4 MARCH 8. 1894 TIIE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. i) truck cinat the throne of fold, must bear our name whether they choose it ir not Here is a sample sentence from a New York city dally: "Populist poll .ticiansand Populists in business coa "tinue to threaten the welfare or the country by clamoring for further issues of a dollar which is now worth only 47 cents." The Populists have also got the credit of the income tax portion t e Wilson bill. The oniywayiura Dlitical leader to obtain any real honor from the hands of his fellow country men today is for him to espouse at least Borne small portion of the Populist prin clples. ONE OF THE LEADIBQ UfllTEESI TIES. A TheRetiewof Reviews has a very ffine word to say this month for the University of Nebraska, and the praise it gives it is well deserved. It must be ) a. matter of cride to all Nebraskans to read what this Meat magazine, which in its circulation girdles the world, magazine with a circulation as great in England as in America, can so justly and disinterestedly publish concerning our quarter of a century old seat of cul ture and learning. The ''wild and woollv west" exists now only in the imagination. The east still fondly dreams that its learning Is greater, but the star of truth which leads to all sal vation now rests over this part of the icountry. The new thought of America is here, in the liberty-loving west, mov lag and organizing the people, while the east still sleets. - Read what Dr. Shaw, writing of the progress of the world, says: The University of Nebraska has cele brated its twenty-fifth anniversary. It has grown into a Dosltion of maturity ana strength that has secured for it wide recognition as one of the leading in stitutions of America and one f of the ffreatest universities of the world The growth of its student body and of its scientific and advanced work has been especially notable under the di rection of the Dresent accomplished and energetic head, Chancellor James ii Uanntiic This state University, witti those of at least five other Western 'States, will henceforth have little reason to shrink from a comparison wltn the leading institutions of the older States east of the AUr gbanles. Monday last, after a long period of 9t dreadful suffering, Mrs. Jay Burrows, wife of the editor of the State 'Leader, was released from pain and trouble. Sue has been called to linger long In the vale of shadows, and her husband and children have been com polled to bear the sympathetic torture of seeing her suffer. The long 3rawn out agony must have been the most terrible afli ction for all. With tbe mmy friends w':o will here read the B3ws of the sufferer's translation for the first time, we join in tlncere ex presslons of sympathy and condolence to the living,' who will see their loved one no more this side the river. The Republican managers in the city of Lincoln are passiag the word around that the women must be gotten off of the Board of Education. Perhaps, and then again, perhaps not. The Board of Education has had few if any better members than the two ladies whoso arms expire this spring. We shall see whether or not the women voters of the city will allow them to be ignored. All the manufacturers of steel cast ings in the country with one exception nave oeen orougnt togotner to form a pool and control output and prices. Frederic R. Humbert of the Norris- 'town, Pa., Steel Works is chairman of the committee of this gang of scheming robbers. What Our Populist Exchanges Of It. Say The Alliance-Independent, of I Lincoln, since G. H. Gibson bas man g aged the rudder, has become a power fn for education. It Is, in fact, the best i state