J I . r H quest, eo4 mirth; V cot ; p eaaurss worth. fli. ruM tbe belt, J lamps art lit Jr ' quest, I tr. Jarrlnc call; 4. Ire ne then all. mti cauteot hi at: ara spent, I eweetl blent '-earned rest, sane jour quest, Vtt young c me rolled, banc V'im old. u neari the beat; its fears, tag years m4ki lUaeat 3tory. - ' s pearl color id a fashion jtdgo square a Mg witb gilded "" fresh flowers M and a bouse- to correspond ; arniture, gliding I ensl.n cap and ). J87s the scene. .iaVglass casement .X away from a barouche, lill jf , dressed ladies I tin young girl's f ,Md wistfully out, S) sunshine from eke too wns beau 1 cjte debarred from tted to such re Jl but brief. The 3ng. saw a bold, Jading on tiptoe !l the china jurUi- my," alio called I that Your ijroit t'nianima she's , for yoa You' re Jlj returned the i.k-ftf you unless I J' A isbollious words V f jllow's lips, tho liallance and ash, breaking tell, and culling vTomuiy Grau l looked pale as lip, at the same ire violently. '4 in, confused II" said one. Jftid another. fT the cbdd will in's carriage go t .O buller. "He Jdical man, but V called in. . I American girl 'vMokeii very love ' lw sofa in the ,'ouiniy Granville X liquid eyes, of jieurly black, are jwuj; physic an's Jriiiisim with ux i black hair, 03- full in .a soft, Jioulilers. Aburiua d, spite- i an altitude like ,. t and skin like a JJtt' Maggie," said thinking of noth 'HI eWJd. The trouble 3 Jodge every one by Mtag n chloroform- bktf to tbo little t. intently watch- "flliHtl. Mis. Gran rfj.: "It is only a At will be Hie only Molting from the t "- i fdssply-t'e jetty VlU ip the crim- W. Vfc sir." said she; ' 1 aru not Mrs. . only Ignatia irobably?" J Ignaiia, "oaly 'or, and lie went Hence, fastening je through the good surgeon," ininnies, during "or a nurse, ight well" ara. ir little Tonv I osn'teodurs 0 disflpurod." 11 whether Mrs. Biost distressed 1 the imported g-cag wound in the returned. 0 entirely your i, Ignatia," sad faring careless- 1n't the worst of Maggie, pertly. 1 her trying to ) voting doutor, WhP ' said Mrs. I "Ignatia Per ,i at onoel" -Indeed Mrs. GranTille" pleaded the girt iwant no discussion,' interrupted the arrogant child of wealth and lux ury. -You Ik ard my words. Here is your month's wages. Go at once. When Dr. Millitnan called in Ibe evening Tommy was flushed and fe verish. "Ignatia! I want Ignatia!" he kept wailing ouL "Why don't you let the young wom an come in? ' asked the doctor. "lie should be indulged iu bis caprice so far zz possible. "But that as it happens, la among the impossibilities," retorted Mrs. Granville, witb a toss of ber head. ' I discharged the girl two hours ago." "A pity," said the doctor. "She seemed an excellent nurse, very well adapted to the emergence" When Mr. Granville returned from hie office he was both indignat and perturbed. "Woo is the young physician?'' he asked, "Why don't you send for Op pen well?" ''Because," said Mrs. Granville, lowering ber voice to a whisper, "this is the same Dr. Miiliman that Olivia admires so much." "Your sister Olivia?" "Yes. She met him at the Deve reaux reception. He is not rich, but is well connected and is rising rap dly in the world, and he is very at leu live to Oliva." Oh," said Mr. Granville, "you women are such labyrinths of mystery and maneuvering that one never knows where to And you. And I sup pose Milliraan if that's bis name is as well capable of attending to Tom my's case as Dr. Oppenwell," "Of couase," said Mrs. Granville, with a light laugh. "And I mean to send for Olivia to nurse the little fel low." "Is Dr. Miiliman In?" "By the beard of the prophet," said Miiliman, flinging his cigar into the fire; "its the voice of the black-eyed littlo damsel that was discharged. Well, my child." rising to greet ber "what is it?" I am out of employment, sir," said Ignatia, with drooping head and vary ing color. You you spoke about the chances of my making a good nurse. Could you recommenume to some quiet hospital; sir, where " Well, no, not exactly to a hospital," said Dr. Miiliman. "But I have a lady patient, very nervious, very ill, very trying who neods just such an at tendant as you would make. Are you willing to attempt it?" 