pr- wnr?nf2fW3g!ifywWKv4gmY frjr'pt m !,9in.H'rm"- :r:r&-"rFiff::'wK?l-V"'f - jytrer'nwawfrm p'nupio "f'-&"(lfeTty'1P! 'Vyy1"" . I' I,"1' w i&r ' V; Itemsiof Interest. i There are 732 Salvation Army corps In the United States. The King of Denmark celebrated his 80th birthday April 8th. In England 232,821 women and 147,245 men are employed in cotton factories. Five wire and glass companies have united under a capital stock of $1,500,000. Tuberculosis is responsible for 10 per cent of the- deaths among Maryland negroes. General Chafee has announced that the Ameri can troops will evacuate China by May 1st. Sidney, Australia, kitchens are generally on the top floor. Clothes are dried on the roof. A delver into history has found more than 250 references to Shakespeare by his contemporaries. At Capetown the bubonic plague has developed and many persons have already perished from the dread disease. A rebellion is on in Mongolia. Goneral Tung Fuh Siang and Prince Tuan are said to be the lead ers in the revolt. The Massachusetts legislature has refused to pass a law permitting the playing of golf and other sports .pn Sunday. Miss Josephine Newcomb, who recently died in New York, bequeathed $3,000,000 to Tulane Uni versity at New Orleans. It is said that the Mississippi river levee sys " tem has resulted in raising the channel of river above the surrounding country. Mormons declare that the organ now being placed in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake City is the finest in the world. It will cost $120,000. Peru has adopted a new military law. Every raale citizen is liable to compulsory military ser vice between the ages of 19 and 50 years. ' E. P. Gaus of Williams county, Ohio, is now a v believer in forestry. The other day he sold a black walnut tree standing on his place for $4,000. A California judge has decided that smoking cigarettes is good ground for a divorce that is, if the wife smokes them and the husband objects. Visitors are so numerous on the Buffalo expo sition grounds that the workmen are being hamp ered. Sometimes as many as 15,000 visitors are on 'hand. A number of gas light, traction and water power companies throughout the United States have combined with an estimated capital of $35, C00.000. New York is setting a new model for sky scrapers. The latest one. goes up into the air sixteen stories and down into the earth four stories. A conference was recently held at Pittsburg for the purpose of forming a combination of all in dependent furnace men with a capital stock of ,$12,000,000. Famine is reported in various provinces of the Chinese empire. In one place it is estimated that three thousand persons are dying daily from starvation. In Arkansas it is proposed to license all who want to drink liquor. It will be illegal to sell to a .customer who cannot show a "drinker's license," which is to cost $5. t A large number of mills and factories in New England havebeen closed because of the floods. At Lawrence, Mass., 20,000 persons are in idleness because of these disasters. The postofllce department has decided to allow letter carriers to discard their hot coats in summer and wear blouses or shirt waists, provided each city's carriers adopt a uniform style. Miss Anna Lyle, of Philadelphia, recently cele brated the completion of the 50th consecutive year The Commoner. of her service as a public school teacher. Miss Lyle is 65 years of age and began teaching at the oge df 15 years. Three generations of her pupils were the guests of Miss Lyle on her 50th anni versary. Kansas and Nebraska are .running a unique race. Each claims the lowest percentage of il literacy of any state in the union, or in any other country on the globe, Belgium alone excepted. Henry J. Eaton, chief of the Hartford, Conn., Are department, recently celebrated the 50th an niversary of his connection with the fire fighters department of Hartford. For 33 years he has been chief. Members .of the next congress will sit at new desks. Most of the old members have bought the desks they used in the last congress, agreeing to pay the average price realized from the sale of the others. James It. Campbell, former democratic con gressman from the 20th Illinois district, who took the stump for the republican ticket in the cam paign of 1900, has been made a brigadier general of volunteers. Miss Elvira Sydnor Miller has been appointed passenger agent of the Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis railway. Miss Miller is a newspaper woman and is the first of her sex to occupy this Important railroad position. Dr. James Sanford of Bennington, Vermont, has practised medicine in this country for sixty years. Within a few days he will celebrate his 85th birthday, and yet he Is engaged in the active practice of his profession. . The birth rate of Milwaukee, exceeds by 20 per cent any other city of equal size in the United States. In Milwaukee the births average 26.28 per L000 population. In Detroit, a city of practically the same size, the birth rate is only 11.97 per 1,000 population. Judge Dixon of the New Jersey court of ap peals recently delivered an opinion in which he held that a stockholder of any industrial com bination incorporated in New Jersey may restrain the issue of stock, if it Is in excess of the real value of the property. On April 8th the secretary of state delivered to the Mexican ambassador a draft for $2,000, paid "Out of humane consideration, and without ref erence to the question of liability," as indemnity to the heirs of a Mexican citizen who