weekly thateomes tnnur exefeangn ; ratable. The Harrington Leader. . Kditor Evans Wants Feb. 23 Articles Circulated as Learlets. The editorial articles In The ALU Y ance-Indwkndent of February 22 1 showing the cause of the present labor troubles and low prlcei of product and iinuunjf nut mo euyior tue same, are among the b . productions that we have yet seen trtatlsg upon these all Important fubjscts. Ttit.e articles ought to be published In leaflet form aid put into tbe hands of every voter to th state of Nvtraka. In our opinion - ..... . ... I. . t. - tuo committee eouiu not da a better thin for our grand cause than hu anaoge for thoir publication and dlf ( y trlbutlon. We wish to stop right here to ay The Ai iiinck Inikienik)it U ftl ta log rank with the grandl of the many grant rvform papur pub lUh.J la tho United Htatc. Every friend of truth, Ju.lloe mod gixal tuortlt la Nobrak should rd U !.oujC CUrUa. WbayurtUMk fo'a tft tbolr fd ' them (Jrounl Oil fak tu tor up th ijiva. Huudroaa Uavcd Oil Work, (Muha, TT u mi iirurr ym nm i.iiiim In U Atl-. Calif ral, I.mou r Hrt ticket via VlMiiart l't- lU) huj. t'i i U krt Bities l.xil u rt. UsiHi'it, .Nob lUUlfotito! t.UOOBrU cUm fare USa IraaolaoM'al.ivU Mtetourl It rtn im. t all a ally ttabst afvat, Oitue IM t hi , UawJa, Hh, Mr. Wolfe. Discusses the Fusion Question. Linooijj, Neb., Feb. 27. To the Editor of the World-Herald. In what I shall say I wish it to be understood that 1 express simply my individual opinion, without desiring or attempting to influence, much less to commit, my party to any course of action in the matter. The time, It seems to me, hai arrived when all thinking men of ail parties (and all men ought to be think Ing men) owe It to themselves and . to the great mass of their fellow men without regard to party affiliation, to form an intelligent opinion, and then to follow it wherever it might lead. have been in politics a little, but not long enough, I hope, to regard success from the low standpoint of simply being elected to office all. or even the main thing to be desired. And the longer live the more I become convinced that what many men call success is only an other name for a successful failure. If it never was before, the sentiment that "I would rather be right than to be president" is as true with me now as it Is trite. Success, to me, has a broaden a higher and a grander meaning than simply to baat somebody. I can see no difference in being elected to office, or helping to elect others to office, by the purchasing power of money, and doing the same thing in any other reprehen sible manner. With much that your 'William V, Allen Man" says I fully agree. Wfcen he says that "the uulon of the Popu lists and Democrats in the last legisla ture was a success," I most heartily agree with turn. Ana wnen ne says further that there is no reasoa why another such a union should not be formed between the parties for the campaign of 1894, I also agree with him, or at least I have no reasons of my own to urge against it. I will go still farther and say that, while I do not pre tend to speak for the Populist party, I do think that I know what I am talking about when I say that every Popu'ist in Nebraska will agree to both these prop ositlons. I will still go one step farther and say that William V. Allen himself will also agree with bis admiring friend thus far. Let us look at the two state ments with which I agree. First, was that union a "success?" Where is the Populist in Nebratki", or in the United States, that says that W. V. Allen is not a success, or that his election was a failure? In the second place, what size boots does the Populist wear, and how much gray