The Commoner. ii WANTCll AfiPNTC ,n n"f r n "family me" nAlHlJDl AUKW 1 J MORULA;" towl Ju tad auad oik. Addrtti Campbell & CO., Oil Plum St., IClgln, 111. Ktrpcr need lb. Automatta Fountain dill Id iuwmt, tut da; and night In winter. Booklet free. A. H. Co., 1311 lixoadwaj, Toledo, Old. Poultry CTARK best by tcst-74 Years. We B&AV CASH AJftftc aud want moro r-alesmcn. fTf I VillKlT 1KUOnfflvFffr ''TRK wimopwy. stark, Ha GAMP Vetting to September, lob for Bole, 1300 to 11,000. Tk! Blltrr. TmU, V6. biuret, i0. AMEIUCA WOULD CO., L. II. Uliui, I'reildent, Belmar, N. J. THENHAM tho PRINTER. Alexandria, Minn. GINSENG CHARLES M. BROWER, 1105 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y., Surviving Membor of Co. "F,,J First Hcpimont Now York Volunteers, Col. Ward B. Burnett's Bcfclmont, MEXICAN WAR. Tho Present address of all fcurviton of the MEXICAN WAR ia desired. S25.0O0.O0 FROM HALF AN ACRE: This is what 11 Missouri man mndo lRst year. Boo St. Louis R tpublic, Aug. 12th, 19(X). Easily grown, and hardy throughout tho Union. Staple In price as Wheat and Cotton. Prico has advanced for 25 .yearn. Wild supply on tho point of extermination. For complete book all about it. send 11) cents. Arthur C. Thompson, Hastings Bldg. Joplin,Mo. . E. DAWSON, CONSULTING ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Supplies Stenographers, Translations of Span ish, etc. 220 flaryland Ave., N. E., Washington, I). C. Cablo Address: EKTYP. Book on & Jacksonville Fire ACRES OF ASHES, tho story of tho Jackson yIIJo Flro, by Jndgo Benjamin Harrison, of tho Editorial Staff of tho Florida Times-Uniou and Citizen, is ready for tho printer. Tho introduc tory chapter by ox-Governor Flomiug. It is a complcto, accurato and graphic description of tho greatest conflagration in tho history of tho world siuco tho groat Chicago flro of 1871. It pictures acenes and incidents that aro heart rending: It is elaborately illustrated in half tone ougravings. Book of 200 pages for only 25 cents. Sont prepaid anywhere in the United States, bix copies for $1. Send your own order or get up a club at once. First edition limited. Addross Pnblishors ACRES OF ASHES, Jack sonville, Florida. Some Figures of Imports. "Washington, Juno 1C Frank H. Hltchock, chief of tho section of for eign markets of tho agricultural de partment, has prepared a bulletin showing tho sources of tho agricultural imports of tho United States for tho period from 1896 to 1900. It shows that the total value of agricultural produce imported into tho United States in 1900 was $420,139,288, that ytfar being the record year of the five. Tho annual averago was $376,3G9,3G8. Europe was decidedly tho most im portant source of agricultural imports, America taking from that country in 1900 $129,000,000 worth of farm pro ducts, being the largest in recent years, except in 1897, when $152,000,000 was received. Asia in 1900 sent $101,000,000 in agri cultural produce, a rapid riso from $66,000,000 in 1896. The farm produce imports from Oceauica also rose' rap idly, being $31,000,000 in iOOO, against $22,000,000 in 1896, while, on the other hand, there was a falling off of $2, 000,000 in imports of farm products from North American countries, there being $83,000,000 In 1900, against $85, 000,000 In 1895. The imports, however, in the three years preceding 1900 were larger than this. There was a big railing off in agricultural imports from South Amer ica, being $93,000,000 in 1896 and only $64,000,000 in 1899 and $66,000,000 in 1900. African farm produce Imports declined from $10,400,000 in 1896 to $6, 700,000 in 1898 and, rose again in 1900 to $10,600,000. - . . Brazil, owing to. its heavy