'Oh, yes. I should be thankful for an opportunity to earn our bread," said Iguatia and once again Doctor Miiliman thought how wonderfully beautiful were the soft, magnetio eyes' shining through grateful tears. The months glided away the trees in Hut ledge Sxuaru were all uleaf, and still Miss Olivia gedlcy lingered in New York despite the attractions of Long Branch, Saratoga and Lake George. Tommy Granv lie was quite recovered but Miss Sedloy was uot altogether sntisfjoil. Three weeks had elapsed without a visit from the young physician, and Miss Oliva ciiose to fauoy that the ner vious disorder which gave her an op portunity to call for his frequent pres ence was worse. "What shall I do, Louise?" jihe ques tioned her married sister. "Why, go to bis ollice, of course." "Would you?" "Of course," reiterated Mrs. Gran ville, laughing. "Faint heart never won nice young doctor, Livy, you know. I'll go with yon." - "Would it be ahem quite proper?" hesitated M'hs Olivia. 'To be sure isn't he a doctor?" So the carriage was ordered, and Mrs. Granville and Miss Sedley drove to Dr. Milliman's unpretentious little office. "Dr. Miiliman? Yes. 'm." said tho office boy. "You're just in time. He got home last night" "Got homel" repeated Mrs. Gran ville. "Why, where has he been?" "Ou h s wedding tour, ma'am," said tho ollice boy. -'Didn't you know? And that's Mrs. Miiliman, now." The door between tho office and back parlor was opened and a light, grace ful figure, iu a wine-colored silk dress, st3od on the threshold the figure of Ignatia Perrine. If a thunderbolt had descended on Mrs. Granville and Miss Sedley they could hardly have been more amazed and astonished than at the unexpected apparition of the former housemaid. But Ignalin's large dark eyes surveyed tliern with the utmost self-posession. "My husband will be here in a min ute, ladies," she sad, oalmly, and went back to her wife-like occupation of sewing on a loose sh rt button. When Dr. Miiliman entered he recog nized that his secret was out. Why don't you congratulate me? ' he sa d, laughing. "Marriage is not always a subject of congratulation," said Miss bedley, tartly. And then tbo subject dropped. Miss Sedley, sent for another physi cian next day. But as Dr. Mill man and his beautiful young wife were sat isliod. we know of no one who has any right to complain. How Tbey Boom In the West. Rock Center is the name of a new town that has been platted on a point five miles west of Newport, on the F.. E. AM. V. Railroad during the past week. A poatoffioe baa been pe titioned for, a bank and hotel has been started, and other signs of busi ness enterprise mark the site. Rock Center ia in the center of the pros pective Rock ooanty, which will de velop itself after the November elec tion, as the whole county seems to be in favor of division on the present pro posed line. If the signs of the times fail not. Rock Center will ere long, be one of the booming county-seat towns along the famous Elkhorn. Cor. lit braika Stmte JuurwU. Tfca nteatoa Mm f Mrmrmm. "Now, my dear little men," said Mian Daixy Dimity, who bad volunteered to teach a class of small boys in a Boston Hunday school, "you must sit real still and I'll tell you altout what a perfectly lovely place heaven is, and what a per fectly beautiful time you'll have if yon are dear, good little boys real little gentlemen, and go there. You can't imagine how iwrfectly charming it will be. O, there'll be the mot. delightful music. As good, I have no doubt, aa our own symphony concerts, and there'll be such lovely singing all the time. O, life will be a poem a real Browning poem forever and ever and ever. It will be jnst too beautiful for anything. Everybody will be so cultured and re finedyou can't think llow lovely it will be." "What if we go to the bad placet asked a wonder-stricken little fellow. "O-o-o!" cried the teacher with a lit tle gasping shriek, "O, the dre a1 fully horrid place! It will be full of all kinds of dreadfully coarse, common people, and they'll be doiug and saying all sorts of vulvar things. 