The journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1888, September 13, 1888, Image 4

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a Hum
Will pnu-tu-e before all courts and tin? '
'nited States land office.
Busiiiess entrusted t. uiv catv will re
grieve prompt attention.
pool and Shoe Maker,
pit-rit door north Rank Of Harrison.
Tlie western farmer proposes to have
jometliing to suy about extortionate rail
way freights, when certain corHr.itions
jieek to earn fat dividends oo stock water
rt! several times isactua', cus. Thus
jlte Farmers' Alliance" of Minnesota
iias submitted a tk;cai,alion to the rail
j'oad commissioners making the jxiint
tliat, as the average cost of single track
railroads in the fciate does not exceed
J20,O0Q a mile, hence rates for fieirht
tind passengers should cover only a, reas
onable interest of the actual cost, tofi?t li
ft wit h operating and maintenance ex
penses. Again, the Alliance submit
hiat there should be no discrimination
in railroad fates, in favor of large cities
and against small places; also that the
shipper must have the right to choose
jiis market and route to market, without
fjie arbitrary dictation of any railroad
jomiiany. The farmers recognize the
great value of railroads, and are willing
o assist in. earning a fair rate of interest
pn capital actually invested. They do
object to anv system of railway tariff
based on an attempt to earn di videos on
jctitious capitalizations. American Cul
1. Get the news and a!l the news and
Nothing but the news. ,
, 2. Copy nothing from any one's pub
lication without perfect credit.
3. Never print an interview without
the knowl-dge and consent of the party
4. Never pi
a paid advLrtisment
as news mi, Iter,
ment upiienr as
Let every advertise-
on advertisement no
u o-li' false colors.
' feasetes! either by argument, by invect
ive, or by ridicule, unless there is some
absolute public necessity for so doing.
6. Fight for your opinonis, but don't
believe they contain the whole truth or
the only truth.
7- Support vour party if vou have
one, but don't think all the good men art
in it and oil the bad ones outside of it.
8. Above oil, know and lielieve that
humanity is advar.cing.jind that there i.
progress in human life and in human af
fairs, and that as sure as God lives the
future will be greater and bette than
the present or the post. Clias. A, i ana.
! 'o you know that j have known men
who would trust their wives with their
hearts and their honor, but not . their
pocket-books not with a dollar? When
I see a man of this kind I always think
he knows which of these articles is the
most valuable, think ol making vour
wife a beggar! Think of her having to
ask you every day for a dollar, or two
dollars, or for fifty cents. "What did
you do with that dollar I gave you last
weeicr lnink ot having a wile who is
afraid of you. What kind of children do
you expect to have with a beggar and a
coward for their mother? Ex.
-Buhserilie For
tbtt people' pmif r..
j THE SloVX l tiUNTY
' 0
Fresh fruit at tlie restaurant.
Cora for sale at the Lumtier Yard.
Mrtilsat all liocirs at tlie restaurant
only '-V.
Mr. Thomas Hollv trave us a call last
Clias. W. Shentierd c;.me to lLirrisou
The M nickle ci'-ais are Mild at tlie
Ifr John Herman was in from Jim
cret-k yesterday.
Mis Derail, from tl- valley, is visitiui;
at lh Northwestern hotel.
fi.. to R'rtell's restaurant nml liiikery
for fresii bivad. pies and cakes,
Mr. Fiwl. Knott of the B.k1,o
try (a'jleil Saturday. Call :igsiiii.
ill T.,ili-iiliaiint cane to town Satur
day, iayiiiga visit to our mercliauts.
Ir. J. it. Morris a ml Mr..S. W. Hall
have threshed their oats .Yield good.
Mr. ni-d Mi-s. Rickanl came to town
Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs .I'fost.
Mr. Henrv Bnui.lcige, of the ujiper 33
much, is hiiiilhi- his winter supply of
Conrad Lindrnmn will commence the
erec tion of a new dwcllinir. in town, for
himself and family.
Theo. Pieckeybrock came up from
Montrose thursdav to look after tlie int-
cnMii .if ilio li'id"e :ii tliat nlace.
V The petition of the elo toi-s of Harri
son for a special election, was accepted
by the towp Boa;l and approved
D. IL (irisvvold and C. H. Amhvws
took the train for t!! west last Tuesday
evening and returned Wednesilay.
