'T' The Commoner. Dr. Lambert Defends Jefferson. Rev. L. A. Lambort, defending- Jefferson, and tlio Declaration, of Independence, said: We come now to the meaning of the word "equal" as used in the Declaration. That word seems to be the cause of a great deal of confusion in the minds oi some people. We see not why it shouul be, since the Declaration itself indicates clearly its meaningthat the equality asserted is equality in those natural rights of every man as against the encroachments of his fellow man, of society and of government; rights which spring from his nature, his personality, his responsibility to God, and his destiny. These rights belong to him because he is a man, and they are equal in all men because they are men. All are equal in the right of immunity from unjust aggression. Dr. Brownson, in one of his profound essays, gees down to the theological reason of this equal ity assorted in the Declaration a reason which we may well suppose did not enter into Jefferson's mind when ho asserted it; which shows that iio wrote wiser than ho loiow. In volume XVIII., pages 45 and 46, Brownson thus speaks of those natural rights which Jefferson sums up in the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness:" "Man lives by communion with God, and he communes with God in the creative act and the in carnation, through his kind, and through nature. This threefold communion gives rise to three in stitutionsreligion or the church, society or the slate, and property. Tho life that man derives from God through religion and property is not de rived from Him through society, and consequently so. much of his life he holds independently of so ciety; and this constitutes his rights as a man as distinguished from his rights as a citizen. In re lation to society, as not held from God through her, these are termed his natural rights, which society must hold inviolablo, and government pro-v tect, for every one, whatever his complexion or so cial position. These rights the rights of con science and the rights of property, with all their necessary implications are limitations - on the rights of society, and the individual has tho right to plead them against the state. Society does not confer them and cannot take them away, for they are at least as sacred and as fundamental as her own." Thus this great man of genius, familiar with Catholic theology, delves to the bottom of the problem. The rights hero spoken of as deriving from communion with God through the creative act and through nature are, of course, common to all men and equal in all men who live in that communion through the creative act and through nature. But all men so live. Therefore those rights are equal in all. Jefferson, therefore in asserting this equality of natural rights as coming through the creative act, expressed a profound truth of Christian phil osophy. Where did he get it? Certainly not from the French infidels. God sometimes uses men as instruments in works they do not fully under stand the import of. In shaping the course of events out of; which this republic, with a Providen tial mission, grew. Ho used as instruments men who were unconscious, of or adverted not to Hfs designs, and yet they did their parts to the con summation of tho result as surely as Moses did his in obedience to the voice from the burning bush. Jefferson and the other fathers of this re public were near that fire and received' more re flected light from it than they wot of. They were Providential men who, aside from their' own per-, sonal motives, did their part in the unfolding of a divine plan, as Constantino did in his time and Charlemagne did in his. The rights that we have seen have their root in communion with God, cannot be violated with Im punity, whether by the individual, society pr gov ernment. Retribution follows - their violation -as- the night tho day. These birthrights of man must not be Invaded, while he invades not the same rights in others. When they are so invaded a wrong is done, the natural dignity of man Is out raged, tho circle that the Creator has drawn round about his-manhood is raided; acrime is committed not only against the human victim, hut against his Maker, and against the order of His provi dence. It is needless, or should be, to say that the Declaration, by the word of "equal' does not refer to adventitious differences, such as height, weight, strength, degrees of intelligence, wealth, poverty, etc. No particular height, weight, wealth, poverty or degree of intelligence is essential to man in order to be a man. The" four-foot man Is no less a man than the eight-foot man. The infant weep ing on its mother's breast is, so far as natural rights are concerned, no less a man than he who, mumbling and trembling with age, stumbles to wards the grave. The starving beggar, thin as a lath, 4s qo less a man than the ponderous states--man, the fat politician, or the sleek and juicy al aorman. And tho man with only sense enough to earn an honest living in the sweat of his face is as much a,man as the great ones who, for better or for worse, ploughed deep furrows in the world's his tory. No, children, it was not ephemeral differ encesall of which are plus man, and as unlm . portant a3 the difference between length of noses that J-fferson denied. He was not a humorist, nor an idiot. It is claimed that the rights of the Declara tion belong to the abstract,, not to'th6 concrete man. Such a claim is groundless; for those fights ' ""belong-.only to men who iive in communion with God through the creative act and .through, nature.. &uch men .are created and therefore real or con crete men. That which is not has not and cannot have real rights. The rights of nouexlstence'arc non-existent. The rights that a man cannot enjoy till he,bocqmes an abstract are like, Counselor Cur rents