1 The Commoner. 12 - '- r'"J" A I ' IT--" ,, pK-sssssn p"T mwrnwi J&i 'ijjjL"1 Jjt. M'yw1 jr!!yj TT"1 , rfwwmui? - ," BKBG " "" ' " mm ,11., I III WWII ll 11 t Books Received. B'OOKS RECEIVED Among the books recoived the past week several deserve special atten tion. An Introduction' to Political Econ omy, by Richard T. Ely, of the Univer sity of Wisconsin, (published by Ea ton & Mains, N. Y and Jennings & Pyo, Cincinnati), is a valuable addi tion to the library of every student of economic and political questions. Municipal Monopolies, a Collection of Papers by American Economists and Specialists, edited by Prof. Edward W. Bomis, (published by Thos. T. Crowell & Co., N. Y.), gives a large amount of information upon subjects of growing interest and importance. Governments and Parties in Conti nental Europe, by A. Lawrence Lowell, (published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York), two volumes, is an exceedingly instructive work. It traces the growth of parties in Europe and gives their distinctive principles and policies. It is indespensiblo to an understanding of political conditions in Europe. The editor of The Commoner has also received the following works of Alexander Del Mar, the well-kndwn writer upon historical and monetary questions: The Middle Ages Revisited, or the Roman Government and Religion and Their Relations to Britain. Money in Ancient Countries, From the Earliest Time to the Present. Ancient Britain, in the Light of Modern Archaeological Discoveries. A History of Monetary Systems, a Record of Actual Experiments in Money made by various states of the Ancient and Modern World, as drawn from their statutes, customs, treaties, mining regulations, jurisprudence, his tory, archeaology, coins, mummulary systems and other sources of informa tion. The History of Money in America, from the Earliest Time to the Estab lishment of the Constitution. All of Mr. Del Mar's books, referred to above, are published by the Cam bridge Encyclopedia Co., G2 Reade st, New York, except The History dt Money in Ancient Countries, from the Earliest Time to the Present, which is published by George Boll & Sons, York st, Covent Garden, London. Mr. Del Mar's writings cover a wide range and give proof of exhaustive re search.'" in the field which he" has chosen. Weekly News Summary. SATURDAY, Oct. 19. Santos Du mont succeeded in steering his airship arounu muei tower. Republican cam paign in Ohio opened at Delaware. The Hutchins hotel at Houston, Tex., burned and the 300 guests were with difficulty rescued; loss, $20,000. SUNDAY, Oct. 20 Yale university began, celebration of its two hundredth anniversary. Thousands of tons of hay destroyed aj La Crosse, Wis., by fire started by tramps. Strike on Chi cago & Southwestern railroad settled. Employes assume management of road and four months' back wages will be paid from earnings; for eighteen days not a wheel was turned on the road. French miners threaten to strike and Paris papers take gloomy view of the situation. Col. Charles James, a prominent figure in. Wash ington, died, aged 85. Ho was a dole gate to the convention that nominated Fremont for president and was a poet of note. Judge Thomas C. Fuller, as sociate justice of the United States court of private land claims, died at his. home in Raleigh, N. C, aged 70. MONDAY, Oct. 21. Russia's new American built battleship was launched off Isle of Shoals. It ex ceeded contract speed and Russian of ficers declared themselves highly pleased. United States Steel corpora tion pays $3,318 tax to the state of Ohio after prolonged legal fight.