Farmers, when you nre in the city
call on us. We will !e glad to meet
you and make your acquaintance.
Mr Ed Remsburg came up from his
ranch last Friday morning driving a fine
young colt. Ed. raises good horn's.
Mr. Albert Hart's blacksmith shop is
completed. Mr. Hart is a good siiiiVn.
See his business card intt..;libf column.
Charley Brooks was in from the valley
recentlv. He is putting up 12 i tons of
lay. Charles is fretting tliere with both
Mr. Henry Wertz came in from Mr.
Cook's ranch Thursdav atrcP-yflniinenced
work in the wood shop of Mr. Tubbs'
Novelty Works.
K At the meeting of the town Board last
evening, J. F. Pfost was appointed to
till the vacancy caused by tiie resigna
tion of John Culp.
Mr. Wilcox, one of Monroe creeks sul-
stantial farmers, came up to Harrison
Monday. Mr. Wilcox has some of the
best stock in Sioux county.
Mr. John Plunkett, one of the solid
and honest grangers of Sioux county,
gave this office a pleasant call Saturday.
He reports all well in his section.
Our regular paper head and a part of
the display and bodv tvpe failed to ar
rive in time to be used in this issue. We
expect it to be here before (iext week
John Messing and Joseph Sachriet
came up from Platte county this stale,
friends of Uphoff and Wassenbnr;.vr,
on Saturday's train looking for laud.
The petition being circulated for the
purpose of calling a sjiecial election to
vote a bond for water works should 1a
signed by all who are interested in tlie fu
ture of our city.
J. H. Barron, of the New Hampshire
cattle comjiany, has gone east for a
month. The Clipper is authority for
the statement that on his return he will
remove his oflice from Lusk to Craw
ford. Samples of brick from tlie kiln on
Spring creek, may lie seen in front of the
Bank of Harrison. Geo. Klein lias fully
demonstrated that good, first class brick
;an be made. Geo. has had lots of ex
perience. Mr. F. M. Smith requests us to an
nounce to the Old Soldiers of Sioux coun
ty that at the reunion on September 19,
there will be a camp lire in th evening.
Bring your bed and rations for a three
days meeting.
All accounts of the Buffalo Gap 'Lum
ber Company, made prior to August 15,
will lie put in an attorney's liands for
collection if not settled by cash or note
by Oct ober 1st.
O. Gt'THlUE, Slanager.
Mr. John Bartell and ye editor took a
trip to the valley Sunday afternoon and
visited among others, Mr. Thomas'
place. The effects of the liaifon a mrt
of the crops are yet visible, but the po
tatoes and cane are doing fine and if only
allowed by the frost will be a good crop
as well as many pther things,
Mr. Barker and bis assistants have
completed the survey of tlie proposed
new road to tlie valley, down as fur as
Mr Tietzr's house. It starts ton of the
grade on the northwest corner of sec tion
23 and runs a few rods over a mile and a
lialf at the even Krade of 100 feet to the
mile, or six inc lies to the rod. The road
can lie easily built with plows and scra
pers. Mr Barker will continue the sur
vey further down the canyon and ex
pects tlie grade in no pln to be more
hm mtdi.of.lJjPfeetp the mile..
R. K. Post is liaving a dwelling built. I
Frank Simons paid a visit to his daiin i
Friday. ' j
J W. Ernest was in from his ranch
Mr. Satterlee lias a new liarn just
Harrison Beans came up from the Val
ley last week.
For a good stove of" any kind go to
J. Cook came up fi:m his ranch on
Riming wati-r Wedn-sday.
The new shingle mill for Isaac Ken
dall arrived on Wednesday.
Jacob Die kson brought a fine load of
melons to town la. week.
Mr. and Mrs! Martin Schonebaum
were in Harrison Saturday. I
Mr. Elien Cowlisliaw, of Indian creek,
visited this place last week.
Uncle Joe Benwav brought nice lot
of vegetables to town last week.
The first kiln of brick for the court
house is about ready lor Ueinei .
Wliat do the farmers of Sioux county !
sav to a farmer's union Harvc-t I lemc.'
Mr. John F. Schultz came to Harrison !