was lynched in La Salle county, Texas, in 1895. As a result of negotiations between Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and the Canadian minister of agriculture an agreement has been reached be tween the two administrations by which Canada is to have a veterinarian stationed in England to test for tuberculosis all British cattle shipped to this country via Canada. Dr. W. H. McEvers, i veterinary surgeon of Chicago, recently delivered a lecture on the horse. Dr. McEvers pleads for better care of the horse. He says the loads should be in accordance with the strngth'of the animal drawing them. He declared that 3,000 pounds was enough for any horse to haul. Minister Loomis, the American representative to Venezuela, has arrived in Washington for the purpose of giving the state department informa tion concerning Venezuelan affairs. Recently the United States protested against the arrest of a Danish subject by the Venezuelan government. The protest was ignored. The asphalt controversy is perhaps the most conspicuous of the differences between this country and Venezuela, and it is ex pected that a serious discussion between the repre sentatives of the two governments will follow. The Chicago Tribune gives the details of a new invention, the purpose of which is to save life at sea. The Tribune says: "Captain Bolt, a master mariner of Newcastle, England, lias invented a new form of deckhouse, or life saving cabin, which, in cases of sudden founderlngs from collisions or wreckage, will with the turn of a wheel, float oft! tho doomed vessel In its entirety and ride the wa ters like any other ship. Captain Bolt's new in vention has received tho approval of the Trinity House. In the cabin arc berths and seats and storage places where water and provisions are al ways kept. The only thing that remains to be dene when the ship strikes a rock Is to collect all the passengers and crew within the deck house." A dispatch from El Paso, Tex., to the Chicago Tribune says: "Another lot of Porto RIcans passed through here today, en route for the Sand wich Islands. There were two trainloads, contain ing nearly 1,000 of the most poverty-stricken that have yet been shipped to Hawaii. Some had died on tho Journey and many others were in a dying condition when the train left El Paso. Nearly every one of the party had dysentery, and many had succuml"" to this disease. They were careful ly guarded and not allowed to get off the platforms of the cars." The London County Council hns decidod to buy 225 acres of land on which to build work men's houses to accommodate 42,000 persons. The cost will be 1,500,000. The nouses will be erected in Tottenham, a northeastern suburb of London, where considerable building land Is available. It is proposed to erect 5,770 cottages, accommodating 42,500 persons. Tho rents will range from six shill ings a week for a cottage of three rooms and a kitchen to half a guinea for five rooms and kitchen. Workmen can obtain railway tickets in this dis trict at one-fourth the ordinary fares. The scheme does not involve a removal of the London slums. It only touches the slum problem Indirectly, but the tenants of the slums will succeed to the tene ments vacated by those who occupy the new cot tages. The plan, once started, will be self-supporting and probably will pay a small dividend. A student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has been stricken with a strange disease, wh'ich some have diagnosed as the bubonic plague. Dr. Frederick Novy, the expert Jn bacteriology, when interviewed on the possibilitlegijOf the case said: "I am as yet in a quandary,(a o the exact nature of the disease. Indeed, it Is an extremely puzzling one to diagnose accurately,- I -am experi menting in the bacteriological laboratory since the case came under my notice, but as yet have come to no definite conclusion. I am obliged to treat small animals with the germs which I have cultured from the blood of the patient, and as soon as sufficient evidence has been adduced by these means I will give out a full statement of the facts. Barring one symptom, I would pronounce the case -the 'black death.' Under ordinary conditions, however, Its victims are subject to a scorching fever or, at least, on extremely high temperature." The Chicago Tribune presents some interesting figures on the growth of divorce In the United States as follows: In 1870 3 per cent of all mar riages in the United States ended in divorce courts. In 1881 the percentage had risen to 4.8. In 1890 It was 6.2, and in 1900 It was 8 per cent. In other words, the percentage of divorces to marriages in this country has more than doubled since 1870. The total number of divorces in the United States for a given year was 23,427. During the same year 20,111 divorces were granted in all tne world out side of the United States. There was an excess of 3,361 divorces In this country as compared with the remainder of the world. Of foreign 'countries the smallest number of divorces in the'gfven year was in Canada, where only twelve were granted. Next to the United States the largest number was in France, with 6,245 in the year. Germany was a close second with only 100 less. From a religious standpoint there are about 73 divorces to every 100,000 Catholics, while divorces for the same total unong Protestants are 283. More than 40 per cent of all divorces granted in the United States Is on the ground of desertion, and divorces are five times as frequent in the city as in the country districts. 11 i M'y I M m m ill