matter does his head con tain, that could offer any reason why "another such union" should not be formed between these parties for the campaign of 1804. Notice the language, "another such union." What kind of a union was that, and what would "an other such union" mean? Your "Wil liam V. Allen Man" well knows, if he is at all posted fn the history of Mr. Allen's election, that the Populist mem bers of the legislature nominated Mr. Allen in caucus, and that the "union" consisted simply in the Dsmocrats vot lug for the caucus nominee. And I would, by no means, be understood as detracting one lota from the merit of tbeir act; A large majority of the Democratic members of the last legisla ture were true men, and went forward in the conscientious discharge of their duties, and on many, and even on most, measures, voted with the Populists for much needed reforms, and are deserv ing, and will receive tbe lasting grat! tude of a grateful people. But, while history, in respect to this matter, may never repeat itself, I am simply re peating history. In view of these facts, Mr. Editor, what would "another such a union" m that mofn? It would, if it meant anything, mean that the Popu list party should hold its caucuses, or nominating conventions, and select its b?st men as its candidates for the vari ous offices, and that the Democrats, who are no more disgusted with Republican rule than we are, should, and would, do as they did in the legislature, vote for and help us to elect our nominees. So, repeat that I am heartily In favor of just such another "success," and ust such another union, n and 1 am po'sonally in favor of no other. And In saying this, and la saying It in thli emphatic manner, I do not wish to be understood aa saying it In a harsh plrit, or In any offensive sense. I say It becauoe it Is not only my honest opin ion but because i beiiera it to tx ror u'y to say It, I ray It. not merely or mainly from a party standpoint, but from the far hlgnerronUleratlon of my uty at an American oltluen. The Pop- ul!t pirly la willing W receive and would heartily welcome all Democrats, na Kpui:iett, ion, ween they ar ready ti j!a with u, and to help ut to ndu the wrongs and Uaaoo th burden of a long suffering and oppretaed jxo- pie We hav pitched our tnt la the open rieid, ana can a (Turd khelter and a'ety for a'l who are without a hm, or who political roof or ships a' leaking We stand la the doer, and, with uplift 4 v.'loe and wthitttruh- rd arm aie reJy U recrlv a'l. Hut not, even at ta Itvltatloo ut a "WU- ILm V. Al'.ea Mao," or wjh, ara we willing to tp out iw tk rata; t !, till tfc fktltaf thowtr I over, Wei may tut iui wed ia keeping ntirvly drr and our hw may not b en itrucUd, tbruugbuut, of the very bt mtr'ai; but It It I tetter thua alaky shlaora" J temple w,h U.Urln pilars. No, Mr. rjltor, I dual any j thing practicable, or even possible, in tbe fully developed plans tf your Allen man. Experience has but confirmed me of its folly. It is easy enough to promise the raw material, but it is very difficult to deliver the manufactured goods. The very party that your cor respondent seems so anxious to defeat succeeded only last fall, in our state, by Democratic votes. While I am free to admit that there are many Democrats in Nebraska, both able and honest, and who are making heroic efforts to bring their party back to its old moorings is a party of the common people, yet the only visible effect of those efforts seems to me to be to lessen their own in flu ence in the party Itself. I would not try to conceal my admiration for the brilliant congressman from my own dis trict, nor am I unconscious of his large following, and I honor bis