- m W LESLIE'S PflTVLAJt MONTHLY U tin IU i H m , , Four Magazines for the Price of One HAT well-educated American to-day is satisfied with a single magazine in his home? With t i t r&"iwi t..iv.i. ow .u, vauui, auu antuwuvc a at jjiteui uiugaiues mrgeiy iaKe tne place of books in keeping one abreast of the times. Each magazine has its specialty, and only with a combi nation of three or four can all wants be reasonably satisfied. In our magazine combinations we have avoided duplication, and have given the widest variety of reading matter possible. Last, season more than 300,000 people took advantage of these remarkable offers - yoUR GREAT FAMILY OFFER (PocpflZcAsTdthe AV M AAsJ JmJ Ff n e i $t.OO $ ?.5t 13.00 I.OO fp in ValuQ OiW Price Only knj firBrm-it NIWENGLANH u MAGAZINE f.TTTtj. oMl &M is ta .st"Maj-i SUCCESS. REVIEW OF REVIEWS (jnew), Current Litcrnturo (now), or Now England Magazine may bo substituted. COSMOPOLITAN, . " 0 Frank Lcsllo's Popular Monthly may bo substituted, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, Tho Household, or Tho Designer may bo substituted. All Subscriptions are for a full year and may be an homos tntnlhlu events 111 ,1 nnt ana PiurononMtr, $2.50 a year. Tho COSMOi'OMi and HUNK l.KSMK'8 I'Ol'ULAK AoHTHLY nf0 nmomr tho greatest of tho modern monthlies which have given America tho leadership amonir tho count W at 11,. ,,i,i i , "1.. ' J? 1 "r monlldvMMa year, each. The 11OU8KHOM) has been known and lovcd.bvmo ,teaBnzU,iWlk!n8T tho liclulit of Its power and. prcstlce.-noMi.i; S1.00 ai?,a ucion i Way at year, rho lihSlGNKH is one of tho leading fashion magazines of tho country, picturing In colors i the htrs PArisinnH vn', vntv styles and describing costumes, millinery, etc., for women and cWdren,-mpnMv, f00 'a year. sr SUCCBSS, and any one of our dollar magazines, ...... . . Vnn SUCCBSS, and any two of one dollar magazines, . . . . . . . H'M success, 0?&n ; ; ; 5;00 SUCCESS, ft nd LESLIE'S WEEKLY, ' n 0rt SUCCBSS I Review of Rcvlcwsnw),. t . . C.OO zuutiii, or Currcnt LiteratutZ (new). and any two of our dollar magazines . . . 6.00 iJpi:SsnSsSSi!' : ': :' :. :. : fgg " U'SSSSKS'S&J. nd -E8" WEEKLY, .... .00 succSE: KftrSs thtiT. ':. ,-. -r'.t v"uwuiMn. iitni. .iiiu nuiiii jinicricnn review nnw . S.iJr - conlroJ1Jf (l exclusively by us for clubbing purposes. None of the vevio RiENEWALS : SUCOMsft "S L,nbovo P1??8 C?r a,U W in our list (including subscriptions must l! netonf nrwSnt mbliCZA ;.. for which all mm mgZiAY. lLTpJll 9.50 12.00 Our Price $l.SO 2.00 2.SO 2.73 3.op 3.00 a.OO 3.75 4.00 s.oo ....-GOOD II0US1KLEPIN0 CMtefTrMXlMt' jvu mo nKignzinea on pur usi nro controlled exc luslvulv hv ha for niniihinir m.rnn. .V-Vi.V" "..- '.r'Y.Y . "Vv Jtably low elulbina offers excevt thraunh nv i r, TMZnii'Z';Ziha,trM?$-' ""'" ",c " ic: cun ve tecureu at !l29"?'?!niLTllmtrei in reiiuwui Huusorlntloii to Mm nmhi..niin..' nri..... n.;.,i m;: i"r"!r y"1 7'v'.ui uiuiku. iiiiumtia xiuui vno iiicmoer 01 a $1.00 2.50 3.00 3.0Q 12 in Value (Thttt four nwgeuine ulfl Itejt t,on in eontlant touch with tht world of thovght all the tun ittff guutioni of tit day.) $ jCSsS swii -vrO-n Trss? (T--. I filler" r 7rv T B I ""M '" "": j n i El 3 , ,, O ;..'