6 ,-s The Commoner. ISSUED WGEKLY. Wlllleim J. Bryein. Bdltor and Proprietor Terms Payable In Advance. One Year....; , .; $i.oe Six Months ge Three Months ,aj Single Copy At Newstands or at this Office ef Sample Copies Free. No Traveling Canvassers are Employed. Subscriptigins can be sent direct to The Com moner. They can also be sent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or throijgh precinct agents where such agents have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice order, express order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or money. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to ' THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. Anarchy, however, is not the only "organ ized in New Jersey" infamy that must bo wiped out. The 'trouble with some alleged Democratic newspapers is that they think less' of Demo 'ci'atio' principles than' they do' of seif-in'tore'st:' When potatoes are plentiful the tariff does not "benefit the producer. When potatoes are scarce the tariff is a "burden to the consumer. I am an anarchist and I did my duty," said the 'assassin of President McKinley. The American people are not anarohists, and they mUsa do their duty. Miss Anthony says Mrs. Nation should have tried other and better ways of putting down whiskey. Miss Anthony, however, did not mean that as it sounds. Taciturnity is not a portion of the navy's make-up. The navy will never be what the people want it to bo until taciturnity is a large fraction of the navy's equipment. The Columbus, Ohio, Citizen has seen a great light and is now a full-fledged organ of Democracy. The Citizen has always been a good newspaper; now it will be a great teacher. ' If the law requiring all persons selling poison to label it as such is enforced against newspapers in Iowa, the Des Moinqs Leader will bo' compelled to call itself a republican organ. While waiting "for a subsidy to strengthen their tottering little industry the ship owners aro organizing a trust with something like $150,000,000 capital. It would seem to the unprejudiced observer that these infant indus tries had reached the knickerbooker stage, at least The Commoner. William Waldorf Astor declares that the nowspapers of America caused him to renounce his American citizenship. The value of Amer ican nowspapers becomes more manifest every day. Two new features appear in this issue the Home Department, which it is hoped will prove interesting to the women, and the Weekly Press Forum to which the attention of editors of democratic weeklies is especially invited. Chicago University sends out a circular signed by President Harper offering to furnish outline sermons for ministers of the gospel. Can it bo possible that tho Standard Oil Com pany is trying to corner the pulpits of theland? Two men in jail on the charge of complic ity in the murder of Governor Goebel engaged in a desparate fight over a small sum of money. These are the men pointed to 'by the defenders of that bloody crime as incapable of such a violation of law. If any one is tempted' to criticise Mr. Koosevelt for going off on a hunting expedi tion at a time when the President was critically ill, let it bo remembered that he could have given no bettor proof of his faith in the ex ecutive's recovery. A London minister, not of the established church, thanked God for what Great Britain is doing in South Africa. This recalls to mind another gentleman who once thanked God that he was not like other men. J. Pierpont Morgan announces that he. will let his employes hold steel trust stock if they have the money to pay for it. This is reassur ing to those who had an idea they might have to suffocate when Mr. Morgan succeeds in pro moting an atmospheric trust. Chairman Dick of Ohio is the only promi nent man in the United States who has tried to joke about the assassination of President McKinley. His suggestion that the Demo cratic party withdraw its objection to. repub lican policies is a bit pf levity hardly, excus able at such a time. The New York World is printing the speci fications for the kind of man who must be nom inated for Mayor of Now York by the opposi tion to Tammany. Among other things tho world says: "He must bo a Democrat." The World should be more specific. Must ho be a Democrat who votes for Democratic candidates who stand for Democratic principles, or a Democrat who always votes for republican candidates standing for anti-Domocratic princi ples? Many people who have been royally enter tained by the writings of Jules Verne, tho fa mous French romancer, have well nigh forgot ten him, and yet many pleasant recollections will bo revived by tho present day references to this writer. It is reported that Jules Verne has, become totally blind. He will have the sincere sympathy of thousands of men and women, who in days gone by, found no more delightful pastime than in the reading of Verne's work Staggering It is announced that Great the British Britian's last war loan will be Taxpayers. exhausted by October 16,when it will bo necessary for that Government to borrow more money in order to carry on the war in South Africa. It is becoming more and more apparent that if Great Britian ever conquers the Boers it will bo at a price that will stagger the British tax payers, even though humanity maintains its equilibrium. "Liberty" con- It is reported that two new tinucs to be political parties are being the Cry. organized in the Philippine Islands and . that both favor ultimate independence. Perhaps it has never occurred to republican politicians that even after the Philippine Islands shall have been brought completely under our jurisdiction "liberty" will continue to be the cry among the Filipinos, exactly as liberty has continued to be the cry wherever tho seeds of liberty have been sown. The bayonet and the gatling gun may de stroy the man, but something greater than any weapon devised by human skill is necessary to destroy the spirit of liberty. Every time the British censor of South Af rican news undertakes to snatch a wink of sleep some bit of information slips The Boers through and gives the world Still Fighting. at largo" a new light on tho 1 ' South Af riban- situation.' For weary months wo have been repeatedly told that the war was practically ended and that tho Boers were dispersed and scattered to the ends of their once beloved republic. But the censor nodded the other day and the world learned that a party of Boers rode up to within twenty miles of Pretoria and blew up a British railway train, killing seventeen British qpldiers and capturing a large supply of ammunition and food-stuffs. It is slowly dawning upon tho mind of the British taxpayer that he is being roundly rbbbed for the benefit of a few mining speculators. The Boers are not yet conquered, and unless the history of the world is at fault they never will be, A people who love liberty well enough to die for it, though of ten. over whelmed are never conquered. The growing regard for the comfort of others is one of the hopeful signs of tho times. Generally, the worst side of The human nature is made manifest Railway in public conveyances. Men Hog. and women who, under ordi nary circumstances, exhibit some regard for the comfort and convenience of others, seem to exhibit all of their inato selfishness tho moment they board a street car or railway train. It is no uncommon sight to see men and women standing in a railway coach while some man occupies two seats, one for himself and another for his baggage. A lead ing western railroad aunounoes that hereafter no passenger will bo allowed to occupy more than one seat, no matter how few the number of passengors may be. "We are after tho rail- n' i&dirttfj,