definition of nothing a footless boot without a leg, or a bodyless shirt without neck or sleeves; or, we might add, a soup made from the. shadow of a bone in tho abstract. Governments do not deal with men in the ab stract. They can neither sue nor be sued, hanged nor sent to congress. Be a right ever so patent and ample, the abstract man cannot enjoy it. An essential condition to the enjoyment of rights in concreteness, real existence. When the Declara tion speaks of rights it has reference to real, live men of flesh and blood. The dead part has no practical use for mundane rights, and the potential or abstract man can enjoy them only when he ceases t ce potential or abstract and takes a cognizable place in the procession from the cradle tc the grave. When Jefferson wrote the Declara tion he wisely refrained from dealing with meta physical potentials. We would remaind Father Sheahan that in equality of glory of the saints in heaven does not prove that he quotes St. Paul to prove, namely, the inequality of the saints themselves. They may be unequal, tut his argument does not prove it; it only provej the inequality of glory. Nor does in equality of torments prove inequality in the demned. He confounds the conditions with the conditioned a serious lapse from close thinking. "Ine equality of men is a creation of our minds." No, It is, as we have seen,, an apprehension or judgment of the mind corresponding with objective reality. "Jefferson's preamble contains the principles of anarchy." This, we presume, refers to the principle that the just powers of governments are derived from the consent of the governed. If this principle be anarchic, then Bellarmin, -Suarez and the theolog ians generally are anarchists, for they held and taught that the authority to rule comes directly' from' the people- to ttie ruler;- that the people, though not the creators of the authority, their con sent Is the medium through which it comes to the ruler. It Is Important to observe here that the Declaration does not say that the people are the cteators or ultimate source of authority. It slra rly states that "tho Just power to govorn cornea from the consent of the governed,' without con sidering further its ultimato source. The state ment, then, is true, according to the theologians we have named. Wo will now quote a few extracts from soma well knovvn and weighty theologians on how th power comes to the ruler. Bellarmin: "The dfvine right has not given this powsr (of ruling) to any man in particular, for it has given it to the multitude; besides the positive law being taken away, there is no reason why one man should rule rather than another, among a great number of equal men (mark "equal men"); therefore power belongs to the whole multitude." Having pointed out where this power exists as in its subject, the great cardinal goea on to show how it passes from the multitude 'to the ruler or body of rulers, thus: "In tho third place, observe that the multitude transfers thla power to one porson or more by natural right. . Ob serve, in the fourth place, that particular forms of governments are by the law of nations, and not by divine law, since It depends on tho consent of the multitude to place over themselves a king, con suls or other magistrates, as Is clear; and for a legitimate reason, they can change royalty Into aristocracy, or into democracy, or vice versa, as it was done in Rome." Suarez; "In the second place, it follows from vhnt has been said that the civil power, when ever it is found in a man or prince, has emanated according to usual and legitimate law from the people and the community, either directly or re motely, and that It cannot otherwise be justly possessed." - -. , Conclna: "It Is evident therefore that -the power existing in the prince, the king, or in many persons, whether nobles or plebeians, emanates fiom tho community itself, directly or inlilrectly." We will conclude these quotations with an ex tiact from Compendium Salmaticense, a text book on ethics in its time in Catholic colleges and uni versities: "It Is universally admitted that princes recelvo this power (of ruling) from bod; but, at the same time, it is maintained with more truth that they do not receive 'it directly, but through the medium of the people's consent; for all men are naturally equal, and there is no natural dis tinction of superiority or Inferiority. Since nature has not yiven any individual power over another, God has conferred this power upon the community, which, a3 It may think proper, to be ruled by one or by many appointed persons." We submit that in view of these vigorous and exact statements, the proposition of Jefferson la the Declaration seems tame. Were all these Catholic theologians anar chists, and did they teach the principles of au archy? If not, then Jefferson did not. If we have devoted more time and space than the article we have commented on calls for, it is because we are in times when the public mind, in flated by commercial success and successful crim inal aggression, is on a common drunk, and under tho Malayan impulse to run amuck with swagger ing disregard to the time-honored principles im bedded in the Declaration and constitution; prin ciples that should be to us what the compass is to the mariner when his ship is in the fog; principles that stand as a bar to anarchy on the one hand, and government absolutelsm on the other. At such a time to weaken those pillars on which the grand structure of the republic rests is to play blind Samson over again, and invite his fate. M Poor Human Nature. "What would you do if you had a million, dollars?" said one plain, everyday man. "Oh," replied the otbor, "I suppose I'd put in most of my time comparing myself with soma one who" had 'a billlon-andi 'feeling discontented:''-1 Washington tan - ',, - . i j i