VT. "J' T F, i- WSHsS"? t ww " r --jwmtwjw 3,-7wr- n-- is 7!?Kr,n-T ,, n ,.y!"- ' '' -r ijjr7''i''--riVivrT- " 7 "" )Kpr'T'-'''w"'' fil'f The Commoner. Issued lAee-k-ly. Torms -Payablo in Aclvanco, OnoYoar '. $1.00 Six Months 60 Throo Months 26 Singlo OopyAt Ncwstands or at this Office 05 No Traveling Canvassers Are Employed. Subscriptions can be sent direct to Tub Commoner. They can also be sent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through precinct agents where such agents have been appointed. Ail remittances should be sent by postofficc order, express order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or money. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska. The Commoner. sent him as begging the senator from New, York to become a member of the cabinet. Even Mr. Harrison's enemies give him credit for better judgment than that. $$ Doubtless Russia will point out the fact that if the nations had followed her plans at the peace conference there would not now bo any Manchurian trouble to deal with. Those who have noted the mis-government of American municipalities will appreciate the ad ministration's declaration that Americans must teach Cubans the art of self-government. The promising young railroad official who suggests that it would be well to let the railroads own and operate the postal system seems to over look the fact that the railroads arc getting all the profits now. Entered at the poslofliceat Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. The stencil system employed in Tins Com moner office is now completed. The address of each regular subscriber, as it appears on the books, also the date showing the month and year when the subscription expires, will be found on the wrapper. Subscribers will please give notice of any mistake in present address or of any de sired change in address. The St. Louis Fair Board of Commissioners threatens to be a regular ox-senatorial body. The Philippine situation continues so pacific that the rush to get reinforcements over there threatens to embarass the transport service. President Hadley went to Boston to deliver his speech against trusts. JTo was wise in getting as far away from Stanford University as poss.iblc. $ Great Britain continues to hold that the Clay-lon-Bulwer treaty is in force whenever it suits Great Britain to demand its enforcement. Possibly the transcontinental lines oppose the Niearaugua Canal for fear it will require so much water that none will bo left for railroad stock. M A man who would oponly advocate the break ing of a solemn political plcdgo may boast of his business integrity, but it would bo just as well to watch him. If Mr. Conger does enter the gubernatorial race in Iowa he is likely to find that the seigo of Pokin is mild in comparison with a skirmish with Perkins, Cummings, ot al. $ Experience is teaching some new lessons. Delaware, for instance, finds that "consent of the governed" is not sufficient in a senatorial contest. Consent of the gas company must also bo secured. According to the dictionary of the reorgan izes, a democrat is a man who votes the republi can ticket in national campaigns, but is generous enough to allow democrats to vote for him in a municipal campaign. Up to the present time the transcontinental railroads have not shed any great amount of tears over the failure of the Nicaragua canal. The transcontinental roads can stand that sort of afflic tion with great fortitude. It sho'uld be remembered, in connection with the Boer war for independence, that it took the Revolutionary fathers eight years to win, and there were times when their cause seemed about as hopeless as the Boer cause does now. "It looks as if force and greed rule the Avorld," said Mr. Harrison the night before he was stricken with fatal illness. This was not a benediction, it was an indictment of the imperialism which is carrying the two leading nations of the world back toward the dark ages. The Duchess of Marlborough has, honored herself and the country of her birth by refusing to dine with the Prince of Monaco because of his connection with Monte Carlo. If society be gins to ostracize the high toned gamblers who make Iheir living by the ordinary games of chance, there is hope that the market speculators who play with loaded dice may yet become unpopular. The Pan American Exposition at Buffalo promises to be the most beautiful and artistic yet held. The grounds are laid out on a magnificent scale, the buildings are attractive in their style of architecture and the colors employed in ornamen tation break the monotony that was noticeable a(v the "White City.''- The failure of Congress to make the additional appropriation asked for will not interfere with the success of the enterprise. Senator Dopow, by boasting of Mr. Harrison's high opinion of him, shows that he has little rev erence for the memory of the late ex-President. It is no complicant to the dead statesman, how pvor gratifying to Mr. Depew's vanity, to ropre- John Sherman, the greatest financier in the republican party, repudiated the Philippine policy of his party; Benjamin Harrison, the last repub lican president before McKinley, repudiated the Philippine policy of his party; Thomas B. Reed, the most distinguished republican out of office has repudiated the Philippine, policy of his party. These things might disturb the President, but for the fact that Mr. Hanna is ever near and keeps the finger of destiny pointed toward the Orient. It appears that the trusts were very well satis fied with Mr. John Griggs, of New Jersey. At any rate Mr. Griggs, of New Jersey, will remain in the cabinet for a time. It may be that Mr. Knox, of Pittsburg, did not have his trust busi ness in shape to turn over to a successor. . The President has announced that he will go to San Francisco soon to witness the launching of a battleship. There is, still work for the peace society when the chief executive of a great nation travels across the continent to celebrate the completion of an engine of destruction. President Lincoln said that labor deserved much higher consideration than capital. Mr. Carnegie says that labor and capital deserve equal consideration. It is quite a step from the doc trine of Lincoln to the doctrine of Carnegie, but the Hanna doctrine is still "worse for it puts capi tal first and labor nowhere. The news that Uncle Russell Sage has lost some money wilL not start people to searching for it. It takes something more than the likeli hood of finding a penny to induce people to grovel in the slime of New York streets. But that's what Uncle Russ gets for investing in $8.49 suits. The pockets are never good. ' General MacArthur offers to trade a Filipino prisoner for each rifle turned over by a Filipino insurgent. Before making such offers MacArthur should tighten the censorship. It is annoying to have people asking how insurgents can be per suaded to give up their rifles when according to the MacArthur reports there are no insurgents. After listening to all the praise bestowed upon Senator Carter for his having talked the river and harbor bill to death it is humiliatinor to learn that he did not do it through patriotic motives, but because the managers of the bill would not in elude an appropriation for the building of store age reservoirs in Senator Carter's section of the country. If Mr.-Wells is, by any chance, elected mayor of St. Louis, the Fair Commissioners should pro vide a booth (preferably in machinery hall) where he can be exhibited daily. The loyal democrats of Missouri, Illinois and the surrounding states will be interested in fleeing a man who is so fas cinating that he can be elected upon a democratic ticket without severing his connection with re publican principles. The republican governor of Utah has acted in the interest of the Mormon Church as well as in the interest of the Gentile population of his state, in vetoing the bill which was intended to prevent the prosecution of persons guilty of polygamy. The practice of polygamy, at one time endorsed by the Mormon Church, is now renounced by the church and prohibited by statute. It is not sur prising that there are occasional violations of the law, but these will become less and less as the " ' .:' yirijA-iA