The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 21, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    1V TVKiq pT-xrywpWi y 1
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The Commoner.
Seattle, Washington
European Plan. Rates $1.00 and upward. 225
rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finost Cafe in tho
northwest, noted for the peculiar excellence of
its Cuisine.
H. B. Dunbar, Prosidont and Manager
TIFUL SPECIMENS offerodpropaidtoagont.
Snap to start M. O. Bnsinoss for Collectors.
Single Specimens, 10 conts. F. Webb, 32 Board
of Trade, Phoenix, A. T.
TRENHAM tho PRINTER. Alexandria, Minn.
CHARLES M. BROWER, 1105 Bodford Aye.,
Brooklyn,' N. ., Surviving Mombor of Co. "F,'5
First Regiment Now York Volunteors. Col.
Ward B. Burnett's Rogiment, MEXICAN WAR.
The Present addross of all survivors of the
MEXICAN WAR is desired.
NEW TREATY opens Creek Nation (10c). Mng
azino, 250 pictures, 25c. Phoenix, Muskogeo. I.T.
fflmnWeoting June to Sept.. 1001. Lotsforsalo,
Wdllip$100.00. Amorica World Co., Bolmar, N.J.
ltlanfipCOAST: For Sale. Lots $100 to $1,000.
nilallllbAmorica World Co. Bolmar, N. J.
jCTARK bcby tcst-74 Years. We DAY MSI
dBcC and want more Balesrnen. Y f I wmaH
Month and .Expense; no experience
needed; position permanent; self-seller,
Fxaseaki. Co., 8 tat' u 5901nclnnatl, O.
The Only Democratic Representative
at the National Captital with a
National Circulation.
Political, Congressional.
General News,
Homo and Agricultural Departments
T Indorsed by the Chairman of the
Democratic National Gommittie
The people need such a paper now
more man at any otner period in
our history and should sustain it.
$1.00 A YEAR. "&""
Published once a week by the
Democratic National Publishing Co.,
1229 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.,
Explaining the
Decline in Prices
Farm Products,
Send Fifteen Cents and this adver
tisement to the author,
C. 6. BULLOCK, Lincoln, Neb.
ligent and self-governing people do not
approve and "will not ratify any such
radical and revolutionary doctrines as
scribed to by those who applauded
him. Texas is not, and has never been,
unfriendly to foreign capital. She
makes no distinction between foreign
and home capital. When a man or a
corporation comes to this state to do
business or to invest in our resources
he or it does so as a Texan, subject to
all our laws, respectful to all our pol
icies, loyal to all our institutions, and
not one whit batter or more to be fav
ored than any other person or inter
est represented in our composite and
cosmopolitan citizenship.
"One more word in conclusion. All
tho speakers at these receptions and
.banquets tendered the distinguished
New Yorkers are unanimous in ascrib
ing the evils of legislative restriction
and political agitation to the pernic
ious activity of tho 'politician and the
demagogue,' and the millenlutn of tho
commercial and corporate interests is
prophesied when the era of the dema
gogue shall have ended. It would fur
nish a curious and instructive study in
comparative philosophy to investigate
the origin and development of theso
mysterious and significant words. I
'cannot go into it now, but the most
careful and comprehensive study I
have been able to make of the subject
convinces mo that the modern com
mercialist has evolved a very definite
and terrible meaning from what was
once a meritorious and laudable voca
tion. Acording to his ideas, the poli
tician is a man who has studied the
history of civil and political institu
tions, who believes that there are cer
tain great and fundamental ideas of
liberty, justice and equality that no
government claiming to be free should
or can ignore; that the preservation
and perpetuation of those principles
are more valuable than mere indus
trial activity or commercial prosperity,
and that the man who seeks to main
tain and defend them is In some degree
a benefactor of his race, aside from
his .mere personal preferment. Accord
ing to the commercial vocabulary, a
man who seeks to warn the people in
public against the violation, of the
great and fundamental doctrines of
popular freedom, who advocates on
the rostrum or in campaigns the idea
that this is a government of tho
masses, and not a machine for the en
richment of the classes, and who per
sistently and, perhaps, violently in
sists that the rights of manhood and
morality are paramount to the privil
eges of wealth and the prerogatives of
incorporated capital, is a demagogue.
That is the sum and substance of all
the invectives that have been leveled
at the politician and the demagogue by
the modern apostle of the corporate
and commercial' school of philosophy)
and it was fully- exemplified by all the
prominent speakers of the recent New
York visiting delegation and most of
their entertainers. The first great
demagogue in history was the great
Athenian orator and patriot, Demos
thenes. The title was conferred upon
him in recognition of his inestimable
services in preserving the liberties and
independence of his people. He ac
cepted it without remorse, wore it
without shame, and his splendid de
monstration of its true meaning is one
of the noblest lessons of Grecian his
tory. On one occasion, at the very
crisis of his heroic struggle for his
people's rights, King Phillip of Mace
don, who was seeking tha enslavement
of Athens, sent a message to the Ath
enian senate that the only obstacle in
the way of a peaceful and satisfactory
settlement of the differences between
them was the interefernce and tho
clamor of their orators and dema
gogues. 'Get rid of Demosthenes and
your other demagogues,' he said, 'and
we will have no trouble.' A committee
from the senate waited upon Demos
thenes and reported to him King Phil
lip's message. The heroic and vener
able patriot replied to them as fol
lows: 'There is an ancient fable of
our early times to tho effect that when
the ancestors of the Athenian people
wero yet shepherds tending their flocks
upon tho hills and tho animals of tho
forest had not yet ceased to communi
cate with men, tho wolves were very
deatructivo to tho flocks of theso prim
itive herders, and they kept trained
dogs to guard their sheep by day and
their folds by night. At last a dele
gation of wolves waited upon theso
shepherds and said to them: "There
is no use for all this quarrel between
us; wo ought to be at peace, and if
you will only take away your shepherd
dogs there will be no trouble between
us; they keep up such idle and vicious
howling and barking all night that it
creates a commotion and all tho ill
feeling that exists between tho wolves
and the shepherds. The shepherds
consulted together and concluded to
keep their dogs.' Tho committee of the
senate retired satisfied, and tho Ath
enian people did not depose their ora
tors and demagogues."