heroic cour age, but I fall to recognize him, and his followers, as the Democratic party, even here in Nebraska. The action of the l&bt Democratic state convention is yet too fresh in my mind for me to harbor the idea that he, or his friends could even if they desired, control Democratic action in this matter. The Democratic party is entrenched in Washington, and those who control its actions and are shaping its future policy and destiny, and doling out its patronage, are not of the kind that composed a majority of the Democratic members of the last legislature and helped to elect William V. Allen United States senator. Can your "William V. Allen Man; give the name of a single Democrat of the last eglslature who voted for William V. Alien from his first start in the race, that has received any recognition from Ih9 present administration? And is It not true that several of those who gave an unwilling support in tbe eleventh hour, have been handsomely cared for? And is it not also true that even, tbe brilliant Bryan, magnetic as be is, and who lent his moral support to Mr. Allen's candidacy, has been unable, even when most heavily charged, to lift an ordinary sized man, and a per sonal friend and brother Democrat, from a small print shop, where he has labored for his party and its success for years, and deposit him only a block away in a big postofflce at a good fal ary, even when backed up by an almost unanimous public sentiment? I only refer to these matters to show how im praoucaoie ana even absurd such a move would be. But let me say here, that I admire the World Herald for its liberty ir, not only allowing, but in inyitlng opin ions and discussions upon all Important questions, and, if not trespassing upon its valuable space too much, I would like to make one or two inquiries, perti sent, I think to the subject under con sideration. In the first place, suppose my opinion should be reversed by my party, and it should desire to accept the union" proposed, to whom shall we go, or apply, in order to arrange the de tails? In other words, who is the Dem ocratic party in Nebraska, and who are its prophets or exponents? Is it Bryan, and Calhoun, and Helper, and Casper? Or is it Morton, and North, and Castor, and Wat kins, and the state central com raittet ? Or are there two Democratic parties to consult, and, if so which of the two does your correspondent refer to? Or is it to be an attempt at a triple alliance? It seems to me that all ques tions that might arise, in trying to carry out the proposed plan, should be considered, and if possible, settled, in advance. Political parties, like churches and all other organizations, used to have some test, or tests, of membership, but I know of no shibboleth by which I can toll a modern Democrat from a modern Republican. About the only place I know of where a distinction is at all visible is In either branch of con gress, where an imaginary lino is still kept up, and where each is referred to by tbe other as Democrat or Republican according to his geographical position port the floor. Distinctions may exist, differences have been laid ailde, and while their voice upon the stump, be fore election, may sound to the people like the voice of Jacob, yet when they get to congress, and bagtn to show their hand, it is found to be the hand ef. Ksau. Upor, vital questions, and what were onoe great political Issues Voorbee votes with SUerman, and Wol- oott with Vest. Aad what does all this moan? It may not be intended so, but, to my mind, It meant the dawn of a better day. It vuvmna the loosening of party tie, and the bursting asunder the shackles of party slavery. And. Mr. Kditor, I bail with