8ociety will be so dreadfully, dreadfully mixed there it will be too perfectly horrid to think about. Ugh! No, uo, dear little boys, you must mind your papas and mammas and never do anything naughty and then you will co riyht to that dear de lightful place which will be filled with the first families in all Boston, and it will be too ierfectly lovely for any thing." Time. The Quern's 'al. The big houses in London have lots of Mia uliriut. '1i!p)i irrtivr ftif. yvImIa fMlitt I sre in town and starve when they eo out to me country . i lira nan causeu mncu distress to memlters of the animals' in stitute, articularly as even the queen's cats were subjected to the banie difficul ty. But this year it was umbly and loyally pointed out to the queen that her Windsor cuts would starve while aha was away, whereupon her majesty was graci ously pleased to order them all put in baskets and taken along to Osborne with the rest of the court, whicli was done. This lias become fashionable. Society paiers solemnly inform us that prettily decorated cat IrnakeU are in great de mand, and the happy pussies may be seen by dozens at the railway stations going to mountain or seashore just like ajiybody else. London Letter. The lll(ht of Deliberation. "What thou doest, that do with all thy miylit." But not with the might of auger, haute or impatience. Not the "might" that grabs the door knob and tries to wrench it off if the door doesn't open readily. Not the might that is al ways breathless, in a hurry, "rushing things" and trying to do a dozen things in a minute. That is not "niitrht" at all. It is a wasteful expenditure of might of your force, your vitality, to store up which you have slept and eaten. The "mirlit" that accomplishes the greatest, and most profitable result is the might of coolness and deliberation; the might that will do and think of but one thing at a time; the might that will not allow itself to be occupied by other things, thoughts or efforts till the one tiling is done; the might that, having forty things to do, immediately stops and thinks, Kits down and does nothing for a time but think or let the thought come of what is the best thing to do to bring about the most prosperous result. Prentice Mulford in New York Star. Loo Cabins can hardly be considered haudaome or elegant, but they were fit habitations for the rug ged pioueers of America. Our ancestors w ere rugged sieciuens of noble man hood, rtotiuilpfj- in liAalth strength and endurance. Their whole some remedies are reproduced to this later age, in Warner's Ixig Cabin Sarsa parilla and Warner's "Tippecanoe." Petroleum in abundance bas been found near Oalati. Houmania. Nellj Grant's buaband has become rick through the death oi his brother. The oriental do not kuow much, by bat they do kuow they kuow by heart For constipation, "liver complaint," or bilioueneas, aick headache, and all diaeaaea arising from a disordered condition of the liver and ilomai li, take Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative Pellets a gentle laxative or active cathartic, according to aiae of doae. RuaRia'a new military law will increaaa her army by 400,000 men. Hail to peace. Chronic natal catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sage's Kennedy. SamJay marriages are null and void ia IVnuoylvania. - ( Volcanle Heat De Broke; "Wbewl I feel as hot aa a volcano.'' De