Wednesday from his home in the valley.
Thos. Iteidy uses no bridle on his horse
for the ponv knows wli-re to go wmiom
Mr. H. M. Wariieke is having a cistern
built on the south side of his store tiuilil-
Mr. John Hunt, one of Antelojie creek's
substantial farmers, was in town last
A Walter A. Wood mower on three
ears time at Win. Christensi-n's. hid
vou ever:
Chas. E. Verity has let the contract
for the completion of lis residence, 'Mr.
Tubbs has it.
Rey. Father Engelliert Schmit. came
in from Montrose Monday, and left in
the afternoon for Chaclron.
Miss Minnie Thomas commenced her
thin! term of school aj, No. 2, near An
drews, on Monday of last week.
There is plenty of water in the awn
well now and all tliat is required is a
pump that wil bring it to the surface.
Mr. D. P. Davis, proxy to the Republi
can Senatorial and Representative con
ventions, arrived home on last Friday's
Theo. Trimbur has fallen into the hall
it of taking long drives soulliwurd, and
generally comes home with a smile on
his countenance.
We want a corresjxindent in every pre
cinct in tlie county to write us niat
ters of jiublic importance and of general
interest to the people.
Rev. L H, Skinner weiit tijo Man-
ville and Douglass Saturday, where his
lalxirs for another year will lie. under the
offices of the M. E. Board of Missions.
Messrs Barker, Christenseii.
anil eller paid a visit to Mr. alker s
mruli Sunday, they were treated to a,
bountiful supply of water' melons and I
musk melons, of whic h Walker has
fine large yield.
All parties indebted to the firm of
C. !
l,. i tinos oi tne iNoveity work's, are
riKtH,,.n,Ki.i.i. .1... oc
1 "'
T ......11 1 .,
oi cjuiooer as i am irouoieu witn me
shorts. ;
C. L. TfUlK
Mr. and Mrs. Brundridge are makin;
arragementi to take a trip to Wisconsin
to visit Mr. Brundridge' parents and oth
er relatives and friends. They exjieet to
leave next Wednesday or Thursday, and
the Jot'kNAL wishes them a jileasant
,Rev. I. IL Skinner did some good work
last week in the way of solic iting sub
scriptions to liquidate the indebtedness
on the Church, and succeeded in raising
nearly four hundred dollars, leaving on
ly a little over one hundred vet to be
Among the parties from the valley at
Harrison Tuesday we noticed Mr. Zerbe
and wife, Mr. F. M. Smith and wife, Mrs.
Bixby, Mrs. Mitchel and Miss Hartcassel.
f xr;..i, Aj m:.... ir..j. ....
i-im. .iiLvnn uuu jiiw iiancassei lelt on
the afternoon train for Nevada, Storey
Co,, Iowa, their home.
Mr. W. R, Smith and family, Mr. J.
McBride and family, and Mr. G. W. Hes
ter and family left Greenfield, Iowa, last
week enroute for this place. The outfit
comprises six teams, and tliey expect to
be about four weeks on the road. . Mr.
Smith has a claim about five miles south
of liere and Mr. Hester has one or u. ,re
in the valley north west of Harrison.
Tlie festival at the Church last Fiday
evening was a most pleasant occasion.
The ice ream and cakes were enjoyed
by all, and the evening agreeably snt
in sociable conversation, in singing and
in flaying at lively games, it is to lie
hojied tliat the occasion was the liegin
ing of a new and better condition of soci
ability in Harrison. Tlie ladies who en
jrioeetwl the atjair. deserve aj&t,
n. Horitv Harrison, Deb
' -fiiibscril' For
Tin- jiK'ple's per.
Some d-em it quite an honor just to I
fm. of il -first settlers in tlie town:
. i . iit ..ttlcr. tlioil''h. it seems to
ilie pc.-i ui
Is he Jhat pays ,as!' down.-Jiidre.
A dan- e this evening at Mr. BoUnd's.
Finest calf ioot and shoes made to or
der by M. Bi ui k.
Mr. J. O. Morris c ame to town from
his ram h lost week.
Mr- C. H. Welter made a bu-iiiess trip
to Chadion last week.
Mr. Holliiigworlh called to-day and re
quested us to semi tlie paier.