frrat delight tkest auspicious omens. A wise Creator town, In the corporate a he has own In the human body, Mia trrd of death, to that neither tnuuld long sur ly U uMMu!iHit. O'd aiiU (he res of immortal ambition, are fatt ism umlrg both th 14 parties, and, from their a)k, rroi-ala l is, will sprlog a new, purer and btttr party t Uke thi tr plaof I da not ay It will ha the l'puht tarty, but i do ay ttat Vm 'opuIUt party I hea4d In tv right direction, and that It It the only party l nl ay that hat a ttl of nu-naU-rthlp, or that raa five a rawnah!w etcu for It further iUtcnt lht' twin my honett teall uenU, nil wbJU' they arw the vltwt of only ne ma. I oul J tee A Vto cry aUn the tin Ut mil ' keep It Mm aiidUUvf the rttal .' Kail w way, for other eoMi.iallo art mere llktly t he mu that, tt mo, tnertot mora utttirtl, aad tht, tti tuy mind, would piove suorw tiiHjtual, tt when the tueolr t It aver aad th NiMi I Ut or won, t akto lor atvMlf alone, 1 waat tu return trt m thafialj, "with ro or upon wy hti.' J, V. Wn i a. Three Cent Column. "For 8al," "Wtnted.For ExchngB.-nd small advertUemenu (or abort time, will Im charged three eeau per word (or each uuier- Hon. Initials or a number counted at one word. Cash with the order IJ yon wart anything, or have anything- that anybody else "wanu.n make It known through thlt column. It will pay, GENTS WANTED-To tell cbnlos nnreery . wci tKvri nuaniHiu, urate, Ken. FOR EXCHtNGV Farm ISO acre near Mn coin, (or land furMver wwit. prefer It ptrll- lly Improved Jobn J. UllliUn. Unceln. Web. WANTED Fire and rvclone agents Good naT. J Y M lill,rl fbw'tr l.lnnnln eo. 37t( CtlGHTY ar (arm nar Lincoln, SA acrea " - tBwu aa vaavu av outv Jobn J. GlUUan, Lincoln, Neb. U T71ARMEKS and (eedort tend Sc. postage (or m. imcnage. jtooi xnomaa, uiDgbam, ia. w ANTED -Twenty tboutand new mibscrl- VUIO w III JkAitAJIUV-lJIUErBIIUEIIT. FOR KXCIIANGK-frlnertx room hotite and corner lot In Lincoln, for land in taLrn orcentral Nebraska, Jobn J. Gil Ulan, Llncom HeDrasKa. TINGLEY k BUKKKIT, attorney at-law, 1UM O 8t.. Lincoln, Neb. P IOR SALE A nw 3 home level tread power, dames nauton, Dieiia. neo. WIS TINGLEY A BURKE TT. atrorneytat-law, amlned. CtOB EXCHANGE-ClearloUwell located In A? Lincoln, (or c ear land, mnut h imnnih land and good toll. John J. Gillian, Lincoln, Nebraska. HAVB YOU anything to tell or trader Then advertlae the fort through thin mlnma and be surprised at tbe result. IF you wlHh to buy, tell or exchange real ef tate. men-bamllHe or live atock, you tbonld addrets Jobn J. GJlulan, Lincoln, Neb. KM I have a limited amount of pure blood Ger man Carp tbat will epawn In May or June which I will tell at bard time pricea. Alo a (ew one and two yeara old For price, etc., address J. a. Itomlne, Bee, Neb. rR SALK smooth acre and five acre tractt near atreet car line and colleue. Ant for fruit and gardening John J Glilllan, corner II and P tireeui, Lincoln, Meb. AGENTS WANTED We etart you In buiil neaa on recelot of SI 00 wa will aend ton 14 valuable receipts aucb at how to make Shot Dremilng. Extracts and Ciuteniiea. InllHt Hnun sticky Fly Paper etc. New Kngland Adv. Co. Lowell, mshs. IF yon want to exchange yeur land lor smooth Lincoln lot, near the ttreet car lint and tbe largsiit coll gt In tbe wett, write at once to Jobn J. Glllilan, Lincoln, .eb. 85t4 IF YOU WANT to buy, tell, trade or borrow Any thing, remember, you mliM It badly If yot do not make it known threugh this col umn. Only S centa per word each Insertion Cash with the order. REMEMBER that Th AU.Unc iNDirx Dkmt It the best advancing medium in tbe went. W ben writing to aty of our adver tlHert don't forget to tell tbein where you taw their "ad " THE "MODEL" MOP WRINGER It tbe only one lu the murket that glvet complete eatlHfactlon to tbe ladlae. AgxnU wanted everywhere. Write to the Model Mop Pall and wringer company, Liincoin, Men, iKM TRAVELERS WANTED -Faithful gentl mat or lady to travel repreaemlng oi'ab liHhed boune. Salary t780 and fxpenww wltb Increase. Enclone rvference and wlf-ad. dreswd elamped envelope, 1UE DOMINION uu , cuicago. 