Blunt: "I thouht I imellod the oratur. ' "JHUwaukte t America Ever Discovered? At the time elis-n Couinbua started in at-arth ol the New World, nearly every man, woman and child in Europe inaiated tl,at there wna no New World to discover. When he came back, crowned with aucceas, a la i gu proportion ot these good people adhered to their theory; and if they were alive to-dav many ot them would doubt less insixt that American had never been discovered at all. A man will give up any thing in the world more readily than a pet theory. For example, look at the individ uals who still maintain that consumption ia incurable. Dr. Pierce's tiolden Medical Discovery bas cured thouaauda upon thou sands of caaes, and will cure thousands more, but these people can't give up their point. Nevertheless the "Discovery" will ears any case of consumption, if taken ia '. Lightning can ba seen by reflection a die taact ot 200 miles. - weeping ska Market Uk sua Ave laneka. The moat remarkable thing ia buaineos line ia the Moxie CompUny. iu Lowell. It ia aaid the aalee in little more than two years are over 7.000.000 bottles. Thia li quid food ia remarkable, if we may believe what ia aaid about it. Lately, the ath letes, actors and actresses, and heavy business men have taken to it like mad. Yesterday word came from Maiden that it raided au old caaeof helpless paralysis, and another ia Lowell. If this is so, Ifoaie ia all right, with but little adrertiaing. Mra. Leland Stanford's jewels are valued at a round million. - Half State Kxrnrelena. The fiaat of the aeries of liarveat excur sions via tbe Miaeouri Pacific railway aad Iron Mountain route to Arkansas and Texas, will leave September 11th nod 25th. October 9th and 23d. Ticket will be sold at one fare fur tbe round trip with a limit of thirty days to return and ample stop-over privileges. In order to look spruce it is not n ry that yoa remain evergreen. 5-JAC03S OH For Scifttiea. NEW CURRENT TESTIMONY. V lean. et-.. at. Bar as. tsas. I waa straw T immSfaw asa ant see) la m a rwtk fcr sakaw SSwaanaianc eaSwaat Stea-rl4Uw. 1 mm tan. Wfc. Star IS. m . Sfftaa l XSSV wm taaaa vm SaVaaUe; waHnS W neataa. was Si I eat; Mat ii mtl 4ur vataae kaaaSt. lawl St Sat SSJ ant waa ant. Ataurta vnci. Italian a ' Vwaa. lwaa ea.mii itj Imaw)iMiif aaawAaaaaStaaaaaaw k kip; ta la kal part at wax Mat aanaal eae tan wttkiaa aaaafa. waa earal ty Sk ) ar fat HllliiMlir af Sa. Jaea - Wat, BABVSB. at sOTeeisn a is nans TJH CHAILU A. VOfitXU OtU lalninl. (M. 'There ia nothing you require of your agents but what is nist and reasonable, and strictly in accordance witb business principles." That's tbs sort of testimony any bouse can be proud of, and it is the testimony ot hundreds of men who ara profitably employed bv B. F. Johnaon A t o., Richmond, Va. Write for full partic ulars. Connecticut promises a slim applt crop tthia year. I "I WIS I eould find something that weuld cat ga.a 474 prevent the hair coming In whit'.," la an expression frequently tlearl Vetr inarv Carkollw-Ue will always do It. SU tT QH&k-lats at 50 Cents and $1.00. Tan colored boota for men are becoming very fimhionable in London. When Baby waa tick, we gave bar Castorla, When ihewaa a Child, aho cried forCaatorla, TVhen she became Mies, ahe clung to Castorla, When the had Children, she gave them Caatoria, Four Luc-ky Iffau. Byracuie (K. Y.) Herald, Juir SL The United States Express company J-cstcrJay brought just 810,000 in cur- rency to the four lucky winners in the J Louisiana State Lottery and who are at W. B. 8oer , Co.'s store in North 8a I ltna street. The book-keeper, Charles I H. Oaffey, receives $3,750; Albert T. Van Antwerp, one of the firm, $2,500; Alexander larrison, salesman, $2,500, and Caleb Morgan, tlio former butcher for the firm but now with Mahar & Hnntly, $1,250. The ticket that won this sum, which was one-tenth of the second