Homer I'riddy is now presiding over
the foi-ge at the Novelty Works.
The new house of Mr. 1. H. GrisWuM's
we-t of town isaliout compb-ted
Mr. Higelow, of the firm of Sc-ymore
ami Bigelow. was in this c ity Friday.
Miss Lillie Main was visiting with her
friend. Miss Emma Walker, laM wee k.
Our friend James Farnam gave us a
helping hand last week. Thanks James.
Mr. fori, the Architect of the Sioux
county court house, was in town last
P. H. M' Vay to-ilay. b'. is
one of our first subscriliers am) wishe s
us God SKKll.
Mt-ssi-s. Bartell and Patterson have
alxiut completed a new builihiig for Mrs.
S. A. Beei-s from Squaw ciivk, left for
Chaclron this afterniKin to lake a position
with the R. it. company.
Carl I-Vvurherm and John F. Schultz
trave us a pleasant rail todav. They
siy like others: 'send us the puper:"
The Rev. Father Engh'ljeTt Si hemtz
came up from ( liadron last Thursikiy
and went over to the valley the sai
day with Mr. Jacob Marking.
To Mr. C. L. Tubbs, w ho has lieen ever
ready to assist with hiii ninple advice
when asked, and whose tools we have
I been Ixirrovviiig constantly almost, diir
ing our building ani) moving days, the
i thanks of the Joi'KNAL ollice is extended.
Ell. Jill HNAl,:
The cople of Sioux county at the last
general election, elec ted to the ollice of
County Judge one John W. Hunter, and
by virtue of tliat office tlie said John W.
Hunter is iiermitUil by the rule of the
U. S. lii rid office, to take final proof and
testimony in contested enterics of land
cases. It is an established rule in law
that the same pnrtv cannot act as ntfor-
tley and judge in the same case, and it i-
, exiectHl that the judg
Vljl lie impir-
tial in all cases coming liefore him.
Harrison, Neb., July 24th. J ksh.
Mr. ('-oikey
Dear Sir: Yours of the '.'(Mil at
hand this morning, ami in reply will say
inai tins is me second letter anil ;iX'r
i nave iiem you. vou will see liv notice
of contest in Herald, that your contest
"in e meu oeiore me me jiu, uay ol
August, lKSK.
p,?r agreement you will send the lial-
anccj due on said contest ls-fore that date,
i,,k f''"it w'll lie all V K. I luive done
an mat is required by land law. Hive
heard nothing from parties or entryrnan.
k 1 1 : ii in . . . ,
jn is neii. nig crops land going
last send money by draft.
Yours Respect fully.
John W. Hi;xtf.k.
I, John Corkey. hereby cert if v tll
the within is a true copy of the letter of
jonn w. iiunter to me. Signed:
John Corkey
Subscribed in my nvsence and sworn
to is-tore me tins ;Jth clay of
Kfl, August, 18HN.
Notary Public
ton nwy see by the above that his
Hon. acts as Judge and dec ides the case
O K liefore it comes to trial. He also
acts as attorney by doing all the land
law requires, and misrepresents the fac ts
to his client by telling him tliat he had
heard nothing from the parties or
entryrnan. His Honor is also
npt. very slow in cliarging for his judg
ment and services as the following re
ceipt will show.
Harrison, Neb. June 25th, 1888,
Rel ieved from John Corkey f 17,f0. be
ing for Notary fees and publication of
contest notice; and there is due me on
said contest fia.V).
Joirs W. IIcntkr.
John Corkey being first duly swore de
jsises and says tliat tlie above reciept is
a true copy of the original in his possess
ion. , John Corkey.
Kulcriled and sworn to' liefore me
this 13th day of August. 1888.
" Notury public.
It only remains to state that tlu.
ubove contest never came off ; the attor
ney for cUiment, 8. R Jonen, ir,K a
motion to dismiss for want of prosecu
t'n. , His Hqnorl'reeping tjM) n)oneVi
Whose sir name is GRISWOI.I), ;inil
Furniture & Harf
Ow ns Ihis (juice umt will h;iv- displayed ;" wbn
hmoison m
h... a. vuniuKC't
Tius space Wongs jo .
I ) iirrivt'K
it-' .