100 Grape Vines Only $2.25. Guaranteed No, 1. Rend for price list. C. W. feiigei, uavenport, Nebr. 0 WHITE : PLI3I0UIH : BOCKS. Good cockrells 11.00, new mock, Eggs In seaeon 11.00 per 13. W. A. BATES, Jr., Cedar Bluffs, Saunders Co.. Neb. THEODORE F. BARNES. ATTORNEY-AT-L A W. Office: 346 North nth St., Windsor Hotel Block, Lincoln;, Neb. Will practice In State, Federal and Supreme uourtt. special attention given to am-a ing foreclosure mlts and canen agalnet railroadM. Correxpondence toliclied. Lttert promptly answereu. Farm for Sale . . On account of oh) aire will enM cheap my 320 acre farm near Wallace, Neb. About 0 acrea In good cultivation. Good frame boue, barn, wind mill and under fence. Address. PETER C. JOEL, 3i:u: Wallace Neb FARMS ! FARMS!! FARMS!!! 400 choice Kaetern Nebraska farms IM clear. 150 moderately incumbered. Price from SI0 to SMI per acre. Write exactly what you want and where yon want it. A number of excel lent bargains If taken toon. C. R B0ATRIGHT, 301 N. Y. Lits Bltfg, Omaha, Neb. owa Farms For Sale. We have a large lint of farm for eale in Iowa. We have good landa In tveev direction, from town lot to totf) acre tracm. to you rannol makes m Intake In calilnit on or writing to ut If you want to buy at loweet prlcm, and now In a aplrndld time to buy hornet la Iowa, e pec'nlly In Manball county, or cltr uioperty In Marnhalltown. all and see u Uelblnkwe candoyoiigmid. CALllol'N VA LK T1N E, Real Kalalt Agents, Uaraballtown. lota. CHEAP FARM LAUDS 00,000 Acrti Jutt Tut Upon Iks Market soi.o on Small Cash Payments AMD 5 to 20 Years Tlmo. ror titi of Nebraaka, ad lartber IMtrllculara, cull oa or aJJretA, STAPLET0N LAND COMPANY, 411 II Li: lilll ItlMi.UailU, MM, tnns'J. MMt MSI. m m-m a r tuM 4 te ttra.ns t 4 i lAttj t t) - tHW - 't im st m t ' ..a .a.! A A a4 ' ' f'we w fj MIto , ft -. Witva . Mttitmatv at. t'O ! 116 to,, SH iMtt it., M u. TH rabcUv IW-lhl Ural t'at tU'ktttla, Mlurt Vtd i&i' ruyle l ily tktl pti U hi, l.U.oia, NtW mm TINGLEY & BURKETT, Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St., Lincoln, Neb-' COLLECTIONS MADE AND ' CULLEfJiED. j.w.cAtroH.Prtt. WB:u:.A8gU,p -C..T. Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. OF NEDRA8KA. Organized Iti 1B91. 42,000,000 lpsurpc flow, p Effect.!. PIBiCTOKS: J. W. Ctetor, Emerald. Neb. i. r. Koue, Aivn, Meb. 4. It. Heruiance, Raymond, Neb. A. Greenainyer. Cbeeney, Neb. II. H. Davit, Syracnie, Neb. J A. Kloien. Oochner, Neb. J. A. Harr, York. heb. w.j. Hlldrtb. Exter, Neb. N. S , Hyatt, Pretldent, ab. First : National : Bank, Lincoln; neb Capital, - - - $400,000 S"u.irpl"U3, $loo,ooo. N.S.HARWOOD, C A. HANNA, Vice-President Ass'. Cashier. niTiFrrnns. N. S. Harwood, John Fitzgerald. D. W. Cook, Charles A. Haona, A. B. Clark, T. M. Marquett, John II. Ames, John L., Carson, F. M. Cook. n2 Organ Mr fEND FOR CATALOGUE. ftBsafjtmssssBMa4 Agents Wanted for the A. HOSPEf Texas Land for Sale! Over 1 00,000 Acres Farm Land Situated In the Wichita Valfev. Tax. and owned t y the Wlcblta Valley K. It. Co., now for atle at low pricet and on eay terme. Title perfect If you want a borne In a warmer climate, you tbould know tbat thlt not only It Uto beat I lid flneet lavlnil land in tbe Hate (deen. rlcb. well drained rla uttHV but that It aim ku