capital prize of 8100,000, was No. 5:(,4(ii, and it cost these four men just two dollars, although they had more in the pool. J'hfiy are in the lioliit of pool ing fifteen dollars a month. Mr. Oaffey seemed very jubilant ana justly so, when called upon by a reporter of the Herald to-day. Ho thought thnt the Louisiana State Lottery was one of the sqiinrext institutions he had ever seen, and was earnest in his praise of the promptness ancj exactitude of all its dealings. He and his three compan ions have frequently been winners of smaller amounts which have been promptly paid. The lust drawing took place on the 10th instant and the mo ment the prize was drawn the result was telegraphed to this city. The winning ticket was then sent on, and in about two weeks the , solid cash came, Mr. Oaffey said that there was not the least trouble or inconvenience in getting the money. His club will continue invest ing in tho lottery. This is the second I time that one-tenth of the capital prize city. Clubs have been organized in all parts of tho city, but especially is the rage the strongest in the' Second ward. Ignorance Kept Hint Honest. A story is told of a postmaster whose lack of knowledge of working his own "nest" lost him an increase of $100 on his salary next year. When be sent his returns in he lacked 81 cents of the amount called for by the law to permit an adjustment of his salary. His reports showed the yearly receipts of his office to be $2,09.20. As tho department al low" a fraction over a half dollar to be counted as a dollar, the postmaster would have been $100 more in his pocket if he had had shrewdness enough to buy 81 cents' worth of stamps out of his own pocket. Since he sent his report he has learned his mistake, and everybody in the county now can kick him. Ilia was the only case of the kind in the 2,500. It caused much merriment among the clerks at the postoftice depa ment. Tka New Stela nf Ft. ion. The school of erotic fiction, of which Miss Rives is regarded as the head and inspiration, is growing fast, according to the "Lounger" of the Critic and that contributor adds: "I have in my mind now three young girls, none of them ont of their teens, who have this sum mer given birth to imaginative ro mances the motive and treatment of whicli would have staggered Oeorge Hands in her most 'einnneiimted' mo ments. Of course, the reviewers oounce upon them, and then the unhappy voting women burst into tears, and declaro that they are the most miserable and misunderstood of human beinga. One of these overwrought misses with a re membrance, perhaps, of her priMhei sor's experience - is thrown by thu crit ics' strictures into a alula vt nmvus prostration." The quick and the dead D.,ji!ieil uioequito. -a slap and a For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Metlcal and sdenUflo iklll haa at laat solved the problem ef the Ion needed mididns far the Bar. Tons, aebtUtatad, and the aacd, by eombinlns the bait nra tnalea. Celery and Coca, with other affae. tort remadiea, which, acting sently bat affleientlj eo the kidaeya. lirer and bowels, remove dlieaaa. raatortitranilh and renew vitality. Thia medusae H CPainc's elery ; IT Kill s place ftfrotofnrr unoccupied, and mute ft new era In the treatment of uarrou trouble. Overwork, iDxicty, dipflaw, lty tho foundation of urrroui prostration and weakncM, t&4 mperiano bat abown that the usiiil remedies do not mend tlw train and paralyaia of ttin nervoua nyfltem. lUctmi mended bf prgfcaiionaJ and traaioeua mm. Sand for circular. Frio SI. 00. Kold by drafffiaU. WELLS, RICHARDSON ACO., Proprietor. BUALINUTOIV, VT. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS HWADQCARTBRa, The Wetteru Bicwnpnper Unlea. Whenever neediner anything in way of job stock, print paper, outfit bt .printing material of any kind, ink, rol lers or stereotyping, don't fail to get onr prices. You will save money by eo doing. Our Kendy Prints are tlie Heat. If you are contemplating starting a new paper you should not fail to see as before closing a deal. If yon are not receiving Tmt Pnntr ins' AcxTMAJtr, onr monthly, send for ii Free to every printer or publisher. Address: WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, . OMAHA. NEB. r.lARVCLOUO IUIILU IUIE.IUI DISCOVERY. Aay bek learned In one reading. Minn wmidarlna cured. Hliraklna without natea. Wholly unlike ari.ltteial eyatems. I'lracy rnmlrmneil hy supreme Court. Great, Inducement! in coire.pondanee claa.en. Freepeetum, with np'elonn itf Or. Waa. A. Iffatn Bond, Hie wnrlt (aiiied Hi erlri In Mind dlteuea, aaiial Oreenleaf ThiimiMon, the arret liycliiilotlit..l. M. fliirHer It. I., R-llior or iba Chrlnlaa Advora'e, Milliard I' roe tor, the Sclen'Li, tad "ihi ri. nt r"i free tr Prof. A.LoitihTTK, fa? Hfih Ave.. New Tors; PENS D tlJoha St , TJKTJ1 TTT Hi BlfflT. hon.ni keen 'Item. Standard Quality all'trwa. Sample ilni. iiiceDien mail. The Liver The kidney, are uraani which it la Important feoelt be kept la gooJ condition, and yet Itvey are oyer worked and ahued by aeary .verybojy. anUI tkey become worn uui, clopfd up, or diaeaael. Hood a SarKapartlla cures ail dllllruiMet witU theae orirana, rouiea them to nealllir acUon, aad I me. tbe wkole eiiteit re orKanltm. "1 bare been aaluc Hood'a garuparlila forfadleea tlon and liver troable. It bu greatly heaetted BB., ai.d I thiak It ia-ntly a.ooda ni -dlcine aa claimed." I S. Cmmio, chief englaeer Gre dept., Sloalaf. j tee. Cl j x. a. If you deelde to take Ilood'l Saraaparula, do Bat be induced to buy any otber. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by alMrujr tta. fl: ati for el. Prepared eatr by C. I. H0OI1 & CO., Apotuecarlei, Lowell Maaa. IPO Doses One Dollar THE C2IFBT AND cm FtrFAKILYWI 19 THE KZtt ill lDtenal r Xatenai. HwaatkftllrttaBtl la tha oaly Pals rcnetlf that fDftautlv itop the moil ezoracfatliMt paiaa, allara iDflftDimatlon aad curia Couraatlotta, wkctbar of tu a, unci, a oifiJicn, Bofii, or oilier ffiatwi or SICHilEADAGMB CARTFR'S rTllTTLE III iwrn 111 Lf.5,I ill r 1 fualti rely rured byii ear l.lttie rilia. Tbey aUo relieve Dw- tretw from Dyauepaia.ln digeation aud TooHearty Katiua. a, uerfect rem - kedy Cor DIzztoeaa.Naliaea llrowainem. Bad TaaUM in the Mouth. Goatedi 1 ongue.tttin in the Side. 1'UKl'lU UVBK. They1 resuute the Uowela. Purely Veeetable. Price X& Centt: CAnTEBlCEl)ICnTEC0.,IIEWYOiX Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. No nifcr haw o mm ar rera! Im f h mIi tht Rheutnat c BelFida-Q, Iirflrm. CtivfJe-l Vervoutv Maaralffa, or yroatratad V.ta diaeaaea aaay aaf ar, RADWAH t.EUDY RELIEF wUl afdrd BOWEL COMPLAINTS Tblrtf to tlitr dropa In half a tambler of . watat -will In a few minute euro Cram pa, hpaama. Boar - flf-macb. Nautaa Vomltlac. PalBlfallom of tba - Heart. Palntoeat, Hfartbura, Sick Beadacba. Dlaf rbea. Draentery, Colic, Wld to tba Bowela, aa4 aM a Ely's Cream Balm ttsstil ra-mawrlv frtr rthllairtaa COLD la HEAD, SNUFFLE CATARRH. Apply Balmlro each noatrfl. KLY BROS., 56 arr; SU, S. Y 2 1 1 E-rffVCRlSfVl tataraal paloa. There la net a remedial agent h the world that wilt core Fever and Acua, aad all ether Malarioua llloaa arnt otlitr fe -era aided by Kad way Fllla, a alck aa Radway' a Heady Relief. Futiy aaati par K jula. gold by drasgiata The Best Blood PuRBFIER IS THAT WHICH KEEPS THE LIVER AND STOMACH IN A HEALTHY CONDITION: AND NOTHING in THE WORLD CAN 80 SUCCESSFULLY DO THIS AS MANDRAKE, WHICH, AS IN ID1 SeencH's pills, IS A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. Tor Sale by all Drufrgute. Price 25 eta. per box; 3 boxea for 60 cti or actit by mail, rumf&pe frqe, oo receipt ot price. Dr. J. II. Schenck A. bou, lliilad'a. The Celebrated Red Oak Cart. No hore motion, llreaklna V. O. B. cara Omalia. iiend for Cuts. Peat Cart on earth. nn,l Huecd.nR Carta a specially. Price r.2.UU aud CHAS. F. MILLIGAN, dealer In all lclnda of Carriages and Harness. 