... "" , ' I'ltouiii. ouuouiiinjiB io uil'so iiircomauaztDes mnv rptmv ikIU iir: ono dollar Top onoh rouownl HUbsorlptlon to tho" cwnb nation prices wvk iKJb;AX lESDUOATIOINALr OFFER SUCCESS. smnn REVBEW OF REWEWS (new), Or Now England Magazine CURRENT LITERATURE (mew). Or any ixco of our $1.00 magazines. IVI AMERiURN REVIEW (new) . S.OO I Fo "'F -esuo-B wcoKiymayDosuosututed. '' ' rPflrsnnnl Chnrla i,,,,. ClIltllKN'T UTKlUTIIHKIaflinlnnHlnto. . . . U CfSOnnl UlCCKS Accepted) Proso and pootry-wlitevcr fi wMUi"know monthly old homo week ' for every KowEnglai ler doscVlbln fnnrfi i.KSnft Al10! WA K'N(I,'-J-,) mahazwk forms a tho "ofdrcd schoolhousa days." while giving also a latge omS of SpmW! rtiiSm Urn fn?ii,,ilJill,Jln,lrk8i cu"t0,18. ftwl traditions of LKSUB'S II.LUST1-TKD WKKKliV-now "ift Its Wri voliimo-is tlio nomihh- im tn SmSS ll'? Vft1"58' T(ier,-)o;ji, .00 icu-. homo and abroad,-wiWt, ti.00 a pear. The N ohth ajikiiiSn "wfv Av has fo? Ji tv fIiS vAPJ rccor,d11of stirrliiK events at on all tho great polltlcaK social and religious questions of tho day. and t u nrSSiS t tnriSi1 JnS KUlded publlu onlnlonln Ameriva successful in Its ldstory,-moi, J5.00 a ifA" -ay.anu mo piespnt editorial management Is tho most brilliant and SSIRTDTIITIftMQ A now subscription to nmiKW OF nEViKWS, a now subscription to runiiKKT iiti'ihtithv nr,,i ,. oulvo lllul IU o Tenewal subscrlntton to thn nkw FnfAii mai7ii' i.foi M. 7.i . . I . "r '''Ti.iiATUiih, and a new or S8JS5S BbscrlPllot?,SUCOKSS.cItheo ! any other, whom orders for these combinations may also be left. awvepn waicais may be obtained of your iietcsdealer uith TO SCHOOL SUPERINTEND School Superintendents and Teachers can give their pupils no more admir DENTS AND TEACHERS iniff? l? SUCCESS, which , -.. wwuitjjcMiuut mm inspiration tnroughout the year. Un I-vc5iSt!vr 3Liildlnf;, Gincjsnfi Litcr&tnre 8 aw) NUrBlOANDl WXXZJHll m Z. ,s: iv; cg.54ti The . Sucses 8K.VD ran FItKE IJOOKtET, "HOW TO OltCMIZi; MD CONDUCT A MACAzilSc.lS aagniniiMinwt Tnii 3 II jmiibM i tav Vlal iy if iK i B IM i2?" Ti T tVe want representatives for SUCCESS in every City, Town,' and Vil2Se,-i every Church. sd,.ni. anlteW Yale's bi-centennial attracts thousands of visitors, most of whom wore former students of the university.- Detective Calvin D. Crim, one of tho hest known police officers in the country, was killed by a pickpocket named John Foley.Annual report of tho Great Northern railroad admits that Bur lington system has been purchased by the" Great Northern and Northern Pa cific. - .TUESDAY, Oct. 22. Fire in a Louis ville, Ky., theatre causes a panic and many people were injured in the panic followincr. Srvnwhnnvrl Tnomifonf.n.o of the three states met at' Indianapolis 10 perrect pians lor a combination. The, cashier Of the BoVorrnwn Pn National bank disappears' with $30,- 000 of tho bank's money. General Buller relieved of his new command and retired on half pay. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23. Train rob bers attack Southern Pacific express train near Eugene, Ore., and are beat ten off by the express messenger, C. F. Charles, who wjelded a shotgun with telling effect. Ohio democratic campaign opened at Bucyrus. The G. H. Hammond packing plant at Ham mond, Ind., damaged by fire to the amount of $500,000. Tho Foerder mo rocco factory at Philadelphia destroyed by fire; loss $225,000. Chinese offi cials demand tho recall of Wu Ting Fang, declaring that his popularity in the United States is proof that he is not carefully guarding Chinese inter ests. THURSDAY, Oct. 24. A Chicago, Burlington & Kansas City passenger train -was ditched Hear Exline, la., by a defectively spiked rail, forty pas sengers being injured, three fatally. Admiral Schley called to the witness stand and gave his side of the case. FRIDAY., Oct. 25. Fire in a largo furniture building in Philadelphia re sults in the death of nineteen people and the serious injury of many more. Ninety guests at a wedding banquet in Bath, N. Y mysteriously poisoned, though not fatally. A laborer in tho Buttonwood mine of the"'Parish Coal company, Wilkesbarre, Pa opened his lamp in the mine. Tho resultant ex plosion of fire damp killed five men. . - i -t