n exceptlmtl bullbv cllmiite and in every k'i laiuiei. iiiiiii more norinern irK Biitiet. uaed to, benidea all klndaof fruits. Winter wheat It I he prlnc pel crop and generally brlnut Chlratro nrlcea. It It tlao a line mock rounirr aad bov raialnir will m well. Them Im nlnw of timber along tbe etreauia. Only while people lowa farmera live tbere now. Yon thould not buy land in any other part of tbe state before you have eeen Ibia tine country. Kxruralona from Omaha to Lmndea March i:tt.h. Inrll unh andMaystb. Fare for round trip only Si 75. For further information write to or tee O. B. NELSON, General Agent. Room 5, 205 South Thirteenth St, Opposite ou can buy this It h or ana mnmM Wo nniliU htwiliful that uurt rrvr HAVE YOU FIVE If to a " Ittiliy " l it'iim tScimrntor will earn itn cit for you every year. Why ronliinm nn itilt rlur efti'tn uniitlior year ut so jrn-ut n low? liiiiryuiH i now tlio tinly prolllnlilo fouliiroof Atfriculluro. l'ioHTly con ihK ted Itulwiivs ptijt wi ll, and imist pay you. You" iietil a K-purator, mid you need tlio ItKNT, tho " Ihthy." All myht uml caimcititt. l'riott, $ Mi. ' upwind. Scud for now 1H04 CutaloKUO. THE DE LAVAL Crunch Offlcei: ELGIN. ILL. -;THE CELEBRATED DES No t, vour lloraea r tulkr, Clang or Walking there on tte land. No aide draft tmjacler IIKM MOINKH I Vl'AM.KH CO , M A N 1' FACT U It t'. II M, Dtt Moirt, low THOROUGHBRED SALE OF Aberdeen Agnus HSliort-Uorn Cattle We wl I tifiwv for aalt at the 4mk t I ihaitfe ta tht Fair OrotnJ at PALLS CITY, NEB., MARCH 29, 1894, At O'clock, p.!. o hr4 ,fMr4 AtMnti.n Aea. knu kI t.attl Klmtn.1. fanat uv Mk . aiwt h.t li nn Imiia .1 ututa w rwura out ty im. Nt. N i wiiH4tMtt ta ml wrtti .iultiMt Atrott uein( uim wi i CO- M W, lUMlilNO. AuttUaetr Non-Truit Wall Papers. Cooj Paptf jot fuaf dais per Rail ran erf hi aa.teoU wl wwM Mii44 dim ! ji .r I y tht fi,lt t at 10. MOHtOf, SlOf It, Htlnti Mtlt. MONEY REMITTED SAME DAY A3 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 24B South th atrt, klfieOUTf, fEB. Correepondence toltclted from all pertoa Interested In mutual ins trance. C. S. UPPINCOTT, Cashier. H. S. FREEMAN. J. D. Macfarland. R. E. Moore. mnM u Fire Team Price, 4975. Kimball Pianos and Organs Jr., OiTinha, Neb. way and mtnnar it bet adapted (or honaev aa inv nere can raine ice unit crone iter tetile here and a good many Nebraeka an taryvs tbow our land tummer and winter. Omaba Nat'l Back, OMAHA, HER beautiful ORGAN 43 If you buy It now. flva , ilM walnut . with fle it of rncdxi iniirt,tmn,.iiu in our caiiiifriie u m ur o. 47 I niter Mal, anil iixoniMiu, III r,td di,1l.l into a m'Im, U liy rar thn nnwl vl,noit nnntii m',;r tfml at thai pntut, nftttt tiHyoti rower nna w viu uhlp thlt Oirun t'.yni lth (4k,I and lUmk. anil itUHnintiM- mSu iMivnrv. Pot Hie ti:i wllh your lmnknr or Moii hant oml w will iwndUi.ortdtu to you to be (or ullor llttm-n ilayt trial In yum homo, Orgais frcm $39 up. Pianos from $153 tp. hae bwn In huiinnm M yrara ami hafn rtl trn nt thnn. of I.UI- firirttlm iHtt nvvi-r hcforv hitvn tt, i,ir,-r,.il a an onan. at w low i, mitt aiid thm in nu ii.lH,hiv an oltur Kill ba niaUo aifaln by auyono. KD VOt.'V OKIIKB TO Warchal & Smith Piano Co,"":;. IIHEO last. 235 EAST 218T STREET, NEW YORK. OR MORE COWS ? SEPARATOR CO., General Office! 74 CORTLAND! ST., NEW YORK. MOINES EQALIZERS. IMowt. Work, one hortt In the furrow ami at theeornera, ewnd eard for circuiart. etc. ' ' Kf V . Mk, aa4 L 4, Int. I nvi. ir . k4 III tait a4 towttitMtl tivy W eiaf um f tfet ritt. S4MU1L KIMMKU, Kttlt City, Nifcv C. C KKYT. Vetdoii, Nen, L. 1 HirtHtOCK. Itltm Nip. F. M. WOODS. Fino Stock Auctloneort 203O4tt. Ulpoolp, ?1ti t 0 0 TT' t'i