coffee trade, holds the foremost placQ in the ranks of countries -sending coffee sup plies, her total for 190Q being $39,287,7 vmsM WrW Short bnd.Typewriting & Bokkeei specially designed for tho purpose. Our graduates nro ponulnr with liiiKinron Wl" Ta". orj il? wuntry nnd rendfly tecum BltSftitoiE nt good fag Largo Illustrated Catalojue Mailed Free. Write for it toiliiy and start right. P. L, fflusselman, Gam City Pusftisss Collogo, Ouinoy, life. 000. Imports from there, however, havo been steadily decreasing. In 1896 they were $60,668,000. The United Kingdom ranks noxt to Brazil with $32,606,000 worth of farm products ex ported to the United States in 1900, a gain over tho two immediately preced ing years, but a loss of $15,000,000 as compared with 1897.Chicago Chronicle. PATENT AND MECHANICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA FBKE! r kick j FRISK! FKKEI FIIK12 1 No inventor or mechanic should bo withouc it. Sent postpaid on request. KEYSTONE LAW & PATENT CO., 1151 Botz Building, Philaodlphia. Plots In South America. The recent statement in these col umns that differences among tho South American statos were probably being fomented by European nations Is in a fair way of being speedily veri fied. Sincov Venezuela became enraged at the United States over the Trini dad asphalt case her government has been flirting with Europe. A war ves sel of a European country was re cently discovered making soundings near tho island of Trinidad. The gov ernment of Colombia, which is very friendly to tho United State? and with other American republics, impressed with tho importance of maintaining the Monroe doctrine as tho only salva tion of tho Latin-American, republics, made some diplomatic protests to Venezuela and demanded an explana tion. Tho reply was that the conces sions were purely of a commercial na ture, not Involving tho fornlcrn crov- ernment officially, but only some of its citizens. The answer was in no wise satisfactory to tho Colombian government, "which is making prep arations to provent even the alleged commercial concessions, though it be necessary to uphold its contention by force of arms. Colombian troops Aro being concentrated on the border, and, considering tho excitable character of tho Venezuelans, a war is fairly In prospect. Interest Is added to tho situation by tho fact that tho com mander of tho Colombian army is an American and a graduate of West Point. Ho also, holds a commission as a general in the armies of tho other Central American states. In those dis putes or possiblo wars between the Latin-American states is a reminder that a severe test to the efficacy of tho Monroe doctrine is Impending in the not distant future. In tho mean time, let tho work on our battleships progress with all possiblo speed.- Denver News. Doubt. "I suppose," said tho admiring fatlter to his daughter just before graduation day, "that there aro very fow branches of human learning in which you do not feel well informed."' "Well," she confessed gently, "there is. ono subject on which I have some doubts. I don't quito know what to wear." Washington Star. JTUNTttrtt CASE GENTS OR LADIES SIZE FREE l0 fWl fcUJ ft WftU J?aJFmSz mJtTuMik fijS3K&aE( i.'d).ffiri -.. JT,4Vr?v.' h'xtij wrirn:icifi tg&S - .76. luM. tilt SUM WIND EXAMINATION Drmlll.iluMlonliirrln) Lteh litifll .jkti mm .... tfargaln. Bend jour ntmt twl tituiHitiet ad dre4,,tnd we will aend jou for rumination lkla AND r r .T Fi ltoul.t. IiuhMm a w0IISullrrDrr.4.ituilfii(ar tuv, i Mt. Uratt or lartle. Wt. But! ih rlthljr JrW4 vnn lid ruatBtel a eftrrt tltnk(c( er. vltb Ut( (o14d1Ui1 ebaln for liJI'l er Tfit chain far rente. If too cotiMrr II nual lo