12th and Harney atroeta. Omaha. Neb, TOUCH KS, 1'l.AUS Kl'C. send for large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. O. F08TKK. SON CO.. Maniitartlircrs li U.liKon Slnwt. t'hli .Ko, lllliiola. AMPAiGN UNIFORMS, u larae Illustrated Catali Waal I shall I 1 ,St57J . 1 ts ariu this J 1 QKkkSLf J Cnil7iCD AXLE 1ST IN TNC WORLD. V't the Uaaurne. K.ary ox Marhed ntiZES GREASE! 11 11 Tha BUTEHS' OUIDI is issued Match and Bspt- . L each year. It is an enoy- - Itilopedia of laaemi inror- rraatSou for all who par- ease the luxuries or us neeessitiea of lifo. Wo - Can olothe 70a and furnish 70a with . all the necessary and unnecessary appliaocoa to ride, walk, daroo, sloop, . eat, fieh, hunt, work, go to ahurcfc, or stay at home, aad in wariot s aisoa, styles aud quantities, Joat flifircuT' what ia required to do all thoe thinys COMFORTABLY, and you can irake a fair eatimata of the value of the liU YIHS' OUIDK, which will be aint upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postacs,. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ul-114 Miohigan A"enue. Cbioago,IlL THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The Largeat, Cheapeit ead Ileal la the World. CASH A(KTII fl3O.OOO.00. SIMON OOFTZ, Saeclal Aseaa WM. P. ALLKN. . eaaral Ageat aaraalaad aa te ISM VrdnlybylU VSUtui OiraiaJ Ot. "aaaiwllFiiriS pRPP UAIirS Attheraiotlnrliavebeeaeo. K air t nUIIC2a t lh rublie DemamilU a. u w Mun m at ua m th few a ' .aa r aera. WhM toMwMmia bUla CfcM Whm H lt Mia Uwa. anllah atftrsultaa W all aula W4 TMritata, le WMla TMavt kw-Hfta iwwiw ri.'iniiu ruiM r ut mm. ailawllUtwSSlKIUI WtVul.D.Cklaaaa.IU. aler (Ta toss oer da. Ramnie wor;h si n "Kitr.K.l.n n'it unoar taa horsw f,w. Writa Brewal Wwbatety Reiu Hula erCo., Holly. aicn. r AI I worth avxi aer lb. I'etlfa Kye aalre la UULUottu ai.uiueiil laoid at iwi or ueaiera PlVr)rHTlca cared without me ami. I n 11 It H Bnnk on traarmani Km iim. VfllTVLiUr. L. POND. S O . iar.ra, kao.Ca. 1 preacrthe and rally aa done Bit G aa tha oaly apeclilc for tbacertaia cars ol thisdlteaae. G.H.lnaKAHAM,M. 0., Amaterilam, M. x We bare sold Bit C lor many yean, aad it bas riven toe oaat ai oeur- furvion. 1). E. DYCHEAO.. Cblearo, 11L S1.00. Sold by Om.-g-iats. "OSGOOD" 3. S. Z-Miui tcalaa. Sent oa trial. Freight paid. FullyWarraataA 3 TON $35. Other sizes propertie- ttely low. Agents wtsll paid. Illuitraid Cauiogitt free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD k TSCatfPSGN, Einghaaton, IT. I. iflwt" IW -wU madH working for u, Aient preferred who can fiirnikta a hore andRfT their whole time to the bnniness. Spare momenti - may he proniabljr m ployed alno. A few vacaoclet tn town- and ctdei. U. F. JOHNSON Co., IflW Main Street I.lubuiond, Va. B W. N. U.. Omaha. 4:1037. . relief foe WBSSBISSBOSMBHKm Ciiailertown, Maw U A I ClI I fi Pteiit Attorpi, Wuhlnc r ton.D.C. iiitructtona and 1 opinions on patentability feck. 20 jra, experience. RMVn ! ( homo 4 mik n bmo wn tif for r ttMa (nrHflll ot wrtWnir ! m th wnrld. Kfthor wt ,'ottrrMttl r. Taimtrasa. Attdi-ou, l aua A to., Augm MahitM. ryant & Sf ration Chicago Business College 5 SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE and KNOLISH TWAIMINC SCHOOL. If tha STtMOAK INSTITUTION . U. IjAIVriWaT IKT THH WORIDI Fall lafaraaa Ua.Oataioue.Uruu,ete..aeati'lUCC. AddraM M. It. Btt ANT SON,PrarlataraiOklaaaaIaV ILO BER Tiie Best Waterproof Coat L.Knia,Naanfltti aamiui witmnwt. and will imr yea day lb. k.r.ll atarai. Ta aaw rOBIaltL lUrUI la a aailecl IMMC aaal. eaO ranrataarallreaaMla. Brware af IwlUUaaa Beae alaa wllMt aaa"! TO MAKE A DELICIOUS BISCUIT AHK YOUR OROCER FOR DVIGIIT'S "COW BRAND" SODi AND TA&E NO OTHER. -laV 5 I 1 'aaaaaa ai in'iN'niif "' ' ' 1 i , . 1 h aaa fr t"'" "'W.ev-,