A special dispatqh to tho World-Herald
from Rawlins, Wyoming, says: The
first sales of wool under the sealed bid
plan were made here yesterday as fol
lows: P. J. Dunn, 22,000 pounds at 10
cents, to Whitman, Farnsworth &
Thayer, Boston; Rendlo & Rusk, 26,000
pounds at 10 cents, to Kosland &
Co., Boston; Osborne Live Stock com
pany, 165,000 pounds at 11 cents, to
Kosland & Co., Boston.
A portion of this clip, 93,000 pounds,
was held over from last year. At one
time tho company was offered 15 cents
for it, but held for 16 cents.
A little Irl went out to play ono day
in the fresh, now snow, and when she
camo in sho said: "Mamma, I couldn't
help praying when I was out at play."
"What did you pray for, my dear?"
"I prayed the snow prayer, mamma,
that I heard in Sunday school." "The
snow praycrl What do you mean, Ht
tlo one?" "I mean tho beautiful snow
prayer in tho Bible, mamma. You
know it says, 'Wash mo and I shall
bo whiter than snow.'"
Dolly is a firm believer in the all
wise and all-seeking power of her
Creator, but sho is also a most de
voted mother to a family of six bisque
and kid waxen babies. On Sunday
morning tho nurse camo homo from
church and found Dolly busily pressing
out a doll's dress with a toy flat-iron.
Nurso fixed her charge with a stern,
j-reproving eye. "This is Sunday," sho
saiajust as If Dolly didn't know the
dullest day of tho seven. "You should
not labor on tho Lord's day." Dolly
lifted a pink face and smiled serenely.
"God knows this little iron isn't hot,"
sho said. Current Literature.
?40fr &
Kellogg Building, 1416 F trt,
PlrUlflQ MrUlMh Pth F VMM bf Mijlnf Alntt tnm
I IUIJU0 (hefetorr, Kail rrlWr n (ppllaUfea. I). Y. Wt
0e and klMroomi 310 Koulb ViiUUn Bt ftda; !C-3C8-S70 JtBuf
BUt l)uffl, N. If,
, r
Boor Tlglitly Closed.
Door Being Open4.
The Ehret Fastener
and other doors, is the ONLY
fastener in the world that will
Close Any Gold Storage Door
TIGHT, and open any TIGHT
Cold Storage door from Inside
and Outside Alike.
29 Congress St.,
Mention The Coxmoxer.
4tf Ounce Cao, Solid Alaska Silver, Gold
Inlaid, Beautifully nand Engraved, in appearance,
finish, and wearing aualities eaual to aut cola silver ou. Itl rnm
face, screw tack and screw bezel, dust proof, heavy French crystal,
wgniy pousnea ana studied.
ted to ew pounds (train,
Bpie- JBh m
Bfbbbbbbbbu7Jb auaPBaVnw tei
Pactdty Offer.
Cut this out.
nundcttructlble. Movctiitnt full t u.i ..i.t.
train, expensioa UUaee, etc tu wind, and stem set,
f"j icKiuwa ana ad
Jntu,a thoroughly reliable
and Accurate lime Keeper.
XKAJttS. fio better
watch for railroad
men, Farm ert, Me
chanics, LaUterv,
etc. A watch of this
kind will last era
lifetime, and you
have al wa) s Uie ccr
net time. JIiU is an
honest watch, worth
a dozen of the cheap
brass watches as ad
vertised br oilier
firms at a higher
price than we axle
for this wateh. To reader
of this pap" sending ccro
nonwe wtllsend atFactonr
Price. Oar profit U only 25c on this Watch, bat we sdl hundred ererr day, while a small dealer makes U or It prom on eacii.
QCMH Iff! UMJEV j your name, address and nearest express office, men- MIB DIQV Wll TRW If you find it as
OLnU HU MUrl LI Won Watch No. &. and we wiU send you the watch on UUll UloK examination. represented and
equal to any watch sold by any dealer for M then pay Express Agent oar Special offer price $3.25 nd express eharges.otherwue not a
cent. If yea live too far beta express office we can send by mall under iruarantee of safe delivery if you send tl.10 cash with order.
This offer w useqaaled by any other Wateh manufacturer in America. We guarantee etery watch to give fall satisf eetion or jef and
your Money. If prefer a watch with gennine GM Filled Case, guarantied for 20 year, instead of Alaska Silver, we can rv"
it to you with the same movement for MO jewelers charge twice as much. It you want any aind of a Watch or Jewelry bay direct
from Factory aad send tor our FACTORY FMCE Catalogue, We save you money.
K.I1NO HARVARD CO., 1-4-n Fifth Ave,, 1Q, CHICAGO.
l t