Forepaugh & Sells' circus train slight ly wrecked near Baton Rouge, La. Henry Clay Hall, for thirty years con'-' sul to Cuba and minister to Central America, died at his home in Worces-' ter, Mass., aged 81. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30. Columbia, S. C, visited by a destructive fire.' Three people killed in a railroad wreck near Washington, Pa. Fall River, Mass., spinners declare against a strike. THURSDAY, Oct. 31. General Maso announced as a candidate for presi dent of Cuba. William R. Hearst, edi tor of the Chicago American, and six employes of the paper cited for con tempt for severely criticising Judge Hanecy's decision in the gas case. Johan Most, the anarchist, released"' under bond. Unpaid men in the Turk ish navy made a demonstration and threaten to seize the vessels. FRIDAY, Nov. 1. Kitchener re ported a serious repulse of British near Broken Lagaate. Boers attacked real of Colonel Benson's column and cap tured two guns, killing fifty-four Brit ish officers and troops and wounding more than one hundred. West Vir ginia miners admit they are organiz ing for a strike. A Baseless Charge. That hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue is an ancient maxim. It is because they are ashamed to call the conquest of the Filipinos by its right name that the republicans attempt to justify it by the charge that the Filipinos are unfit for self-government, and, therefore, our government must be forced upon them. The charge of the unfitness of the Filipino for freedom is an utterly baseless charge and entirely unsub stantiated by the facts. Houston Post. JVlfc A V nT - v. r J