K&a 11 t-- r 10 The Commoner. U m M mm liid fLJM riliflBM Jta ifl I) H I ill ftlvfllHHQllHrt 1 a fa d 1 11' ..- , .--.-----.--i .t.--.-. ,. . TUBAL r gv. : GIVEN BEFORE PURCHASING Wc send it to your nearest Express Office, Chafes Prepaid, and allow you a Free Trial Treatment before purchasing. If satisfactory, oav express agent our Special Advertising Price, Ten Dollars ($10.00) and take it; otherwise it will be returned at Our Expense. P V CAW A FAIRER OFFER BE MADE THAN THIS? TI 4m. :t. W WHIMlfl jKiwrrs' -.ji 1 .iSHSA .V-''i"l'' .vs f a: t'i-ii.' BW, :, i.y i..verj AT.'r-i W,7TT ti' ,1 .& U 9 J s&S ii?i- 3j a?m M W f ! m 'M Btt :3 SVj $$& AS? m&& & : V-t TEN DOLLARS To moro quickly introduco Dr. Home's Electric Belts and AppIN anccs in now localltios, wo havo decided, for a period of 30 days only, to sell Dr. Homo's Now Improved, Bost and most Power ful $20.00 Electric Bolt together with suspensory attachment for naif prlco, or 1110.00, and glvo a Free Trial treat- i mont boforo pay- lng for same. OUR PRO POSITION us miss Wo will send Bolt to your; nearost oxnross office, all charges prepaid, ana allow you a Proo Trial troat- i SSssa returned at our oxnV v XlS" w iiia nii4.. l it -.wj.imjr tuum uui usic a iairor oiror than talco advantage of our liberality when WA nin , iiir ! " ... L",w "i i our own oxponso. Wo wish to Impress unon vonr mimi , , S JT aro offering you is our regular No. 4 Best $20,00 Electric Belt with Suspensory Attachment. It fa t.lin rmi. m-it .t "C..lie,.5.Y?.Ca Only Bell Used and Prescribed by Physicians. We r chilfiSS? 'the com! muuu uuuris or au other electric bolt companies to produce its eaual at Eri0A?h0W moi' eonjitnojas.tlmonials, moro cures, and morosatisQod patients than wo can during tho past twenty-four years w m iWte re-ftar vctv. 5E?iK 5&! 5WNr --,tfrt 2V && &;& 8 rr : rfwrAa; :bt'u: SLfc mr ) S? : V'- S355 55?sA i fe vtf. m WHAT OUR BELT WILL CURE We cfuarantee it to cure the fol lowing diseases: fa U!M wwtmz. y"Tk f m 3A. trl $Krv v rf&, ; - l .f $p8 t ixati. g.V, 2 ' " ' Pain of All Kinds, Weak Lungs', Blood Rheumatism, Neuralg i a , Lumbago, Sci atica, Weak or Lame Back, Paralysis, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Sleeplessness, Constipation, Dyspepsia and a 1 1 Stomach Troubles, Liv er and Kidney Complaints, Weak Heart, Poor Circula tion, all Ner v o u si a rf d We a ken in g Diseases, Spin al Disease. Ur- inaryTroubles, Impurities. EXTRACTS TAKEN FROM "Attiio tlmol bought tho bolt I could not turn ovor without scranmtnir. Tn two im.i.. after nutting tho bolt on I -was pritfrnly froo from pain."L. B. Gkifinn, Ca"ndor,N. Y. There is not a family hut what should havo ono of our Bolts, as it Is tho host and cheapest doctor, and you do not havo to go out of tho house to fi; imlll la?f you for yoars with prPr caro and wiH save itsolf in doctor bills ton times ovor. MnIy?F5in?J?B ml out tho order hlank at tho bottom of this papo and send it to us by return mail if possible, hut not later than tho date in tho coupon, and wo wSSond t to you by express, charges prepaid. Tho Bolt will bo put vm lnanlata you may forflct It. Please uso order blank bolow. Possible, or A FEW OF THE LETTERS RECEIVED DAILY. I havo only worn your bolt a few days, but I can truthfully say that I fool yonngor and strongor than I havo for ton yoars past." T. D. Beli 88? Marietta St. Atlanta, Ga. "Boforo I got tho Bolt it was not uncommon jur mo io no awaico irora four to six houra in a imbus, duc now i can sloop well." JcnoMn L. xjuaa.uut urauu 1'orKS, JN. JD. .. COUPON Bont with attached order any timo not later than December i, iqoi,' by any reader of THE COMMONER will entitle tho holder to a Fe Trial Treatment of $20.00 ELECTRIC BELT boforo purchasing rexsAJst. o-jsjp o3a :dc2?t:es:o" "Jbxisrss .M.MMM...M....Ma .M.., ORDER BLAIK 2)ae.,. J90 oo roturnod at your DR. IrOTrMTC Pr.lPflipnifl -nn-rm i.-r .w, miMmmmmwg?aR agont Ten Dollars' (810) "and take IttwV X,t"n,,ctvl"J?.ay "iPr8 xponso. - ... .... Name, Street and Number, . . Post Office County Ncrcst Express Office State. . ..-... Inches lunnDTiMT t i . ....-.. ..-.. inches IMPORTANT-Takc aeasnre on bare skin at base of spine, ! above hips, wUh Tape Measure or Slrlne Our Guarantee Wo guarantoo tho Bolt wo aro now offering you for only $10 to 00 Our No. 4 Best $20.00 Electric Belt It is tho samo Bolt you wouid got if you paid us 20.00, It is tho bost wo make and thoro is nono hotter mado at any prlco. Wo back up our guar untoowitha fa $5,000.00 Reward LJRblJ 3 DR. HORNPS ELECITRIG BELT & TRMSS CO., 985 No. Clark St. CHICAGO E 1 B,l II ,