any 17 'joeleil tZi.OO rofil flllrf watch, warranted 0 jean, pa lb i iprr t r l f 3.76 and eirrrae clurju and lllijoura. Our ZOrar ruai-9 $ a4 will h w.f.h. If.nttan .If. MU , ., a.t,.a r a a aji r pj ra SJ5" JEWELRY CO, htpirti. bli 22aUearburntil.,Uiiago,l)l. THE JEFFERSONIAN CYCLOP EDIA EDITED BY JOHN P. FOLEY. One Thousand Pages A Storehouse of Wisdom for Speakers, Writers, Students and Thinkers. ia ! ' ' im i ii n w I i i. i i , i ., i , . i ,,., i.,M..,M , . . i - aw. n nana. i i i p i . .. ! , , ... n The contents are arranged under topics in alphabetical order. The volume aleo contains an exhaustive croBB-refercncc index, from which tho following representative extracts have been selected. A glance over these will partially show the immense scope and thoroughness of the work. HISTORICAL. Anti-Federalists. Alexander of Russia, Bacon's Rebellion, Berlin Decree, Bonaparte, Aaron Burr, Prance, Hartford Convention, Alexander Hamil ton, Patrick Henry, Louisiana, Mass., Shay's Re bellion, Cuba. SCIENCE, ART, EDUCATION, RELIGION. Agriculture, Art, Astronomy, Chemistry, Clas sical Learning, Gardening, C-eology, Grammar, History, Language, Christianity, Bigotry, Deity, Genius, Life, Mind, Happiness, Honesty, Immoral ity, The Soul, School?, Teachers, Science, Animals. LITERATURE. Literary Men, Reading, Books, Anglo-Saxon Language, Anonymous Writing, Cicero, Debate. SOCIOLOGY. Charity, Anarchy, Aristocracy, Arbitration, Centralization, Coinage, Health, Home, Corpora tions, Immigration, Land, Marriage, Infcmpornnce, Monopoly, Population, Panics, Newspapers, Op pression, The Poor, Trade, Mails, Convicts, Crim inals, Production, Agrarianism, Aliens, Bribery, Character, Cities, Courts, iK.mily,- Gambling, Im becility, Murder, Naturalization, Newspapers, Business, Census, Capital, Debt. GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Annexation, Boundaries, Consent o! the Gov-, erned, Constitution, Freedom, Judiciary, Interna tional Law, Monarchy, Parties, Patriotism, Recip rocity, Republic, Supreme Court, Territory, State Rights, Expansion, Foreign Alliances, Monroe Doctrine, Banks, Gold and Silver Ratios, Free Ships, Defense, Blockades, Bounties, Carrying Trade, Congress, Contraband of War, Favoritism, Federalism, Ministers, Peace, The President, Rev enue, Smuggling, Treasury, Treaties, National Banks, Embassadors, Bimetalism, Conquest, Pub lic Confidence, Diplomacy, Expatriation, Fllibus terism, Geographical Line::, Internal Improve ments, Invasion, Letters of Marque, Non-importation, Nullification, Slave Trade, Treason, Tyranny, The Cabinet, Democratic Societies, Itepublicanism. JEFFERSON'S NEWEST AND BEST MONU MENT. Editorial i The World, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1900: "Several monuments Lave been made to perpetuate the memory of Thomas Jefferson, but the newest and best is this Cy . pedla. Other monuments have preserved his physical characteristics. Hero we perceive his mind, his patriotic purpose, his wisdom, ills liberality, his toleration, his vision o. the true position of the icople in states, his 'largo discourses ot reason,' in short, all the moral and intellectual qualities that made him great." Price, carriage prepaid Cloth $7.50; Sheep, $10; Half Morocco, $12.50; Full Horocco, $15.00. SEND A COPY OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH YOUR ORDER TO FUNK & WAGNALLS CO., PUBLISHERS 30 Lafayette Place, New York. I receive nvmerous inquiries from persons who desire to secure Jefferson1 s works cvnd since the publication of the Jef fefsonian Cyclopedia I have taken pleasure in recommending it, I find it of great value and would not be without it, W. J. BRYAN. ;M5